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Chapter 160 Forcibly subdued

It’s Monday, be cute!

Happy May 4th Youth Day to everyone. As a proud young man, Zhutou would like to extend holiday greetings to everyone. So, please give Zhutou more of your lovely recommendation votes, okay?

When it was getting dark, Nuluo hid on the beach where the Tide Beast must pass every day when it returns to its lair.

Hundreds of feet away, Yin Xuege was squatting on the branch of a big tree in an inconspicuous manner, holding a long grass stem in his mouth, his hands hanging down beside him, and he was tickling the branch.

of bark.

He was thinking about the thing that Yanluo said could save her father.

The body of a mortal buffalo will produce bezoar, which is a precious medicinal material. Bezoar will occasionally appear in the body of a cow demon. The bezoar produced in the body of this kind of demon cow is even more precious. If it is dug out from the body of a thousand-year-old cow demon,

Bezoar, its value is simply incalculable.

When Yanluo's father's poisonous injuries were not as severe as now and he could barely move, he once discovered a group of Earth Fire Bulls in an Earth Fire Eye hundreds of miles away from the settlement. This is a high-level

Monsters, ordinary calves have rough skin and rough flesh, but with their powerful bodies and the innate ability to spit out high-temperature flames, calves can compete with ordinary golden elixir realm monks.

Among the group of earth-fire bulls, there was an old bull king with a very deep fire. With Yanluo's father's eyesight, he could see at a glance that this old bull king definitely had a large piece of bezoar condensed in his body, and it had been sacrificed by him to become a bezoar.

The natal magic weapon. The Earth Fire Ox inherits the Yang Qi of Earth Fire. The Old Ox King's bezoar contains the Qi of Earth Fire, Yang and Harmony. If you can get his bezoar to prepare medicine, it can dispel the cold and cold poison in his body.

"It's hard to deal with." Yin Xuege scratched his head in distress.

Ronluo inexplicably worshiped him as his disciple, and he foolishly accepted such a disciple. In terms of love, he should help Ronluo save her father. But seeing that Ronluo's father was injured like this,

If he still has such power, he must have been an extremely powerful monk in the past.

Even if such a character is seriously injured, he can at least unleash a lethality equivalent to that of the Nascent Soul Realm. In this way, he failed to take down the old Ox King, which shows that the strength of the old Ox King is at least as strong as Yuan Ying.

Those above the infant stage are not something that the current Yin Xuege can deal with.

"Unless you think of another way. Poisoning won't work. If you contaminate that piece of bezoar, you won't be able to save people." He slowly chewed up the grass in his mouth bit by bit and swallowed it, dripping with blood.

Ge squinted his eyes and thought secretly: "A trap, it's of no use. Then we can only use formations. With the power of formations, and with my strength at the Golden Core Realm, I can still trap and kill a Nascent Soul Realm bull demon."


Formation is a good thing, and it can often have the magical effect of defeating the weak against the strong and turning the tide. However, Yin Xuege has not studied the formation. He doesn't even know the simplest and most basic formation. He wants to master this kind of formation.

A formation that can transcend levels and kill powerful monsters is not that easy.

The blood parrot stood on the trunk of the tree like a woodpecker, and dug out small holes one after another in the trunk with its curved beak. Every time he dug a small hole, he would fly to the ground.

He just collected some beetle eggs and stuffed them into the small hole. One can imagine how miserable this unlucky tree will become after these eggs hatch.

This guy is indeed a villain, completely opposite to what the woodpecker does.

Seeing the blood parrot playing happily, Yin Xuege suddenly asked: "Master Bird, if I want to use the formation to trap a monster that is much stronger than me, at least in the Nascent Soul stage, what can you do?

Any suggestions?"

All the feathers on Blood Parrot's body suddenly stood up. He rushed to Yin Xuege with great excitement, and just hung in the air, waving his wings almost crazily: "Using formations to harm people? Of course there is a way, hey, and

It’s easy to learn and extremely powerful.”

"How about the Nine Yin Girl Soul Seizing Array? Kill nine hundred and ninety-nine nine-year-old girls born in the Yin year and the Yin month, take their hearts and bones to refine the array, and use the power of their wronged souls as

Even a powerful monk who has cultivated the soul will be trapped to death due to the magic source of the formation."

Yin Xuege rolled his eyes.

"Either the Liuyang Boy Eclipse Yuan Formation, kill 3,600 sixteen-year-old boys born in the Yang year, the Yang month, the Yang period, and take the heart essence and blood and their essence treasure bags to sacrifice them into Eclipse Yuan Tiantian

Kabuto, use their skulls to make a formation disk. Once this formation is set up, even the Sanxian will be trained to death."

Yin Xuege sighed heavily.

"Otherwise, there is something even more powerful. Let me think about it, Mr. Bird." Tilting his head, the Blood Parrot flapped his wings excitedly: "The Dragon-Breaking Vein Sand River Formation. Pull the underground spiritual veins within a radius of 120,000 miles.

, find the water veins of at least 12,000 rivers and lakes, kill tens of millions of mortals, take their dying resentments and ghosts, and combine them with the innate lunar energy to sacrifice and refine them into sand river shackles, linking the earth veins, spiritual energy and water veins together.


The blood parrot was so excited that his little eyes were shining: "After accumulating momentum, once this large array detonates, everything within a million miles will be transformed into chaos. It's so damn satisfying. Killing tens of thousands of mortals to sacrifice the array refining device

, this great formation can kill earthly immortals; kill hundreds of millions of mortals to sacrifice and refine the array, this great formation can kill heavenly immortals; if it can spare the lives of hundreds of billions of mortals, even golden immortals can be killed in one fell swoop


Yin Xuege was horrified when he heard this. He looked at the blood parrot in horror and cursed: "Who taught you these vicious things?"

The blood parrot raised his head triumphantly: "Master Bird has a biological father, and that old guy is not a good guy. Hey, Master Bird saw him using the Dragon-Breaking Vein Sand River Formation back then. Hehe, he

Killed tens of billions of creature sacrifice array refining tools, and completely reduced the entire territory of the Netherworld Phoenix Clan to naught who dared to resist the tax collector he sent."

Yin Xuege blinked his eyes. He looked at the slightly crazy blood parrot and said nothing for a while. What kind of father could he raise such a precious son?

The blood parrot patted his head with his wings in annoyance, and the blood parrot sighed in annoyance: "Tsk, Master Bird's brain is a little hard to use. He has forgotten what my biological father looked like. Also, Master Bird remembers

These are the only three powerful formations, and many other good things have been forgotten.”

"For example." Mr. Bird looked at Yin Xuege very troubledly: "I have the impression that there is a big formation. As long as a man is in that big formation, even Yu Wannu is strong and powerful, and can use the help of others.

Wan Nu Yin Yuan is constantly improving her cultivation, but Master Bird actually forgot how to arrange such a useful formation."

Yin Xuege was speechless. He completely gave up the idea of ​​letting Xue Parrot help with ideas. No matter how powerful those evil formations were, Yin Xuege couldn't do such a thing. Besides, even if Yin Xuege was so heartbroken and crazy, he was speechless.

Using these large formations to attack, where would you ask him to find those girls and boys for a while, where would you ask him to get rid of the resentment and ghosts of millions of mortals?

At this time, the scouts of the Fiddler Beasts had already walked onto the beach. After a while, the large army of Fiddler Beasts had already swarmed up, like a black wave rushing towards the woods.

Yin Xuege hurriedly stood up and looked in the direction of Nuluo. He saw Nuluo getting out of the way of the vanguard of the fiddler beasts. When the crowded army of fiddler beasts rushed past, he waved lightly.

The spear stabbed three tidal beasts.

Nun Luo's wooden spear is made of snake tooth wood. This kind of spear contains an extremely strong paralyzing toxin. Therefore, although Nun Luo is not very strong, it is enough to ensure that she can pierce the skin of the fiddler beast and let these animals escape.

The fiddler beast was numb and unable to move.

The mighty army of fiddler beasts ignored Nuluo, and instead broke into the woods and returned to the depths of the woods where they built their nests.

There was a sound of breaking wind in the distance, and the big men from the Black Tiger Gang appeared in time. They jumped up, and they jumped more than ten feet or even dozens of feet away. They laughed loudly and chatted with those who were hunting tidal beasts on the beach.

The men and women greeted each other and took two-thirds of the harvest of these hunters into their own pockets.

"Nonluo girl, there are three heads again today?" The tiger's big claws, who were very familiar with Nunluo, grabbed the two fiddler beasts lying at the feet of Nunluo, and patted her shoulders with a smile: "What a capable girl,

If a kid from that family can marry you, he will be blessed in the future."

Yanluo held her wooden spear and said nothing. Hu Dazhao's words reminded her of the man named Peng and his son she met last night. Although she was a little confused, Yanluo also knew that this did not seem to be a good thing.


Yin Xuege's feet moved slightly, and a breeze blew by. He had crossed hundreds of feet and came to Nuluo. He slapped the palm of the tiger's claw. After a crisp sound, the tiger's claw screamed in pain.

With a cry, he dropped the two fiddler beasts on his shoulders and took a few steps back in embarrassment.

He stepped back in panic, and the tiger's claws vigorously rubbed the back of his hand that had been slapped by Yin Xuege. With just a light blow, the back of the tiger's claws had swollen violently, and there were five clear finger prints.

It is rapidly turning red and blue, and then the bruised area turns blue-black.

"You are really promising for reaching out to a little girl." Yin Xuege looked at Tiger Claws indifferently: "You are also cultivators. It is not difficult to hunt these monsters. Why are you reaching out to Yanluo and the others?"

Any one of these big men from the Black Tiger Gang has the ability to slaughter all the hunters on the beach. If they just do it for food, their income in one day can allow them to live comfortably for half a year. But they don't

He hunted by himself, but came here to exploit these ordinary people, which made Yin Xuege feel very displeased.

If it was just about exploiting other people, it would be fine, but Tiger Claw actually attacked Yanluo. As a master, he couldn't keep silent, right?

Tiger Dazhao looked at Yin Xuege warily, and he roared in a low voice: "This is the rule set by the Black Tiger Gang. Within a thousand miles around, the Black Tiger Gang is the sky, and the Black Tiger Gang is the earth. The Black Tiger Gang has set it down

Even the king of heaven and I have to abide by these rules."

Suddenly a loud roar came from the side: "Brother Big Claw, that's this guy. This guy is not from our settlement. He is an outsider hooked up by this little gangster. This guy came from nowhere."

Outsiders coming out.”

Yin Xuege turned around and looked over, just in time to see the man surnamed Peng from last night holding a spear timidly and hiding behind two big men from the Black Tiger Gang. Seeing Yin Xuege looking towards him, Peng

The man surnamed suddenly shivered in fright and ran backwards like a frightened monkey.

Nearly a hundred big men from the Black Tiger Gang were approaching Yin Xuege at the same time. Some even pulled out daggers and daggers, and slashed intimidatingly, constantly making "chichi" sounds. A few big men with particularly burly bodies

He even pulled out his heavy axe, and ran towards Yin Xuege with fierce strides.

"Boy, you dare to provoke our Black Tiger Gang, you are impatient for life."

When Tiger Claw saw his companions rushing over for reinforcements, he suddenly gained infinite courage out of thin air. Although Yin Xuege's gentle slap just now almost broke his palm, Tiger Claw felt that he had so many

With brothers present, how strong can Yin Xuegue be, no matter how strong he is?

Feeling courageous, Tiger Claws rushed to Yin Xuege with several strides. Looking down at Yin Xuege, who was a head shorter than him, Tiger Claws laughed loudly: "Come on, kneel down obediently and kowtow to beg for mercy.

Master Zhao can let you live. By the way, tell me where you are from and why you came to our Black Tiger Gang's territory? By the way, the clothes you are wearing, tsk tsk, what kind of material are they?"

Looking greedily at the smooth gown on Yin Xuege's body, Tiger Claw's eyes turned green.

In the settlements controlled by the Black Tiger Gang, the clothes and boots worn by everyone are made of animal skins, and these animal skins have only been crudely processed, and many of the animal skins have not even been shaved clean. Such materials,

How can it compare with the monk's robe made of exotic silk and blessed with various cleaning formations on Yin Xuege's body?

"What material?" Yin Xuege looked at Tiger Claws, and his heart suddenly moved slightly.

There is really no need to waste words with these people from the Black Tiger Gang. Their strength is very strong. Compared with the monks in the outside world who have the same level of cultivation as them, these big men from the Black Tiger Gang are stronger both physically and in Qi.

Several times. If Yin Xuege can teach such monks more advanced cultivation techniques, it may not take long for him to have a powerful weapon under his command.

Over the past year or so, Yin Xuege had suffered enough from being hunted down. Fighting alone was too hard. If he could have a group of loyal subordinates who were not afraid of betrayal, many things would be easier to do.

When it comes to loyal subordinates, what is more reliable than the blood servants of the blood demon clan?

With a strange laugh, Yin Xuege looked at the tiger's claws and said softly: "I will give you almost eternal life, and you only need to sacrifice your body and soul. You have earned this deal. I have to be here with you

How much life essence and blood was wasted on these bastards?"

His hands were as fast as lightning, and before the tiger's claws could react, Yin Xuege had already grabbed his shoulders and pressed hard.

The tiger's claws howled miserably, and his shoulder blades made a cracking sound, and he was forced to kneel to the ground. Yin Xuege turned his head, opened his mouth and bit his neck fiercely. Four pieces.

The inch-long sharp canines poked out, and Yin Xuege frantically sucked the blood from the tiger's claws.

Tiger Claw's tall and burly body twitched violently, and he could feel his blood being drained away quickly like an ebbing tide. The shadow of death enveloped Tiger Claw's heart, and he screamed hysterically: "Monster, monster

,Ghost, help, brothers, help.”

Several big men holding heavy axes rushed up, swung the axes and slashed at Yin Xuege.

Yanluo screamed. She grabbed the wooden spear and stabbed a big man holding a big ax fiercely. At the same time, she shouted sternly: "Don't hit my master."

The big man didn't even look at Nuluo, and kicked Nuluo away more than ten steps.

"F-fuck!" the blood parrot cursed angrily, turned into a streak of blood and rushed over, hitting the big man with one wing until his face was full of peach blossoms, and his face was almost flattened: "Boss Bird's

Disciple, you dare to fight? It is lawless, it is simply lawless. Is there any justice in this? Is there any law in this? Lord Bird has always been the only one who bullies others, who dares to bully Lord Bird’s people in front of Lord Bird?"

The big man who was hit by the blood parrot's wings fainted and fell to the ground without even making a sound. There was a chaos on the beach. More than a dozen big men armed with daggers and daggers hacked at the blood parrot, while the blood parrot cursed and cursed.

At the same time, he flapped his wings randomly.

It's a pity that these big men have no idea what kind of monster they are facing. Their daggers and daggers are not able to cut even the blood parrot's feathers when they hit it. But when the blood parrot's wings flap, they can hit it.

They fainted and fell to the ground with blood on their faces.

In just a few breaths, fifty or sixty big men were knocked down by the blood parrots.

The big men from the Black Tiger Gang who surrounded Yin Xuege screamed as if they had seen a ghost. Their heavy swords slashed at Yin Xuege's body, but they were blocked by a soft light curtain emitted by his long robe.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't even damage the seemingly light and thin gown.

Although Yin Xuege was only wearing an ordinary magic weapon-level gown, it was still enough to neutralize the attacks of these big men.

Tiger Claw's body twitched violently, his face turned pale, and the breath of life was gradually draining from his body. When most of the blood in Tiger Claw's body was drained, Yin Xuege opened his

mouth, and dropped a few drops of his own life essence and blood into his mouth.

Tiger Claw's body beat violently, like a skinned bullfrog. A faint layer of blood mist enveloped Tiger Claw's body, and there were constant 'gurgling' sounds in his body, and his skin gradually

It became white, and eventually turned into the pale white color unique to the blood demon clan.

With a long roar, the tiger's big claws suddenly jumped up, and a pair of black and ugly bat wings spread out behind him. The bat wings, about two meters wide, flapped gently.

Then, he released a thick blood mist that enveloped his whole body.

The Immortal Land was filled with rich Netherworld energy. The most sinister and evil Netherworld energy blocked the sun from harming the big claws of the newly born Blood Demon Tiger. He excitedly jumped into the air and flew around Yin Xuege lightly. Circle. Then the tiger's big claws landed heavily on the ground. A little at a loss, he looked at Yin Xuege, then knelt on the ground in awe, pressing his forehead tightly against Yin Xuege's boots.

The other big men from the Black Tiger Gang were stunned to death. They screamed hysterically and ran around shouting words like "ghost" and "monster". Yin Xuege looked at these big men. He glanced at him and smiled coldly.

"No one can escape, please come here."

The beach was filled with screams and screams. An hour later, a total of ninety-eight men from the Black Tiger Gang who had been transformed into blood demons stood respectfully in front of Yin Xuege.

Looking at these 'descendants' who were respectful and obedient to him, Yin Xuege nodded with satisfaction.

"Take me to see your gang leader. I think he won't object to his suddenly becoming immortal, right?" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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