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Chapter 34: A cautious woman

"That's so stupid!"

The moonlight is blurry and the birds are silent at night.

In a particularly sparse and bright pine forest in the mountain forest, Luo Qingqing kicked away the seriously injured Hebo Bobo and shouted angrily.

Several young men lazily clasped their hands on their chests and stood around in a messy manner. In fact, they had already guarded the most important positions in this pine forest. If outsiders wanted to get close, they would not be able to escape their eyes and ears.

They smiled sarcastically and disdainfully as they looked at Herbert, who was lying on the ground moaning.

Their eyes were unkind, and there was malice in their brows that they wished Hebo could die right now. But when they occasionally glanced at Luo Qingqing, their eyes became extremely intoxicated and gentle, as if they were seeing their master's bulldog.

"If it weren't for the benefits offered by the Heber family to the Luo family."

"If it weren't for me, I would be the guide for you, a loser."

"You might as well die here instead of wasting my time and energy."

Angrily, he circled around Hebo Bobo. Luo Qingqing gritted her teeth and wished she could kick him to death.

She has had countless men, old and young, handsome and ugly, either on her own initiative or forced on her. In short, she has experienced countless men in her life. She still has certain feelings for Hebo Bobo.

Feeling good.

Because Herb is very handsome, tall and has good physical strength.

In particular, he is the heir apparent to the Heber family. Unless he dies in infancy, he will be the head of the Heber family in the future.

She can enjoy him and humiliate him wantonly. She can use violence and threats to play with his body and self-esteem at will. She can trample him under her feet and bully him wantonly. This is also a great enjoyment for her.

Therefore, she does have a great affection for Hebo Bobo. In particular, the Hebo family took the initiative to give up huge benefits in order to get in touch with the Luo family. In the future, the Hebo family will almost become a vassal of the Luo family in Luo country.

For a seventh-grade family to become a vassal of one's own, this is also a powerful force for the Luo family.

Moreover, the Luo family has the opportunity to leave the Luo Kingdom and extend its tentacles to Qizhou. For a family, there are not many such opportunities. Especially in the world of Yuanlu, where laws are strict and there are frames everywhere. Luo

It will be even more difficult for families to develop outside the Luo Kingdom.

The Hebo family even gave up most of their family background in exchange for Luo Qingqing's opportunity to recommend Xingkong Method, allowing Hebo Bobo to successfully enter the Xingkong Method's sight.

A seventh-grade family is not considered weak.

If Hebo Bobo can successfully enter the Xingkong Dharma Sect, with his close relationship with her, Luo Qingqing will have a powerful party member in the sect. Therefore, Luo Qingqing still values ​​Hebo Bobo very much, and she is very enthusiastic.

I hope this guy can successfully enter the sect.

The test given to him by the sect was a topic assigned by the elders in the sect who were responsible for recruiting new disciples.

As long as Hebobobo gets the best results in the Spring Hunting Festival and successfully kills Yin Xuuge, he will have proved his talent and strength. Even if he passes the test, he can successfully become a disciple of the Xingkong Method.

To be able to get such convenient and cheap test questions, Luo Qingqing also paid a certain price.

At least the elder who was responsible for the behind-the-scenes investigation of Hebo Bobo was generous and had to endure hardships.

Paying such a high price was for the benefit of the family and for Luo Qingqing's own benefit. But this incompetent guy actually had one of his thighs chopped off in such a trivial test of the Spring Hunting Festival.

Looking at Hebo Bobo lying on the ground with blood seeping out from the bandage covering his wound, Luo Qingqing really wanted to strangle him to death.

"Idiot, waste, why don't you get your head chopped off?"

I thought about the elder who was responsible for recruiting new disciples, and the unpleasant stench unique to old people. I thought about the elder who was a bit outrageous and had a special hobby of winning by surprise. I thought about myself being tied to the bed by the elder and being beaten.

After two days and one night of uncomfortable experience, Luo Qingqing grabbed the handle of the knife several times, but then forcibly took her hand back.

Stomping on Herbert's head hard, Luo Qingqing gritted her teeth and roared in a low voice.

"The last time, there will be no next time."

"You must prove your strength and your potential to the elders."

"Xingkong Dharma does not accept waste. The Heb family has paid such a high price, and I have paid such a high price. If you cannot enter the Xingkong Dharma, I will kill you with my own hands, and then destroy your Heb family."

Taking a heavy breath, Luo Qingqing suppressed the anger that destroyed Hebo Bobo's corpse into thousands of pieces, and looked up at the full moon in the sky.

The seven-round cyan full moon hung high in the sky, and the clear moonlight was as cool as water, which gradually calmed her anger. She put her foot on Hebo's head, looked at the full moon quietly for a long time, and finally sighed softly.


"That kid is really weird. Where did he get the magic weapon from?"

"Go find him and find an opportunity to seriously injure him. Remember, it's a serious injury."

"Herbert Bob, if you can't kill a seriously injured baby, there's no point keeping you."

Looking down at Hebobo's distorted face, Luo Qingqing took out a medicine bottle with great heartache and took out a bloody pill.

If Yin Xuege were present, he would definitely recognize this as the Blood Lizard Pill.

It is an extremely high-grade blood lizard pill that is only circulated among some truly powerful forces.

Apart from being unable to regenerate a head after its head is chopped off, even if the heart is dug out, taking Blood Lizard Pill in time can save a life. Using it to repair severed limbs is actually a bit overkill.

"You, I'm really sorry for this Blood Lizard Pill."

Luo Qingqing looked at Hebobo with a distorted face, and suddenly raised her foot, crushing most of his bones.

She screamed hysterically and roared angrily.

"Remember today's pain for me. Only by breaking a few more bones can you remember today's pain."

"It's just a broken leg, and you have to consume the blood lizard pill I used to save my life, you useless idiot."

Hebobobo gritted his teeth. He hated Yin Xuuge to death, but he didn't dare to hate Luo Qingqing even a little bit more.

All the bones in his body were crushed one by one by Luo Qingqing. He hated Yin Xuuge extremely, but instead he felt a trace of gratitude and admiration for Luo Qingqing.

The bones were broken and the pain was excruciating, but when he saw that Luo Qingqing 'personally' crushed his bones, he actually felt boundless love.

His body trembled violently and trembled wildly, and he felt great joy.

Looking at the bloody elixir, Herb was filled with joy.

The boundless pain and all the humiliation were transformed into deep-seated hatred for Yin Xuege. He wanted to kill Yin Xuege in exchange for Luo Qingqing's love for him. Looking at the blood-colored elixir, Herb was furious

Suddenly he felt Luo Qingqing's love and affection for him.

Like a wild dog with its spine broken, Herb looked at Luo Qingqing flatteringly and let out low, happy moans and gasps.

Luo Qingqing looked at Herb's changes with satisfaction. She knew that she finally had a dog that was loyal and versatile.

With a 'chichi' smile, Luo Qingqing waved her hand and gave a shout to the young people who were just watching.

"Let's go. Find him and seriously injure him."

"In this mountain forest, no one can threaten you. But you must be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

Several well-dressed young men glanced at Hebo Bobo jealously and listened to the sound of his bones breaking with great jealousy. They sighed softly, then jumped into the darkness and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Dozens of miles away, in the mountains and forests, Yin Xuege was silently pondering Poisonous Wind Finger.

Poison Wind Finger, Yin Wind Shield, Wind Claw, one to attack, one to defend and one to trap the enemy, these are all secret techniques of the ninth level of the Earth, and their value is extremely astonishing.

The cultivation methods in the Yuanlu world refer to the Qi training methods of the Yin family's "Yin Feng Jue" that open up acupoints.

Qigong exercises can only be issued by the most holy sect, and each exercise is subject to extremely strict control and supervision.

Any family or any family member who dares to peek at the qi-refining method that is not inherited by the family will be killed once discovered. The qi-refining method is the foundation of a power, and any qi-refining method must be under the supervision of the most holy method.


But the secret technique is different.

The secret technique is not a method of cultivation, but a method of using vitality.

There is an analogy: Qigong is the way to make money, and the Holy Dharma Gate manages all the ways to make money.

The secret technique is a way to spend money. Whether you eat meat, drink alcohol, gamble or have sex with prostitutes, the most holy method does not care how you spend your money.

But the secret technique can effectively and immediately improve a family's combat power. The technique determines the family's heritage, and the secret technique determines the family's strength.

Therefore, secret techniques are also extremely precious. The various secret techniques that Yin Feng Jue comes with are just ordinary human-level secret techniques, and the most advanced are only third-level human-level secret techniques.

For countless years, the Weinan Yin family tried their best and spent a huge amount of assets to legally purchase two first-level secret arts from Qizhou official channels. One of the two secret arts was 'Wind Step' and the other was '

"Qingfeng Dao", in the Weinan Yin family, only clan members who have made ten great achievements for the family are qualified to understand one of the secret arts.

Yin Xuege vaguely heard that when purchasing two human-level first-class secret arts, the Weinan Yin family paid an unknown amount of elixirs and herbs that had been in use for tens of thousands of years and thousands of years, as well as countless other rare materials.

For pure gold, the Weinan Yin family paid millions of taels of gold, which was almost the entire balance of the Weinan Yin family in the past thousand years.

That was only a first-level human level secret skill, far inferior to the three earth-level ninth-level secret skills he had.

With the connections and channels of the Yin family, even if they have countless resources and gold, they have no place to exchange for the secret skills of the earth level.

The secret skills of the Ninth Grade Earth Rank are things that only the Sixth Grade aristocratic families are entitled to keep. The Ninth Princess deserves to be a member of the royal family, and her actions are really generous.

Moreover, the three secret techniques she took out are all secret techniques that Yinfeng Jue can use, and they are also the limits of Yinfeng Jue. With the level of Yinfeng Jue and the eighth-grade earth-level secret techniques, Yinfeng Jue simply cannot provide enough

energy consumption.

By doing this, the Ninth Princess undoubtedly told Yin Xuege that everything about him was under her control.

She knew the background of the Yin family and all the background of Yin Xuege. His only choice was to act as her bait obediently.

"Bait, bait, I'm used to being a bait."

Keeping all the techniques of Poison Wind Finger in mind, Yin Xuuge sighed softly.

"Thanks to the three brothers Yin Feixu, I am used to being a bait."

Amidst the sneer, Yin Xuege looked around and quickly found several plants with severe poisonous properties.

Wind belongs to the wood genus, and wind-based techniques are all attributed to the wood genus. This is the case with the Yin Wind Technique, and this is naturally the case with the secret technique of the Poison Wind Finger.

The trick of the Poison Wind Finger is to absorb the toxicity of poisonous plants, use it to refine the Yin Wind Yuan Qi, and let the Yin Wind Yuan Qi gradually become poisonous, and then turn it into a finger that breaks the air and hurts people. As the practice of the Poison Wind Finger gradually deepens, it can be extracted

The plant toxins become more and more powerful.

Theoretically, the poison contained in poisonous wind can reach the level of sealing one's throat with blood and causing death upon contact.

The only prerequisite is that the cultivator's own physique must be strong enough to withstand the backlash of poison. In other words, the cultivator is gifted and can ignore the erosion of plant poison. Then he will naturally be able to incorporate the plant poison without fear.

In vitality.

"Your Highness the Princess is generous and generous. Normal people would not dare to practice this poisonous wind finger in depth."

"But I, haha. Are plants and trees poisonous?"

He quietly inserted his fingers into the small shrub with thick black leaves in front of him. This small shrub called curare is highly poisonous. A little juice can poison a fat and strong monster.

The billowing poisonous gas continuously seeps into the body and flows through the acupoints following the circulation of Yin Feng Jue.

The color of the Yin Feng Talisman on the legs gradually darkened, taking on a hint of dim black and green.

The petite hummingbird flew lightly around Yinxuege for several weeks, chirping several times.

A faint blue-black scent of vegetation suddenly spurted out from Yin Xuege's hands and quickly filled his whole body. The hummingbird flapped its wings in panic and fled high into the sky. He felt the terrible toxicity in this scent of vegetation. He just wanted to

If touched even slightly, it will freeze to death on the spot.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm not coming for you."

Looking up at the hummingbirds circling high in the sky, Yin Xuege shook his head and smiled.

The poisonous gas of Curare Wood penetrates into the body and rotates rapidly in the meridians. The Yinfeng Yuanqi wraps up the poisonous gas, gradually transforming its nature, so that the Yuanqi and the poisonous gas gradually mix into one. The blue-gray Yinfeng Yuanqi gradually becomes darker in color, becoming more intimidating.


"The secrets of this world are indeed mysterious and mysterious."

After comparing the various techniques in his memory, Yin Xuuge felt the poisonous gas and vitality rapidly rolling in his acupoints. He had to admit that Qi Refiners did have their own unique features.

At least for this secret technique with astonishing lethality, none of the techniques in his memory could be practiced as fast as Poison Wind Finger.

As long as you find a suitable, poisonous plant, you can practice a secret technique in at most an hour. This is such an amazing efficiency.

No wonder in the world of Yuanlu, it is so expensive to purchase legal secret techniques from regular channels. A good secret technique can definitely increase the actual combat power of a family by several times or even more than ten times in a very short period of time.


Think about it, everyone in the Yin family in Weinan will be filled with poisonous gas as soon as they take action, and they will die if they are contaminated.

"If you dedicate these three secret arts to my family, how much benefit will you have to extort?"

"At least, use family resources to help me complete the practice of Qi moving through the hundreds of meridians?"

While silently swallowing the poisonous gas of the Curare Wood, transforming the nature of Yinfeng Yuanqi in the body, Yin Xuege muttered silently.

Among the Yin Feng talismans outside the six large orifices on his legs, there were small dark green talismans symbolizing the 'Aoki toxicity' gradually condensing.

Anyone with a discerning eye who sees his talisman will know that in addition to the wind-attributed wood-based talisman, he also has poisonous properties attached to it.

While Yin Xuuge was working hard to practice the secret technique, in a mountain col less than twenty miles away from him, four slim girls were sitting cross-legged and resting in the mountain col with curves all over their bodies, wearing tight-fitting clothes that were like a second layer of skin.


The tight-fitting clothes on their bodies were extremely thin and tight, and they did not wear any extra clothing underneath. Therefore, the most detailed lines on their bodies were exposed. Even the two bulges on their chests were so distinct.


The leather-like outfits, like the Nine Princesses' tents, have a unique effect of blending into the surrounding environment. Sitting in the mountain col, they are like four stones, blending almost perfectly with the surrounding background. It is difficult to spot them even if you stand close to them.

traces of.

There was a faint sound of long breathing, and after half an hour, the four girls suddenly jumped up at the same time.

"It's quiet at night and everyone is resting."

"It's a good time to kill him."

"Remember one thing, if you hit a target, retreat immediately."

"In order to repay Madam's kindness, we took action on her behalf. This is against the master's wishes. We must not leak any information."

"The master has been ordered to return to the Marquis Mansion to discuss matters. He will definitely return soon. We don't have much time and we can't waste it."

The girls' voices were clear and sweet, but their tone was stern and cold, full of ruthless killing intent.

They looked at each other, then a girl shook her fingers, the bracelet on her wrist lit up slightly, and a piece of obscene clothing appeared in her hand.

Another girl took out a pale golden talisman and stuck it on her obscene clothes. The talisman burned fiercely, the fire trembled violently, and quickly condensed into a soaring, palm-sized falcon.

The nearly translucent golden-red falcon, whose entire body was made up of firelight, opened its mouth and screamed silently. With a flick of its wings, it quickly flew in the direction of Yin Xuege. The falcon flew extremely fast, turning into a pole in its sight.

Very long and thin rays of light.

The girls used their body skills at the same time to follow closely behind. After running for a few steps, their figures gradually merged into the air and gradually disappeared.

Yin Xuege sat quietly under another Wolfsbane Ivy inside and outside, inserting her hands into the lush roots of the Wolfsbane Ivy, and quickly extracted the terrifying corrosive toxins of the Wolfsbane Ivy.

Curare can numb people's nerves and suffocate them to death, while wolfsbane vine can cause their flesh and blood to erode rapidly and lead to death.

The poisonous wind refers to the theoretically endless amount of plant toxins that can be contained. As long as the body can withstand it, new toxins can be continuously added into it.

As long as more than nine kinds of plant toxins are extracted and blended into one, the poison of Poison Wind Finger will become a troublesome mixed poison. It will be a huge trouble to heal after being injured by it.

As for more than a hundred types of plant toxins, without the top-notch elixir that can save lives, those who are poisoned will almost certainly die.

"If there were a thousand or ten thousand toxins, that would be interesting."

Smiling in a low voice, Yin Xuuge silently worked hard on his skills.

At this time, he saw a golden-red falcon flying towards him rapidly.

The falcon flew so fast that he couldn't even react. He bumped into Yin Xuuge and suddenly exploded into countless golden-red light spots, dyeing his whole body brightly, like a torch in the dark night, incomparable

dazzling and conspicuous. (To be continued..)

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