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Chapter 109: Resurrection

The sensation caused in the test hall had no impact on Yin Xuege.

At the suggestion of the First Suan Ni, Yin Xuege selected a basic Qi-training Taoist book from the Taoist Scripture Collection Pavilion and returned to his small building.

But after activating the defensive formation in the quiet room, Yin Xuege threw the Taoist book aside.

The joint training of Hongmeng Blood God Way and Wuming Kung Fu has allowed Yin Xuege's physical strength to exceed a certain limit and break through to an astonishing realm. At this moment, his physical foundation has been laid extremely strong, and it is precisely the way to practice the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra in one go.

Good opportunity.

Sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, the underground spirit gathering array is operating at full capacity, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is constantly pouring in. A layer of white mist with a thickness of three inches has accumulated in the quiet room. This is the mist formed by the too dense spiritual energy of heaven and earth. To the naked eye,

All can be seen directly.

Silently reciting the most basic entry formula in the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra, almost out of instinct, Yin Xuege breathed deeply, the invisible vortex in the Dantian quietly started, and the three-inch-high heaven and earth spiritual energy in the quiet room was condensed.

The white mist turned into a white thread and was swallowed by him in one gulp, then quickly integrated into his Dantian and slowly circulated along his Qi veins.

The nameless method of the First Family triggered the general trend of heaven and earth, and used the power of heaven and earth to temper the body, making Yin Xuege's whole body's Qi meridians and air points unimpeded. The heaven and earth spiritual energy breathed into the body circulated along the meridians for a long time, and there was no trace of the Queen.

It settled in Dantian and was sent into Yin Xuege's heart.

The three drops of Blood Saint Essence that had not yet been digested in the heart released a faint golden blood mist, which merged with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth stained with the breath of Yin Xue Song. The huge amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to undergo strange changes in the heart.

It turned into a blood-colored aura like smoke and mist that filled the whole body.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth contains wonderful energy. This energy was absorbed and refined by Yin Xuege's body, and finally turned into drops of viscous blood mist that grew from around his body, and finally condensed in his heart.

According to the method of the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra, when the blood mist is successfully condensed, it will be transported from the heart to his Dantian, and gradually gather into a sea of ​​blood. But as soon as Yin Xuege completed this step of the technique, his body automatically

He breathed forty-nine mouthfuls of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in succession, and then a loud bang came from his chest. The blood mist transformed from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his heart exploded, and a hundred parts of the blood mist were crushed into one by the force of heaven and earth.

All impurities were discarded and transformed into traces of blood spurting out from Yin Xuege's seven orifices. Only the last drop of crystal clear, flawless Yin red blood fell straight from the heart and dripped straight into the Dantian.

Other qi training techniques will only form true qi as thin as smoke in the dantian when practicing the qi state.

However, the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra practiced by Yin Xuege directly condenses the blood mist in the Dantian. In fact, this is an external manifestation of the true essence. In other words, at the stage of the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra, what he cultivated is the golden elixir monk can possess.


What's even more incredible is that the nameless magic formula of the First Family spontaneously operates, purifying the blood mist condensed by Yin Xuege into blood droplets. This small drop of plasma may seem tiny, but the power contained in it is extremely astonishing.

The natal soul of the Nascent Soul monk!

The first drop of plasma, as heavy as mercury, dripped into the Dantian, and Yin Xuege couldn't help but open his eyes in shock.

Two streaks of blood shot out from his eyes. He stood up in shock and walked around the quiet room several times in confusion.

There was no one to guide him in the three methods he practiced, and he simply practiced by himself. The first drop of plasma was in a state of formation, which really frightened him. Whether it was from the introduction of Huang Ting Zhen Jie or other Taoist books, he

The drop of blood that just condensed was clearly a drop of Ying Yuan.

But this is the first time Yin Xuege has practiced Qi for the first time!

Yin Xuege, who was at a loss, wandered around the quiet room for a long time. After he found out the various Taoist books scattered on his body one by one and carefully compared them, he finally identified the one drop that he had cultivated.

The quality of Zhen Qi is actually equivalent to that of ordinary monks' Ying Yuan.

The mystery of the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra can be imagined!

The domineering effect of the first family’s nameless method is even more astonishing!

Yin Xuege rummaged through all the Taoist books he had, and carefully studied the introductory tips in the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra. It took him three full days to confirm that he had indeed made no mistakes.

Are on the right path.

With his heart pounding, the ferocious and arrogant spirit of the blood demon clan broke out in his blood. Yin Xuege no longer bothered to pay attention to anything else. He sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to follow the formulas of the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra to exercise his energy and regulate his breathing, vomiting loudly.

Collect the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Fill the Dantian with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Every time the Dantian swells, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is taken into the heart and converted into misty blood energy and sent to the whole body. Supported by three drops of Blood Saint Essence blood, when Yin Xuege practices, there is no shortage of blood energy.


These blood energy turned into a large ball of blood mist and flowed back to the heart. Yin Xuege breathed out forty-nine mouthfuls of heaven and earth spiritual energy almost instinctively, and then a burst of thunder came from the body. The nameless magic formula mobilized the general trend of heaven and earth, and gathered together a mighty righteous energy that roared down and bombarded

On top of this mass of blood mist, the fist-sized mass of blood mist was immediately refined until only a drop of plasma remained. The plasma, as heavy as mercury, fell from the heart and quietly gathered into a ball in the Dantian.

Yin Xuege's breathing became extremely long, and bits of plasma gathered in his Dantian like raindrops.

The cultivation speed of the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra is extremely fast. Like the Hongmeng Blood God Way, this is obviously a side technique. While focusing on the speed of cultivation, it will inevitably not have a stable foundation. But it is also because of the nameless method of the first family.

, the true energy cultivated by Yin Xuege is extremely pure, with no flaws at all, and its foundation is as solid as the five mountains, with no faults to be found.

The sound of long breathing echoed in the quiet room, and every quarter of an hour there was a sound of thunder in Yin Xuege's chest and abdomen. Every sound of thunder would extract a drop of pure plasma, and the mass of plasma in his Dantian would also grow.

A trace of.

As time passed by, the plasma in Yin Xuege's dantian gradually became larger and expanded, and his cultivation level also improved, and he gradually got on the right track.

From a little blood demon who followed a wild path, Yin Xuege, with his unique luck, embarked on a path of cultivation that no one could predict. He practiced three incredible miraculous skills at the same time, and his future was destined to change.

Incomparably brilliant.

Because the three drops of holy blood in the heart provide vigorous strength, Yin Xuege no longer needs to supplement food and water after entering the Qi training realm. Every few days, the first thrush will carry a lunch box to Yin Xuege's small house.

Go around the building, take away the cooled food at the door of the quiet room, and replace it with hot, freshly prepared meals.

But since Yin Xuege started to practice formally, the first thrush never saw Yin Xuege again. This situation lasted for two months. Within two months, the first thrush continued to complain about Yin in front of other teachers.

Xue Ge, this mysterious apprentice, also appealed to the Taoist Academy's elders - Does Yin Xue Ge still need her as a teacher?

Soon after, a group of high-level qi-training apprentices from the Taoist Academy will leave the Taoist Academy to go out for training. They will go to a grassland where monsters inhabit, fight with monsters to gain combat experience, and at the same time collect various monster materials and herbs.

In addition to Yin Xuege, the First Thrush also has more than twenty apprentices under her full-time responsibility. This time, there are also several apprentices who want to participate in the training, so the First Thrush naturally takes these apprentices and leaves the Taoist Academy.

Under the escort of the family elders, three days later they arrived at a vast grassland.

On the night they came to this grassland, the first thrush left the camp for an excuse. After walking quietly for several miles in the long grass, he took one step towards a clump of lush grass and disappeared without a trace.


Under the grass, a thumb-sized white jade snail shook its body slightly. It squirmed with its soft body as white as jade, and slowly climbed up a long grass stem, then lay on it motionless.

Inside the snail shell of the white jade snail, there is a vast purple atmosphere, and there are countless golden flowers slowly falling from the sky, and heavenly fairy sounds can be heard everywhere. Inside the thumb-sized snail shell, there is a tall and gorgeous palace. More than a dozen people

A strong warrior wearing golden armor and a mask of a mythical beast on his face stood in front of the main hall, with golden light lingering in his eyes, looking down at the First Thrush.

The first thrush stood at the foot of the jade steps in front of the ninety-nine-level hall, and respectfully knelt down to the two closed doors of the hall.

"The first thrush, see the ancestor!"

The crisp sound came far away in the vast void. Several golden flowers that were about to float past the first thrush swirled and landed lightly on the first thrush. The golden flowers like phantoms just

It was as if snowflakes had fallen into the lake and quietly integrated into the body of the first thrush.

First Huamei felt a rush of fresh air in her chest and abdomen, and a sweet fragrance swirled in her mouth. She took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a slightly grayish turbid breath. There was a burst of energy all over her body.

Smart, the mist-like true energy in the dantian rolled around, and a faint golden light the size of a sesame seed quietly condensed in the core of the dantian, faintly showing signs of condensing into a qi pill.

The ecstatic First Thrush hurriedly knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed tightly to the ground.

"The ancestor's gift, the first thrush is indescribably grateful."

A vague, clear and sweet voice came from nowhere. The heavenly sound in the void immediately dissipated, and the golden flowers in the sky solidified in the air at the same time. Several soldiers standing in front of the hall also stood up.

The waist becomes more and more majestic and majestic.

"Yin Xuege, who caused trouble a few days ago, how is he doing lately?"

The first thrush knelt respectfully on the ground and told everything she knew about Yin Xuege these days.

Yin Xuege locked himself in a small building for three months. After he came out, he completed the cultivation of the body tempering realm and gained 200,000 kilograms of divine power. Then he continued to stay in seclusion for two months and never left the house.

Meet people. The first Huamei told all Yin Xuege's deeds in the Taoist temple in the past five months without reservation.

After a long silence, the voice suddenly laughed.

"It's interesting. He has 200,000 kilograms of divine power in the body-tempering realm. He is not from the first family, but his surname should be Yang."

The first thrush didn't dare to say a word, but just knelt on the ground obediently. The golden flowers in the sky moved quietly, falling slowly from the sky, and the heavenly fairy voice sounded again. After a long time, the voice slowly asked

: "Do you know what kind of skills he practices through body tempering?"

After being silent for a while, the first thrush frowned. After thinking about the words carefully, the first thrush said carefully: "According to what the first Suan Ni said publicly, Yin Xuege used the secret of the first family when tempering his body.

The legendary "Powerful Demonic Dragon Fist".

This technique is the most important to train the Qi. After it is completed, the Qi pulse will be long and the blood will be strong. It is the highest-grade body tempering technique of the First Family."

"Even the powerful Demonic Dragon Fist cannot have a strength of 200,000 kilograms!" The voice snorted coldly.

"The First Yaizhen once secretly told his disciples after drinking that the First Supreme Rewarded Yin Xuege with two thousand-year-old Dragon King Fruits." The First Thrush smiled bitterly: "The disciple only knows that the First Family does have a few Dragon King vines, but

It’s unclear whether there is a Thousand-Year Dragon King Fruit in the clan.”

"Two pieces of the Thousand-Year Dragon King Fruit?" The voice sounded a bit hesitant: "With the powerful Demonic Dragon Fist and the Thousand-Year Dragon King Fruit, if another master spends his true energy to cleanse his tendons and cut his veins, he will have two hundred thousand kilograms of divine power at his fingertips.


But, is it worth spending such a large amount of money for an illegitimate child of half-demon blood?"

After a while, the voice continued to ask: "So, Yin Xuege should have started practicing Qi now, right? What is the Qi training method he practices?"

The first thrush hurriedly reported back: "The qi training method Yin Xuege practiced was the "Great Wilderness Dragon King's Song" personally selected for him by his disciple. This qi training method is in the same line as the powerful Demonic Dragon Fist and is the most suitable for him to practice qi.


"If he really practices this skill, I won't worry." The voice smiled slowly: "You did a good job. After you go back, continue to stare at this little guy. If he shows any super

If you find an unusual place, look for an opportunity to inform me, and the benefits will naturally come to you."

After a slight pause, the voice smiled softly and said: "You don't need to have any knots. We are a family after all. I just want to know more news about the family in the lower world. But the news about the family in the lower world is blocked too tightly.

, I can only inquire with you. Don’t worry, I will not cause any harm to our family."

The first thrush's brows relaxed, and she kowtowed heavily to the door of the hall, then quietly stood up. A burst of purple air spurted over, rolled up her body and sent her out, and she had returned to the grassland.

·And it’s less than ten feet away from the barracks.

With such magical power and magical power, the first thrush stayed for a long time, then sighed quietly and walked quickly back to the camp.

With the strength of the First Thrush, she naturally couldn't see a cloud dozens of miles away in the sky. The first day was sitting cross-legged in the clouds, drinking from a small wine bottle, and looking up here from time to time.

.On the first day, there was a small six-story hexagonal pagoda suspended in front of him. The eaves and corners of the pagoda were inlaid with thirty-six thin orbs, which were emitting a faint glow at the moment.

In the round mirror-like light, an old Taoist with a kind face, ivory-yellow hair and beard, and wrinkles on his face was sitting on a cloud bed, looking at the first day with a "haha," smile.

"Master, the Dharma-Ending Age in the lower realm only lasts for thousands of years, but the Hongmeng world is mysterious and boundless. One year in the Dharma-Ending Age in the lower realm, and millions of years in the upper realm. The people of this family are also a little impetuous."

Wrinkled, the old man looked at least ten times older than the first day, but he was extremely respectful to the first day.

On the first day, he slowly poured the wine from the wine glass into his mouth, and then snorted coldly.

"Things that have been planned by the family for many years have to be messed up by these ignorant juniors. I beat them and make them behave better. These clan members with different intentions will be indispensable in the future, but I don't want them to rush into the lower world one by one.

Makes a mess."

He lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice on the first day: "If they are extremely bored, find something for them to do. Whether it's to slay demons, kill bald heads, or compare methods with those gods. If it doesn't work, just do it."

Arrange for them to serve in the Immortal Court and harm those Immortal Emperors and Heavenly Lords."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly to the old man in the bright light on the first day: "In a word, before the Zhoutian Realm Gate is officially opened and the Zhoutian Realm is reunited, the situation in Hongmeng Mainland cannot have any major changes.

Turmoil! You must ensure that the true family can return to the upper world smoothly!"

The old Taoist nodded slowly, raised his right hand, and said in a low and powerful voice: "My family has been planning for hundreds of millions of years, sacrificing countless people, and spending countless efforts on this great plan. There is no way that anything will go wrong. Family leader, just don't worry.

, with us old guys here keeping an eye on everything, there won’t be any problems.”

On the first day, he shouted sternly: "There must be no questions!"

The old Taoist nodded solemnly: "There will definitely be no problem!"

He nodded with satisfaction, clicked his lips, shook the wine bottle in his hand, and said carelessly: "Okay, now that we've finished talking about the serious things, let's talk about something less serious! The jade liquid and nectar from Xianting tastes good.

Find a way to send a few hundred more kilograms next time."

The old Taoist's face suddenly turned extremely sad. He looked at the first day pitifully, sighed quietly, and hurriedly changed the topic.

"Master, my family occupies the Yinghuo Dojo and controls the Zhoutian Wanjie Disk. According to the previous plan, we have reached an agreement with the Tao, Buddha, demon, and demons of the Immortal Court and agreed on a bet."

The first day raised his eyebrows, he glanced at the old man and shouted in a low voice: "But according to what we said, did they even take out those few things for bets?"

The old Taoist nodded hurriedly: "The bets they made are very impressive. In addition to the things we asked for, there are also 80 giant fairy stone mines and 18 fairy city dojos! Together with all the Taoist soldiers in those mines and dojos,

Servants, Taoist boys, maids, etc., as well as all the vassals, are all included in the bet."

After a slight pause, the old Taoist whispered: "Master, you can't lose! If you lose, I will be heartbroken."

On the first day, he smiled coldly and crushed the wine bottle into a ball.

"How could you lose?"

"Tell those old guys that in one month, the forces that are willing to participate in the gamble will each appoint three hundred disciples and send them to Chimengtian!"

This chapter has been completed!
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