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Chapter two hundred and seventy seventh dragon villain

The Yellow Turban Warriors do not practice Taoism and do not store magic power. They only have good strength and three or two simple but practical natal magical powers. The most important of them, and the biggest factor for the immortals to cultivate the Yellow Turban Warriors, is that they can move mountains and seas and are proficient in civil engineering.


The Ghost Dao Ancestor of the Tombs asked Yin Xuege to choose twenty monks whose strength was no greater than his. Yin Xuege thought about it for a while. His cultivation level was only a first-grade Earth Immortal. In a place like Xiaoyandang, what would be the point of bringing a group of ordinary monks?


So he simply brought twenty low-level Yellow Turban warriors, which came in handy now.

These tall yellow scarf warriors used their natal magical powers, and suddenly the fragrant wind billowed on Longcan Island, and yellow smoke clouds enveloped the highest peak of Longcan Island. Countless rays of fairy light sprayed out from the mountain peaks. These yellow scarf warriors held various fairy weapons, and attacked

They dug, chiseled, hacked, and hacked along the mountain peak. A large amount of earth and rocks were dug out and thrown away into the deep sea in the distance.

In just a quarter of an hour, a large-scale cave had already taken shape.

On the middle of the main peak, a flat open space with an area of ​​100 acres has been dug out. A patch of ancient pines and green cypresses is planted on the edge, and some rare fairy grass orchids are dotted in it. A waterfall flows from a lake on the top of a mountain.

After being led over, roaring down from one side of the clearing, a white dragon-like waterfall dropped from the mountainside, adding a bit of vitality to the mountain out of thin air.

At the end of the clearing, on a cliff covered with a thick sheet of emerald green moss and densely covered with a large number of Ganoderma lucidum and other fairy grass, an arched portal four feet six feet high and two feet four feet wide opened, with two doors carved from fairy jade.

The door of the cave is half open and half closed. On the door is carved a complex celestial star diagram, which is a very powerful immortal family prohibition.

Walking in from the cave door, there is a long corridor. The upper and lower corridors are inlaid with countless pearls. The shining precious light makes every detail of the corridor visible. At the end of the corridor, there is a building covering an area of ​​dozens of acres, blessed with

After the Immortal Family is banned, it may be expanded to a hundred-mile radius hall at any time.

The Yellow Turban warriors spent a lot of effort on this hall. Yin Xuege brought out the fairy-style furnishings from the Xuantian Mansion's warehouse, such as the gilded incense burner in the shape of an auspicious animal or divine bird. It is exquisite and complex.

Candlesticks, lamp stands, various colorful tapestries, palace lanterns, screens, etc.

These household items were all made by the master-level immortal craftsmen of the Immortal Court. The materials used were extremely refined, and the shapes were even more dignified, gorgeous and gorgeous. Decorated with the skillful hands of these yellow scarf warriors, the hall suddenly became purple and immortal.

The light is lingering, giving it a hint of the majesty and style of the legendary Lingxiao Palace where the Immortal Emperor of Immortal Court lives.

In order to highlight the identity of Yin Xuege's alchemy master, the Yellow Turban warriors placed nine alchemy furnaces with rising treasure energy as decorations in the middle of the hall according to the directions of the nine palaces. These alchemy furnaces all came from the Eighteen Forbidden Temples of the Netherworld.

The more than two thousand golden immortals imprisoned by Yin Xuege, these golden immortals from the Supervision Department, are still imprisoned in the tower prison by Yin Xuege. The treasures on their bodies have now become Yin Xuege's treasures.

The nine alchemy furnaces have different shapes, either simple and dignified, or exquisite and luxurious, or exquisite and agile, or mysterious. All nine alchemy furnaces are gold immortal treasures. After being arranged according to the directions of the nine palaces, they form a

The extremely powerful mountain-protecting formation 'Heaven and Earth Furnace Life and Death Creation Immortal Formation'.

After all the golden immortal spiritual veins and celestial immortal spiritual veins on Longcan Island were brought over by immortal means and integrated into this immortal formation of life and death, the nine alchemy furnaces would emit purple light from time to time, and nine different immortals would

The fire was burning brightly, but the temperature in the hall did not change at all.

But as long as someone touches this formation, the main hall will turn into a furnace of wind and fire, refining the intruder into a wisp of blue smoke. With the grades of these nine alchemy furnaces, this formation can even reach the seventh and eighth levels.

Even the ninth-grade or peak golden immortals can be refined alive. After being trapped in this formation, even the ninth-grade or peak golden immortals have to pay a heavy price before they can escape.

At the end of the hall, a gleaming cloud couch is suspended on a piece of purple cloud smoke. Near the cloud couch stand dozens of statues of dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, basalts and other mythical beasts and birds in different shapes. These statues are all towers.

Among the war puppets refined by the Golden Immortal in the prison, the weakest one has a combat power equivalent to that of a third-grade Golden Immortal.

Once these dozens of statues are activated in conjunction with the formation of life and death, Yin Xuege's cave will become a desperate situation. Unprepared, only Daluo Jinxian can escape unscathed.

On both sides of the cloud couch, there are four screens surrounded by fairy clouds, blocking the eight corridors leading to the depths of the cave.

These corridors lead to the secret room of Yin Xuege Qingxiu, the alchemy room for refining alchemy, the Sutra Pavilion for storing classics, the Alchemy Pavilion for storing elixirs, and other areas with different functions. Under the skillful hands of the Yellow Turban Warriors,

For this reason, these corridors are constantly bifurcating inside, and the bifurcated corridors are either connected to each other, or lead to certain dangerous places under the cover of dangerous killing formations.

All in all, the interior of this main peak has been turned into a huge maze by the Yellow Turban warriors. There are tens of thousands of branch tunnels inside, and countless formations and restrictions are densely packed between the large and small tunnels.

After all, Yin Xuege plundered all the wealth of the entire Xuantian Mansion. He also killed and captured so many immortals, and hundreds of thousands of array plates and array flags needed for various immortal formations. These yellow scarf warriors have

With so many good materials, he naturally put his heart and soul into decorating the cave of Yin Xuege like a golden soup city.

Fortunately, after the layout was completed, these yellow scarf warriors generated a complete catalog of forbidden caves for Yin Xuege. Otherwise, Yin Xuege might have become the first immortal in the history of the immortal world to be killed by the prohibitions in his own cave.

It's really not good for this reputation to spread.

Dou Siji and other members of the Dou family accompanied Yin Xuege and watched these yellow scarf warriors dig and arrange the cave. Their horizons were widened and they were even more astonished by Yin Xuege.

Based on the background of the Dou family, there are only some low-level Yellow Turban warriors purchased with a lot of money in their clan. In other words, there are only some defective products of low-level Yellow Turban warriors purchased with a lot of money in their clan. They are either of low strength or not intelligent.

Not completely. All in all, it's no different from an ordinary puppet beast.

Like the twenty yellow scarf warriors on the Yin Blood Singers, they are powerful, complete in intelligence, and their methods are amazing. It only took them a few hours to build such a huge cave. It is obvious that they have a lot of experience in building the cave.

Rich experience.

Especially the rare treasures that Yin Xuege brought out to decorate the cave made Dou Siji and the others amazed.

Without mentioning him, the nine golden immortal weapon-level alchemy furnaces alone almost made Dou Siji and the others' eyes glued to them. Golden immortal weapon-level alchemy furnaces. This is supreme for any alchemist.

The temptation. But here in Yin Xuege, he actually used this grade of alchemy furnace as the decoration of the cave. This is simply a prodigal.

But looking at what Yin Xuege took out, they were very different from the various furnishings made by the wealthy families in the fairy world. They carried a sense of majestic power and majesty. Dou Siji and his party could only shake their heads and secretly

Sigh - It seems that Yin Xuege, a blood elixir practitioner, has a deeper background than they imagined!

After admiring and sighing all the way, Dou Siji and others were shocked and numb by the various rare treasures that Yin Xuege kept taking out. They just kept telling themselves over and over again in their minds that they could invite Yin Xuege.

Ge became the chief guest of the Dou family. It was a stroke of great luck that made the Dou family achieve this fate.

The opening and various layouts of the cave lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the Yellow Turban warriors only made the most perfect decorations and modifications to all parts of the cave. At the same time, they also set up three major formations one after another inside and outside Longcan Island.

This process consumes most of their time.

The outermost formation is fifty miles away from the coastline of Longcan Island. The meaning of this formation is warning and warning rather than lethality.

As long as any monks or immortals approach this 'Honghai Infinite Formation', they will immediately alert the people on duty in Yin Xuege Cave. At the same time, the formation will also release a strong repulsive force to refuse the entry of outsiders, and will directly

Pass a preset warning message into the ears of outsiders, warning them that this is Yin Xuege's private territory, and warning them not to enter rashly.

If outsiders do not listen to the warning and insist on continuing to invade, the Mixed Sea Infinite Formation will immediately mobilize the endless power of water around it and turn it into a thick curtain of sea water to cover the entire Longcan Island. This heavy curtain of sea water is so close to the end of the world

The magical power is contained within, and outsiders have to fly thousands of miles to advance an inch within this curtain.

Unless a person with great supernatural powers can break through such a space restriction, ordinary immortals can only walk in circles in the sea like headless flies after breaking into the curtain, and cannot escape from this sea water at all.

The second major formation is over Longcan Island.

Thanks to the blessing of the Jiuhua Sect, Yin Xuege fought successively, killing countless immortals and immortal generals from the Supervision Department, and seized tens of millions of immortal weapons and weapons of various grades. These immortal weapons and gods were seized

Most of the soldiers were absorbed and devoured by the few blood sea natal spiritual treasures that Yin Xuege left for him to warm up, but there were still an astonishing number of immortal weapons that remained.

This second most important formation is the 'Ten Thousand Swords Slaying the Immortal Great Formation'. In various places on Longcan Island, the Yellow Turban warriors have laid out twelve sword lakes according to the directions of the twelve yuan chen, and each sword lake is filled with earth vein spirits.

The temperature supports 120,000 heavenly swords and earthly swords.

If an outsider breaks into the territory of Longcan Island, 1.44 million fairy swords will rise into the sky at the same time and turn into boundless swords to kill the enemy. The quantitative change is enough to trigger a qualitative change, and more than one million fairy swords will gather together to strike.

, even a high-level golden immortal may die on the spot if he is negligent.

As for the third major formation, it is on the main peak of Longcan Island.

Yin Xuege set up eighteen dragnets here, and arranged a vast array of slaying immortals and annihilating formations consisting of twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty maze formations, illusion formations, pit formations, trap formations, killing formations, and absolute formations.

The Great Spirit-Slaying Formation'. This great formation is a combined killing formation contributed by several golden immortal-level ghost kings who are proficient in immortal formations in the Blood Sea. As long as the ground of Longcan Island is continuous, no matter how many millions or tens of millions of foreign enemies there are,

They will all be trapped in the formation.

Each of the three major formations is more powerful than the last. Coupled with the layout of the cave, Yin Xuege's cave is definitely impregnable. Even if the three major families of Yandang Continent join forces to attack, they will still be able to defeat it.

Headache and bleeding.

After the cave was opened and the various formations were properly arranged, several little girls from the Dou family brought by Dou Siji showed their female nature and led the yellow scarf warriors all over the Dragon Silkworm Island in search of all kinds of rare and beautiful fairy flowers and immortals.

Grass decorates the inside and outside of the cave.

Yin Xuege has a good sense of these Dou family members. Besides Youquan, there is really no available manpower around him. If a guest comes, there are not enough people to serve tea and water. So Dou Siji mentioned this a little bit.

Yin Xuege immediately agreed to the matter - the Dou family sent dozens of boys and girls to Yin Xuege's Longcan Island to listen, and Yin Xuege would give them guidance in various aspects besides practicing.

In other words, these young men and women from the Dou family are the first batch of outer disciples accepted by Yin Xuege in Xiaoyandang.

In the open space outside the cave, Yin Xuege and Dou Siji sat face to face under an ancient pine tree. While tasting the fragrant tea cooked by two girls from the Dou family, they looked at the bare cave door with a yellow turban warrior's sword with a sad face.

A plaque carved from beautiful jade.

"The name of this cave must be nice." Yin Xuege looked at the smooth plaque very seriously: "The Blood Pill Cave is actually pretty good. Am I not a Blood Pill Sanren? This Blood Pill Cave,

Now everyone knows it’s my cave.”

This name was firmly rejected by Youquan. At the same time, he was laughed at ruthlessly by Xue Parrot. Yin Xuege had no choice but to continue thinking of a name.

And Dou Siji didn't seem to have any talent in this area. He was also holding a tea cup, and accompanied Yin Xuege with a sullen expression. Their eyes were condensed into one point on the plaque, and their gazes almost melted the plaque.


Youquan, on the other hand, got a thick classic book from nowhere. It recorded the gorgeous chapters written by the literati and poets in the fairy world for countless years. She also frowned and typed around the Yin Blood Song.

She turned around, trying to find the most beautiful and satisfying name from this book.

As for the blood parrot, he just ruthlessly laughed at the name 'Blood Pill Cave' proposed by Yin Xuege, and then gave this cave a series of names such as 'Ten Thousand Corpses Cave', 'Blood Transformation Cave', and 'Skull Villa'

, with names such as 'Hundred Ghost Temple', he was now thrust head-down into the ground by Youquan, and he was moaning and trying to pull his head out of the ground.

"It's really difficult to choose a name." Yin Xuege frowned, and after a long time he let out a long sigh.

At this time, the core hub in the cave that controls all formation restrictions on Longcan Island, the half-step Daluo Taoist-level 'All Souls Immortal Bell' that Yin Xuege seized in Tianxing Immortal Lord's Flying Immortal Palace suddenly

A low bell sounded.

Yin Xuege was stunned. He waved towards the cave, which was three feet and six feet high. The whole body was densely covered with countless simple and dignified ancient immortal inscriptions, and was decorated with gorgeous and magnificent patterns of mountains, rivers, birds and animals. Golden light flowed from top to bottom, and was covered by

The Immortal Bell of All Spirits, surrounded by one hundred and eight layers of glow, turned into a rainbow and flew in front of Yin Xuege.

A curtain of light flashed on the bell body. In the light curtain, one could see a cloud chariot being dragged by three black dragons, spraying out streaks of thunder and frantically attacking the outermost mixed sea infinite formation. The cloud chariot was surrounded by

Surrounded by 360 green-scaled and one-horned green dragons, on the backs of the green dragons stood one after another tall immortals nearly ten feet tall, wearing green heavy armor and holding various halberds and spears.

The Chaotic Sea Infinite Formation has been activated, and a dark blue water curtain dozens of miles thick is suspended in mid-air. Even though the lightning on the cloud chariot is spitting out like crazy, it only creates insignificant ripples on the water curtain, which affects the water.

The curtain cannot cause any damage at all.

This is Xiaoyandang, and the magic power of all the immortals has been compressed to the level of the third-grade Earth Immortal. Even if there is a Daluo Jinxian sitting in the chariot, his strength has been suppressed to the third-grade Earth Immortal, and the power of the thunder method he uses is simply impossible.

How strong is it?

After a quarter of an hour of indiscriminate bombardment against the Chaotic Sea Infinite Formation and finding that it was ineffective, a figure flashed on the cloud chariot, a man wearing a sapphire blue wide robe with long sleeves, and various jade pendants, rings and other accessories all mainly blue.

The handsome young man flew out of the chariot.

He was a little angry and pointed at the Hun Hai Wuji Formation, and a flagpole several feet long flew out from his sleeve. A gust of sea breeze blew, and a big blue flag on the flagpole unfolded with a "hula la".

With a tremor, the surrounding sea suddenly shook violently.

The water curtain formed by the Mixed Sea Infinite Formation seemed to be torn apart by the hands of giants, and a gap was opened that was hundreds of miles long and several miles wide.

The handsome young man sneered proudly, and Yunzu Xianli shouted sternly: "Long Aofei of the Yandang Long clan invites you to see the Sanren of Xuedan. Hahaha, the Sanren are so fast. This mountain-protecting formation has actually been arranged properly? Is it a Sanren after all?"

Are you cautious, or are you greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Yin Xuege was stunned. Dou Siji had such a good temper that he was so angry that he crushed the tea cup in his hand to pieces.

He came to visit his master, but actually directly broke through his master's mountain-protecting formation, and used such words to sarcastically describe him. This Long Aofei of the Long Family of Yandang Continent is actually so rampant and domineering?

I saw Long Aofei roaring in the light curtain. Surrounded by the green dragons, he waved the big flag and passed through the endless formation of the chaotic sea. He drove straight into the sky above Longcan Island.

He happened to break through the Hunhai Wuji Formation over the 'Bailie Village', one of the three fishing villages on Longcan Island. When the ordinary fishermen saw Long Aofei, they immediately knelt on the ground and paid homage to him.

Long Aofei glanced disdainfully at the fishermen below, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He stared at the fisherman girl on the ground who was kneeling to him along with his parents for a while. Then he waved his sleeves and a blue rope spurted out, falling on the girl and tying her up.

Lift it up solidly.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there is such a natural beauty in this shabby village? Just follow the master and let me go. As long as you can serve the master happily, it won't be a problem for you to be popular, drink hot food, or even ascend to immortality.


In front of many screaming fishermen, Long Aofei grabbed the collar of the girl's coarse cloth and pulled hard, tearing her clothes into pieces.

The girl screamed in horror, and her white and delicate skin was exposed.

Youquan, who was holding the classics and thinking hard about the name of the cave, roared angrily. She transformed into a wave of water, crossed dozens of miles of void in an instant, and rushed directly in front of Long Aofei. (To be continued...)

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