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Chapter three hundred and seventy-four finally arrived in the fairy court

The Blood Nightmare ship shuttled through the vast starry sky, followed by a large tribute fleet.

The speed of the Blood Nightmare ship has slowed down to the extreme. With his speed, he could reach the Immortal Courtyard in a short time. However, the high-rise ships used by these tribute fleets are all ordinary fairy weapons, and their speed cannot match the speed of the Blood Nightmare.

Compared with the ship, this greatly delays the time.

But the further you go towards the core area of ​​the Central Immortal Domain, the denser the star fields in the void become, and the number of monk planets becomes more and more. After traveling forward for three months, you can only see at a glance

The sky is filled with stars, and countless monk planets are rotating around each sun. Sometimes, three to five hundred monk planets can even gather near a sun.

And tens of thousands of suns like this are densely packed together in a pattern that is absolutely contrary to common sense. The distance between the monk planets that revolve around the two suns is not even 100 million miles. This distance is compared to the monk planets.

It's simply too small.

The floating continents, which are square and square in shape and filled with elegant fairy energy, are floating in the void, patrolling the starry sky according to unique trajectories. There are at least millions of regular fairy troops stationed on these floating continents, who are used by the Immortal Court.

To control the Central Immortal Territory and maintain the order of the Central Immortal Territory.

Yin Xuege once saw a floating continent that was tens of billions of miles long and wide. On this floating continent, there were 3.6 million military garrison cities that could accommodate millions of immortal soldiers and generals. And those stationed there

The immortal soldiers on this floating continent are at the lowest level of the third-level fairyland.

The force possessed by this floating continent alone can destroy all star fields within tens of thousands of trillions of miles. From this floating continent, one can imagine the terrifying potential power possessed by Xianting.

No wonder the Immortal Court is the master of the Immortal Realm. It is worthy of being a huge force established by hundreds of millions of races in the Immortal Realm such as Buddhism, Taoism, demons, demons, ghost cultivators, mythical beasts and birds, etc.

Because the star field in the Central Immortal Territory is so dense. Moreover, each monk planet has a very different humanistic customs and various weird specialties. The blood nightmare ship will often fly forward for a period of time, allowing Yin Xuege to

Take the people down for a tour, and wait until the tribute fleet arrives before the Blood Nightmare ship sets off again.

Therefore, Yin Xuege saw countless strange and strange things. He also saw for the first time that there were so many strange and strange intelligent creatures in the fairy world. And these intelligent creatures are the same as humans and can master various Taoist and magical powers.

, all have the potential to become immortals and achieve immortality.

In these days, Xiaojie, who had completely absorbed the blood essence energy that Yin Xuege had passed through and successfully upgraded his strength to the third-level Golden Fairyland, also narrated his experiences in these days.

Yin Xuege's experience in the fairy world was shocking at every step, and he faced disaster at every step. Wumu's experience in the fairy world was bloody and bloody. He robbed homes, killed people and set fires along the way. Xiaojie was ordinary in the fairy world.

There is nothing worth saying.

He and the three corpses were disturbed by the turbulence of space and fell into an abandoned mineral planet near Qiaoyan Star. After staying on that mineral planet for three months, a passing monk met Xiaojie and the others.

Xiaojie sold himself to the monk as a slave and sacrificed his life for him for twenty years. The monk paid a few spiritual stones. He opened the teleportation array and brought them to Qiaoyan Star.

Then Xiaojie stopped at Qiaoyan Star.

The three corpses encountered some special situation in the void. They fell into a state of weakness, unable to move, and unable to protect themselves. Xiaojie knew that the three corpses were Yaksha, Yin Xuege's protector, so he risked everything and worked hard every day.

They collect medicinal herbs and hunt monsters and beasts. In exchange for a meager reward, they buy various living creatures to take their blood and let the three corpses suck them to replenish their physical strength.

That is to say, relying on Xiaojie, the three corpses have not lacked blood and food supplements in the past hundred years, and have maintained an excellent condition.

As for Xiaojie, he was nicknamed "Desperate Xiaojie" because he was desperate to earn spiritual stones near Beicheng and would take any risks for a low-grade spiritual stone. The low-level monks in Beicheng all knew that in Beicheng

There is a guy who is willing to risk his life to fight monsters that are far beyond his own strength for the sake of spiritual stones.

Originally Xiaojie thought that he would live such an ordinary life on Qiaoyan Star, but one day Luo Long, who was extremely bored, broke into the military camp in Beicheng and suddenly saw the shirtless Xiaojie who was maintaining the weapons of the city defense soldiers.

Jie. Luo Long, who had some sexual orientation issues, was immediately fascinated by Xiao Jie, and he immediately launched a fanatical pursuit of Xiao Jie.

Why is Xiaojie a man with normal orientation? How can he tolerate Deluo Long's "deep affection"?

After sternly rejecting Luo Long several times and throwing all the rare treasures he sent into the stinking ditch, Xiaojie finally annoyed Luo Long. The most common drama in urban legends was staged, Luo Long actually brought

He led a group of servants and thugs to kidnap Xiaojie.

Fortunately, Xiaojie had his own bat wings and had mastered three or five secret escape techniques. He escaped with the help of his speed, but the three corpses fell into the hands of Luo Long. In order to intimidate Xiaojie, Luo Long

Long threw the three corpses into his own dungeon, and then Fangfeng asked Xiaojie to throw himself into a trap, otherwise he would cut the three corpses into thousands of pieces.

That's why Xiaojie made a desperate move to ambush Luo Long outside the pond where the anemone grows.

After all, he has been hanging out in Beicheng for nearly a hundred years. Among the low-level monks in Beicheng, Xiaojie is also a person who has many eyes and ears and is well-informed. He knows that Anemone will mature on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, and this kind of thing usually does not happen to Luo Long.

He and Luo Feng will take action personally, because according to the Luo family's family rules, those who go out to collect medicines can be given priority in the distribution of elixirs refined from medicines.

The rest of the things are what Yin Xuege knows.

The Luo family was casually massacred by the crazed Wu Mu. With Yang Ding taking over the battle, the officials of Qiao Yanxing did not dare to say a word. But Wu Mu was still a little dissatisfied because the Luo family's family foundation was too weak.

Wu Mu dug up three thousand feet of the Luo family's ancestral home, but failed to collect much wealth, which made Wu Mu feel a little frustrated.

‘A thief is never empty-handed, and it is unlucky to be empty-handed’, Wu Mu has been chanting this sentence in Yin Xuege’s ears these days.

Time passed like this day by day. At the speed of the tribute fleet and with the help of the giant teleportation arrays set up throughout the Central Immortal Territory, three years and two months later, the tribute fleet finally arrived at the Central Immortal Territory.

core area.

Fairyland is here.

But before seeing the Immortal Court with their own eyes, no one could have imagined that the Immortal Court would look like this.

The jewels are shining, the treasures are solemn, the endless palaces and pavilions are shrouded in various colors of rays, dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other auspicious beasts are flying all over the sky, and countless white cranes carry immortals around. All these are the elements that should be imagined and are unique to the fairy garden.

.You can find everything here, you can see countless things at a glance.

But no one expected that the Fairy Garden was actually built on dozens of huge lotus flowers.

The lotus is watery, crisp, delicate and delicate, with a few dewdrops hanging on it. Although the dewdrops are a bit big and shocking, they are indeed a little dewdrop on the lotus. Although the lotus petals are a bit larger,

, but looking from a distance, the lotus petals are still broken by the blow, and they are still so fresh and tender.

An old man dressed in Taoist costumes sat quietly on a futon. His right hand made a mysterious mudra, and his left hand hung leisurely on his knees. In his left hand, he held a white jade alms bowl with a pool of clear water in it.

Thirty-six green lotuses sprouted from the clear water. The huge lotus spread out in all directions, and countless palaces and pavilions were built on each lotus.

The area of ​​each lotus petal of these thirty-six green lotuses is a hundred times larger than that of the largest Immortal Garrison Floating Continent that Yin Xuege saw on the way. And each of these green lotuses is

Lotus. He has one hundred and eight lotus petals.

But these green lotus flowers gathered together only covered half of the chest of the disguised old man. So you can imagine how huge this old man's body is. The sun and the stars are all in front of him.

Like dust.

Beside the Taoist, which is not very far away from them but is an extremely long distance away from Yin Xuege, a round and round monk wearing cassocks is lying quietly on his side.

Zhang Yun was on the couch. He put his left hand under his head, and his right hand made a Zen mudra on his chest. He held a small pure vase in the middle of his palm. You could see a pool of seven-colored water in the pure vase, and thirty-six white lotuses.

Born from the pure bottle.

These thirty-six white lotuses are similar in size to the green lotus. They are also covered with pearls and jewels. They have built countless palaces and pavilions, and countless immortals. The Buddha is smiling and going between the palaces and pavilions. It is a lively and prosperous scene.

Beside the great monk, an old man with a kind face, Buddha's light lingering behind his head from time to time, fairy clouds rising around him all the time, but with dark evil aura constantly spurting out from his slightly opened eyes, leaned lazily.

On a big chair, the old man's hands naturally dropped by his side, and a dark inkstone was placed on his knees.

The black ink in the inkstone is like a sea, and thirty-six lotus flowers are mixed with cyan and white, but the black stems slowly grow out of the ink. The thirty-six lotuses with mixed cyan and white are also full of auspicious light and auspiciousness.

Countless city buildings are listed on it.

In front of the old man, across a huge chessboard, a strong middle-aged man with a strong demonic aura around him sat quietly in the void.

There was a sea of ​​blood floating in front of the vigorous middle-aged man, with rolling waves of blood. Thirty-six blood lotuses grew out of the sea of ​​blood, soaring high into the sky with rich blood. On these thirty-six blood lotuses, there were dense

Countless military camps and formations.

The bloody evil energy exuded by these blood-colored lotus flowers is too strong, and ordinary immortals from Buddhism, Taoism, and other schools cannot stand it. Only the most elite immortal army in the immortal court, the immortal soldiers and immortal generals who have a murderous intention hidden in their hearts

Only then can we stay on this bloody lotus for a long time and use this bloody murderous aura to temper our bodies and immortal souls.

On other lotuses of various colors, many wealthy immortal families from various yamen in the Immortal Courtyard are scattered here and there, but there is no idle person waiting on this bloody lotus. All the cities and barracks on the bloody lotus belong to the Immortal Court Military Department.

Yin Xuege took a deep look at the huge and powerful middle-aged man. The blood energy in his body was very similar to the blood energy emitted after Yin Xuege used the Supreme Holy Body to activate the blood demon's bloodline. The same ancient and solemn,

Equally sacred and solemn.

From this middle-aged man, Yin Xuege and all the blood demons felt an innate closeness and intimacy. There is no doubt that this middle-aged man belongs to the blood demon clan, but who is he in the blood demon legend?

An ancestor, this is unknown. After all, Yin Xuege can't imagine how far he has to practice in order to evolve his body to such a huge size?

Even the lotus that grows from their personal magic weapon can hold up countless palaces and pavilions, allowing trillions of immortals and Buddhas to live freely on it?

You must know that among these immortals there are countless golden immortals, countless Daluo, countless Bodhisattvas, and countless Buddhas. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth consumed by each of their breaths is an astronomical figure. Throw these immortals from the Xianting headquarters to any star outside.

Territory, with one breath, they could drain out all the terrestrial spiritual energy in that star territory, turning all the creatures in the entire star territory into mummies and dying miserably on the spot.

But these immortals in the fairy garden in front of them are enjoying themselves here with ease and ease. The fairy energy between heaven and earth is abundant to the extreme. The fairy energy in many places on the lotus petals has condensed into a viscous spiritual liquid. It has gathered into a viscous liquid.

Huge oceans and lakes.

There is no doubt that there are no earth veins or spiritual veins in these lotus flowers. Where does this immortal energy come from?

In addition to this group, a monk, a demon, and a blood demon, there is also a majestic white skeleton with a treasure appearance beside them, but there is a giant skeleton emanating from the infinite treasure light faintly in the white bones. The two eye holes of this skeleton are respectively

Eighteen black and white lotus flowers were sprayed out. A total of thirty-six black and white lotus flowers were sprayed out. There were also countless city buildings and endless creatures living on them.

Near the bones, a stunning young girl who was born with extraordinary beauty was lying tremblingly on a gigantic cloud couch with gauze and gracefulness. She was lazy, like a rich lady taking a spring siesta, lying there quietly.

The girl's red lips were slightly opened, and thirty-six pink lotus flowers spit out from the gap between her lips. The boundless red clouds surrounded the lotus flowers. It can be seen that countless palaces and pavilions were still built on these pink lotus flowers.

But the same thing as that vigorous middle-aged man is that the thirty-six bloody lotus flowers in the blood sea in front of the middle-aged man are only the countless immortal soldiers and generals stationed in the fairy court. On the pink lotus sprayed from the mouth of this stunning girl,

It is also home to countless female fairies.

Moreover, most of these female fairies come from the major demon clans, ghost clans and evil heretics. They have enchanting figures and sweet and charming voices. Each of them is a troublemaker for the country. These pink lotus flowers also belong to the fairy court.

An important yamen is under the jurisdiction of the "Bus of Rites". It is the exclusive territory of the Ministry of Rites.

These female fairies are all under the control of various departments of the Ministry of Etiquette. They are proficient in all kinds of demon dances and demon sounds. When the fairy court holds various banquets to entertain distinguished guests, these female fairies will form a large-scale dance formation that ordinary people can't imagine, dancing in the air, and joyful

Many distinguished guests.

At one time, there were 3.6 billion female fairies dancing with heavenly demons on a pink lotus flower. Such luxurious and romantic scenes made some Buddhas with strong Buddhist Zen minds feel soaring in thought, beaming with joy, and even dancing with joy.

In other words, men cannot live on these pink lotus flowers. These pink lotus flowers have extremely terrifying effects. Even if you are a masculine and powerful man, as long as you dare to live on them for more than three days, you will completely turn into a


And as long as a woman lives up there, her body shape, appearance, and voice will gradually change towards perfection.

Even if it is a woman who is born a thousand times uglier than evil spirits, Rakshasa, and Yaksha, if you send her to this pink lotus to live for a hundred years, she will become a stunning beauty that countless immortals in the outside world would kill to steal.

Bringing disaster to the country.

Therefore, the Ministry of Etiquette, which is responsible for welcoming guests to the Immortal Courtyard, naturally monopolizes these thirty-six pink lotuses.

In the boundless void, there is one last huge figure.

But that figure was extremely weird. He was wearing a blue-white coarse cloth gown, standing quietly in the void with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky with his head slightly raised. It was uncomfortable, and it made many immortals vomit blood.

, no matter which angle you look at, you can only see the back of this person.

There was once a person with great supernatural powers who transformed into 360 million clones at the same time. Looking at this man from all directions and angles, he could still only see his back standing with his hands behind his back.

Above the man's head, there was a faint light and shadow of an indescribable color. In this light and shadow, a hundred and eight lotuses of the same indeterminate color slowly bloomed. These lotus flowers were more nourishing than the other six.

The average size of the lotus flowers is about ten times larger. On each lotus flower, huge palaces ranging in number from thirty-six, seventy-two, and one hundred and eight were built according to strict specifications.

The palace built among the lotus flowers above this man's head is the real fairy palace.

All the official offices of the Immortal Court are housed in these palaces, including the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and other departments, the various departments under each ministry, the various bureaus under each department, and the various offices, including the palaces of the nine Immortal Emperors.

Even the emperor's residence of the direct relatives of the nine immortal emperors, the residence of the emperor's daughter, the sleeping quarters of the first concubine of the main palace and the side palace concubine of the nine immortal emperors, etc., are all distributed according to a strict system without any disorder.

Yin Xuege looked at the huge figure of the man standing with his hands behind his back from a distance. His figure was several times taller than that Taoist, that monk, that old man, middle-aged man, and that girl with bones.

Obviously his strength is far more powerful than others.

He stood there quietly, with one hundred and eight lotus flowers above his head supporting the foundation of the fairy garden.

He just stood there, as if he was integrated with the world, as if he had become the only core of this world, the only thing in this world...

The blood pool formed by the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra in the sea of ​​​​consciousness shook slightly, and Yin Xuege suddenly understood that this man was not the only master of this world. He was the best friend and the most loyal of the only true master of this world.

The most reliable friend.

But where did this information come from? How could the Blood Sea Buddha Sutra know about this matter? Yin Xuege had no idea at all.

Three thousand strange-shaped dragon boats flew quickly in the distance. An official from the Ministry of Rites wearing a purple official robe from the Immortal Palace stood on the bow of the largest dragon boat, smiling so hard that his eyes narrowed into a line: "Dare you ask Xue Zhaoxian?"

Whose highness are you going to face? If you fail to welcome me from afar, you should be punished with death!"

The officials from Xianting who welcomed the tribute fleet appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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