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Chapter 218 Attack

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Yuyun Prefecture is the upper level of the Immortal Palace of Xuantian Mansion. It governs an Immortal Mansion of the same size or even larger than Xuantian Mansion, with a population of 800.

In the vast starry sky, 360 monk planets with a diameter of more than 10 billion miles follow a wonderful trajectory, rotating around a huge continent. This continent is roughly circular, and all the monk planets around it are added together.

It is only one percent of its size, which shows how huge this continent is.

In addition to those huge planets, there are also some small fairy mountains floating around this continent. These fairy mountains are only about 1,800 miles in diameter. They have mountains and waters on them, beautiful scenery, abundant spiritual energy, and a large number of palaces and pavilions built on them.

There are a total of 800 fairy mountains. On each fairy mountain, there is a tall archway standing in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. On the plaque above, the words "Xuantianfu", "Xuancefu" and "Xuanjifu" are written in the immortal tadpole script.

' and other words.

There are eight hundred immortal mansions under the rule of Yuyunzhou, and there are eight hundred immortal mountains floating in the sky above the land mass.

On a fairy mountain at the edge, a starry sky teleportation teleportation formation suddenly spewed out a dazzling golden haze, and billowing auspicious clouds spread in all directions. Dozens of immortal officials standing around the fairy formation, which was hundreds of miles in diameter, hurriedly bowed and saluted.

I heard the sound of low drums and trumpets, and 30,000 immortal soldiers and generals riding dragons, celestial horses and other mounts rushed out of the immortal formation and quickly spread out in the surroundings. Then the auspicious aura of cigarette smoke rose, one by one.

Boys and girls holding incense burners, palace lanterns and other ceremonial guards walked out of the immortal formation step by step.

There are a total of 3,600 of these boys and girls, each one of them as pink as a silver doll. They all have a small white cloud under their feet, and with every step they take, their figures float forward.

Traveling hundreds of feet, you can just keep up with the speed of those dragons and Pegasus.

Behind these boys and girls, thousands of tall yellow scarf warriors strode out wearing heavy armor, holding various flags, long streamers, cloud covers and other objects. Many of the yellow scarf warriors were accompanied by a tame ferocious monster.

Or a tiger, or a long snake, or a dragon, or a giant mammoth beast. Each of these monsters grinds their teeth and exhales, with cold light in their eyes, they look really scary.

After the yellow scarf warriors, accompanied by low chanting, the eight hundred monks from Xuankong Temple, wearing gorgeous monk robes and cassocks, emitted rays of Buddha light that illuminated half of the sky, and slowly walked out of the immortal formation.

Behind the monks in Xuankong Temple are eight hundred female nuns from Qiongxueya. They all have beautiful faces, but are as cold as ice and hard to get close to. Luo Xuehua, the leader of the group, has eyes that look like blades, which is intimidating.

.Especially because her whole body was filled with an invisible layer of cold energy, which gave her even more power out of thin air.

Behind them are the masters of immortals from many immortal sects and families in Xuantian Mansion. They are dressed in various colorful clothes, and they are walking out of the sky arrogantly on clouds or riding various immortal bird mounts. These immortals are all seventh- and eighth-grade.

, there are tens of thousands of people with nine levels of Taoism.

After these immortals, there were tens of thousands of yellow scarf warriors. These yellow scarf warriors wore red belts around their waists and were naked from the waist up. Their shouts were like thunder. They walked out slowly in pairs carrying huge burdens. These burdens

There are piles of all kinds of orbs, jade, fine gold, tortoise shells and other objects piled high on top, and they are all rare things that cannot be seen in the mortal world. For example, the smallest of the orbs is as big as a basket.

In addition to these luxurious and wealthy things, what the Yellow Turban warriors brought out were more various cultivation resources.

For example, various refined rare metal minerals, various rare elixirs and herbs, top-quality fairy stones, etc. Especially those top-quality fairy stones that are the size of a palm and polished according to standard specifications, which cost at least tens of billions.

Above. Most of these top-grade immortal stones are placed in special storage magic weapons. Only a small part is placed out for the yellow scarf warriors to carry forward.

This is also the unspoken rule of paying tribute to the Immortal Court. Some samples of various tributes must be placed outside to show the wealth and majesty of the Immortal Court.

Xuantian Mansion is so big, with more than 100,000 monks and planets under its control, and it only pays tribute to Yuyun State once in 360 years. It is conceivable that the tribute required is a huge and shocking wealth. Those tens of billions of top-quality goods

The Immortal Stone is just an insignificant part of the tribute paid by Xuantian Mansion this time.

After these yellow scarf warriors walked out, another 100,000 beautiful female nuns came out wearing all light-colored palace skirts. They were different from the yellow scarf warriors who carried huge mountain-like loads. They just held various kinds of beautiful jade in their hands.

The jade plate was made with some small but extremely precious tributes placed on it.

For example, a few drops of terrestrial essence brewed by millions of years of stalactites, a centipede bead nourished from the head of a million-year-old sky centipede, or a centipede conceived in the body of a three-million-year-old peach tree essence.

A piece of mahogany essence is like a piece of 'Wutu Dao Fei' bred from the belly of a fairy mountain that has stood for hundreds of millions of years.

These treasures are rare, rare, and small in size, but they have a huge effect on those who cultivate immortality.

Especially the piece of Wutu Taoist body, which has a great effect on the breakthrough of the peak golden immortal to the Daluo realm. The various tributes held in the hands of these 100,000 female cultivators, if converted into the best immortal stone, are enough to use the immortal stone

Crushed a golden immortal to death.

Following these female cultivators came out, 1,200 personal guards with helmets and armor, whose cultivation had reached the realm of immortals. They were surrounded by a flying chariot dragged by two heavenly dragons, and slowly emerged from the immortal formation.

walked out.

In the flying chariot, Yin Xuege was dressed in the official uniform of the Xuantian Mansion, with a jade plaque and immortal seal hanging on his waist. He was holding an upturned jade in his hand. He was sitting on the flying chariot like a wood carving made of clay, looking at the vast scenery outside with a frown.

A mighty team.

Behind the flying chariot, there were another 3,600 tall and powerful yellow scarf warriors, followed closely by a hundred thousand immortal soldiers and generals. Behind these immortal soldiers and generals, there were a large number of

The monks from various immortal sects and big families of Xuantian Mansion specially followed Xuantian Mansion's tribute team to express their gratitude to the governor of Yuyun Prefecture.

The so-called "Leshu" is a more elegant way of saying it. In other words, these monks from the Immortal Sect and the family, who took advantage of the Xuantian Mansion's high-profile visit to pay tribute, also came to Yuyun Prefecture to improve relations and send some local products.

.To put it more bluntly, these Immortal Sects and families, in addition to Xuantian Mansion's official tribute share, gave a generous 'donation' to the officials of Yuyun Prefecture.

The monks of these Immortal Sects and families, most of the various "local specialties" they "le lose" come directly from the Xuantian Mansion's treasury. But Xuantian Mansion cannot openly give gifts to the officials of the upper-level Immortal Mansion.

Yes, this is an act strictly prohibited by the Immortal Court.

But Xianting can only control Xuantian Mansion from giving gifts to superior officials. You can't control the "Leshu" of those immortals and monks under Xuantian Mansion?

Therefore, the local specialties of Xuantian Mansion were sent in a different way, and were sent to the warehouses of the officials and immortal officials of Yuyun Prefecture in a grand manner. And the official orders of Xuantian Prefecture naturally left a mark in the hearts of the Shangguan officials in Yuyun Prefecture.

With a good impression, there will be opportunities for promotion and relocation in the future, and naturally no one will cause trouble inside. And for this tribute paid once every 360 years, Xuantian Mansion will naturally receive an extremely high evaluation.

"It's really dark, it's really rotten, it's really hypocritical, it's true and false Taoism." The blood parrot lay on top of Yin Xuege's official hat, looking disdainfully at the mighty tribute team outside the cloud chariot: "In the underworld, the ghosts above

If the Emperor Demon Lord wants something, he will directly reach out to the little city lord below to ask for it. Anyone who dares not to give it will be directly destroyed. The fairy court actually engages in "Leshu"!"

With a heavy spit, the blood parrot mocked: "When you become a bitch, you have to take off your pants. And you have to build an archway to cover it up. Hey, you immortals are just a bunch of hypocrites."

Yin Xuege sat upright for a long time. He felt pain in his waist. After hearing Xue Parrot's complaint, he simply threw the jade tree to his side, leaned crookedly on the throne, and thumped his waist hard.


"I also said that these tribute items were packed with a hundred Qiankun Immortal Rings. Three or five of us used the Teleportation Immortal Formation to come to Yunzhou, hand over the items and forget about it." Yin Xuege was very happy.

He looked at the tribute team outside melancholy: "However, this is related to the majesty of the Immortal Court. It must be announced that the Immortal Court is burning with fire and the oil is cooking, and the flowers are blooming. It must be such a big scene."

To be honest, when those immortal officials who were proficient in all kinds of etiquette in the Immortal Court explained to Yin Xuege the minimum composition of the tribute team, Yin Xuege felt heartbroken. If nothing else, the tribute team of hundreds of thousands of people,

Eating, drinking, and having sex is a huge expense, not to mention teleporting directly from Xuantian Mansion to Qiyun Prefecture. The cost of teleporting to the Immortal Formation is an astronomical amount of Immortal Stones.

However, the Xianting family has a great cause, so this consumption is naturally not in the hearts of those high-ranking Immortal Emperors and Immortals. Xianting has formulated strict etiquette specifications, and the following Immortal Houses naturally have to act in accordance with these specifications.

, otherwise it will insult the majesty of the Immortal Court, which is a serious crime.

A piece of fairy light rippled ahead, and hundreds of huge fairy cranes carrying a group of immortal officials and officials came towards us.

An immortal official wearing a red immortal robe shouted loudly from a distance: "Xiaguan Yunzhou Postmaster visited Master Xuantian Mansion and invited your team to follow Xiaguan to the state capital.

Don’t mess up the steps.”

Lines of fairy light rushed toward the sky, and the cyan fairy lights intertwined with each other in the void, forming a thoroughfare hundreds of miles wide in the vast starry sky. This avenue extended from the fairy mountain transmitted by Yin Xuege and others to

The huge and unparalleled continent in front of us, this avenue is tens of millions of miles long, and every hundred miles along the way, there is a pair of boys and girls holding incense burners standing on the roadside.

Several golden phoenixes flew slowly high in the sky. The phoenixes held huge flower baskets under their claws. Fairies were flying beside the flower baskets, constantly throwing down the fragrant fairy flowers from the high altitude. Gold, jade, purple, colorful

As soon as the beautiful fairy flowers touched the avenue composed of blue fairy light, they immediately turned into a wisp of incense and drifted away, and the air was suddenly filled with fragrance.

"Get up!" Yin Xuege shouted feebly.

An immortal official standing outside the cloud chariot had raised a ray of fairy light to greet the Yi Cheng. He bowed his hands to the Yi Cheng, and the Yi Cheng returned the salute with a smile. After that, the two of them were like old people who had not seen each other for many years.

They held each other's hands tightly like friends, and exchanged a few lukewarm and non-nutritious nonsense words very enthusiastically.

Just with this handshake, a Qiankun Immortal Ring was naturally stuffed into the Yi Cheng's sleeve.

Yi Cheng's smile became brighter and brighter. He and the hundreds of immortal officials and officials around him shouted loudly at the same time. Hundreds of cranes rose into the sky and flew rapidly along the green road towards the Immortal Mansion of Yuyun Province.


Xuantian Mansion's tribute team also followed the post officials and flew to Yuyun Prefecture following the order.

Standing on both sides of the avenue condensed with green fairy light, every hundred miles or so there is a pair of boys and girls holding incense burners to welcome guests. The immortal officials of Xuantian Mansion have already made preparations. Every time the team passes a pair of boys and girls, there will be

An exquisite Qiankun bag fell silently into the incense burner in their hands.

Then the smiles of these boys and girls became brighter and brighter.

Yanluo stood next to Yin Xuege, curiously looking at the activities outside through the window of the cloud carriage. Seeing the small actions of the immortal officials of Xuantian Mansion, Yanluo couldn't help but smile: "Hehe, if it is the Yanluo sect

People welcome guests, and a couple of people stand every three steps. Wouldn’t this be a way to get a lot of good things?”

There are not many things in those Qiankun bags, but they are quite a lot. It is roughly enough for a Golden Core Realm monk to successfully cultivate all the elixirs, spiritual stones, and a set of low-grade magic weapon-level equipment needed to reach the peak of the Immortal Movement Realm. If

According to what Yan Luo said, a pair of boys and girls would be lined up every three steps on both sides of this tens of millions of miles long avenue. This cost is really not small.

Reaching out and patting Yanluo's head hard, Yin Xuege sighed: "Nunluo, if you are allowed to take charge of the concierge department of the Immortal Courtyard in the future, you will definitely squeeze out the last bit of bone marrow in the various levels of the Immortal Mansion below.

Come out. Don’t look too ugly when you eat. A couple of children and a girl in a hundred miles is already a big expense."

Youquan stuck his head out of the window, glanced at the small fairy mountain behind, and then nodded seriously.

"No wonder they want to build each fairy teleportation formation on a fairy mountain separately. Relationships can still be so beneficial."

Yin Xuege patted Youquan's head and said seriously: "Youquan, this is not about getting benefits, it is to promote the great power of our Immortal Court. Let the common people on the ground see it and take a look at us.

How beautiful is the Fairy Garden?"

The tribute team composed of hundreds of thousands of people stretched for more than 200 miles, bringing forth rays of fairy light across the void.

Following the guidance of the cyan avenue, it took Yin Xuege and his tribute team three days to arrive at the heart of the mainland where Yuyun State is located. Then, under the leadership of Na Yi Cheng, the mighty tribute team headed toward the state.

Where the mansion was, he flew over unhurriedly.

The team flew forward at an altitude of less than a thousand meters above the ground. Countless huge cities and countless villages could be seen along the way. When the tribute team passed those cities and villages, countless civilians on the ground knelt down and worshiped, and the monks and

The immortals also stepped aside one after another, and respectfully bowed down or bowed their heads.

Even some casual cultivators at the level of immortals respectfully saluted the tribute team from a distance. Some immortals who were practicing in seclusion indoors felt the passing of the tribute team and flew out to greet the tribute team.

The team salutes endlessly.

Yin Xuege couldn't help but nod secretly, this is the majesty of Xianting.

To mortals, they are immortals, immortal gods. To those monks and immortals, they are aloof and represent the most orthodox and powerful authority in the entire immortal world.

He suddenly remembered what the First Supreme said when he was in Hongmeng mainland.

‘An orthodox identity’, indeed, Fairy Court is orthodox in the fairy world, and an orthodox identity is so important.

Thinking about the ghost generals transformed into those heavenly immortals, earth immortals and scattered immortals in the sea of ​​blood, it can even show the benefits of Yin Xuege's orthodox status and power. If it were Yin Xuege himself, he would want

It is almost impossible to get so many ghost generals.

But he is the order of Xuantian Mansion. He only needs to give an order, and the many prisoners on death row in the heavenly prison will let him do whatever he wants. And the hundreds of thousands of monks under his command have all the manpower and material resources at his disposal. This is what it means to have an orthodox identity.

Comes with huge benefits.

"Perhaps there is some truth in what dad said." Yin Xuege said to himself as he grabbed the blood parrot from his head and smashed his head with his knuckles until it made a 'bump' sound.


At this moment, the tribute team was flying over a huge city. The city lord and officials had already set up incense tables to greet and salute from a distance. However, an earth-shattering demonic energy suddenly rushed out from a mansion, and there was a loud noise.

, the huge mansion covering an area of ​​more than a thousand acres was completely blown away, and a dark hole was exposed on the spot, and a black demonic energy rushed up.

The strong demonic energy directly impacted Yin Xuege's Yunchai. The Yunchaan shook violently and emitted rays of fairy light to resist the erosion of the demonic aura.

Before the many immortal soldiers, immortal generals and yellow scarf warriors around Yin Xuege could react, a black dragon with blood-red eyes roared out of the cave, dragging dozens of golden chains as thick as arms along with it.

With a large amount of magic light and black flames, it crashed into Yin Xuege's Yun Chai.

The aura of this demonic dragon was extremely astonishing, at least the strength of a high-level immortal. All the protective restrictions on Yin Xuege's Yunchao were smashed into pieces by the demonic dragon, and then the Yunchao itself was also rammed by the demonic dragon.


Yin Xuege roared loudly, hugged Nuluo and Youquan and flew into the sky.

The demonic dragon opened its bloody mouth and fiercely swallowed the two flying dragons pulling Yin Xuege's cart.

There was a "click" and two wails, and the two flying dragons raised by Xuantian Mansion specifically for pulling carts were swallowed up cleanly by the demonic dragon.

Everyone was overwhelmed by this sudden change. How many eras had there been no mistakes in the tribute team of Yuyun Province?

Especially the city lord and officials of this city were so frightened that their knees weakened and they knelt directly on the ground.

If something like this happens on their territory, no matter how powerful their backers are, they can't keep their official positions or even their lives.

After the demon dragon swallowed the two flying dragons, its red eyes suddenly stared at Yin Xuege, and when it opened its mouth, a jet of black poisonous flames spat out. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature for more novel updates.

Good to update faster!)

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