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Three hundred and ninetieth chapters wind and rain

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Xianting, the ancestral home of the Hua family.

The Hua family is a family of officials, and has been closely related to the Immortal Court for generations. All family power is completely dependent on the Immortal Court.

Just when the Imperial Ship was killing everyone and Luo Hu crossed over from the Netherworld, in the 'Ten Thousand Flowers City' that the Hua family had spent countless financial and material resources to build, Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun walked slowly and slowly through the thick blood.

Walking slowly in the city.

Countless powerful Huajia immortals, wearing heavy armor and holding sharp knives, broke into each house according to the list and killed all the people in these houses, whether men, women, old or young, direct members of the Huajia family or servants and guards.

Beheaded on the spot.

The Hua family has thrived and developed in the Immortal Court for countless eons. The number of direct descendants living in Wanhua City alone exceeds 300 million. The number of servants, maids, servants, guards, etc. who belong to the Hua family is at least a hundred times that number. But now,

The city defense array of Wanhua City was activated in reverse, and the entire city could not be entered or left. The most elite army of the Hua family was going on a killing spree.

Several ancestors of the Hua family, with their hands behind their backs, quietly followed Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun, inspecting the ancestral home of their family, which was covered with thick plasma layer after layer. Until they had walked through most of the long street,

An ancestor of the Hua family suddenly listened for a while.

After a long while, the ancestor of the Hua family nodded slowly: "Those who are unwilling to follow us have been cleared away. All resources and materials in the warehouse are being sent to the selected location through the teleportation immortal formation."

Hua Qingfeng flicked her fingers gently and glared at several Hua family ancestors in displeasure.

"You must remember clearly that the blood of our Destiny God Clan flows in your bodies, and you are our direct descendants."

"Even if you are able to hide your identity and thrive in the Immortal Court until today, this still cannot change the fact that you are the descendants of my Destiny God Clan. Only by following us can you have a future. And we will never harm you for no reason.


He opened his hands and hugged the sky vigorously. Hua Liuyun said "shenyin" with great satisfaction.

"Kill all the immortals, kill all the gods who have practiced the immortality technique of immortals, and eradicate all immortality seeds. Then we can gain true freedom...and dignity."

As the oldest divine ancestor of the Destiny God Clan, as the oldest and most noble existence of all the gods, Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun actually said that they pursue 'real freedom and dignity'. Such words are really a bit strange to other people's ears.


In particular, the ground in Ten Thousand Flowers City was covered in blood, with the blood of countless Hua family members piled on the ground. Occasionally, the screams of dying people could be heard in the distance. Hua Liuyun's words were even more bizarre and ferocious. But they

The several ancestors of the Hua family behind him nodded with deep understanding, obviously they agreed with Hua Liuyun's words.

Half an hour later, all the plasma in Wanhua City was sucked away by the Hua family ancestors with a blood-colored orb, and the immortal souls of all the killed Hua family members were also collected. Thick plasma was still flowing on the ground,

But not a drop of this plasma belongs to the Hua family. The plasma here all comes from the servants and guards.

Therefore, the essence, blood, and souls of the Hua family members, and the essence, blood, and souls of all the Hua family members who were against the Hua family ancestors, were sucked away by this bloody orb. Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun took the Hua family ancestors,

With those die-hard Hua family members who followed them wholeheartedly, they passed through an extremely secret teleportation formation and were far away from the core area of ​​the Immortal Court in an instant.

This teleportation fairy formation originated from the ancient times. The base of the formation is three top-level innate spiritual treasures. Although they are innate spiritual treasures refined by powerful people who collected innate materials and are not real innate spiritual objects generated by heaven and earth, these

The power of the three innate spiritual treasures is also extremely amazing.

A teleportation brought Hua Qingfeng, Hua Liuyun and the others from the core fairyland located in the center of the fairyland to the most remote southwest corner of the fairyland.

The area of ​​the Immortal Domain here is extremely vast, there are incomparably many monk planets, and the number of monks and civilians is extremely astonishing. However, there are very few immortals here, and the strength of the few immortals is really not good.

In this fairyland, which is called the "barbaric wilderness of the southwest" by the high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the fairy court, an earthly fairy can control hundreds of monk planets in a galaxy, and a heavenly fairy can control dozens of galaxies in a starfield. As for that,

Golden Immortal, this Southwest Immortal Territory covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of Immortal Continents. The total number of Golden Immortals is only three digits. It is really extremely rare.

It is in such a remote place where the Immortal Court has only symbolically established some counties and government offices. However, the Hua family spent a lot of effort here many years ago to build an extremely secretive place where countless treasures are stored.

A secret base of supplies.

This is a monk planet surrounded by seven suns and thirty-five moons. This monk planet is more than a million times larger than the Lianyi star where Yin Xuege once lived temporarily. On the largest landmass on this planet,

The members of the Hua family have leveled a piece of flat land here with a radius of tens of millions of miles.

The astronomical amounts of materials that the Hua family had embezzled from the Xianting warehouse for countless years were now spent here.

The flat land with a radius of tens of millions of miles is completely covered with spiritual jade worth as much as the top-grade Golden Immortal Stone. The Hua family members are very generous. This is not just a thin layer of spiritual jade, but a full layer of three hundred spiritual jade.

The thick inner jade.

This kind of spiritual jade, which contains a huge amount of pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth and is as valuable as the top-grade golden fairy stone of the same weight, is spread over a land with a radius of tens of thousands of miles and is a full three hundred miles thick. Even if the Hua family is a fairy court

The general manager of the Ministry of Accounts, which also emptied all their inventory for countless years.

On the flat mirror-like spiritual jade foundation, mountains of various rare materials such as fairy gold, precious silver, black iron, and black steel, which are close to innate materials, were poured out to form a huge array with a perfect circle and a diameter of tens of millions of miles.


On the base of the formation, countless precious space-attributed orbs, gems and other materials are densely inlaid. Next to each space-attributed gem and jade, a special fairy formation is arranged to defend against the backlash of space tides. To help these space materials

Withstand the counter-shock force that tears apart the space.

It was dazzling with jewels and jewels. The Hua family spent countless money on this grand formation. All the belongings that the Hua family had accumulated over the years were thrown into this grand formation. They even took advantage of the chaos and killed the Immortal Emperors while using the Emperor's Ship.

, killing many Dao Ancestors and causing chaos in the Immortal Courtyard, all the materials in the 3,000 Immortal Courtyard treasure houses that were evacuated were also thrown onto this formation.

At the core of this astonishingly large-scale space formation, there are astonishingly one thousand and eighty top-notch Daluo Taoist artifacts with space attributes as the formation eyes. And the core formation base is eighteen spiritual treasure-level space formations.

The treasure of attributes.

A total of 800 high-level Daluo Jinxian from the Hua family and a large number of Jinxian sat in the middle of the formation. They were responsible for controlling the formation and controlling the flow of mana in the formation. These immortals were all familiar with space immortals.

With extremely exquisite attainments, they are the immortals in the Hua family who have the most profound mastery of space magic.

When Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun came here, the entire formation had been arranged. The last bit of materials they took out from the Hua family's warehouse were also filled into the formation, and finally the formation was ready.

The merits are complete.

The blood-colored orb that concentrated hundreds of millions of the natal essence, blood, and fairy souls of the Hua family was placed at the core of the formation. The blood of the Hua family hides the bloodline of the Destiny God Clan. These blood essences and fairy souls will serve as some kind of space landmarks.

, find existences that echo them in extremely distant places.

About half a month's voyage from the Imperial Ship to the Shenhuang battlefield, there is an extremely vast floating continent. Countless gods and their descendants are standing densely on the vast land. In front of them, is a

The blood pool was thousands of miles long, with plasma rolling in it. Countless descendants of the gods of the Destiny God Clan were killed, and all their plasma was injected into this blood pool.

There is a blood-colored orb shining in the blood pool. The frequency of this orb flashing is exactly the same as the frequency of another blood-colored orb in the extremely distant Xianting Southwest Fairyland. The two are like a heart beating, releasing a heart-stopping sound.

The amount of evil charm.

"It's finally about to begin." Hua Qingfeng gently touched his heart and said calmly: "The Destiny God Clan, the Prophecy God System, and the thirty people who have made friends with us and signed the contract.

Seven Clans of Gods.”

"As for other people, go and die if you love them." Hua Liuyun sneered coldly, and roared in a low voice: "It was because of their greed that we were expelled together with them. Endless lifespan?

Control of the entire world?"

Stomping her feet fiercely, Hua Liuyun said in a dark voice: "A group of idiots who can't even forget their origins, their roots, and the hatred they carry. Do they really regard themselves as gods? A group of people who don't know

Things that are alive and dead, let them wither in the boundless mist."

Hua Qingfeng smiled cruelly. He squinted his eyes and said calmly: "Counting the time, without the injection of the world's original breath, without the replenishment of the world's original vitality. In not many years, those idiots who stayed in Hongmeng will be completely destroyed."

Withered and decayed. The gods and humans have declined and become completely extinct. It is really pitiful."

Hua Liuyun looked up at the sky. He looked at the sky in trance, looking towards infinity.

His gaze crossed the Shenhuang battlefield far away in the infinite vast void, far beyond the distance of the Shenhuang battlefield.

It was an extremely remote place, so far away that it was indescribable. It was so far away that even the Emperor Ku Ship would have spent countless calamities of time to reach it. It was so far away, so unpredictable, and even at such a distance, even they could not reach it.

Such an ancient and powerful divine ancestor would feel despair.

"They have forgotten that our hope is not here." Hua Liuyun sighed softly.

"Let's begin." Hua Qingfeng snorted softly: "Kill all the immortals, kill all the... immortal seeds."

The huge magic circle began to tremble, and the seven suns near the monk planet simultaneously emitted dazzling light. Seven blazing fire pillars thousands of miles thick spurted out from the core of the sun, sinking heavily into the core of the magic circle.

The space vibrated violently, and the space fluctuations that were so powerful that Dao Ancestor did not dare to approach spread to all directions. The void was immediately torn open with a crack that was a million miles high and thousands of miles wide. The blood-colored orb flashed rapidly, and a pole

Thin blood-colored light shot out from the orb, penetrated the void, and extended toward another blood-colored orb on the other side, toward another blood-colored orb that had accumulated the blood energy of countless Destiny God Clan.

The void was torn apart, and the blood-colored light extended forward in the endless void for seven days and seven nights. Finally, the blood-colored light touched the blood-colored orb at the other end. The two orbs exploded at the same time, and a ball of bloody light spread out.

Come on. A piece of blood spreads in the space corridor torn apart by the formation, making the entire space corridor stained with a thick layer of blood mist.

Guided by the bloodline power of the Destiny God Clan and based on this huge formation that cost countless people, Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun borrowed the power of the Hua family to open up a direct path from the Shenhuang battlefield in the endless Hongmeng void.

A one-way passage to the fairy world.

Although they had already made plans, when Hua Qingfeng and Hua Liuyun saw the corridor taking shape, they still felt their hearts beating violently twice and subconsciously held their breath.

They looked at each other, and then nodded gently: "As expected, it was successful. God wants to kill the immortals, and they can only be destroyed."

On the continent next to the Shenhuang battlefield, countless gods and their descendants burst into earth-shaking cheers at the same time. They excitedly raised countless weapons and lined up neatly. They faced the space in front of them that was thousands of miles wide.

The crack went in.

The blood-colored space crack was like a monster's big mouth, easily swallowing up the boundless army of gods.

Flowers and breezes, flowers and flowing clouds are waiting quietly, waiting quietly.

They stood there, quietly waiting for the clan of gods who had been exiled to the Hongmeng Void... No, not the clan of gods, just the return of the destiny clan and thirty-seven other clans of gods.

They stood there quietly. They waited quietly for a day and a night, and then with the dull sound of war drums, the Palace of Destiny slowly flew out of the crack in space. Countless divine kings, commanders, and generals of the Destiny God Clan.

Standing on the Palace of Destiny, feeling the rich aura of heaven and earth in the fairy world, he let out a crazy shout.

The Palace of Destiny is suspended in the sky above this monk planet. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is constantly injected into this huge palace.

This is the most powerful war tool forged by the Destiny God Clan in the ancient times to fight against the Immortal Alliance. After experiencing the crazy attacks of countless Hongmeng and Hunyuan-level powers, this Destiny God Palace still maintains a small half of its combat effectiveness.

At this moment, supplemented by the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the mottled and damaged parts of the Palace of Destiny began to shine with dazzling light. The Palace of Destiny began its magical self-rebirth, and those incomplete and damaged buildings absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, just like that.

It grew out of thin air.

Those gods who had been seriously injured and had been in Hongmeng for countless years without any hope of recovery breathed in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the fairy world, and a new vitality suddenly grew in their bodies.

The sound of "chichi" is endless, and various colors of light are flowing on the surface of the gods. A large amount of dirty blood spurts out from under their skin with a pungent fishy smell. Layers of dead skin are constantly falling off from their bodies.

They came back to life like a snake shedding its skin.

"The original power of the world." Hua Qingfeng looked at these gods who were recovering rapidly and nodded gently.

"That taste is so good." Hua Liuyun also looked at these gods who were recovering rapidly: "Sooner or later, we will also feel this kind of happiness, this kind of pleasure of rebirth."

"Well, I believe that one day." Hua Qingfeng said calmly: "We have all made mistakes, and we have all violated the promises we made."

"Our family broke our promise, so we were expelled to Hongmeng Void."

"And humans, they also broke their promises, so now it's their turn to be punished."

"We must abide by our duties. We must abide by the rules on what we should do and what we should not do."

"After all, we are just passers-by in this world. We are just guests. We take refuge in this world. We are not the masters of this world."

The two brothers sighed softly. With their hands behind their backs, they watched the Palace of Destiny fly higher and higher, gradually flying out of the atmosphere of the monk planet.

"Our family, in fact, we can't even control our own destiny. How dare we talk about the word 'master'?" Hua Qingfeng looked at her brother sarcastically: "I always remind myself that we are just..."

"We are just creations." Hua Liuyun looked at his brother seriously: "I always keep this in mind. So when my clan was expelled, I agreed to Jin Chan'er's conditions. That's why our clan has a chance.

, return to this world."

"There are eternal beings in the world, but they are definitely not us now." Hua Qingfeng looked sarcastically into the distance, towards the fairy court.

"These immortals don't understand this truth, so those high-ranking Hongmeng experts have disappeared; those extremely powerful Hunyuan experts have disappeared."

"So in the current immortal world, even the existence of Daluo Jinxian's limit is becoming less and less. There is no road ahead of them, and they can no longer find a way forward."

"They still have a way, but I believe they will never be happy to take it." Hua Liuyun clenched his fists and roared loudly: "Those immortals will never choose this way, so, my children

, the destiny clan... no, the 'creatures' who are sheltered under the law of destiny and rely on stealing the power of destiny to survive, let us help those immortals choose their path!"

Black and white divine light rose into the sky, and Hua Qingfeng shouted sternly: "All warriors of the 'Creation' clan, rush out and kill!"

"Kill all the 'immortals' you see, kill all the 'immortals' you see, kill all the soul cultivators you see!"

"Kill them all, destroy them completely."

"Destroy their sects, destroy their families, destroy their inheritance, and exterminate their descendants."

"But remember, we are just the cleansers of this world, and we cannot harm any 'human being'."

"Remember the lessons we have learned."

"Don't hurt any human being."

The emperor's fleet killed everyone in the fairy court, and Luo Hu led the boundless demon army into the fairy world.

The allied army of the gods, which had disappeared in the fairy world for countless years, suddenly rushed out from the southwest of the fairy world and swept across the fairy world with the force of a flood.

The immortals in the fairy world were frightened when they heard the news, and suddenly there was a storm coming, and the wind and rain were falling.

This chapter has been completed!
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