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Chapter 85 A Candle 1800

If there is a historian in the cultivation world, today’s events should be written down with ink.

From today on, Yin Xuege, a little evildoer and monster of the blood demon clan, has embarked on a smooth path of cultivation.

From today on, in the chaos of the three realms in the future, some people will come to an end sadly, some people will appear in glory, some people will have no corpses left, and some people will be proud of themselves; those who are high above will scatter like floating clouds, while those who are humble and lowly will hold their heads high.

Stepping onto the stage of the Three Realms; those names that have been wiped out in history suddenly shine like stars in the sky!

Everything starts from today.

Looking at the little boy who was pink and pink and shaking his head, Yin Xuege stepped forward solemnly and bowed to him seriously.

"This senior!"

"Don't dare to be the senior!" The little boy returned the bow to Yin Xuege in the same serious manner. When he bowed his head, the light on the candle wick did not move at all, as if solidified. His eyes widened and he was very curious.

He looked at Yin Xuege: "I'm just a candle!"

Yin Xuege was silenced for a long time by the boy's words. What is a candle?

"Because I am a candle!" The little boy said to Yin Xuege seriously: "So, I am also a monster! In ancient times, although a monster like me had a background and an origin, the end would never be the same.

Wonderful, especially since I have mastered a magical object like the Thirty-Three-Three-Day Pure Tushita Immortal Fire?"

Sighing softly, the little boy smiled and nodded to Yin Xuege: "But now, even if the sky is high and birds fly, no one cares about me even if I am a monster.

These guys are all monsters, they are born as ghosts, and they have the same feelings as me, so please come with me!"

The little boy smiled and waved to Yin Xuege, and then a faint cloud rose under his feet, carrying him into the sky.

Yin Xuege glanced at the little boy and then nodded with a smile. A strong wind swept the faint blood mist, turning into a thin blood-colored cloud, holding up Wu Mu and the three corpses, and followed the little boy unsteadily.


Youquan and the Blood Parrot naturally did not need Yin Xuege to take care of him. Youquan set up a water cloud and followed Yin Xuege. The Blood Parrot simply jumped into the air and landed on Yin Xuege's head, looking around.

, turning his head to look at the little boy from time to time.

A few thin clouds floated slowly towards the mountain peak where the little boy flew out. There was a bright spring light there, and a cave on the mountainside could be seen in the distance. Several chubby white cranes lay lazily stretching on the white clouds.

Lazy back.

The little boy turned back to look at Yin Xuege and his group. When he saw the bloody clouds under Yin Xuege's feet, he couldn't help but grinned, and then shook his head vigorously: "This is not serious.

What do you think of the immortal method of flying in the clouds and mists? Is it a talent for monsters? You are born to be able to control the clouds and the wind, but talent is just talent after all, how can it be compared to the direct descendants of the immortal family? "

Yin Xuege's heart moved slightly. The technique he was practicing now was not to mention the blood demon clan's method of increasing their strength by sucking blood. It was a real demon method of drinking blood from the flesh. The increased strength was extremely harmful to him, and it was not serious.

Cultivation methods.

The Ten Thousand Calamity Blood Nerves from Princess Taiping have now been replaced by the nine-turn Hongmeng Blood Divine Way that is indestructible. However, this technique is a supreme method for body refining. When it comes to other magical powers, secret techniques, etc.

It really doesn’t count.

Princess Taiping must have immortal magic and magic passed down from the legitimate immortal family, but now Yin Xuege has not been passed down! So the biggest problem with Yin Xuege now is that he does not really major in martial arts! Even if he

No matter how strong his body is, even if he has an indestructible golden body, so what?

Looking at the little boy with piercing eyes, Yin Xuege spurred the blood clouds under his feet to catch up.

"Senior, I would like to ask you, my dear Yin Xuege, if you can take pity on me and teach me the true path of the Immortal Family?"

In Qianjizi's Yuhua Small Realm, Yin Xuege got a copy of "One Qi Qianyuan Yushu Bao", but the method was too advanced and did not have enough foundation. He was not even qualified to comprehend it. Now

What Yin Xuege lacks is a method that starts from scratch and provides a solid method of refining the body, practicing Qi, forming golden elixirs, refining Yuanying, transforming Yuanshen, and finally ascending to immortality.

Even if Princess Taiping favors me, the fate is right in front of me, and there is another way to reach the sky. Why not go and have a look? Go and see the scenery that is completely different from other roads.

Ever since he entered the Yinghuo Dojo, Yin Xuege suddenly had such a big change in his mood for some unknown reason. He couldn't wait to see more and more brilliant scenery, and he wanted to experience more wonderful things.

Scenery, he wanted to stand on a high place and see the farther scenery.

Perhaps it was the laws of heaven and earth that were being restored in Yinghuo Dojo, and the traces of heaven and earth that affected him?

Perhaps it was the wind in the dojo, the water in the dojo, and the flowers and leaves here that confused him?

Or, simply, the little boy who called himself Candle easily killed the swordsmen transformed from the giant trees, and his earth-shattering immortal power shocked him?

Anyway, Yin Xuege was praying respectfully to the little boy at this moment to get the true path of immortality from him. At this moment, there was a long wind blowing gently in the sky, white clouds slowly drifting by, and a few fat people.

The white cranes flapped their wings lazily and emerged from the white clouds. They shook their long necks and greeted the little boy without even looking at Yin Xuege and the others.

Youquan stood next to Yin Xuege, looking at the little boy with wide eyes and curiosity. There was a faint light flickering in her deep eyes, and her almost transparent nose trembled gently, and she was carefully examining the little boy.

the breath.

"What an interesting monster!" After a long silence, Youquan suddenly laughed softly.

The little boy glanced at Yin Xuege, and then nodded gently: "This is your fate, how could it not be my fate?"

Shaking his head, a faint wisp of green smoke floated out from the candle wick above his head. The thirty-three days of pure Tushita Immortal Fire on the candle wick still did not move at all, and the light the size of a soybean grain was as quiet as ever.

Just hanging on the candle wick quietly.

"Our master, when he left the dojo and returned to the upper world, he once told me that he left something that would be of great use to me in the future!" The little boy shook his head, clasped his hands behind his back, and spoke softly.

He said: "But I can't get into that place, I can't get in, there's no way to get in. If fellow Taoist can go in that place and take out the object for me, I can teach you the Taoist scriptures that the master left behind."

Suddenly, a dull thunderous roar came from the distance. Several orthodox disciples and several masters from human city-states were fighting all the way, whipping up strong winds and dark clouds, and bringing with them streaks of thunder and light as they flew towards this side.

"Famous orthodox monks! And those damn guys!" The little boy looked at the human masters who kept releasing thunder, fire and ice with disgust. A ray of fire flew out from above his head, and the human masters let out a shrill scream.

Howling in agony, body and soul were turned into ashes at the same time.

"Are you a famous orthodox monk? I am also a monster!" After killing those human masters, the little boy snorted coldly and whistled softly towards some fat white cranes in the sky.

A fat white crane with a wingspan of more than ten meters flapped its wings slowly, stretched out its neck with great effort, and flew into the sky with difficulty. Several well-known orthodox monks were flying over here in high spirits.

Looking far away, they were already saluting the little boy repeatedly.

"I dare to ask senior, we are monks of the Qianyuan Sect in Hongmeng Mainland. Our ancestor is in the upper world and is a famous immortal."

The big white crane made a sharp cry, and then flapped its wings towards these enthusiastic Qianyuan Sect monks. These young monks who had not even formed a golden elixir screamed in surprise, and the wings of the big white crane brought up a strong wind and rolled up

A piece of black dust appeared, wrapping them around and rolling away as they flew into the distance.

These young monks didn't even have a chance to take out the protective magic weapon. They were just blown away by the big white crane's wings. Soon, even Yin Xuege couldn't see them. This blow at least sent them away.

Hundreds of miles.

"Qianyuan Sect? Is it famous?" The little boy tilted his head and pondered for a while, then shook his head: "Hongmeng's sect has hundreds of millions of people, but I have never heard of the Qianyuan Sect? I really don't know them.

What kind of reputation do they have? But judging from their Taoist magic, they are clearly monks from famous orthodox religions. These guys are the most annoying, so it’s better not to mess with them."

After a pause, the little boy motioned to Yin Xuege and the others to follow him quickly, carrying Yunxia all the way back to the cave in front.

Yin Xuege took Wu Mu and others to the square in front of the cave. Only then did he have the opportunity to take a closer look at this real immortal mansion. This mountain is about a hundred miles high, and the cave is on the mountainside of the mountain.

Inside the cave door with a gap open, a faint line of purple air spurted out, turning into a purple mist in the sky above the cave and covering the entire mountain.

The square in front of the cave gate is several miles long, and the ground is carved with patterns that look like a chessboard. A pale golden futon is placed neatly in each grid. The material of the futon is neither grass nor wood. Look,

It seemed to be made of grass stems and leaves, but Yin Xuege squatted down and touched one of the futons, and found that his hand was warm, and there was a faint yang energy entering his body, and it felt smooth and hard, and it felt a bit soft to the touch.

The touch of jade.

There are more than ten thousand futons placed neatly on the square, and next to each futon is a palm-sized three-legged incense burner. Now the ashes have cooled long ago, and no smoke is rising from it.

The little boy introduced that this square was the place where his master’s disciples listened to sutras and meditated.

Yin Xuege couldn't help but daydream about the ancient times, when tens of thousands of immortal monks with high moral standards and unpredictable strength were sitting in this square, with a wisp of incense rising from the incense burner next to each person, and the wonderful principles of the great truth were heard in their ears.

While whirling, golden flowers fell before my eyes. A red sun shone brightly in the sky, and a large group of white cranes slowly flew overhead!

What a fairy atmosphere that is, that is the real fairy world!

Of course, those white cranes couldn't be as fat as meatballs like the ones in front of him! Yin Xuege looked at the white cranes lying in a daze on the white clouds above his head, and didn't know how they could fly.

The little boy coughed heavily. He looked at the group of white cranes following Yin Xuege's gaze, and then his face suddenly turned a little red. He rubbed his nose vigorously, and the little boy laughed dryly: "I have no experience.

I fed them too much! However, I found that they were quite useful!"

Youquan chuckled at the side. You are inexperienced, are you feeding too much?

Being able to feed the immortal cranes the same as the fat ducks in the oven, or even worse, is this just too much?

The blood parrot looked down at his well-proportioned body proudly, then raised his head arrogantly, and almost gestured to the white cranes and roared that they were a bunch of fat people. However, he made a good estimate of himself and the other party.

After comparing their strength and quantity, he wisely gave up the idea of ​​provoking these white cranes.

The little boy ran briskly across the square and led Yin Xuege and his party to the gate of the cave.

The pale golden door of the cave opened slightly, and purple smoke kept pouring out from the crack. Yin Xuege smelled an extremely fragrant and elegant fragrance. It was a floral fragrance similar to Lanzhi, and was mixed with

Some other fruits, trees, and flowers smelled fragrant. Under the leadership of the boy, Yin Xuege and the others walked into the cave.

The scene inside the cave was completely beyond Yin Xuege's expectations. The power possessed by real immortals was beyond what little monks like them could predict - the cave was not a low cave or a stone chamber, but a complete small square.


The red sun and silver moon hang high in the sky at the same time, and the sunlight and moonlight fall down at the same time, nourishing countless spiritual trees and grasses.

Under everyone's feet is a golden bridge that is hundreds of miles long. The guardrails of the bridge are filled with purple air. Countless patterns of spiritual animals and birds are carved on the guardrails of the bridge. Below the bridge is a vast expanse of sea water. But what is surprising is that in this sea water, things actually grow.

There are tens of thousands of acres of vigorous and powerful purple bamboo.

These waist-thick spiritual bamboos stick out of the water more than a hundred meters high. The purple bamboo poles are densely covered with countless golden, silver, and red spots. These bamboos shine with a metallic cold light under the light of the sun and the moon.

In between, there are countless bunches of bamboo rice growing like grapes. The golden and silver bamboo rice sways in the wind, emitting a fragrant aroma.

Where the bamboo poles are close to the sea surface, there are a large number of parasites such as orchids.

The nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum and other mushrooms that are rare in the outside world are densely parasitic on the bamboo poles like weeds. Some of the Ganoderma lucidum are particularly plump and plump, and the leaves are as big as a water tank. Some palm-sized silver sparrows fly around and play, from time to time.

He pecked twice on the Ganoderma lucidum and sucked the delicious juice inside the Ganoderma lucidum.

"This is the Canglan Realm created by my master!" The little boy shook his head and introduced the origin of this cave to Yin Xuege and the others.

"It's so dangerous, so scary. The Age of Dharma Ending is really dangerous. The Canglan Realm that Master opened up was a million miles in radius, but now the Sun Realm and Sky are constantly collapsing and collapsing, and now only a few thousand miles are left.

Far away." The little boy clapped his chest in horror: "Fortunately, fortunately, when I cultivated my human body and developed my spiritual wisdom, although this cave is dilapidated, at least the age of the End of Dharma is almost over!"

With a long sigh that he couldn't bear to look back on, the little boy shook his head vigorously: "Fortunately, fortunately, the last core of Canglan Realm has been carried over. Master, his Canglan Palace is still intact.


The jumping little boy led Yin Xuege and his party slowly across the hundred-mile-long golden bridge and arrived at a fairy island with lush trees, birds singing and fragrant flowers. In the middle of this gentle island,

A magnificent and simple hall stands majestically there.

The red sun and silver moon contrast in the sky, and the sky is filled with stars. Sunlight, moonlight, and starlight shine on this blue-gray hall. The huge hall reflects a faint light. He stands there quietly, like a piece of ancient history.


Yin Xuege's heart went blank. He looked at the hall quietly and felt the ancient aura recorded on his body.

He seemed to have seen countless people traveling here, the long years he had experienced, and all kinds of incredible and magical sights. The wind blew through the bell and drum towers on the east and west sides of the hall, and the huge ancient bells chimed softly, as if they were lamenting the past.


"They're all gone, and a lot of them died!" The little boy led Yin Xuege and his party into the room and walked into the main hall.

In the middle of the huge hall, there is a portrait several feet high. A man in Taoist attire has his hands behind his back, facing the main entrance of the hall.

You can't see the face in the portrait. His back is to the palace door, his hands are intertwined behind him, and they form a strange seal that looks like Tai Chi.

In front of the portrait is an incense table. On the left side of the incense table is a white candle, with a three-color flame burning quietly on the candle. On the right side of the candle is an incense burner with three extremely thin string incense sticks.

In the incense burner, wisps of purple smoke were rising silently, and the whole hall was filled with fragrance.

The little boy jumped up to the incense table and kowtowed several times to the portrait.

Yin Xuege and his party also came to the incense table, and Su Rong bowed to the portrait.

After the salute, Yin Xuege's eyes were inevitably attracted to the white candle that was about two feet high. The little boy claimed to be a candle, but the candle happened to have the Thirty-Three-Three-Day Pure Tushita Immortal on it.

Huo Changming, Yin Xuege thought it was impossible to say that this candle had nothing to do with the little boy.

"Sir, you are absolutely right. This age of Dharma is really terrible. The cave you always stayed in was almost destroyed."

"But, what you said is so accurate. At the end of the Dharma, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has just begun to recover, and someone rushed in to the Yinghuo Dojo."

"And you're right, in addition to the monks from the cultivation world, those damn guys also broke in.

Hey, you said back then that that person is our life and death enemy, so we can’t hold back when we see it! Although you said this to several brothers, I was by your side at that time, so the words are also true.

Marked it down."

"So I didn't hold back the candles and killed them all!"

After mumbling for a while, the little boy sighed heavily.

"There are a few fellow Taoists here. They are monsters just like Candle and me."

"It's always easier to talk to monsters, right? So the candle brought them in."

"Candle, I remember your words. You said that when I became a human being, I really had hope of becoming enlightened. But the thing you left for Candle was placed in that palace as a guard.

Candle cannot enter that palace, so we can only ask these Taoist friends to get the things you left for Candle."

This chapter has been completed!
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