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Chapter 141: Not bad blood (1800)

On Mozhu Island, in the Snow Wolf Taoist camp, three fully armed Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers were lying on a big tree, quietly looking at Yin Xuege, who was killing people on the beach several miles away. There were streaks of blood.

There were waves rising and falling in the air, and with each strike of the sword, a large number of shrimp soldiers were torn into two pieces. One after another, the blood of the blue shrimp soldiers was continuously injected into Yin Xuege's mouth. The scene was bloody and miserable.

"Brother, are we really doing this?" After a long time, the number of sea monsters killed by Yin Xue Singer had exceeded two thousand. A leader of the Snow Wolf Human Taoist Army finally spoke tremblingly: "According to the rules of the War Immortal Palace

According to the rules, if this immortal master dies, we will all be executed."

The other leader of the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers, who looked much older and had gleaming eyes, let out a heavy breath. He gripped the handle of his saber tightly, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Are you afraid of death? Have you forgotten?

We came here just to die."

"Our tribe is just an insignificant tribe of slave soldiers, but as long as we trick this immortal master to death this time, our tribe can become a vassal of the Qiao family.

Our brothers, our clansmen, and our descendants can all get the Taoist books taught by the immortal masters of the Qiao family."

Clenching his fist hard, the leader of the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers hissed: "As long as we have Taoist books, we no longer need to rely on an incomplete Qi training formula to practice, and there will also be a golden elixir realm in our tribe.

Even the generals and commanders of the Nascent Soul Realm, our descendants can get rid of their status as slave soldiers."

The other two Snow Wolf Dao soldiers took a deep breath at the same time. Their green eyes flashed fiercely, staring at Yin Xuege's rapidly flashing figure. After listening to their elder brother's words, they whispered at the same time: "Then

, let him die quickly. A hundred of our brothers will die with him. As long as our tribe can prosper and grow, we will die with him."

"He must die. Not only did he offend the Hua family, Vice Hall Master Hua sent him here; the elders of the Qiao family also arranged for us to die with him. This is the Hua family and the Qiao family joining forces to kill him.

He will definitely die."

The Snow Wolf Taoist soldier, who was called the eldest brother, gritted his teeth and sneered: "Tell the brothers to prepare. When necessary, we will rush out and drag him to death together. Second brother, you have the Zhangyue Demon-Destroying Crossbow in your hands. You must

You have to hit his vitals."

Another Snow Wolf Taoist soldier, who was slightly shorter and looked a little green in hair, nodded shiveringly. He took out a small hand crossbow about one foot in length from his sleeve and was colored green, and slowly

He fastened a delicate crossbow arrow on the crossbow string.

On the beach, the Yin Blood Singer looked up to the sky with his Blood Singing Sword and howled as the fierce sea wind whizzed past him.

His long hair and robes were flying, and a fierce fighting spirit rose into the sky. The sand grains on the beach flew up one after another, and when burned by the blood inflammation on his body, they kept making 'chichichi' noises and were burned into blue smoke.

Thousands of corpses of sea turtles and shrimp soldiers lay scattered on the beach. Their bodily fluids stained the beach with colorful colors, and they looked so hideous. Low thunderous sounds continued to come from Yin Xuege's body, and a large amount of filthy impurities continued to appear on the surface of his body.

Spurted out and then turned into nothing by the blood flames.

There was a raging fire in the small town, and the sea breeze blew the fire toward other houses. Li Yi and Li Er led the residents of the small town to put out the fire, crying and shouting. The figures in the fire flickered like countless demons dancing. There were even children and

The old man's cries kept coming, and this small island, which was originally peaceful, peaceful, and had no worries about food and clothing, suddenly turned into a hell on earth.

Yin Xuege didn't look back. He didn't know how to control the wind and rain, so he couldn't help these civilians put out the fire. Even if he knew such a spell, he wouldn't have time to rescue them. Several of them were tall, and their strong demonic aura was approaching the peak of Jindan.

The sea monsters carrying thick weapons are walking onto the beach step by step. Behind them are tens of thousands of strange sea monsters.

At a glance, hundreds of sea monsters including shrimps, soldiers, crabs, generals, turtles, warriors, snakes, soldiers, sharks, sharks, beauties, and all kinds of sea monsters were carrying various weapons and swarming up toward the beach. Most of the limbs of these sea monsters retained their original appearance.

, the demonic energy around him is weak and scattered, the weapons in his hands are mostly fish bones and corals, and his individual strength is pitifully low.

But there are too many of them, more than 10,000 sea monsters, and other serious disciples of the orthodox religion. No one dares to kill more than 10,000 lives. Such crimes are so heinous that the inner demons caused by them are enough.

Let those orthodox disciples never recover.

"I am a monster!" Yin Xuege raised the Bloodsong Sword and laughed loudly: "The so-called path of cultivation is the path of killing. The weak will eat the strong, and this has been the case forever."

With a long roar, the Blood Shadow Technique was launched, and dozens of figures brought hundreds of sword lights and rushed toward the sea monsters who walked onto the beach. "Pfft, the sound was endless, and the few Jindan sea monsters who took the lead in rushing onto the beach were heard.

They screamed miserably at the same time, and their bodies were torn into pieces almost at the same time.

It's a pity that although these sea monsters have cultivated the demon elixir, they completely rely on their natural instincts to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for cultivation, and have not received any orthodox teaching at all. Their brute force is infinite, but it is only infinite brute force. They can't even learn the most basic skills.

They don't have many spells. Their only way to fight is to pick up their weapons and smash them randomly. It's just that their weapons are extremely heavy.

Such a golden elixir monster, no matter how many times it comes, it just gives Yin Xuege some supplements!

Opening his mouth, the essence and blood of several sea monsters turned into a rainbow and sank into Yin Xuege's mouth. The billowing heat flowed through his body. The six-story pagoda suddenly shook violently, and streams of blood spurted out. Yin Xuege's body

Suddenly it shriveled up strangely.

All the blood and blood elements in the body were swallowed up by the six-layered pagoda. In the next moment, a large amount of purified and evolved blood essence came out of the small tower's mouth. The six-layered pagoda expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a simple and thick nine-layered pagoda was built.

The small pagoda is gradually revealed in the Dantian of Yin Blood Song.

A large amount of blood mist flowed all over the body, and Yin Xuege's shriveled and withered body quickly became plump and plump. There was a crunching sound in his body, and every inch of his body was rapidly disintegrating and recasting. Eighty-one

The blood inflammation the size of a fist became more viscous and solidified. The high-temperature blood inflammation burned his body. The blood sprayed out more than ten feet through his skin, making him look like a little bloody sun.


The blood essence in his body suddenly became more than three times stronger. Yin Xuege successfully entered the advanced level of Qi training in the Blood Sea Pagoda Sutra. Moreover, the blood essence was being continuously purified and accumulated, and he was moving toward the training level at an extremely high speed.

The Qi Peak state has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Almost all the long hair turned into a light blood color. The Blood Song Sword made a long and shrill sound, and with a majestic force of heaven and earth, it slashed towards the sea monsters on the beach. Hundreds of them were muttering.

The body of the siren suddenly stiffened while saying words like 'human flesh,' 'delicious,' and so on. They raised their heads in panic, and stared blankly at the blood that had been cut off from their heads.

It was as if a huge mountain was pressing down on their hearts, and they even forgot to dodge.

The Blood Song Sword was like a thunderbolt that struck down from the nine heavens, suddenly exploding into hundreds of twisted and fragmented sword lights, accurately piercing through the vital points of these sea monsters. Blue and green plasma spurted out, all of which were spread out.

Yin Xuege opened his mouth and swallowed it.

A giant sea monster that was obviously a whale twisted its strong body more than 20 meters high, carrying a coral pillar more than 30 meters long, and strode towards Yin Xuege and gave him a fierce blow.

The pillar fell on him.

This coral pillar weighed at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms. It was smashed down by the whale monster with all its strength. The force of this blow was over a million kilograms. Faced with this heavy blow that was enough to level a small village.

With a strike, Yin Xuege Moyun No. 1 Family's nameless magic formula suddenly erupted from his body with a mighty majestic aura, and he punched the whale demon casually.

The sky and the earth for several miles around suddenly moved. That day, the sea, the mountains, and the violent winds and clouds in the sky seemed to be transformed into the subjects of Yin Xuege. They released an indescribable heavy and majestic force.

All the breath was concentrated on Yin Xuege's fist.

The best body-refining boxing technique in the First Family's Body Tempering Realm, the Vigorous Demonic Dragon Fist's dragon teeth protruded and exploded. The red coral pillars with a diameter of more than one meter shattered into pieces. The whale demon's thick arms shattered into pieces and exploded into countless pieces.

Minced meat sprayed out dozens of meters away. The terrifying situation was like a 10,000-ton hydraulic press hitting the whale monster's head. The whale monster's body suddenly turned into a thin piece of meat.

"Kill him, eat him!" The countless sea monsters didn't seem to see the tragic situation of those sea monsters. They still rushed towards Yin Xuege desperately.

The weird aroma in the air became stronger and stronger, mixed with the fragrance of Yin Xuege's flesh and blood. All the sea monsters were controlled by the most primitive and simple appetite. They couldn't wait to tear off a piece of flesh from Yin Xuege's body.


"Damn it." Yin Xuege looked at the crazy behavior of those sea monsters. Even though he knew that these sea monsters would not pose any threat to him, he still felt a numb scalp. Tens of thousands of sea monsters, just

There were tens of thousands of sea monsters in front of him, not to mention more sea monsters coming continuously on the sea behind him.

Dozens of fish bones stabbed into Yin Xuege's body in a messy manner, making a clanging sound. These fish bones broke and shattered one after another. Several greedy shrimp soldiers opened their mouths and bit Yin Xuege's body.

They went down, but before they got close to Yin Xuege, they were flapping by the big wings of the blood parrot and flew up.

Although the blood parrot was only two feet tall, his wings were very powerful. He circled around Yin Xuege, and with one beat of his wings, more than a dozen shrimps, soldiers and crabs were slapped and flew out howling. However, there were dense crowds all around.

Thousands of sea monsters surrounded him, and no matter how hard he tried, more sea monsters rushed to Yin Xuege's side.

More weapons stabbed Yin Xuege, and more sea monsters opened their mouths and bit Yin Xuege.

Those fish bones and corals broke off when they hit Yin Xuege's body. The sea monsters who opened their mouths to tear off a piece of tender meat were even more miserable. Their big teeth were smashed into pieces on Yin Xuege's body. From time to time, you could see a mouth full of them.

The blood-spitting sea monster covered its mouth and jumped up, continuously making a shrill howl, and was then flown more than a hundred meters away by the blood parrot's wings.

Yin Xuege looked back at the small town. He saw that half of the small town had been burned to the ground by the fire. Li Yi and Li Er had given up putting out the fire and were organizing the young and middle-aged men to cover the old, weak, women and children and retreat to the depths of the island.


But a group of more than two thousand sea monsters had already bypassed Yin Xuege and charged towards the residents of the small town. These sea monsters were spitting a little bit of saliva from their mouths, and they couldn't wait to rush forward one by one, roaring crazily.

'Human flesh,' 'It's delicious,' and other topics.

"Damn it, kill them all." Yin Xuege roared angrily, his bat wings spread out, and six groups of ancient demonic words flashed with dazzling light at the same time. Almost half of the blood essence in his body simultaneously turned into little drops of blood and spurted out.

Nearly ten thousand small blood-colored flying knives were formed at the same time, and the harsh tearing sounds were heard endlessly. Tens of thousands of small blood-colored flying knives shot out, turning into a bloody storm that swept across the entire beach.

Thousands of sea monsters were shattered into pieces by the intensive piercings of flying knives, and thick sea monster plasma sprayed all over the sky.

Opening his natal bat wings, Yin Xuege opened his mouth and swallowed the essence and blood flowing out of the sea monsters. He looked up to the sky and roared like a devil from hell: "You want to eat people? Then turn them all into my tonic. You bunch of dogheads

, If you don’t come out again, I will destroy your whole family.”

There is only one person in Yin Xuege. Even though he has actual combat power that is close to the peak of the Golden Core, he is only one person after all. He cannot resist the endless stream of sea monsters and cannot cover the retreat of the civilians. If there are one hundred snow wolves

If Tao soldiers cooperate in fighting, the situation will not be so critical.

Seemingly hearing Yin Xuege's threat of annihilating the family, a hundred Snow Wolf Dao soldiers finally let out sharp wolf howls and rushed out of the camp. Their camp was only two or three miles away from this beach. Snow Wolf

The running speed of the Taoist soldiers was much faster than that of galloping horses. In a short time, these Taoist soldiers rushed to the beach and rushed straight towards Yin Xuege.

Frowning, Yin Xuege shouted sharply: "I don't need your reinforcements here to cover the island..."

In the chaos of the war, under the cover of the swaying figures of several sea monsters, a Snow Wolf Taoist leader suddenly raised his hand. On his wrist was a delicate green hand crossbow. A crisp sound was heard.

, a delicate crossbow arrow as long as a palm brought out a ray of cold light and shot straight towards Yin Xuege.

There were dozens of sea monsters between the leader of the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers and Yin Xuege, but the bodies of these sea monsters could not withstand the penetration of the crossbow arrows. Dozens of sea monsters were shot through almost at the same time. A domineering and

The fierce power exploded in their bodies, and all the bodies of the Kraken that were shot through suddenly expanded, and then exploded into debris all over the sky.

‘Pfft, a delicate crossbow arrow hit Yin Xuege’s heart.

With Yin Xuegemu's strength, the attacks from Golden Core monks were almost completely ineffective against him, but the origin of this crossbow was unknown, and it actually penetrated his body easily. The delicate crossbow arrow

As soon as it submerged into his body, it immediately turned into a ball of fire, a ball of light, and quickly expanded into a ball of violent power.

"It's done, it's done!" Several leaders of the Snow Wolf Dao soldiers saw Yin Xuege being hit by the crossbow arrow, and they immediately shouted with joy.

Yin Xuege covered his chest with both hands. He stared at the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers with wide eyes. He originally thought that the ten provocative White Bear Taoist soldiers were the main force used by Hua Qiaoyu to deal with him.

Unexpectedly, the ultimate move was actually hidden in the hands of these Snow Wolf Dao soldiers.

With a muffled sound, Yin Xuege's chest exploded, and large pieces of flesh and blood were blown up. It was visible to the naked eye that several of his ribs were blown away. Yin Xuege didn't even make a sound as he was blown up.

He plunged into the sea far away.

The blood parrot let out a shrill cry, followed by a streak of blood and plunged into the sea after Yin Xuege's body.

Several leaders of the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers roared at the same time. They looked at each other, pulled out their scimitars without saying a word, and slashed hard at their necks. Yin Xuege was dead, and their

With their mission completed, they should accompany Yin Xuegue to death. These sea monsters will dispose of their corpses perfectly, and no traces will remain.

Blood splattered everywhere, and several leaders of the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers committed suicide and fell to the ground. After the other Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers slashed several sea monsters to death with their swords, they also looked up to the sky and roared for a while, and then raised their swords to slash hard.

on his neck.

Countless sea monsters swarmed up, and they happily jumped on the snow wolf Taoist soldiers who committed suicide, tearing their bodies apart with big mouthfuls.

The leader of the most powerful Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers did not die for a while. He opened his eyes blankly and looked at the three bright moons in the sky. The sea monster tore at his body crazily, and the severe pain made his consciousness shake.


"Hey, hey. The tribe will become a vassal of the Qiao family, and the descendants of our tribe will no longer have to serve as cannon fodder, right?"

A turtle demon walked over slowly. He carried a big hammer and hit the leader of the Snow Wolf Taoist soldiers hard on the head. The big turtle slowly raised the hammer and pointed towards the small town.

The direction shouted: "There are a lot of people there, a lot of meat, a lot of meat. Brothers, come on."

Twenty miles away from Mozhu Island, on the rocks, the skinny Taoist narrowed his eyes and started laughing.

"Hey, how many people has this kid offended? There are actually people waiting for him with a killer move? This is good, it saves me from having to do it myself."

With a wave of his sleeve, he snuffed out the three incense sticks in the incense burner. The skinny Taoist grabbed the incense burner and was about to fly away with his sword. A strange sound came from the fierce sea water, and the next moment a bloody light emerged from the sea water.

Jumping out, the blood parrot picked up Yin Xuege by his collar and carried Yin Xuege, who had a big hole in his chest, onto the rocks.

"Damn, why is there a dead Taoist priest here?" The blood parrot looked at the skinny Taoist and shouted in surprise.

The skinny Taoist stared blankly at Yin Xuege. He was horrified to find that Yin Xuege actually looked sane and was staring at him with his eyes wide open. Moreover, Yin Xuege's muscles and muscles were blown away.

The bones were turning into sticky plasma and flying up from the sea water, slowly integrating into his body. The wound on his chest that was the size of a sea bowl was slowly recovering. Although it was slow, the healing of the wound could be seen with the naked eye.

"You, you, your body, what are you..." The skinny Taoist screamed in horror.

Yin Xuege stood steadily on the rock. He gently stroked the blood parrot's head, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I disappoint everyone. My body is a bit weird. Unless I'm beaten to death instantly, it won't be easy to kill me."

With a loud laugh, Sanyang Kaitai's ax suddenly brought up a blast of hot wind, whistling and slashing at the skinny Taoist.

This chapter has been completed!
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