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Chapter 31 The Old Man (Part 1)

In the great Berlin city-state, behind the 9527th section of the city wall in the south, outside a simple rock fortress, Xiaojie clenched the spear in his hand, and his eyes covered with countless bloodshot eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

A crude pure steel spear, about three meters long, with a goose egg-thick handle wrapped with sweat-absorbent linen. I don’t know how many owners it has been, but the original white linen has turned into black and yellow, exuding a smell.

A faint fishy smell.

Xiaojie squatted on the ground, and there were pale-faced, skinny death squads all around him. Like Xiaojie, these suicide squads had a thumb-thick metal collar hanging around their necks, which contained powerful spar bombs. If Xiaojie

If Jay and the others die in battle, these bombs will explode, turning everything within a three-meter radius around their bodies into ashes.

If Xiaojie and the others dare to escape on the battlefield, their commander will not hesitate to detonate the collars around their necks and blow them to pieces. As a suicide squad member, you can only survive for a while if you move forward with blood.

"Old Jack, you killed me!" Xiaojie looked at the sky blankly, with no moisture in his dry eyes. Over the past few days, since Old Jack's tavern was closed down by the Ministry of Public Security, Xiaojie has been tortured.

Jie cried and wailed countless times, but he had no tears left.

He watched helplessly as his men, those who fought with him from the streets and survived, were killed by the hunters as if they were torturing pigs and dogs. He watched helplessly as he was also arrested along with him.

Old Jack was beaten into a blur of flesh and blood inch by inch by them!

He hates Old Jack, but he can't hate him anymore! If Old Jack hadn't adopted Xiaojie and his group of men, maybe Xiaojie would have starved to death ten years ago! Over the years, Old Jack has fed Xiaojie,

Let him have a stable life.

"Damn old guy, even if you are a fallen person who admires the blood demon, you still have to tell me! At least we can work together to figure out how to make it safer and more private!" Xiaojie lowered his head and sobbed silently.

stand up.

"We wouldn't have blocked the door of the tavern like this, searched out all the evidence, and didn't even have a chance to make excuses!"

His fingers grasped the spear hard, and the fingertips turned pale white due to the excessive force. The sharp laughter of Finnis, Bright and others who tortured him echoed over and over in Xiaojie's mind.

As well as his brothers and old Jack's miserable howl before his death! Countless bloody scenes flashed before his eyes, and his body began to tremble violently.

He could not forget the sight of old Jack, who had lost all his limbs, tied to the cross, and burned to pieces by the flames from Feniss's hand. He could not forget the ferocity unleashed by Bright on his subordinates and brothers.

The scene of the monster tearing it apart piece by piece.

"God's forgiveness? Forgiveness?" Xiaojie gritted his teeth so hard that his teeth almost broke his gums. A large amount of blood poured out from his lips and fell to the ground drop by drop.

"And that damn little guy, what's his name? That damn vampire! Why did you come to the Great Berlin City-State? If it weren't for you, how could we have been caught?" Xiaojie's nails cracked.

, the blood slowly slid down his fingers. It was as if he couldn't feel the pain at all. He clutched the spear tightly with both hands, and the skin on his palms slowly opened countless holes.

A loud noise was heard, and the ground nearby shook violently.

The screams of soldiers from the security forces of the Great Berlin City State were heard in the distance. A powerful blood demon army was just outside the city. They launched an attack on the Great Berlin City State! This is something unprecedented. Since the establishment of the Great Berlin City State,

Although blood demon spies constantly sneak into the city to carry out various kinds of destruction, there has never been a large-scale blood demon to launch a frontal attack on the city!

The city-state of Berlin has a population of hundreds of millions. In this main city alone, there are more than 200 million civilians, tens of millions of regular troops and countless mercenaries, not to mention the powerful elites headed by the thirteen great consuls. Even if they

Even against the most powerful blood demon, he will not fall behind at all!

This city is the forbidden land of the blood demon!

But today, tens of thousands of blood demons came to the outside of the city with more than a million civilians and soldiers they captured, and launched a brazen attack!

The huge bomb exploded and shook the city wall of the Great Berlin City State violently. If the defensive barrier in the city was not strong enough, and the Great Berlin City State had accumulated countless crystal stones to serve as the energy source for the barrier, this section of the city wall would have been breached long ago!

Even so, the aftermath of the bomb still caused countless nearby buildings to collapse. At least thousands of soldiers were killed and injured. There were painful wails and groans everywhere, and soldiers from the security forces continued to carry the bloody wounded to the rear.

The fortress for rescue!

The wave after wave of shelling was so despairing that Xiaojie's ears were so shaken by the huge explosion that he could hardly hear any sound. He even felt his body numb, and the shock coming from the ground made his

His internal organs were about to turn inside out.

Xiaojie touched the collar on his neck hard, and laughed bitterly.

When the blood demon attacks the city, these suicide squad members who have committed serious crimes will definitely be the first to attack! Those powerful blood demons are not something they can resist! He will definitely be killed, but he really

Not willing to give in!

He also wants to take revenge on Finniss and Bright! He must kill them with his own hands before he can die with peace of mind!

A sharp sound broke through the air. A middle-aged man wearing a gold and red palace dress, with blood flaming around his body, suddenly appeared above the South 9527 city wall. He looked down on the city wall like an ant.

The soldier running back and forth slowly raised his right hand.

"Humans, under the power of the great Prince Farnburg, cry!" Farnburg raised his hand, and the blood demon's secret evil spell 'Song of Death' was fully activated. The ground cracked in all directions.

Countless gaps were opened, and a large amount of black-red mist rolled out from the ground. All objects contaminated by these black-red mist were all falling into rapid aging.

A hundred years passed in a blink of an eye, whether they were stones or living people, they all passed through a hundred years in just a blink of an eye.

Boulders weathered, buildings collapsed, and the heavily armed soldiers let out shrill wails. In the blink of an eye, their wails became feeble. The soldiers became extremely old, their youth passed away, and their lives quickly dissipated.

No, their vitality has not dissipated. Their vitality turned into a bloody torrent visible to the naked eye, roaring into the sky and constantly submerging into the body of Prince Farnborough. As these vitalities were replenished, the appearance of Farnborough changed.

He became younger and younger, and gradually he quickly returned from the appearance of a middle-aged man in his forties to his early thirties.

"This is revenge! Damn humans!" Farnborough cursed murmuringly: "I am sleeping peacefully in my secret lair! But you greedy people insist on removing me from my most beloved coffin.

Dig it out and even bring me here alive, you are causing trouble for yourselves!"

"Farnborough has never been a broad-minded person! You will regret it! Ever since you used a soldering iron to torture this old guy as a symbol of a male creature, I swear, you will regret it!"

Black-red mist rolled and enveloped everything within a kilometer radius.

Xiaojie and other suicide squad members who happened to be outside the black-red fog looked at everything happening in the fog in horror and despair. It was an image that could only appear in a nightmare. Everything was decaying and decaying. Those big Berlins

The regular army of the city-state turned into skeletons one by one, and then turned into dust. Their weapons and armor were quickly weathered and corroded, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Those tall buildings slowly collapsed and collapsed, completing their life course in just a few breaths.

Soon, this section of the city wall turned into a ghost. Including the death squad commander who controlled Xiaojie and the others, all the regular soldiers of the security forces turned into dust. Xiaojie looked at the suspended in the air in horror and nervousness.

Farnborough, suddenly he jumped up and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Hey! That old guy, I'm Xiaojie from Captain Jack's Tavern! Do you know old Jack? Have you heard of him? He's one of your people! Damn it, he's one of your people! I'm one of your people too!

Get me out of this damn place!"

Farnburg lowered his head, and his cold and ruthless eyes swept across Xiaojie's thin body contemptuously. What is Captain Jack's Tavern? What is Old Jack? What does these things have to do with him? Raising his right hand high, Farnburg's fist was on

A black-red mist was rapidly compressing and swirling. As long as he threw this mist down, Xiaojie's death squad fortress would also be wiped out.

At this moment, Yin Xuege flapped his natal bat wings and rushed in from outside the city waving the Blood Spirit Sword. He had just been under the care of Yin Tianjue with several masters of the hunters of the Berlin city-state.

A short but fierce battle ensued.

Several hunters were killed, and Yin Xuege also suffered some minor injuries. However, under the stimulation of the fierce battle, Yin Xuege absorbed a large part of the blood essence of the three thousand-year-old dukes in his body. At this moment, Yin Xuege

The blood in Ge's body is boiling, and both his physical strength and the demonic power of his blood are soaring rapidly. He has broken through the bottleneck of an earl and has successfully become a marquis.

He came to Farnburg and was about to observe Farnburg's unique secret skills when he heard Xiaojie cursing at the top of his lungs.

"Damn it, you vampires! You stinky bats! You can't turn your back on me like this! Old Jack is dead! To protect you, he died! He didn't say a word before he died! He didn't say anything!

And my brothers, they are all dead!"


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