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Chapter 388: Immortal Chaos

The ones with lotus paste, purple sweet potato, egg yolk, and bean paste are all delicious!

I mean mooncakes!

Well, I love the bean paste mooncakes!


In the core star field of the Fairy Garden, seven huge and incomparable figures enveloped everything.

It has been several days since Yin Xuege escaped from the Immortal Courtyard.

The Imperial Ship was quietly suspended in mid-air, its huge body shrouded in eternal cyan light. Countless growth-ring-like patterns on the smooth and oily hull were slowly rotating, shining with a faint light.


The eight Immortal Emperors of Immortal Court, thirty-two Taoist Ancestors, nearly ten thousand Daluo Golden Immortals, and countless Golden Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, and Earth Immortals set up a huge Immortal Formation, trapping the Emperor Ku Ship in the middle.

Some of these immortals came from the core forces of the Immortal Court, such as the Shuohua family and other official families. A larger part of them came from wealthy immortal families like the Gui family. Everyone joined forces to set up the Immortal Court in order to maximize the innate righteousness.

The "Hongmeng Formation of Driving Demons and Punishing Evils" used more than a dozen innate-level spiritual treasures and tens of thousands of large and small Taoist artifacts, all of which were used to besiege the Emperor Ku Ship.

This is the Imperial Ship, the only strategic-level innate spiritual object in the immortal world that can safely travel to and from the Shenhuang battlefield. His involvement is too great and too important.

No matter how crazy the Emperor Ku Ship went, he drove out all the immortals inside, and even killed an Immortal Emperor in public, but the Immortal Court would never give up control of the Emperor Ku Ship. He must be in the hands of the Immortal Court,

Otherwise the chain reaction would be terrible.

At least one of the most fatal things will happen - the Immortal Court will lose the legitimacy and legitimacy of its rule in the Immortal World!

The Imperial Ship was once the ship of countless gods and emperors. It was once the ship of countless human emperors. It was once the ship of countless immortal emperors. Its status in the immortal world is equivalent to the imperial seal of a secular emperor. If the emperor

Now that all the ships are no longer under the control of the Immortal Court, what will the countless immortals in the Immortal World think? What will the countless wealthy Immortal families do?

A Taoist ancestor who was closely related to the Immortal Court. Several Immortal Emperors once came from his sect. He stepped on a cloud of blue clouds and slowly and extremely cautiously approached the Imperial Ship. As he got closer and closer to the Emperor, he

Ku Jian, compared with the huge body of Emperor Ku Jian, he is like a sesame seed in front of a huge mountain, appearing so inconspicuous.

But trillions of immortals, big and small, far and near, are all using various magical powers to observe what's going on here.

Every move of this Dao Ancestor was watched by countless immortals. Everyone carefully held their breath, observing every word and deed of the Dao Ancestor, and paying attention to any movement of the Emperor Ku Ship.

Although there has been no abnormal movement on the Imperial Ship these days, no one can guarantee that it will never have any abnormal movement. After all, everyone remembers the tragic scene performed on the Imperial Ship a few days ago, and the nine great immortals of the Immortal Courtyard

One of the emperors, the supreme ruler of the Immortal Court, was actually smashed into pieces by a thunder from the emperor's ship.

"Fellow Taoist."

Dao Zu approached the Emperor Ku Ship, and he carefully bowed to the Emperor Ku Ship. As the supreme being in the immortal world, and the most powerful Dao Ancestor class existence in the immortal world. Dao Zu felt that he called the Emperor Ku Ship 'fellow Taoist'

, is very reasonable.

The Imperial Ship was motionless, and its hull was covered with a thick cyan light. The faint cyan light was like a layer of transparent crystal covering the huge hull. It was this layer of cyan light that isolated the countless immortals.

Even though the immortals used all their 18 levels of martial arts to peep into the air, they were still unable to get even close to the Imperial Ship.

"Fellow Taoist, please listen to what I have to say." Daozu was silent for a while, and then bowed to the emperor's ship again.

There was still no reaction from the Imperial Ship, and there was no ripple in the spiritual energy of the world around it. It was still as calm as ever. Under the cover of the huge Hongmeng Formation, the first formation of the Immortal Fighting Attack, the surface of the Imperial Ship reflected countless reflections.

Immortals, reflections of countless flag gates. Various colors of rays of light are constantly reflected from the surface of the Imperial Ship, which is strange and magnificent.

Daozu's face was a little helpless. He took a deep breath and quickly formed seals with his hands. He recited the mantra, and nine thick purple-gold haloes slowly emerged behind him. The nine haloes were like nine-layered treasure wheels, with each wheel on the

They are all engraved with countless mysterious and mysterious spells and runes.

After preparing everything, Daozu's finger gently pointed forward.

Where the sound of 'chichi' was heard, countless extremely fine spiritual energy tentacles wrapped around the Imperial Ship, and countless ripples appeared on the blue light shield. Daozu's probing method was extremely clever, almost reaching the point of being pervasive.

If it were any defensive formations and restrictions in the immortal world today, under the Taoist ancestor's magical detection power like a spring breeze, the flaws would be found for him to exploit, allowing him to use great magical powers and means to infiltrate them.

But the Emperor Ku Ship is a spiritual creature created by heaven and earth. It absorbed the essence of heaven and earth on the Hongmeng Tree and evolved into it. It is not an existence that the current immortals can imagine. Maybe the Hongmeng Daluo in the ancient times had a way to do something about the Emperor Ku Ship.

, but the current Daluo Taoist ancestors really have no way to deal with the Emperor Ku Ship.

Compared with the most powerful people in the immortal world now, compared with those truly powerful people in the ancient times, the gap is like the gap between an adult giant and a baby. The difference in strength, experience, experience, and vision between the two is really too far.


The poor Dao Ancestor released all his immortal power and all his immortal consciousness without reservation.

Put it in other places or other times, no Dao Ancestor would dare to do this. His current immortal body is an empty flesh body without any defense. Now as long as he is a mortal, holding a powerful enough weapon

, can easily kill this Dao Ancestor.

But here are surrounded by countless immortals and protected by the Immortal Court's most powerful attack and killing formation.

The Imperial Ship he faced had not moved at all for so many days, and nothing looked out of the ordinary. So in order to find out what happened to the Imperial Ship, and in such a safe environment, the Taoist ancestor

Regardless of everything, he released all his power and tried his best to explore the changes inside and outside the Imperial Ship.

But the Emperor Ku Ship is like a Xuanwu holy beast with hundreds of thousands of tortoise shells stacked on top of each other. There is no gap in the whole body. This Taoist ancestor has used all his strength to suck milk. But his spiritual energy tentacles and

Immortal consciousness has never been able to penetrate into the Imperial Ku Ship at all.

Time passed little by little. Daozu's face became increasingly ugly.

Finally, with a soft drink, several more Taoist ancestors joined in peeping at the Imperial Ship. They used their most magical methods and displayed various magical magical powers, trying to transfer a ray of their immortal consciousness to

Infiltrated into the Imperial Ship. However, the thick cyan halo on the surface of the Imperial Ship remained motionless. No matter what they did, they could not see clearly what was happening inside the Imperial Ship.

After struggling like this for more than half a month, just when these Taoist ancestors were furious and ready to put away their magical powers, a huge humanoid light and shadow quietly appeared on the bow of the Imperial Ship.

This is the true spirit of the Emperor Ku Ship. He roughly looks like a human, but it is obvious that the Emperor Ku Ship is just a ship and he is not a human being. Although he imitated his true spirit into a human form, the humanoid face he imitated

It's blurry, and the facial features are not very clear, but you can roughly tell that he is a strong and sturdy man.

The tall Emperor Kujian Zhenling stretched lazily. He glanced at the many immortals and Dao Ancestors around him, and coughed lowly: "There are so many people. Hey, little bastards, I'm just telling you.

Just say, wipe your neck and commit suicide."

The whole place was filled with deathly silence. The Taoist ancestors, the Immortal Emperors, the Daluo Golden Immortals, and countless immortals were all dumbfounded there.

An Immortal Emperor raised his head tremblingly, pointed at the Emperor's ship and shouted sternly: "Emperor, you..."

"Wrong, big mistake." Emperor Kujian stretched out his hand and waved heavily. Following the movement of his palm, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly created a huge whirlpool, and several Dao Ancestors could not control their bodies.

They were actually swept up by the whirlpool of spiritual energy and flew up. The embarrassed Taoist ancestors danced and flew in the air for a while, and then they used their magical powers to stabilize their bodies in a panic.

"Di Ku, that is an ancient emperor of your human race." Di Ku Jian said slowly: "I used to be his ship, so you call me Emperor Ku Jian. But my real name, hehe, is not Di Ku Jian.


"A white horse is not a horse, so I am not Emperor Ku." Emperor Ku Jian pretended to drop his schoolbag, and then he said seriously: "I mean it seriously. Just wipe your own neck. The immortal body will return to heaven and earth, and the immortal soul will be in the world."

All the stored power is fed back to the world. You leave a trace of your soul behind and can return to reincarnation. This is your last chance."

All the immortals' eyes twitched.

The last chance? They have worked hard for countless years to cultivate from a mortal to the immortal realm. After cultivating to the Yuanshen realm, they can live forever; to the earthly fairy realm, they no longer have the limitation of life span.

When they reach higher realms, such as the Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal realms, they are the supreme rulers of the immortal world.

Not to mention the Great Luo Golden Immortal, even in the Golden Immortal Realm, under the name of any Golden Immortal, there is at least one monk planet for their food and clothing, and countless immortals, monks, and mortals for them to order and call at will. This is still in the Central Immortal Realm.

, a golden immortal can control at most one monk planet.

If it were a remote fairyland on the outskirts of the fairy world, or a barren area on the edge of the fairy world, a golden immortal would be the supreme figure. Millions of monk planets, and trillions of people would all fall under his rule.

Responding to one call and controlling life and death. This is the enjoyment and status a golden immortal should have in the fairy world.

And this kind of enjoyment, this kind of status, is endless. As long as they don't suffer man-made disasters and are killed with a knife, the lifespan of the Golden Immortal is endless. They can sit in the high clouds and overlook all living beings for countless years.

Such enjoyment, such use, such splendor and wealth, such carefree happiness, what is your imperial ship? Do you dare to say it, and let so many immortals present wipe their necks and commit suicide, leaving a trace of their souls to return to reincarnation?

Who do you think you are?

Countless immortals laughed mockingly, shaking their heads and sighing in silence.

Half of the elite power of the Immortal Court is concentrated here, the eight Immortal Emperors are all here, and more than thirty Taoist ancestors account for more than 10% of the peak power of the Immortal World. They once held the position of Immortal Emperor and have now resigned, but they still have people in the Immortal Court.

There are hundreds of immortals with extremely important influence; as for the Daluo Jinxian, who controls huge power and unlimited resources in the immortal world, there are nearly ten thousand people in the large formation alone.

In the palaces and pavilions of countless fairy courts far and near, there are at least tens of thousands of Da Luo Jinxian belonging to various families, tribes, and forces gathered here. Half of the elites of the fairy court are here. These words are not false.

The Emperor Ku Ship is just an innate spiritual treasure controlled by the Immortal Court. How dare he say that all the immortals on the scene should wipe their necks and commit suicide? Isn't this ridiculous? What isn't this funny? What does the Emperor Ku Ship take him to be? Just one sentence.

Is the legendary Taoist Hongmeng who determines the life and death of Immortal Court?

All the immortals just laughed, and they couldn't stop laughing as they looked at the Imperial Ship.

When the Imperial Ship was motionless, these immortals were filled with fear and doubt, not knowing what was going on.

But when the true spirit of the Emperor Ku Ship suddenly appeared and said these words, the immortals suddenly laughed loudly. It turned out that the situation of the Emperor Ku Ship was not caused by other strange forces and chaos, but simply because of the Emperor Ku Ship.

The true spirit of the ship went crazy.

Although it sounds a bit unbelievable that the true spirit of an innate spiritual treasure can actually go crazy, but other than this explanation, is there any other reason?

The Taoist ancestors also laughed "hehe", they shook their heads slightly in disapproval, smiled and looked at the imperial ship and stroked their beards without saying a word.

"Then we can only use the method we least want to do."

Emperor Kujian sighed softly, and looked at these crazily laughing immortals. He said in a low voice: "You, forgetting your ancestors, betraying your faith, and being ungrateful, you 'immortals' should not be here."

Appear in heaven and earth.”

"Since you yourselves have forgotten the truth of the ancient times, what else will you do while you are alive besides causing harm to this world?"

"When you open up the fairy world, open up the netherworld, and forcefully cut pieces from the germ of the Hongmeng World Tree, you will die."

The true spirit of the Emperor Ku Ship disappeared. On the smooth surface of the Emperor Ku Ship, billions of growth ring-like patterns as thick as the mouth of a bowl suddenly appeared. These dark green growth ring-like patterns only flickered a few times, and they changed from representing

The dark green of infinite vitality turned into a withered yellow representing death and annihilation.

"Innate Qi? Divine Thunder of Nirvana."

Emperor Ku Ship said slowly: "By the way, my real name is Liang Yi Zhou, not Emperor Ku Ship."

From those bowl-sized annual ring-shaped patterns, countless yellow lightning burst out. In an instant, the Imperial Ship turned into a huge hedgehog, and countless yellow streams shot out in all directions.

Countless immortals and countless large arrays of flag gates bombarded the past.

Immortals fell one after another, and countless immortals were just hit by a bolt of thunder and fire, and their immortal bodies and souls collapsed at the same time.

Their fairy weapons, their body-protecting fairy clothes, and their magical powers are simply unable to compete with this divine thunder of annihilation. This is an absolutely overwhelming force, no matter in terms of the intensity of each divine thunder of annihilation.

In terms of the depth of the laws of the Great Way contained in the Divine Thunder of Annihilation, this is an absolutely overwhelming power.

All the immortals below the ninth rank Daluo were beaten to pieces with just one thunder.

Before Immortal Court's most powerful attack and killing formation could be launched in a hurry, it was beaten to pieces by countless withered yellow thunder and fire attacks.

Countless flag gates, countless arrays of flags and arrays, and countless arrays of flying swords and magic weapons were blasted to pieces, turning into pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the withered yellow light. The dull thunder resounded through the sky, and dazzling thunder light burst out everywhere.

, the huge formation was bombarded and collapsed out of shape in just a quarter of an hour.

The Dao Ancestor, the Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Lords struggled and roared in the boundless thunder and fire. They wanted to escape from this endless thunder and fire attack, but the entire Immortal Court was shrouded in withered yellow divine thunder. No matter where they ran, they could not escape.

The pursuit of these thunder and fire.

What's even more terrifying is that there are countless faint tree vein-like lines appearing in the void. Even if they are the Taoist Supreme, once they are touched by these thin lines, all their immortal power will flow out like running water, and they will become helpless in the blink of an eye.

The power of binding the chicken allows the divine thunder to kill it.

The Imperial Ship moved, and like a swimming tiger shark, he broke into a school of sardines, leaving endless blood wherever he passed. Large areas of immortals fell in the thunder and fire he sprayed, even Daozu Daluo

, unable to withstand his thunder and fire.

Today's immortals have forgotten that in the ancient times, the Imperial Ship was not only unparalleled and indestructible, but its lethality was even more astonishing. It could become the ship of countless divine emperors, countless human emperors and immortal emperors.

, he himself is the most powerful innate spiritual treasure integrating offense and defense.

In the ancient times, there may have been powerful innate spiritual beings that could compete with the Emperor Ku Ship, but in today's fairy world, where all the powerful Hunyuan and Hongmeng class experts have disappeared, the power of the Emperor Ku Ship is enough to sweep across the starry sky.


One Taoist ancestor fell one after another, and the blood of the Immortal Emperor spilled into the sky one after another.

The Immortal Court was in chaos, completely in chaos. With the attack of the Imperial Ship, the core area of ​​the Immortal Court was completely plunged into chaos.

In the midst of this chaos, the seven huge figures, the true form of the ancient power that held up the entire Immortal Courtyard, moved slightly.

Countless tree vein-like lines quickly spread around, and the void was penetrated by these tree veins. With an earth-shattering sound, a huge hole with a diameter of more than a million miles opened in the void.

A mixed black and red demonic energy spurted out from the hole. In the core area of ​​​​the fairy court, in the core area of ​​​​the highest governing body in the fairy world, a giant passage directly to the nether world was opened.


The Netherworld and the Immortal World are completely connected through this passage at this moment.

A blood-colored parrot flapped its wings and jumped out of the hole with great joy. He screamed at the top of his lungs: "Dad, there are so many beautiful fairies like flowers, hurry up and grab them! If you are quick, you are slow, tsk, this is

The girl’s legs are so beautiful!”

A low roar came from the void passage, and two giant bloody palms with a radius of thousands of miles slowly grabbed the edge of the passage, and slowly pulled an extremely huge, ferocious demonic body out of the passage.

Pulled out.

The supreme ruler of the Netherworld, the ghost saint Rahu, who has been contending with the main force of Buddhism in the Netherworld for countless years, comes to the fairy world.

Behind Luo Hu was a mighty and endless army of the underworld, and countless ferocious devils and demons broke in.

The bad news quickly spread from the central fairyland to the surrounding areas, and in the blink of an eye, most of the fairyland received a series of bad news.

Almost the entire army of the top core leaders of Immortal Court was annihilated, and the entire army of Netherworld invaded.

This chapter has been completed!
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