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Chapter 178: God and Man Invasion

Bits of golden light kept flashing in Du'e's eyes, and a large amount of information continued to flow into Yin Xuege's mind.

"Nine-turn golden elixir is personally refined by Immortal Daluo Jinxian. One pill becomes an earthly immortal, two pills turn into a heavenly immortal, and three pills directly become a golden immortal." Du'e's eyes were filled with golden light, and his face also changed.

It becomes more and more twisted and weird.

And Yin Xuege was also frightened when he heard that three elixirs actually directly made people achieve the Golden Immortal Way. What bastard offered so much reward for his own life? Immortal Court? Xuantian Mansion? Who is he?

But looking at Du'e's distorted face, Yin Xuege vaguely felt that something seemed a little wrong. If someone really paid such a sky-high price for his life, why didn't Yiye know about it? On the contrary, his status and strength were far inferior to Yiye's.

Do you know about the disaster?

"I am currently in the third difficult state. I don't know how much hard work I have to do before I can become an Earth Immortal." Du'e squinted his eyes, and the golden light in his eyes became more intense: "If I can get the three Nine-turn Golden Pills, do you know that in the

What does it mean to be a golden immortal in the fairy world?”

Looking at Du'e coldly, Yin Xuege stretched out his neck: "Then, let's do it?"

Du'e's body stiffened slightly. He clenched his fists and stared at Yin Xuege for a long time. Then he looked helplessly in the direction of the wheel of merit and sighed softly. He patted

He patted Yin Xuege on the shoulder and said slowly: "Take care of yourself, your life is very precious now."

With a sneer, Du E slowly stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, put his hands together and bowed in the direction of the wheel of merit. With a finger, a white cloud appeared under his feet, and Du E floated on top of the cloud.

, and soon flew high into the sky.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the cliff, Yin Xuege squinted and recalled the thrilling words Du E said.

"This kid is talking nonsense." The blood parrot who had been standing on Yin Xuege's shoulder raised his head, squinted his small eyes and looked at Du E's retreating back. He laughed ferociously: "This kid wants to

He's making trouble, but he can't hide it from Master Bird. He feels guilty, and his words are obviously lies."

Yin Xuege squinted his eyes, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

If what Du'e said was true, then how did the person who offered a bounty from the Immortal Court know that he was still alive? And he also took out three Nine-turn Golden Pills to offer a bounty on his life? This kind of thing will definitely make a big fuss and everyone will know.

Why didn't Yiye react at all, but Du'e took action?

If Du'e's words are false, then why does he have such a weird reaction to his name?

"He came for me." Yin Xuege slapped the blood parrot on the head.

"Enemies." The blood parrot clicked his lips. He sniffed Yin Xuege's scent vigorously, and then shook his head: "It's not an enemy. On the contrary, the smell of your blood is very similar. Master Bird is here.

There is no mistake about it, distinguishing other people’s blood and aura is a talent that all members of Master Bird’s family have. After all, Master Bird…”

Before he finished speaking, a dazzling brilliance suddenly burst out in the night sky.

Yin Xuege looked up in surprise, and saw tens of thousands of meteors tearing apart the night sky, collapsing from high altitudes with long flames. The vitality of heaven and earth above the Immortal Land fluctuated violently, and Liangyi Star

The high-altitude wind layer was shattered by the meteors, and the shattered wind turned into a white waterfall visible to the naked eye, falling from the high altitude. The winds rubbed against each other, making a terrifying sound.

Countless terrifying consciousnesses swept across the earth, and violent and barbaric consciousnesses came like a tide. These consciousnesses contained murderous messages - 'die', 'kill', 'destroy everything', simple and crude

The information was almost solidified, causing stars to flash in front of Yin Xuege's eyes.

The bright light approached quickly, and two dazzling meteors roared directly towards the dojo of Gongdeyuan.

Yiye's voice echoed throughout a hundred miles, and she shouted softly: "Who the devil dares to break into my Xuankong Temple dojo?"

"Bald thief, kill." A group of meteors roared and exploded. A strong figure two meters tall rushed out of the fire with a long knife, and slashed Kazuye with his knife in the air. As he swung the knife

When the sword came out, the air around him rolled violently, and the howling wind gathered from all around, concentrated on the man's knife head, and turned into a sword dragon that was hundreds of miles long and fell straight down.

Yiye raised her hands, and a golden cloud spurted out from her palms accompanied by Sanskrit singing, facing the roaring wind dragon.

With a loud noise, the wind dragon exploded, and countless blade-like hurricanes swept across the surrounding area for hundreds of miles. Yin Xuege stood firmly on the ground, the hurricanes coming towards him tore at his body, and the black wind knives visible to the naked eye were rubbing against each other.

His skin made an ear-piercing scream.

The pavilion of Gongdeyuan suspended in mid-air was chopped to pieces with a knife, and countless monks flew up from the courtyard angrily. Hundreds of monks among them were caught by the wind dragon and were torn to pieces on the spot. More monks

As soon as he took off, he was swept into the turbulent hurricane and torn to pieces by the wind knife.

Another meteor fell almost grazing Kazuyo's body. After the spark exploded, the same burly figure sprang out from it. This man was different from his companions. As soon as he appeared, he smashed directly into the earth. Then the surrounding mountains

It began to tremble violently, and the ground undulated violently like water waves. Suddenly, a big hand made of rock stretched out from the ground, and then slammed onto the ground.

The earth was boiling like gruel, and a thousand-meter-tall rock giant slowly climbed up from the ground. Near the heart of the rock giant, a strong man with a gray-white body was suspended there, and streams of energy were emitted from his body.

The entire rock giant was tightly wrapped in the earth-yellow airflow.

As soon as the giant appeared, he grabbed a hill on the ground and threw it towards the monks of Xuankong Temple who were flying all over the sky.

The hundred-meter-high hill suddenly rubbed against the air, and soon turned into a blazing fireball. Dozens of monks were hit by the burning hill, and they couldn't even howl out.

It was smashed into a piece of flesh by the mountain and soon burned to ashes.

The hill was thrown hundreds of miles away, and he hit hard on the towering tombstone of an ancient mausoleum, causing the tombstone to burst into flames. The huge ancient mausoleum group trembled slightly.

, the ancient tombstones everywhere were shaking slightly.

"You remnants, how dare you invade our Qiaoyan territory?" Kazuye released a stream of golden clouds to resist the strong man holding a big sword, and at the same time he grabbed a golden wooden fish and smashed it towards the rock giant. The wooden fish was originally only the size of a palm.

When it was released, it became a hundred feet in diameter, and like a hill, it smashed down on the giant's head.

"What a vicious nun." The strong man suspended near the heart of the rock giant laughed wildly: "What is Qiaoyanyu? We can come and leave when we want, so what can you do? I heard that you will bring Lianyi Star to you.

All the monks above the Immortal Ascension Realm have been taken away, so we specially came to visit."

The rock giant pulled up the two hills next to it and smashed the wooden fish that fell from above its head.

With a loud noise, the wooden fish was blown hundreds of feet high, and the two hills were blown into countless boulders flying in all directions. One of the boulders hit Yin Xuege directly. Yin Xuege snorted coldly, and he took it up

An afterimage avoided the boulders flying in the sky, and then rushed towards the small building where Nuluo, Qingqiu Yan and the others lived as fast as possible.

Another meteor fell, landing just in front of Yin Xuege. A slim and beautiful girl rushed out from the exploding meteor. The girl with long silver hair looked at Yin Xuege expressionlessly.

With a clap of his hands, a ten-meter-thick wall of black ice suddenly appeared in front of Yin Xuege.

Looking at the black ice wall shining with a faint blue light, Yin Xuege let out a long roar and bumped into it.

With a loud noise, the Xuanbing wall collapsed, and a huge wound opened on Yin Xuege's forehead. Blood continued to flow out. But the blood flowing out was like a living thing, hovering slightly on his face.

After a while, it flowed back into the wound obediently, and the bone-deep wound healed quickly.

The silver-haired girl looked at Yin Xuege in horror. When she saw Yin Xuege still rushing toward her with blood on his face, she screamed at a loss.

The rock giant more than ten miles away turned sharply and looked over. The big man suspended near the giant's heart roared angrily: "A group of young chicks who have never been on the battlefield are really troublesome! You little girls are lying on the ground.

It’s enough to have a baby in bed, but let you go to war? What idiot with a brain stuffed in his butt made this decision?”

While cursing, the big man controlled the rock giant to grab a large boulder from the ground and threw it fiercely at Yin Xuege.

The rock giant was extremely powerful. The boulder, which was tens of meters in diameter, arrived in front of Yin Xuege as fast as lightning, and was about to hit his body. However, Yin Xuege's body shook, and dozens of blood shadows exploded, and his

His body slipped past the boulder like a ghost. There was a flash of blood on his body, and a blood lotus in his dantian turned into a suit of armor and wrapped around his body.

With a sword cry, ten identical blood-singing swords shot out from his fingers. As his mind changed, the ten blood-singing swords suddenly exploded into thousands of sword shadows. The sky was filled with sword lights flashing.

, the silver-haired girl had no time to dodge, and was stabbed into a sieve by the rapidly passing sword shadow.

The blood parrot jumped on the girl. He obscenely rubbed her face with his claws, and his two wings circled around the girl's neck like steel knives. A "Puff" sound was heard.

The girl's head flew high into the air and was blown dozens of meters away by the blood parrot's wings.

"Let's go!" Yin Xuege roared and continued to fly forward with the blood parrot.

But just after running less than two miles, a vicious sneer came from behind, and dozens of huge ice spikes roared and smashed down on Yin Xuege. Yin Xuege hurriedly turned around and saw dozens of long ice spikes.

Three meters away, sharp silvery-white ice spikes rained down like arrows, and the person controlling these ice spikes was the silver-haired girl who had just been beheaded and had at least a hundred holes in her body.

"We are born gods, how can you mere mortals kill us?" The silver-haired girl's face turned a little pale, and her breath became weaker, but there were no wounds on her body, as if she had been beheaded just now.

It's like an illusion.

Meteors continued to fall one after another, and the invading enemies and the monks stationed here at Gongdeyuan started a fierce fight. Soon, shrill screams could be heard everywhere, and many monks turned around after killing their enemies.

He went to help his fellow disciples, but he didn't expect that the enemies who had been killed suddenly jumped up and killed these monks instead.

The same was true for Yin Xuege. The silver-haired girl suddenly resurrected and attacked him with dozens of ice spikes. He never thought that such a thing as resurrection from the dead would happen. Dozens of ice spikes hit him with a harsh whistling sound.

body, knocking his body far away.

But it only flew away, and the ice spikes exploded into pieces on Yin Xuege's chest, but failed to damage his blood-colored armor at all. Obviously, the armor transformed from the blood lotus on the sea of ​​​​blood in the dantian is comparable to

Ordinary magic weapons are much tougher.

"All disciples of Gongdeyuan listen to the order. These people are the remnants of the ancient gods. If you want to kill them, you must beat them to pieces and completely wipe out their Taoist imprint."

Dealing with two powerful enemies at the same time, Yiye spoke in the middle of her busy schedule. Not only did she speak, she also cast a ray of Buddha's light and enveloped a tall man who was rushing around with great courage. The golden Buddha's light covered the generals layer by layer.

The big man's skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs were burned to ashes, and finally a crystal object the size of a thumb was crafted from his body.

As soon as the Buddha's light shook, the crystal-like object immediately shattered into countless fragments, and soon disappeared with the wind. The big man disappeared between heaven and earth, and could never regain his human form.

Yin Xuege jumped up and laughed at the silver-haired girl: "So that's it? It's not difficult to kill you."

Emotionally, these people are just like the Blood Demon Clan. The Blood Demon Clan’s fatal wound is the heart. As long as the heart is not attacked, the Blood Demon can quickly recover by devouring blood essence. These so-called descendants of gods, the crystals in their bodies are them.

's fatal weakness.

But it was strange. While Yin Xuege rushed towards the silver-haired girl, he asked himself puzzledly. Those gods in the Eighteen Forbidden Temples of the Netherworld do not have crystals in their bodies. What is their situation? Perhaps,

It's because these incoming enemies are too weak and the five gods are too powerful. Those gods have surpassed the limitations of these Taoist imprints.

The silver-haired girl didn't expect that Yin Xuege would be hit by the ice spike she condensed with all her strength, and she would rush forward as if nothing had happened.

Her strength is equivalent to the realm of a monk, which is equivalent to the peak of Nascent Soul, and the descendants of gods are more consistent with the laws of heaven and earth. They are the concrete embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. Therefore, the ice spells of the silver-haired girl are even comparable to those of monks in the realm of the gods.


But Yin Xuege’s skin was not even injured at all!

The silver-haired girl looked at Yin Xuege incomprehensibly. She couldn't understand why such a thing happened. A cold light flashed in her pupils, and she suddenly looked at the bloody armor on Yin Xuege. Everything was this suit of armor.

Because of A, it must be right.

Yin Xuege had already rushed up, and another blood lotus condensed into a large square brick. The immobilizing spell was fully activated, and the silver-haired girl's body suddenly froze. The brick whizzed down and the silver-haired girl was miserable.

With a howl, the bricks were smashed into the ground by the bloody bricks.

The blood parrot rushed up, opened his claws, and grabbed the silver-haired girl's shoulder, making her unable to move again.

Yin Xuege rushed to the side of the silver-haired girl, and a bloody light spurted out from his Dantian. Tens of thousands of blood sea ghost soldiers no more than the size of sesame seeds roared out and rushed to the silver-haired girl along with the bloody light. These were

The ghost soldiers transformed from the souls of the monsters and birds killed by Yin Xuege roared crazily, opened their claws and clawed at the silver-haired girl, and bit her randomly.

The silver-haired girl let out a sharp scream, and she was torn into countless pieces in a burst of blood and flesh. The blood sea ghost soldiers happily devoured her flesh and blood, and in the end, only a silver-white faceted crystal remained.

Just when Yin Xuege was about to take action, the blood parrot had already swallowed the crystal in one gulp. Waves of cold air rippled on his feathers. The blood parrot sighed with enjoyment and blew out a light cold air: "A

A few insignificant traces of water-based Taoism are good, not bad. It can add thirty to fifty years of Taoism to Master Bird. It’s very good. It’s really good.”

The blood parrot's eyes were filled with blood. He looked at the attacking enemies around him and grunted greedily.

Yin Xuege grabbed him, turned into a ray of blood and rushed towards the small building where Nuluo and the others lived. The small building had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and an enemy covered in sticky flames was spitting out fierce flames.

, it burned so much that the surrounding rocks turned into lava.

In the distance, Yin Xuege heard the constant screams of his subordinates.

There were more and more enemies in all directions, and their strength was getting stronger and stronger. The guy with the flames all over his body had the strength equivalent to the peak of the Immortal Ascension Realm. Facing such powerful enemies, Yin Xuege's subordinates couldn't resist at all. Only then

After fighting for a long time, nearly a hundred monks under Yin Xuege had been killed by the enemy.

Yanluo's whole body was spewing out rich ghost energy, and she released three blue-black whirlwinds several feet high that circled around her body rapidly. She protected Qingqiu Yan behind her. Wherever the three whirlwinds passed, the surrounding flames disappeared without a trace.

There is no trace, and the whirlwind continuously releases biting cold air, which offsets the power of those flames.

The Huo Man quickly noticed the existence of Yan Luo. The aura exuding from Yan Luo was only at the level of the Golden Core Realm, but she was actually able to persist under the Fire Man for so long, and her actual combat power was even better than that of the Blood Python.

Those Nascent Soul cultivators are much stronger.

"This girl's qualifications are so good, she must be killed." Huo Ren roared in a low voice: "The better the qualifications of the monks, the more they must be killed. Come with me, this girl cannot be kept."

A sharp scream came from a distance, and Pyro's body suddenly shook.

Yin Xuege kept making soul-splitting bat sounds, and rushed over with a bloody light. From a distance, he had already slashed out with his sword. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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