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Chapter Thirteen: The Test of Family Love

According to the rules of the Yin family, those who receive the "Yin Feng Jue" can only go to the Yin family martial arts pavilion alone.

Early in the morning, Yin Xuuge got up.

He received the token yesterday, and today he is going to receive the "Yin Feng Jue" and learn "The White Bone Body of the Ghost King" at the same time.

It rained lightly last night.

It's not a good idea to be close to the Weishui River. The flow of the Weishui River is abundant, and the rainfall in the basin is naturally abundant.

If you make an appointment with a few friends, it is a very elegant thing to cook wine and talk about green plums on a spring night in the drizzle.

If you are going on a long trip, leaving the ancient city of Weinan and heading to the mountainous countryside, rain will bring inconvenience.

But to Yin Xuege, these inconveniences are not a big inconvenience.

Before dawn, water trucks from spring villages outside the city drove into the city. The prefect's mansion, the Lu's mansion, and the houses of dignitaries everywhere all needed a certain amount of sweet mountain spring water. One hundred and twenty water trucks delivered it.

The spring water can just meet the daily needs of many dignitaries in Weinan City.

Standing at the street corner, I saw a longing figure approaching, heard the sound of wheels, raised a lantern and swung it around a few times, took out a dozen copper coins and weighed them in my hands. The sound of the coins hitting each other was very clear, and the convoy delivering water also

Just stopped.

The white-haired old man Shuitou raised the animal oil torch in his hand, shined a light on Yin Xuuge's face, asked a few questions in a low voice, and accepted the copper coins.

He sat with his feet together on the shaft of a water carriage. The one-horned green bull pulling the carriage started to move violently. After inspecting it at the city gate, a fresh breeze blew out.

Rushing towards his face, Yin Xuuge had already left Weinan City.

The Yin family is the first aristocratic family in Weinan County.

He is the core figure of the Yin family, and a large number of Yin family members live in the city. But the foundation of the Yin family, the ancestral home of the Yin family, and the foundation where the Yin family was founded, is located fifty miles outside the city in the ten thousand-year-old water poplar forest under the Yinfeng Ridge.

Water poplar has a yin nature, and its wood is extremely hard. It can be used to make various magical tools that can nourish the ghost soul and store the yin energy of heaven and earth. It is also an excellent material for pure yin attribute rune arrows. A hundred-year-old water poplar is worthless, and a thousand-year water poplar is worthless.

The price is the same as silver, and the thousand-year-old water poplar is worth thousands of gold.

The so-called value of a thousand gold refers to a piece of the core of the ten thousand-year-old water poplar tree, the size of a human head, reaching the heart of the Yin wood. It is the so-called genius treasure. After taking it out, it is as thick as a little finger. It is worth a thousand taels of gold. The whole piece reaches the heart of the Yin wood.

The value is immeasurable.

In the ten-thousand-year-old water poplar forest where the Yin family manor is located, there are twelve ten-thousand-year-old water poplar trees, which are carefully cared for by countless Yin family members.

The manor outside the city is the foundation of the Yin family, so all the important facilities of the Yin family are outside the city.

The Martial Arts Pavilion is the core pavilion where the Yin family stores the family's fundamental skill "Yin Feng Jue", as well as countless other skills collected by the Yin family. Naturally, it is also located in the manor outside the city, surrounded by countless buildings.

We took a water convoy out of the city and walked west for forty miles until we arrived at Quanzhuang.

The one-horned green bull has a strong physique and a steady and fast pace. It only took two quarters of an hour to cover forty miles.

Yin Xuuge jumped out of the car and passed the water in Quan Manor. Then he took long strides, and under the light of the last half of the full moon hanging in the western sky, he walked quickly towards the Yin Family Manor on the soft soil.


There are still three to five miles away from the Yin family manor. In front of it is a mountain range that is no more than two or three hundred feet high and stretches for more than a hundred miles. This is Yinfeng Ridge, where the ancestors of the Yin family started tens of thousands of years ago.

Up and down Yinfeng Ridge, there are densely planted poplars that are completely black and have twisted branches like ghost hands.

The wind in the spring morning blows through the poplar trees. The thin poplar branches tremble like piano strings, emitting an exciting "woo-woo" whistling sound.

This strange sound can easily spread for more than ten miles along the wind. Therefore, Yinfeng Ridge is also called Ghost Crying Ridge by the people of Weinan County. This water poplar forest is also called Ghost Crying Forest. The Yin family's manor in the water poplar forest is also called Ghost Crying Forest.

, on weekdays very few outsiders are willing to come close.

Following a branch road paved with bluestones, he quickly ran to the entrance of the poplar forest. Yin Xuege stopped.

The two have completed tempering their bodies and have begun to open acupuncture points, preparing to breathe in the vitality of the weather into their bodies. The young man who started the practice was dressed in black and wearing a ghost mask. Like a real ghost, he emerged from two large trees with the thickness of three people hugging each other.

Walk out of the tree.

A secret door opened in the tree, which was as dark as black charcoal. Yin Xuege saw the two tribesmen walking out of the secret door.

"Who is here? Do you know that this is the ancestral land of the Yin family in Weinan?"

"According to law, within twenty miles of the Yin family manor, any trespassers will be killed!"

The two young men scolded in a sullen voice, swung their right hands behind them, and pulled out two dark, long, and light Wind Wind Swords.

Quickly putting the token given by Yin Jiuyou into her hand, Yin Xuuge shouted loudly.

"Yin Xuege of the Weinan Yin family, under the order of the family leader, came to our martial arts pavilion to learn the "Yin Feng Jue"!"

In the dark water poplar forest, a subtle voice came quietly.

"Yin Xuege? You came so early, baby! Much earlier than we expected."

Another hoarse, but equally subtle voice floated from afar.

"Tsk tsk, young people have unstable minds and are right to be eager to learn the supreme magic of our family. This is worthy of encouragement!"

The third one was slightly sharper, as if the sound coming from a hundred miles away floated intermittently and continuously nearby.

"The token is true and the person is worthy. Let him come in."

There was no more life in the poplar forest. The two young men in black who were guarding the door swayed and sank lightly into the secret door on the tree trunk.

The secret door closed silently, and the location where the secret door was originally turned into a piece of rough old bark. At first glance, there was no trace at all.

In the water poplar forest, which was originally pitch black and even the moonlight could not penetrate, a white light suddenly appeared.

The white light is clear and pure, sweeping away the gloomy and evil atmosphere of the water poplar forest just now, illuminating a ten-foot-wide bluestone avenue that goes straight to the foot of Yinfeng Ridge. Through the white light, you can see the neat rows on both sides of the bluestone avenue.

A stone statue several feet tall.

Mottled and ancient, the surface is covered with a large number of sword and knife marks, and traces of fire and lightning can be seen in some places. The surface of these stone statues is densely covered with twisted and coiled talisman patterns, and these deeply sunken patterns are covered with moss.


It is said in the Yin family sect that these stone statues are all Dharma stone puppets.

It is driven by magic stones condensed with the essence of heaven and earth. The whole body is densely covered with magic symbols. The stone statues can move and fight at will like living people. They are tougher than the human body, more powerful than human power, and more ruthless than the human heart. They are the most powerful people.

Loyal defender.

For tens of thousands of years, the Yin family has laid its foundation by relying on these magical stone puppets that they continuously purchased from outside Weinan County with huge sums of money.

Every scar and piece of moss on the body of the Dharma Stone Puppet symbolizes the past glory, past humiliation, past suffering, countless sacrifices and contributions of the Yin family, the largest family in Weinan County.

Moving forward along the avenue, on both sides, there were magic stone puppets that were at least one foot to five feet tall and the tallest to about six or seven feet tall. They were holding various huge stone weapons and looked at him silently with their heads lowered.

There is no talisman to motivate them. These puppets that have gone through many vicissitudes of life cannot move, think, or make a sound.

They stood here quietly, one every ten feet, but they gave Yin Xuege a great sense of security.

The white light shone on the huge puppet statue, and the mottled light and shadow changed. When Yin Xuege looked at them, the light and shadow flickered, as if they were constantly winking at him. Although he knew that they were dead creatures activated by magic symbols, but

He always felt that they were alive.

Their bodies are dead, but their fighting spirit, their history, and their sacrifices are alive.

"There is a feeling that they are alive?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Yin Xuuge. A cold air blew on his neck, causing large goosebumps to appear on the skin of his neck.

Yin Xuege was not frightened. As soon as he walked onto this avenue, he felt the presence of this person.

His escape technique was very clever, and he completely blended into the darkness around him. These white lights illuminated the path under his feet for Yin Xuege, but they also helped him cover up any traces he might have left behind.

The people around Shuiyang were also silent, but Shuiyang had already told Yin Xuuge about the existence of this person.

This is the poplar forest, this is the world of poplars. No living creature can hide here without being sensed by the poplars.

The Shuiyang people felt it, and so did Yin Xuege.

This man has been following him, but Yin Xuege pretends not to know.

When this person suddenly spoke from behind him and spat out a cold air maliciously, Yin Xuege activated like thunder.

The Gale Crossbow suddenly cocked up under the hem of his robe, and the dull sound of the crossbow string disturbed the silent water poplar forest.

The three-edged bone-piercing arrow let out a triumphant and ferocious laugh, and happily ran towards the warm embrace of the person behind him.

Behind him, the skinny old man with gray hair, eyebrows and beard like a tangled mess, cursed in shock, his feet suddenly jumped, and his legs lost their traces like a ghost. His figure turned into wind, into mist, into

The invisible ghost shadow swept back lightly.

The old man never dreamed that Yin Xuuge would be frightened by him and give him a fatal blow with the Gale Crossbow.

He retreated quickly, but the Gale Crossbow chased him even faster, and the arrow approached his face inch by inch, and finally hit his face.

The old man was helpless. He opened his mouth and bit down hard on the arrow.

Bai Shengsheng's teeth, which were like wolf fangs, bit down hard, and the arrow made of alloy, strong enough to penetrate steel, was bitten into two pieces.

The hard and tough alloy was bitten by the old man's big teeth like tofu.

There was a muffled laughter from the surrounding poplar trees. The white-haired old man's old face turned red. He raised his sleeves to cover his face. His body turned into a large ghost shadow and roared into the dense forest. In the blink of an eye, he was submerged in the last trace before dawn.

in the dark.

"I have no face to see people, so I will leave!"

"Tell Yin Jiuyou, I am happy with this baby."

"Tell Yin Jiuyou that if he dares to send such a doll to make me look embarrassed, I won't be able to spare him."

When all this happened, Yin Xuuge had already arrived in front of the Yin family manor.

Four middle-aged men wearing black robes and blood-colored belts tied around their waists lined up in front of the manor gate, looking at Yin Xuege with smiles. They nodded and smiled at Yin Xuege at the same time.

Apparently, they were satisfied with his performance.

Yin Xuege looked at them in feigned shock. He held the Gale Crossbow tightly and asked in a deep voice, pretending to be panicked.

"Young man Yin Xuege, I have met all the elders. Did I do something wrong?"

The four middle-aged men laughed in unison, their eyes narrowed into thin lines, and traces of water gushed out from the corners of their eyes.

In the surrounding dense forest, the sentry tower on the gate of the manor and the arrow tower also heard the obvious sound of long breathing. Obviously, many people expressed great joy and gloating to Yin Xuege's reaction just now.


Although the alloy arrow shot by Yin Xuuge was bitten off by the old man, it did not hurt the old man at all.

But he was able to make such a terrifying response so quickly, which obviously exceeded many people's expectations.

"No, you are right about everything."

"You did very well."

A middle-aged man smiled, looked deeply at Yin Xuuge, and waved to him in a friendly manner.

"Come with me, I will take you to the martial arts pavilion."

After a slight pause, the middle-aged man sighed slowly.

"I am the keeper of the Wuge Scriptures, and I cannot leave my manor even half a step in my life."

"I am Yin Jiuyun. If you want, you can call me second uncle."

Yin Xuuge's body trembled violently, Yin Jiuyun? He remembered that his father Yin Jiufeng did have a younger brother named Yin Jiuyun.

But when Yin Jiuyun was seventeen years old, he had just broken through the power of a cauldron, and was brutally kissed by a monster in the wild.

In other words, Yin Jiuyun should have been dead a long time ago. If Yin Xuuge remembered correctly, it was when he was very young. Yin Jiufeng hosted a banquet at home to entertain friends. It was only after he was drunk that he talked about his premature death.

's brother.

Yin Jiuyun looked at him kindly, and then nodded to him seriously.

"I am Yin Jiuyun, your biological second uncle."

"I'm really happy that you can come here."

"I know a little about what happened to you. Although I can't leave the manor to help you due to my oath. But in the future, if you have any questions about your cultivation, if those idiots in the city, Shifan, can't explain it, you can have it every month.

An opportunity came to me."

The keeper of the martial arts pavilion cannot leave the Yin family manor due to his oath.

Yin Xuuge understood Yin Jiuyun's identity and the responsibilities he shouldered.

This is the real dead man of the family. His identity has long been submerged in the Yin family's many shady scenes.

What puzzles Yin Xuuge is that even Yin Jiufeng doesn't know that his second brother is still alive. Why would he reveal his true identity in front of him?

"Your Majesty personally gave the order. You are very good. So, I can help you a little."

Yin Jiuyun looked at Yin Xuege with great relief, and there was a hint of deep emotion brewing in his eyes.

"You are really good. At the age of sixteen and two months, you have reached the strength of a cauldron. In the past thousand years, you have been the most qualified in this family."

"Kill thieves on a rainy night, kill three people in a row, don't be surprised or angry, face the law directly. You are really good. You perform better than any of my disciples."

"On the martial arts field, I killed people in anger, and the ones I killed were the elite disciples selected by the rebellious traitors in Weibei. The princes are very satisfied."

In a few words, Yin Jiuyun explained everything clearly.

Yin Xuuge's outstanding performance these days has attracted the attention of the real core leaders of the Yin family, so they even made an exception and allowed the 'dead' Yin Jiuyun to 'return to the world' and let him speak out in front of Yin Xuuge.

your true identity.

From now on, Yin Xuege will no longer be lonely and helpless in the Yin family.

Yin Xuege smiled, bowed deeply to her second uncle, and shed two tears at the right moment.

He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed heavily to Yin Jiuyun.

"Second uncle, Xue Ge can see his second uncle's face, it's really, really..."

The love was so deep that she couldn't say a word. Yin Xuuge's eyes were red, and her throat seemed to be blocked by a large piece of Yin Feifei's favorite braised pork head, and she couldn't say a word.

Yin Jiuyun looked at Yin Xuuge with satisfaction, and the three scripture keepers beside him looked at Yin Xuuge with satisfaction.

In the surrounding dense forest, dozens of eyes with different emotions were withdrawn, and they finally left with great satisfaction.

Yin Xuuge knew, he clearly understood that when he knelt down to Yin Jiuyun and sobbed and cried in front of him, many people in the Yin family could rest assured.

Such a genius, such an elite, such a promising and valuable bloodline, after all, they still value feelings and friendship.

He has such abundant and strong feelings for Yin Jiuyun, so as long as he is well entangled and slowly uses his feelings to trap him, Yin Xuege in the future, no matter how powerful he is, can only be used by the Yin family.

"The emperor's mental skills are used in the wrong place."

"The Xiaoyin family in Weinan County, are you qualified to use the emperor's technique?"

Yin Xuuge just pursed his lips, and with tears in his eyes, he made a disdainful cry in his heart.

Yin Jiuyun enthusiastically took Yin Xuege's hand, pushed open the door of the manor himself, and led him into the ancestral home of the Yin family.

As they walked, Yin Jiuyun told Yin Xuege affectionately about the past when he and Yin Jiufeng practiced together, lived together, and traveled through the mountains and fields together when he was young.

Yin Xuuge nodded repeatedly and looked at Yin Jiuyun with admiration.

He held Yin Jiuyun's hand tightly, as if he was afraid of losing 'his only direct elder in this world'.

The last few eyes hidden in the dense canopy of the poplar tree, closely observing the changes in Yin Xuuge's facial expressions, disappeared.

Shuiyang waved its branches gently, conveying a vague but useful message to Yin Xuege.

Those powerful underworld elders finally left, leaving no one behind.

Holding the token in her hand tightly, Yin Xuuge breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that since meeting Yin Jiuyou in Zongxue yesterday, the test for myself has begun.

Yin family, Yin family, what a Yin family.

This family, just like the martial arts they major in, is full of sinister winds and is extremely weird.

After walking in the huge manor for half an hour, when the morning light of the red eastern sun spread across the sky, Yin Xuege finally came to a tall pavilion.

The blue-black pavilion is a hundred feet high, with a simple and heavy appearance without any unnecessary decoration.

Ten warriors wearing heavy armor were lined up in front of the pavilion. In their hands, they were holding hurricane crossbows, which were more powerful than the gale crossbows.

With one crossbow and three arrows, the arrows can shoot two thousand steps, and can penetrate the city wall within three hundred steps. This is the hurricane crossbow.

If they were mortals in this world, if they stood in a neat line of ten in front of this pavilion, and ten soldiers fired a volley at once, even twenty or thirty thousand people would be killed at once.

Yin Xuege raised his head, looking at the door plaque of the pavilion with a hint of awe and more out of curiosity.

The two big bloody characters "Martial Pavilion" are carved on the huge door plaque with arrogant teeth and claws.

This chapter has been completed!
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