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Chapter 82 Killing in a row

In the mouth of Yin Xuege's sleeve, three Sangmen white bone arrows silently came out with a wisp! The wind came out.

The white bone arrows were like ruthless poisonous snakes, tilting their bodies and flying towards Dolos's lower abdomen. They shuttled nimbly, and the surrounding air and strong wind could not stop their flight. A trace of invisible phosphorescence was attached to the arrows, and they passed by

Countless tiny green will-o'-the-wisps splashed everywhere.

Dolos could have seen these three deadly bone arrows, and he would have had the opportunity to use his strength to resist the sneak attacks of the three bone arrows. But the blood parrot suddenly jumped out at this time, screaming at the top of his lungs.

, like a shrew, she raised her red feathers all over her body and rushed towards Dolos with all her might.

The two big bloody wings flapped vigorously. The blood parrot flapped Dolos viciously with a crazy energy that was several times more fervent than when he awakened Yin Xuege just now. He screamed and screamed crazily.

Roaring: "Don't ignore Master Bird. Master Bird can kill people too, you idiot!"

'Colliding and making a loud noise, Dolos was hit by the blood parrot's wings, causing his body to tremble violently. The white sword energy spurted from his body collided violently with the blood parrot's wings, and these white sword energy trembled.

It swayed and fluctuated, making a dull clang and chirping sound, and cut off many broken feathers from the blood parrot's wings.

The sky was filled with bloody bird feathers flying in random directions. Dolos' sight was blocked and he could no longer see Yin Xuege's small movements clearly.

Instead, the beautiful middle-aged woman who was playing the flute behind suddenly let go of her hand and screamed at the top of her lungs, telling Dolos to be careful.

Below? What is below? His body was spinning rapidly, as if a knife wheel and a blood parrot were colliding crazily. Dolos lowered his head and glanced downward. Three Sangmen white bone arrows had penetrated the white light on his body.

He was dizzy, with a trace of sinister wind and will-o'-the-wisp piercing deeply into his lower abdomen.

A cold air flow poured into his body, and Dolos' body felt numb for a while. His limbs quickly lost all strength, and the white light on his body suddenly dissipated. Black blood dripped from his nostrils, and Dolos' body felt numb for a while.

He stiffened and his face quickly turned black.

There was even black pus secreted from the skin, which quickly solidified into black blood clots.

"Damn it!" The middle-aged beautiful woman clenched the flute in her hand at a loss. She and Dolos are a good partner. Dolos is extremely powerful in close combat. He can control the power of metal and control

The metal element turns into an indestructible sword to kill the enemy. And she can influence and control the enemy's soul, greatly weakening the enemy's power.

They worked together and killed a large number of strong blood demons and werewolves in the Western cultivation world.

However, Dolos was severely injured by Yin Xuege with the Bone Arrow of the Sangmen. The middle-aged beautiful woman could no longer feel the breath of Dolos' life. Her heart clenched into a ball and she gritted her teeth. She looked deeply at Dolos.

Then he turned around and ran away.

The blood parrot jumped on Dolos's face, and its sharp claws dug into Dolos's skull.

"You have shaved off Master Bird's beautiful feathers!" the blood parrot screamed loudly. His claws used hard force and tore Dolos' head into pieces. The solidified blood spurted out of Dolos like a paste.

Miserably, he fell to the ground and died.

Yin Xuege let out a sharp whistle. He looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman who quickly retreated. He opened his natal bat wings, brought up a gust of wind and chased after her. Three exquisite funeral bone arrows flew lightly around him.

Then, the sword light from the Blood Spirit Sword wrapped around his body, bringing up a bloody sword light several meters long and flying forward.

It was freezing cold, and in the blink of an eye, Yin Xuege caught up with the middle-aged beautiful woman.

The middle-aged beautiful woman's face changed horribly as she felt the cold and sharp sword energy coming from behind her. She screamed in panic: "Evil creature, you have killed so many of my companions. If you still dare to attack me, you are so powerful."

The Holy Messenger of Chris will never get past you!"

With a crash, a column of clear water spurted out from a small stream a hundred meters in front of the middle-aged beautiful woman. The graceful figure of Youquan emerged from the water column, and with a slight sway of her steps, she emerged from the small stream.

Walked out.

The middle-aged beautiful woman looked at Youquan in disbelief. How could such a harmless-looking little girl suddenly appear in front of her? But the time left for her was not enough. Youquan's fingers gently

After tapping, a drop of water spurted out from her fingertips, flying lightly towards the heart of the middle-aged beautiful woman with a little reflection.

With a loud noise, the middle-aged beautiful woman did not seem to have been hit by a small drop of water the size of a soybean. Instead, it seemed as if she had been hit head-on by a heavy artillery. Her body suddenly exploded.

Open. All the blood in her body turned into a liquid as clear as water, and flowed all over the floor.

Yin Xuege stopped his pursuit in shock. He glanced blankly at Youquan standing a hundred meters away, and then looked back at the location where he was just now. He chased him hundreds of meters away, and just now Youquan was standing there.

Quan was standing behind him, at least two miles away from where she was now.

Relying on the bat wings of his life, Yin Xuege could fly at an astonishing speed, and the middle-aged beautiful woman ran away even faster. However, the two of them only ran a few hundred meters after chasing each other, and Youquan unexpectedly appeared so strangely.

In front.

Putting away the bat wings behind his back, he walked slowly in front of Youquan. Yin Xuege pulled a strand of hair hanging in front of Youquan's forehead with his hand.

"How did you run so fast?"

Youquan put her hands in the sleeves of her long skirt and looked at Yin Xuege with wide, clear and deep eyes. She frowned and pondered the question for a while, then suddenly smiled brightly: "

There is a lot of water in the room. If there is water, Youquan can go wherever he wants. There is water in many places here, and Youquan can sense what is happening in all places with water."

Yin Xuege looked at Youquan in surprise. As long as there is water, can Youquan sense the nearby situation?

"Then, can you find where my mother and others are?"

Youquan's big eyes narrowed, and she tapped the water of the stream with her toes. There were a few ripples on the clear water. She nodded, and then pointed towards the mountain in the distance that reached straight into the sky.

: "The Lord's mother is in that direction with several others, about five to sixty thousand miles away from us. With our flying speed, it will take us several days to catch up."

He tilted his head again and listened for a while. After listening to some information fed back from the stream, Youquan pointed in another direction: "Here, Wu Mu and several werewolf warriors are being chased by a group of bald heads. Well, Wu Mu's tail is all

Half of it was chopped off."

Yin Xuege was stunned. He opened his bat wings and brought up a strong wind into the sky. He looked in the direction pointed by Youquan and saw an ebony body covered in blood in a mountain forest dozens of miles away.

With three or five majestic werewolf warriors, they fled in panic in the forest, panting.

Behind them, eighteen big monks wearing red cassocks holding wind-milled copper Zen staffs and dozens of young monks holding swords, shovels and other heavy weapons and wearing various colored monk robes were chasing after them.

If the terrain of that mountain forest were not rugged and extremely complicated, and werewolves had a natural racial advantage in running in the mountain forest, those big monks and little monks would have long since caught up with Wu Mu and others, chopped them into wolf meat paste and fed them to them.

It's a dog.

"Follow me and save Ebony! Quick!"

Yin Xuege quickly flapped his natal bat wings and flew in the direction of Wu Mu and the others. The eighteen great monks in red cassocks were all tall and majestic, and their bodies were as majestic as Arhat statues made of metal. They were obviously not good.

A character to provoke. So Yin Xuege simply sacrificed all his magic weapons this time.

The three Sangmen white bone arrows turned into three extremely thin white lights floating above the head, and the Seven Killing Plague Gourd containing the seven plague swords was stepped on, and behind him was an unpredictable glare, which was a gift from Princess Jiuyin.

Yu's nine demons seize the soul pearl. This pearl contains the strange secrets of the Corpse Demon Sect of Life and Death, and several strange figures can be seen faintly shaking in the glare.

"Ebony, come here!" Flying rapidly all the way, and still far away from Ebony, Yin Xuege had already exerted enough energy to shout loudly.

After the others mustered up all their strength at high altitude, their voices were loud enough. The ears of Wu Mu and several werewolf warriors were extremely sensitive, and they heard Yin Xuege's roar dozens of miles away. His tail was chopped off.

With one stab, half of the tail was cut off and hung awkwardly on the back of the buttocks. The ebony ecstasy, which was dripping with blood, immediately raised its head to the sky and let out a shrill wolf howl.

Holding the flaming sky-burning halberd, Ebony roared loudly: "Brothers, follow me! Someone of our own is coming in front!"

A group of werewolf warriors who were chased by the monks to the end of the world mustered up their last strength, hung their long tongues from their mouths, kept spitting out saliva and mucus, and attacked Yin Xuege as fast as possible.

Running wildly in the direction.

Yin Xuege flew forward quickly, and he even kept yelling, making dozens of monks aware of his existence.

Eighteen great monks raised their heads and glanced at Yin Xuege at the same time. One of the great monks shouted a few words sharply, and the pace of those monks suddenly slowed down a little. The leading monks formed a double-layered inner and outer circle.

The formation moved forward quickly, while the young monks put away the murderous weapons in their hands, and took out various wooden fish, bells and other magical weapons used to control the land and water dojo.

The pursuit of these young monks became slower and slower. There were forty-nine young monks in total, neatly lined up in two rows. They beat the wooden fish bells, played the gongs and double cymbals, and lit up the fire.

Incense burner and candles, chanting Buddhist scriptures and moving forward slowly.

On the way to Yinghuo Dojo, Yin Xuege did not wash away his common sense in the world of cultivation. He saw that the eighteen great monks in front of him had formed a murderous formation of Eighteen Arhats to subdue demons. This was the world of Eastern cultivation.

The most commonly used group attack formation among Buddhist monks.

As for those little monks, although Yin Xuege didn't recognize the formation they formed together, he could tell that it should be a Buddhist formation that mainly focused on assistance and treatment. Look at these little monks who have put away their weapons.

, you know that this formation is not known for its lethality.

With a long whistle, Yin Xuege looked back.

Youquan, who was following Yin Xuege from a distance, slapped his sleeves, and his petite body suddenly submerged into a nearby river, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye. And the blood parrot following Youquan, this

The big bird folded its wings in an extremely bad manner, moved its two claws like an ostrich, and hummed and jumped on the ground.

This big bird, with its obscene and obscene temperament, was like a weasel stealing chickens. It took advantage of the cover of the lush vegetation and jumped all the way at a speed that was no slower than flying, approaching the fleeing Wu Mu and others.

After making a huge arc, the blood parrot walked behind the Buddhist formation formed by the young monks with a hint of evil smile and bright eyes. He didn't make any sound along the way. I really don't know what he was doing.

How could a parrot do such an outrageous thing?

Squatting in a pile of bushes, he looked at the backs of the young monks in front of him. A trace of saliva quietly slipped from the corner of the blood parrot's mouth.

"It's a pity. These monks must not have the taste of Buddhist relics yet, great!" The blood parrot was so excited that his whole body was trembling: "When Master Bird was a child, he could use Buddhist relics as snacks! Master Bird, this is

The shiny and smooth fur is all the result of Buddhist relics!"

Gently patting his head with his wings, the blood parrot rolled his eyes in surprise.

"But, who gave Master Bird so many Buddhist relics? Who are Master Bird's parents? Are they so kind to Master Bird? Are these his biological parents? Why have they all been forgotten? Ouch, Master Bird, I have lost my mind.

Or what’s going on? Why can’t you even remember your parents?”

Chatting softly to himself, the blood parrot swayed its plump butt step by step and carefully followed behind these little monks.

"Without Buddhist relics, the taste of a little hot blood in the heart is not bad! We monsters have to eat monks every now and then to replenish our bodies. Who said this? It's so fucking philosophical! We are monsters

, so you must eat monk!”

"Cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and monks are our little meat!" The blood parrot swung its buttocks and slowly approached these little monks, approaching them step by step. Gradually, the blood parrot was able to smell these monks.

The body exudes the incense scent made from pine pollen!

This was a group of monks who loved tidiness, and their clothes were all scented with pine flower incense. The blood parrot was overwhelmed by the scent, and he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Ah, sneeze, a big sneeze."

The few young monks standing at the back of the formation turned around in shock, and they happened to see the blood parrot covering its head with its wings.

A young monk nervously raised a string of Buddha beads made of Bodhi seeds in his hand. With Buddha's light twinkling in his eyes, he shouted sharply: "Who are you?"

The blood parrot's eyes rolled. He suddenly smiled and lowered his wings, and nodded towards the young monk: "This junior brother, your Buddhist fate has arrived! I am the great Bodhisattva Mingxian, the abbot of Feiyun Temple in Yulong Snow Mountain, Yinghuo Dojo.

Protector of the Dharma, in accordance with the Bodhisattva's decree, I have come here specially to save a few Buddhist disciples who are destined to enjoy boundless pure blessings such as Feiyun Temple."

Not only these little monks, but also the other little monks who formed the formation all turned their heads and looked at the blood parrot at the same time. These little monks looked at the blood parrot in disbelief, and one by one they showed themselves happy and shocked.


In Buddhism, who can be called a Bodhisattva? Only heavenly immortals and golden immortals can be called Bodhisattvas. Those are truly accomplished and virtuous people in Buddhism who have boundless magic power, boundless kindness, and immeasurable virtues.

Magical powers bring immeasurable blessings. These young monks have not even produced relics. They are just a group of ordinary Buddhist monks. It is strange that they could not be shaken when they heard such good things said by Blood Parrot.


One by one, the young monks put down their magic weapons tremblingly and prayed to the blood parrot one after another.

"This, this!" A young monk stood in front of the blood parrot, but he didn't know how to call him.

"I am the protector under the Bodhisattva's throne. I have served the Bodhisattva for a hundred thousand years. You deserve to call me Bird Ancestor." The blood parrot raised its head and boasted to the group of young monks with great air: "

It is fate that we meet today. Although there are a lot of people among you, as long as I, the Bird Ancestor, can be happy and lead you all to the Bodhisattva Seat, it is not impossible!"

This is the Yinghuo Dojo. This is the blessed land of ancient gods and immortals where the legendary Da Luo Jinxian sits. Basically, it is impossible for evildoers with bloody hands to appear here. So here, a man who can speak human words and looks like he is surrounded by immortal energy suddenly appears.

A big parrot, which basically proves his identity!

The messengers from the Bodhisattva Seat are here to welcome the destined people to enter the Bodhisattva Seat!

The young monks were all fascinated by the colors. They were confused by the dazzling description of the blood parrot. They stood obediently in front of the blood parrot and began to introduce their religious names, origins, etc. with great piety and respect.

They are all the elites among the younger generation of disciples of the Golden Buddha Temple. This time they came to Yinghuo Taoist Temple with the great masters of the Golden Buddha Temple to visit the Buddhist ruins in Yinghuo Taoist Temple. But they never dreamed that they could actually find it here.

I met a messenger sent by Bodhisattva!

Blood Parrot Jiejie smiled. He opened his mouth and protruded a blood-colored bead about the size of a thumb with countless golden lines. Then he laughed at the young monks: "We are destined to meet each other, it is destined!

Junior brothers, I see that each of you has a unique skeleton and a faint aura of merit and virtue echoing behind your head. I guess you are all reincarnations of moral people from this sect!"

"It's rare for me to show kindness today, so I'll give you a chance! Look carefully, this is an indestructible glazed vajra relic that I have cultivated for more than 100,000 years!"

The young monks all stared at this bloody orb with countless golden lines with wide eyes!

A vast area of ​​blood flashed in the dense forest, and then a dull burping sound came out.

Outside the dense forest, Wu Mu and several sweaty werewolf warriors had rushed to Yin Xuege's side.

The Yin Blood Singer pointed his finger, and the Blood Spirit Sword brought out several rays of blood and sprayed blood mist towards the heads of the eighteen great monks.

This chapter has been completed!
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