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Chapter 335 Waste utilization

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The god who stepped on the black and white treasure wheel and slowly descended from the sky covered with dense clouds was a god king.

The God King is the honorific title given by the current God Clan to the powerful gods in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm. The God King in front of him, the God King of the Destiny God Clan, is about as powerful as the fifth-grade Da Luo. In other words, he is now

His absolute strength is much stronger than Yin Xuege.

Yin Xuege only relied on his tyrannical body, which was equivalent to the physical combat at the level of a second-grade Daluo Golden Immortal. Other magical powers and secrets were also at the level of ordinary Golden Immortals. But for this God King, his magical powers and secrets were all developed after a long process.

He has been trained hard for many years, and the strength he possesses is completely consistent with his reputation and status in the Destiny God Clan.

This is a god whose real strength is much more powerful than Yin Xuege. At least under the cover of Da Luo Jin Feng Chan, Yin Xuege, who had hidden all his aura, felt the fierce divine power emanating from this god king, and all his muscles were subconsciously moving.

He tensed up and held his breath involuntarily.

But what surprised Yin Xuege was that Guilong and others, who were as timid and helpless as quails stunned by thunder, actually behaved like this in the face of such a powerful god-king-level being.

So heroic and fearless.

"They are just like a group of wild boars whose heads were crushed by their mother's thighs. They are brave and fearless."

Blood Parrot commented harshly on the performance of Guilong and others, and he even rolled his eyes with disdain.

Guilong looked at the God King suspended above the valley, and sneered disdainfully. The innate magnetism spirit beads flew out quietly, and the magnetism gravity fluctuations visible to the naked eye spread rapidly around. Guilong looked at the god proudly.

The king shouted coldly: "O god, kneel before us. If you are willing to become our slave, you can live."

The beasts and beasts who just now were insulting each other like scoundrels in the market and exposing each other's background. At this moment, they all behaved like a well-known young man and a rich lady. They looked up to the sky at a 45-degree angle with arrogance.

From the corner of his eye, he looked at the God-King with disdain, as if he were a young lady from a wealthy family looking down at his servants.

The God King suspended in the air was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed in a low voice.

"It seems that the old stubborn people who stayed in the fairy world are unwilling to leave the small tribes of their ancestral land, and their descendants are not living a good life. Weak ants like you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. You have ruined the Shenhuang battlefield.

Are we considered members of those weak tribes left in the fairy world?"

He raised his hands slightly, and the black and white light flashed across the God King's eyes.

The black and white treasure wheel under his feet was spinning lightly, and he laughed softly: "Remember my name, I am my king's most loyal general. Gades of the Destiny Clan. I control your destiny, so

, I control your lives!"

Black and white light spots like raindrops sprinkled from the treasure wheel. The fine black and white light spots did not seem to have any lethality or any threatening atmosphere. Guilong sneered disdainfully and pointed at the innate head above his head.

The Yuan Magnetic Spirit Pearl wants to use the extremely powerful innate Yuan Magnetic Gravity to drag Gades down from high altitude.

Under the control of Guilong, the innate magnetic spirit bead struck with all its strength. It once easily destroyed tens of millions of immortal soldiers in Tiansha City. Although this was an accidental injury caused by Guilong's unintentional mistake, it can also be seen that this great Taoist weapon

What a terrifying lethality it possesses.

Guilong didn't take these gods in Shenhuang Battlefield seriously.

Even though they had already suffered a huge defeat at the hands of the Destiny God Clan, the Destiny God Clan who appeared in front of them now were pure warriors of the god clan, and they did not control those astonishing numbers of monsters and beasts to surround this place.

.Without those monsters and birds that are hard to kill and never seem to be killed, Guilong doesn’t take Gades and the others seriously at all.

As Gades said, Guilong and the others had participated in several sieges against the gods' clan in the fairy world. They easily won the victory. The clan leaders and family heads of the gods' tribes also

They are called God Kings by their subordinates, but under the hands of Guilong and the others, those weak God Kings are nothing more than weak beings that can be crushed with just one finger.

Guilong and the others regarded Gades as such a weak god, so Guilong was very disapproving of it. It was very light and had no smell of fireworks. He gently tapped the innate magnetic spirit bead with his finger.

With a 'click' sound, Guilong's fingers were broken. He vomited blood profusely, his knees weakened, and he knelt down on the ground in embarrassment.

Gades smiled lowly, and he said with a very strange smile: "Oh? A short life of ninety-two years is such an interesting fate. When you were nine years old, you accidentally ate a plant of ancient drunken dragon grass.

The meridians and bones all over your body were soft and eroded, and your Taoist foundation almost collapsed. But a powerful and terrifying figure who even my light of fate could not see clearly saved your fate."

"In your destiny, tributaries appear. One tributary is you now, the powerful and aloof you."

"But the other tributary is a waste with bones as soft as tofu and meridians as rotten as rotten corpses. What an interesting fate. When I summon you from that tributary from the endless separation of fate, I will graft you into this time and space.

With such a noble Master Guilong in your body, you will become like this."

Guilong vomited blood, and he fell limply to the ground. His tyrannical immortal power disappeared without a trace, his immortal soul tended to disintegrate, and his skin, which was originally as shiny as a jewel, cracked.

There are countless tiny gaps, and sticky, smelly blood is constantly flowing out from the gaps on the skin.

The Guilong beasts looked at Guilong in horror as he fell to the ground and was severely injured by Gades with strange power without any resistance.

As the strongest among them, Guilong was defeated so easily by the enemy, so what if it were them?

The next moment, without waiting for the Gui family beasts to make any response, they fell to the ground with blood spurting out from their orifices, and all their magical power was instantly dispersed. Even if they are the elites of the Gui family, even if they have been in the Gui family since childhood.

They practiced under careful care, but they all encountered some storms and obstacles on the road of cultivation.

Gades found the storms and obstacles they had encountered, magnified these small setbacks without limit, and used all possible negative powers of fate to affect the current fate of the beasts, allowing them to transform from the powerful Golden Immortal.

, turned into a weak mortal.

This is the terrifying power possessed by the gods. It is irresistible and impossible to prevent. The power will collapse on the spot once it is attacked.

"No, that doesn't make sense."

Guilong raised his head from the ground with difficulty, and breathed out a breath of ancient drunken dragon grass: "In the fairy world, I kill the gods just like I kill dogs. God generals, gods commanders, god kings, and even those gods.

, the strongest person is only the peak level of Jinxian, I can crush him with one finger."

Gades slowly fell from the sky and stood firmly on the ground. The treasure wheel he was standing on slowly flew up and hung behind him like the light behind the Buddha's head. He clasped his hands in front of his chest and

He looked down at Guilong with the unique gaze of a conqueror, then stepped hard on Guilong's head with his feet, which were as big as the lid of a water tank.

"Those guys?" Gades raised his head arrogantly: "Do you know that back then, the most noble and ancient ancient gods with pure bloodline all escaped into the Hongmeng void with all their descendants? If we say escape

We are a group of evil dragons, so those little guys left in the fairy world are just a group of grass snakes."

"Snake, can it be compared with dragon?"

With a little force under his feet, Gades stepped on Guilong's head and gradually deformed it. Guilong's bones were eroded by the mysterious force of fate, and the medicinal power of the Drunken Dragon Herb that came from nowhere made his bones very loose. Gades

With just a slight exertion on his feet, his head gradually elongated like a dough stick under a rolling pin.

Guilong howled in pain, and a large amount of blood with a strong herbal flavor continued to gush out from his seven orifices.

Hundreds of elites from the Destiny God Clan wearing black and white armor fell from the sky. With ferocious smiles on their faces, they rushed towards the women of the Gui family who were lying on the ground. A young man about two meters tall with a handsome and resolute face

The man excitedly grabbed the tall and round buttocks of a girl from the Gui family, and then laughed loudly.

"Gades. My lord, is this an immortal? Is this a female immortal? Ha, their bodies are so petite. Compared with the women in our tribe, our women are just a group of terrifying mandrill wood monsters. They are a group of

Pet cat!”

Gades smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a thin line, and he nodded triumphantly: "That's right. My children, this is your first time meeting such a high-level female fairy, right? Haha, they are better than us.

The women in the tribe are very energetic, especially when you use violence against them. Their feeble resistance, sharp screams, and painful "shenyin"..."

He stretched out his hands with great aftertaste, as if to embrace the sky, and Gades said intoxicatedly: "The supreme enjoyment, children, this is the supreme enjoyment!"

Yin Xuege used Da Luo Jin Feng Chan to cover up all his aura. He squinted his eyes and cautiously approached Gades step by step. He approached Gades slowly, like a lion hiding in the grass, slowly approaching Gades.

of approaching prey.

His body was shrouded in a withered yellow light. The withered yellow light, which represented the power of death and annihilation, gradually became stronger. The aura exuding from Yin Xuege gradually became withered and withered, just like the last leaves of autumn hanging on the top of a big tree.

Like the dead leaves, it exudes the endless charm of dry loneliness and death and despair.

Gades smiled triumphantly, almost hysterically: "Capture these men, and we can exchange them for our princes. This is a genius idea that only the wise Gades can have. But these women, they

I will "shenyin" and breathe under your body... The first three generations of my clan who were mixed with the immortals, their innate magical powers are always exceptionally powerful."

Hundreds of young gods from the Destiny God Clan became excited at the same time. They looked at the one hundred women from the Gui family, their eyes turned slightly red, like wild beasts ready to fight for their spouses when spring arrived.

There are hundreds of them, but there are only a hundred women here. How do they distribute these beautiful women who are more feminine than the women in their own tribe? These women are so powerful, some of them are stronger than

The gods of these young destiny clan are much more powerful. Being able to conquer such a woman is such a proud and supreme enjoyment!

Even Gades couldn't help but glance at the most beautiful girls among them. Many of the habits of the gods were influenced by immortals or humans. Each of these female fairies in front of him was graceful, graceful, and charming.

They are charming, with small cherry mouths, apricot faces and peach cheeks, red lips and white teeth, which are particularly cute.

Think about the women of the God Clan. They are all tall and tall, with strong muscles all over their bodies like men. They are hearty and majestic. During the long process of fighting and fighting in the Hongmeng Void, these goddesses stood up hard.

Half of the sky for the clan of gods.

Okay. Okay, Gades admits that these women can share the pressure of survival for male gods like them. Even on the battlefield, they are their most reliable and reassuring comrades. But if they are on the bed, these flowing water

As gentle as fairies, their allure is at least 10,000 times stronger than those goddesses as tough as mountains!

Licking his lips, Gades was a little distracted. He began to think about how he could bring home the most beautiful of these fairies and enjoy it without angering the fierce woman in his family.


He suddenly began to envy these young gods who were not yet married. These little guys were so happy. They were not married and did not have a woman in their family who was as powerful as him and had a stronger and tougher character than him. This was really their happiness!

Gades was distracted, so Yin Xuege arrived behind Gades smoothly.

He took a deep breath, and the tens of thousands of destructions in the Blood Sea Divine Ability Collapse the Heavens Grand Hand Seal, and the broken runes condensed on his fingertips that shone with a faint yellow light. His palms suddenly turned into dead wood.

It was the same dull yellow color. A sharp and brutal aura of death emanated from his palm. The terrifying aura made Yin Xuege himself feel frightened.

What kind of power is this?

The destruction talisman in the great hand seal of the collapse of the heavens, and the withered yellow power of annihilation used at the same time, are actually so terrifying.

It was like an ancient ferocious beast that had just awakened from an eternal slumber. Yin Xuege began to feel strange and afraid of the power in his body. But soon, as this power continued to pour out, Yin Xuege

He quickly adapted to the existence of this force.

The end of life is death, and death is just the beginning of new life. Between life and death there is great terror and great sadness, but there is also great joy and great joy. Just like the Tai Chi cycle. Just like the cycle of the four seasons, this is the supreme principle between heaven and earth.


"Gades, they are my prisoners. Since I have allowed them to leave safely, you cannot touch a hair on these women."

His right palm was like a knife, piercing Gades's chest fiercely, pulling out his heart. Then he crushed it into pieces. Gades's heart was the size of a clay pot, and his heart was entangled in black and white.

With a 'pop', it exploded into the purest and most primitive spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and was then absorbed into it bit by bit by Yin Xuege's palm.

The armor on Gades didn't react at all. The armor, which was strong enough to withstand the powerful blow of the mid-level Daluo Jinxian, was easily pierced in front of Yin Xuege's withered yellow palm, just like a piece of paper in front of a peerless sword.

The strong and powerful spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to pour into Yin Xuege's body. In Yin Xuege's Dantian sea of ​​blood, hundreds of flower bones cracked open at the same time, and a richer glow of aura spread out. Suspended in the sea of ​​blood,

The ball that merged the twenty-four Blood Sea Pagodas into one began to squirm slightly.

In the cycle of life and death, the breath of life and death continued to spread from the ball, and the blood in the sea of ​​​​blood began to rush towards the ball. Countless ghost soldiers in the sea of ​​​​blood also chanted scriptures involuntarily, and slowly

Embedded in the huge sphere.

Gades looked at the palm protruding from his chest in horror, and he felt the terrifying power in that palm.

Although this power is so small compared to the divine power he possesses, just like a small fruit knife can threaten the life of a giant whale as long as it is used properly, the power contained in the palm of the Yin Blood Singer is small.

, Gades did not dare to ignore it at all.

"Despicable immortal, you attacked me unexpectedly."

Gades roared angrily, and the black and white treasure wheel suspended behind his head began to spin rapidly.

He wanted to use the power of fate to lock Yin Xuege, and then crush the trajectory of his fate, causing him to disappear forever and disappear between heaven and earth.

Yin Xuege felt a terrifying force gathering around him, but he...he didn't seem to be afraid of this force at all.

Gades's roar suddenly stopped, and he silently looked at the palm that appeared on his chest. His heart was destroyed and devoured by Yin Xuege. This injury was not minor to Gades, but it was not serious either.

No matter how heavy it is, it will take him a few decades to get back to his original state.

How Yin Xuege silently approached his body, how she pierced his armor and hurt him, none of this mattered.

The important thing is that he cannot grasp the fate of Yin Xuege. He feels the existence of Yin Xuege, but the fate of Yin Xuege is blank.

Before today, in the torrent of fate, Yin Blood Song never existed.

After today, in the torrent of fate, Yin Xuege left no trace.

If destiny is a long river, and all living beings are wallowing in the river of destiny, the gods of destiny can affect the flow of the river, thereby severely damaging the struggling creatures in the river. Then Yin Xuege is a sand gull that proudly flies across the river. Destiny

The power has no effect on him.

"You can take away whoever you want."

Yin Xuege smiled easily, Gades' words made him very satisfied.

"I took these women from my family away because I promised to let them live."

"You can take these men from my family, but I need all the valuable things they have."

"Very fair and reasonable." Gades smiled brightly: "These men? Well, they belong to me?"

"It's considered waste utilization." Yin Xuege said calmly: "These wastes can cause some trouble for someone."

"It's a free gift - Dorgaard and the Twins of Destiny are in the hands of Li Sanxiao, the marching commander of God-killing City."

This chapter has been completed!
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