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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Same Sect as Enemy (600

Three days later, by a flowing glacier, Yin Xuege squatted lazily beside a pile of campfires.

Several pieces of low-grade flame spirit stones were lit with mana, and a blazing bonfire was licking a copper pot. The soup was boiling in the huge copper pot, and large sections of white and almost translucent meat were rolling in the soup, exuding a rich smell.

of fragrance.

The blood parrot walked around the campfire very majestically. He held his head high, chest puffed out, and his long tail feathers lifted up, like a proud little rooster. A strand of saliva hung from the corner of his mouth half a foot long.

, he glanced at the soup in the pot from time to time, and then sighed heavily.

"I hate these snow snakes. Their meat is too cold and it's too difficult to stew them."

"But I love them so much. Master Bird has never tasted such tender snake meat."

At the edge of the glacier, Youquan is washing several snake skins with Xuanyin water that is semi-solidified in the glacier and is enough to freeze pig iron into ice slag. The silver snake skin becomes extraordinarily bright after being washed by the snow water, and each snake scale

They all emit a faint brilliance like orbs.

This is the skin of several golden elixir realm snow snakes. Whether it is used to make belts or soft armor, it is an excellent material. Their demon elixir has entered the belly of the blood parrot. As for their meat, it is currently being made.

It's boiling in the soup.

Three days ago, under the auspices of Yin Xuege, Youquan became Luo Xuehua's master and became Luo Xuehua's ninth direct disciple. In terms of seniority, Youquan is now the master of most of the monks in Qiongxueya.

High-level people, many monks who have survived three disasters and three tribulations and have not left the country, have to obediently call Youquan uncle.

Luo Xuehua has already spread the news. As long as he returns to Qiongxueya and goes to the ancestor hall to worship the ancestor, Youquan will officially become Qiongxueya's direct disciple. With Qiongxueya's support, Yin Xuege will at least

I have a foothold in this strange world.

"Everything went well. The biggest question is, Youquan, what exactly are your master and the others looking for?" Yin Xuegezhong put his hand into the boiling soup, picked up a piece of meat, threw it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and found a snake.

The meat was still cold and half-cooked, so he threw the piece of snake meat back into the soup pot.

This shameless behavior attracted a very resentful look from the blood parrot, but Yin Xuege was too lazy to pay attention to this greedy big bird.

"I don't know." Youquan rolled up a few clean snake skins carefully and stuffed them into a Qiankun bag hanging on her waist. She stood up, clapped her hands gently, and on her palms

The sticky ice and snow dregs clinked and fell all over the floor.

Turning around and looking at Yin Xuege, Youquan frowned: "Master Luo said, if I see him, I will know that he is the one we are looking for. But what is it specifically and what form does it exist in? Luo Shi

Neither the teacher nor the four elders know."

Drawing a circle with his fingers, Youquan gently shook his head: "Including the existence of this ice sheet, Master Luo and the others were just speculating. They speculated that there would be a great opportunity here, so they used Qiongxueya.

Most of the power comes here. As for what exactly is here and what the great opportunity looks like, no one knows."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yin Xuege patted his forehead.

Well, this is purely a blind man's approach.

There is an ancient will here that covers the ice fields tens of thousands of miles around. Spiritual thoughts are completely useless here. If you want to find something, you can only rely on the naked eye to find it. Qiongxueya brought thousands of monks, but wanted to

God knows how much time it will take to search through the tens of thousands of miles of snowfield to find that legendary opportunity?

But it's okay, at least here, you can avoid the lingering ghosts of Yin Changkong and the monks of Wan Gu Sect.

Moreover, the water spiritual energy here is extremely abundant. Youquan is like a fish in water here, and its condition is much better than in the desert outside. Yin Xuege himself can also absorb the water spiritual energy here for practice. For them, this place is a place for cultivation.


Moreover, this ice field is tens of thousands of miles wide. In addition to those ferocious beasts condensed from the essence of Zhiyin Gui Water, there are also a large number of frost-attribute monsters living on the ice field, as well as countless frost-attribute spiritual herbs and elixirs. Even if you practice here, you can

In a hundred years, there is no need to worry about starving to death.

Standing up, Yin Xuege stretched hard and gave the blood parrot a gentle kick: "Take care of the soup yourself. I'll go around and see if I can find anything interesting."

Sniffing, Yin Xuege glanced around, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Youquan, you can take a rest, I will wander around within a radius of dozens of miles, and I won't go far, so you don't have to

Follow me. Well, keep an eye on this foodie, don't let him eat all the snake meat."

The blood parrot angrily raised one of its claws towards Yin Xuege, and quickly stretched out the middle claw.

'Chichi, with a smile, Yin Xuege jumped up, lightly tapped on an ice cliff a few times, and then submerged into the ice wind on the top of the cliff. He opened his life bat wings, and with the help of the eternal eternal here

When the blizzard stopped, he lifted his body into the air, quickly flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the thick clouds.

Escaping into the icy clouds high in the sky, Yin Xuege shivered violently. The temperature in the clouds was several times lower than below. It was so cold that the blood in his body almost froze. He cursed in a low voice that this place should be damned.

In such an environment, Yin Xuege opened his eyes and looked intently at the ground.

The blood parrot sneaked to the side of the copper pot, grinned, put its claws into the soup, grabbed out the snake meat that Yin Xuege had just taken two bites of, and threw it aside far away. He looked at him like a thief.

After looking around for a while, he found that Youquan was staring blankly in the direction where Yin Xuege left. He hurriedly poured two drops of saliva from his mouth into the pain, and ran to the side with satisfaction.

"Let Master Bird eat your saliva? Then try what Master Bird's saliva tastes like!" The blood parrot opened its mouth triumphantly and smiled: "Master Bird is not someone who suffers easily. Hehe, come and never go.

It’s indecent, try Master Bird’s saliva.”

Clicking his lips, the blood parrot suddenly raised his head in shock: "No, what does my cheap master want to do? When he set out the day before yesterday, he told us that there are countless risks here. We can't get separated. Why?

Did he take the initiative to run orders today?"

Before he finished speaking, a blue sword light shot out from the diagonal stab and sliced ​​straight towards the blood parrot's neck.

A bloody light flashed out of the blood parrot's pupils, and he laughed ferociously, turning over and flying as lightly as a feather through the wind. The blue sword light cut dangerously close to the blood parrot's feathers.

In the past, the blood parrot sneered proudly: "I knew that if my cheap master raised his butt, something would definitely happen."

Opening his mouth, a black and red rainbow shot out. The blue sword light was stopped by the stream of light ejected by the blood parrot. The blue sword light suddenly converged, revealing a palm-length and three-finger-wide weapon with densely covered surface.

A handleless flying sword with countless snowflake patterns.

The flying sword, as thin as a willow leaf, beat violently, trying to break away from the blood parrot's confinement, but the blood parrot laughed proudly. He suddenly straightened up his fat belly. A stream of light red urine spurted out from his lower body, and he heard

There was a crisp sound, and a large amount of black smoke suddenly came out of the blue flying sword. With a few clicks, a flying sword of excellent quality and spirituality exploded into pieces.

A good flying sword couldn't stop the blood parrot's urine, which shows how much filth and poison is stored in this guy's belly.

A low roar came from behind a piece of ice rock, and a young monk in blue robes scrambled out from behind the ice rock. He vomited blood and looked at the black smoke on the ground with splitting eyes.

The remains of the flying sword.

"That flat-haired beast, that's the top-grade flying sword that Master gave me!" The young monk's eyes were red with heartache. He pointed at the blood parrot and shouted sternly: "You deserve to die, I'm going to kill your hair."

Pull them out one by one and make you into a spicy chicken."

"Spicy chicken?" Blood Parrot suddenly laughed loudly: "Is this dish also available in the fairy world? Do you like spicy, medium or slightly spicy? Do you want to add ginger? Where about chopped green onions? Where about garlic? If you want to add garlic, yes

Black garlic or single clove garlic?”

The young monk was stunned. He was confused by what the blood parrot said had nothing to do with the flash of swords and swords just now.

"You, you flat-haired monster." The young monk pointed at the blood parrot. His mind was a little twitchy. He took out a short spear with cold light and gestured at the blood parrot twice, but he still didn't throw it out.

: "You, what did you say?"

A cold wind flashed through the slanting stab, and a drop of Xuanming Heavy Water the size of a soybean grain silently tore through the cold wind and hit the young monk's temple. With a muffled sound, the young monk's head was penetrated by Xuanming Heavy Water, and a stream of

The terrifying cold air suddenly froze his body, turning him into a snow-white ice sculpture.

"It turns out there is someone hiding aside, trying to plot against us." Dozens of black Xuanming heavy water were suspended around Youquan. His body was suspended several feet above the ground, and he frowned at the young monk who was frozen into an ice sculpture.

She nodded slowly and said: "Luo, did the Lord discover their movements, so he deliberately left here and let them plot against us?"

The blood parrot rolled his eyes, and he suddenly laughed loudly: "Isn't it? Girl Youquan, don't forget, although this place is shrouded by the will of a dead ghost, and the spiritual thoughts are useless, the nose of our rice boss

It's many times more sensitive than a dog's nose.

High in the sky, inside the clouds, Yin Xuege, who was so cold that his nose was about to run out, clenched his fist angrily and waved at the blood parrot several times.

Isn't it? The five senses of the blood demon clan are more than a hundred times more sensitive than ordinary people? Yin Xuege can smell the smell of fresh blood hundreds of miles away, which is much more sensitive than the sense of smell of a shark. Just now he squatted on the fire

Next to the pile, he suddenly smelled the scent of powder carried by the wind. At that time, he knew that a disciple of Qiong Xueya was approaching.

But he squatted there and deliberately took out a piece of snake meat and took a few bites of it. He was so pretentious that the approaching Qiongxueya monks refused to show up. Yin Xuege immediately knew that there was something wrong with these people.

, they dare not appear in front of themselves.

It was probably because the scene a few days ago of Yin Xuege decapitating the black dragon with violence was so shocking that these Qiongxueya disciples were frightened by Yin Xuege, so they hid aside.

The strong wind kept sending the scent of those people to Yin Xuege's nose. Through the scent of these people, he could know that they were hiding behind an ice rock a hundred feet away, but these people refused to appear. Yin Xuege refused to show up.

He didn't want to expose the fact that he had a very sensitive sense of smell, so he could only find an excuse and leave.

Just as he expected, as soon as he submerged into the high-altitude clouds, the young monk immediately attacked. Moreover, as soon as he took action, his flying sword hit the blood parrot's neck. This was clearly intended to kill the blood parrot.

'Whoosh, whoosh,' after a few sounds, three girls who were born with eight or nine degrees of beauty and could be regarded as stunning beauties shot out from behind the ice rock. Their faces were extremely cold, and they squinted and were frozen into ice.

The young monks looked at each other, muttered a spell in a low voice, and pointed to the scabbard behind them.

With a creak, three rays of white sword light came out of their sheaths and flew out with a misty cold air. The three-foot-long sword light was like a swimming dragon heading towards the Youquan! It was strangled.

At the same time, a tall white bear demon cultivator suddenly sprang out from behind the ice rock. He took heavy steps and rushed towards the blood parrot. When he was still dozens of feet away from the blood parrot, the white bear

The demon cultivator opened his big hand, and suddenly a large net with a radius of 100 feet flew out from his sleeve, covering the blood parrot's head with a dense cold air.

"Wow, girl Youquan, be careful. These three little girls are here to kill people." The blood parrot yelled in a fuss: "This big stupid bear, why do you think you are a bird master? Use a big net to catch birds? You take the birds

What do you want me to do?"

"With one move from Master Bird, thousands of arrows will be fired to shoot through your mother!" A strange light flashed in the blood parrot's eyes, and the countless blood-colored feathers on his body stood up one by one. Among the blood-colored feathers

, a trace of evil and obscure blood light is lingering rapidly. Surrounded by the blood light, the body of the blood parrot becomes almost a phantom. At this moment, it seems that he does not exist in this world.

The big net fell down, but the blood parrot's body swayed slightly and escaped from the mesh of the big net.

Spreading its wings, the blood parrot stared at the white bear demon cultivator who was getting closer and screamed: "Thousands of arrows are firing. May I ask where your mother is?"

'Pfft, with a sound, countless soft feathers on the blood parrot's chest shot out like sharp knives. These feathers shot forward with a harsh sound and a deep bloody fire. The whole chest of the blood parrot instantly became empty.

· exposed his pink flesh.

The white bear demon cultivator never dreamed that the blood parrot could have such a bad move. At least ten thousand pieces of thin and soft feathers fell on his head. The white bear demon cultivator had no time to dodge or block. His whole body was enveloped by the bloody light.


Countless thin feathers were like blades piercing, cutting, and violently impacting the body of the White Bear Demon Cultivator, changing their trajectories and scurrying around. 'Pfft', the sound was endless, the body of the White Bear Demon Cultivator trembled violently, and suddenly there were countless streaks of blood.

It spurted out from his body, and his huge body fell heavily to the ground. As soon as his body touched the ground, it immediately exploded into a mess of minced meat.

"Don't provoke Master Bird!" Baring his bare chest, the blood parrot waved his wings with contentment: "Especially don't provoke Master Bird who still has fur on his body! Next time if you want to provoke Master Bird, I'll take advantage of you.

Come back when Mr. Bird changes his feathers!"

At the same time as Blood Parrot took action, Youquan also took action.

The large piece of snow around her suddenly flew into the air, and the wind and snow filled the surrounding space of a hundred feet. In this snowy light, Youquan's figure flickered like a ghost, and it was impossible to grasp where her body was.

The three agile and powerful sword lights stabbed randomly in the snowy light, but did not touch even half of Youquan's hair.

Dozens of dots of Xuanming Heavy Water were scattered all over the sky, and the three sword lights were clanged and clanged by the Xuanming Heavy Water. Every drop of Xuanming Heavy Water was heavier than Mount Tai. In just three or two blows, the three sword lights broke simultaneously.


The three girls from Qiongxueya who rushed out vomited blood at the same time. Their bodies that were rushing forward suddenly stagnated. With unbelievable shock, they retreated backwards in embarrassment, using all their strength to retreat at full speed towards the rear.


But in the snowy and foggy environment, Youquan's speed is more than ten times faster than them?

The long skirt on her body flashed with water, and Youquan ducked behind the three girls. A black mist filled her snow-white hands, and Youquan gently recited the Black Snake Heart-locking Curse in an understatement.

He placed a palm on the hearts of the three girls.

A shrill howl sounded, and the three girls fell to the ground at the same time and twitched violently. Their slim and beautiful bodies were twisted at an extremely weird angle, and cyan blood vessels and pink veins could be seen under their fair skin.

The meridians were twisting and squirming violently, and Ruhua's pretty face was twisted like a ghost.

Weird sounds rang out, and a pungent stench came from the girls' bodies. The Black Snake Heart-locking Curse was so vicious and cruel that they were so painful that they were incontinent, and their souls were about to be torn apart by the terrible pain.

"Beautiful lady Qing Ben, how can you be a thief?" The blood parrot walked up to the three girls step by step and sighed heavily: "What beautiful girls? Why are you provoking us if you have nothing to do? Look, look, do it

If you look so ugly, will you ever get married in the future? Which man would like a woman who defecates anywhere?"

'Pfft, a laugh came, and a sweet voice like a silver bell sounded from behind another piece of ice rock.

"My uncle is indeed very capable. I'm afraid these junior sisters didn't expect that they would suffer such a big loss from my uncle, right?"

A girl wearing a long white dress, as clean as a drop of dew on a summer morning, not very beautiful, but as gentle and charming as jade, walked out from behind the ice rock. Beside this girl, she followed step by step.

The two young monks in blue robes looked at the girl with the same respect and fascination as the eunuchs in the palace looking at the queen they serve.

Sighing lightly, looking at the quiet spring and the blood parrot, the girl shook her head helplessly.

"Uncle Master, do you know how much people hate you? You have become the ninth direct disciple of the Palace Master, which has cut off the path of advancement for countless fellow disciples. If you don't die, how can we hope to become her disciple?

Where is the old man’s family?”

Smiling gently, the girl said softly: "So, please die."

This chapter has been completed!
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