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Chapter 100 Shanjun, the monster (2)

The furnishings here are shaped like a palace used by mortal emperors to go to court. In the innermost part of the cave is a chair carved from blood jade. A white tiger over three feet tall is sitting upright on the chair, surrounded by people.

There was a weapons rack with a long-handled broadsword filled with blood and energy.

Yin Xuuge glanced at the broadsword, and then felt slightly startled.

What a bloodthirsty demon soldier. This sword has harvested at least more than a million creatures. The four-foot-two-foot long sword is stained with blood and entangled with countless innocent souls that are invisible to the naked eye. These innocent souls will occasionally turn into human beings.

Bloody smoke echoed and twisted on the blade, making a hoarse cry.

Below the tiger spirit, there are dozens of human-powered demons standing on both sides.

Most of them are tigers and wolves.

The silver-haired wolf spirit that Yin Xuuge had followed all the way stood in front of the white tiger spirit and quickly told what he saw.

"It's people again!"

After hearing the report from the silver-haired wolf demon, the white tiger spirit scratched his head in distress.

"In the past one or two thousand years, those people have been like crazy and have continued to invade our territory."

"It's okay on my site, there aren't many people. On the sites of those guys nearby, it's a disaster."

After cursing a few words, the white tiger spirit suddenly frowned.

"But, the remnants of evil spirits? In recent years, there have been people like this who have escaped. But, more than 100,000 people?"

While he was thinking about this matter, the white tiger spirit's head seemed to be not working very well. He muttered and pondered for a long time, but still did not say a word. The demons standing in the cave also looked at me and I looked at you.

It seems like he doesn't know how to deal with matters in Shadowwind Keep.

After a long time, a fox demon with a fox head and pure white hair slowly walked out.

He looked at the white tiger spirit, shook his head and expressed his opinion.

"Logically speaking, if they are humans and have killed so many of our children, they should be exterminated."

"But if they are evil heretics, then according to the rules of our Western Frontier. We can't kill them, but we can ask them to compensate us. After all, they killed our people, right?"

The white tiger spirit's eyes widened and he laughed loudly.

"Compensation? Yes. They should indeed compensate us. Well, people always have good things in their hands. You guys think of a way to get more good things from their hands."

Yin Xuuge stood invisible in the corner of the cave, quietly listening to the conversations of these demons.

If humans kill their people, then they will retaliate by killing humans.

But they regard Yinfeng Castle as an evil heretic who defected from the Yuanlu world, so they are not prepared to take revenge on the Yin family, but they just want to extort certain benefits from the Yin family?

And what are the rules of Western Xinjiang? What rules? Who made these rules?

The demons under the command of the white tiger spirit have become the prototype of society. Although they are located deep in Western Xinjiang, the straight-line distance from the Kunwu Kingdom is only tens of thousands of miles at most. Such a large-scale demon force, Lu Zong,

Or is it that there is no movement at the Holy Dharma Gate?

Originally, he only followed a few wolf monsters here, but after discovering the situation here, Yin Xuuge discovered that the muddy water here was very deep.

The white tiger spirit and the old white fox were discussing the terms of the claim and how to intimidate and intimidate Shadowwind Castle, when a wild boar spirit with a black pig's head staggered into the cave.

One side of the wild boar's face was beaten to pieces, and half of his teeth were broken.

As he ran, he howled at the top of his lungs.

"Tiger, tiger, great king, great king! There is a holy envoy, ahem, a holy envoy..."

As soon as the wild boar spirit broke into the cave, a cold light shot out from behind him, and a rapidly rotating spiral flying knife shot into the air, cutting off the wild boar spirit's neck from behind. Blood sprayed out, and the wild boar spirit's head, the size of a water tank, was heavy.

fell to the ground.

The white tiger spirit's expression changed. He slowly stood up and grabbed the huge demon knife beside him.

"Who is coming to my White Tiger territory to kill people?"

The sound of brisk footsteps was heard, and soon several young men wearing bloody robes broke into the cave.

Yin Xuege's pupils condensed. He knew these people. The leading young man was wearing a nine-headed demon dragon robe. He was Mo Tianchou. Behind him was Hao Wuyou, who was wearing a blood robe. He hadn't seen him for nearly a year.

You looked a little haggard, but his body seemed much stronger and burlier than before.

Baishanjun, who was holding a long sword and was filled with anger, was stunned. Then he dropped the long sword and walked towards Mo Tianchou with a big smile.

"As expected, the Holy Envoy has arrived. These rough guys dare to neglect the Holy Envoy, so they should be killed."

Blinking his eyes, Baishanjun bowed slightly to Mo Tianchou, rubbed his hands vigorously and laughed loudly.

"The Holy Envoy has come from afar, hehe, he must have something important to say, right?"

Mo Tianchou took out a storage ring and threw it to Bai Tiger, then took out a jade tablet and placed it on the ground.

A stream of light flickered on the jade tablet, and a light curtain shot up to a height of more than ten feet. The light curtain showed a scene of wild mountains.

In the vast mountains, under the cover of the mountains, dozens of large-scale camps are clearly visible. These camps are covered by natural forests or various artificial barriers, and there are only dozens of deliberately left access channels.


A large group of heavily armored Qi Refiners flew through the air, patrolling the surrounding mountains and constantly killing monsters and birds that appeared in the mountains and forests.

There are more ragged civilians, enslaved in the mountain forests, cutting down wood, digging out tree roots that have penetrated deep into the ground, and opening up the fertile mountain forests into small patches of elixir fields.

In the steep cliffs and mountains, there are a large number of people with ropes wrapped around their waists, sliding down from the high cliffs, picking the ancient herbs on the cliffs. Around these people, there are Qi refiners standing guard, guarding against ferocious attacks.

The demon bird kills these civilians, and at the same time prevents these civilians from stealing the herbs or simply escaping with the herbs.

In some deep valleys, you can still see a large number of people working hard.

They dug deep mines in the hard rocks and mined large amounts of metal ores. These ores were transported to giant caves in the valleys, and then a large number of swords and weapons radiating with cold light were transported from the caves.

come out.

"It seems like...a wasteland camp?"

The White Tiger Spirit has been entrenched in the mountains of Western Xinjiang for thousands of years. In the past few thousand years, more and more humans have invaded the wild lands of Western Xinjiang to expand their territory, so he is no stranger to the scene in the light curtain in the jade tablet.


It's just that none of the large and small forces that came to open up territory in Western Xinjiang used such a large force.

In the light curtain, there are hundreds of thousands of Qi Practitioners who can walk in the air. These are hundreds of thousands of Qi Practitioners who can soar into the clouds and ride in the fog.

"This is the remnant of the Genhuan Dynasty."

Hao Wuyou gritted his teeth and smiled coldly.

"Mr. Baishan, your mission is to contact several of your nearby neighbors. Sneak into Northern Xinjiang and break through the newly established territory of the Genhuan Kingdom in Northern Xinjiang."

The white tiger spirit was shocked, and he shouted loudly.

"Northern Xinjiang? That is not our territory. Holy envoy, do you want us to die?"

"It's freezing cold. We can sneak from here to northern Xinjiang. The journey is hundreds of millions of miles. How long will it take us to get there?"

Mo Tianchou snorted coldly and poked Bai Tiger's belly with his fingers.

"Stop talking nonsense and let you go. Naturally, the teleportation array for you to go back and forth has been prepared."

"Northern Xinjiang is indeed not your territory, but if you hit the target and return immediately, who can know anything?"

The light and shadow flickered in the light curtain, and the phantoms of the mountains and rivers disappeared, revealing the full-length image of Juijing Ming.

Mo Tianchou crossed the light screen with his finger and lightly struck Ju Jingming's neck.

"Others can be killed, but this person must be captured alive. If you can capture him alive, I will reward you with an additional 'Nine Apertures Demonic Heart Pill'. You must know that this pill is very effective for someone like you who is about to turn into a demon." What's the use of a demon king who has spiritual soul but is still one step short of it?"

Mo Tianchou is only less than 30% as tall as Lord Baishan, but he is so aloof and arrogant when he gives orders to Lord Baishan.

Bai Shanjun squinted his eyes, and the pupils in his dark green eyes turned into slits.

After a moment of silence, he grasped the storage ring in his hand tightly, stuffed it into his sleeve, and nodded.

"Is it just to capture this kid alive? It's not difficult, but the Holy Envoy wants to ensure that we can come back safely."

Mo Tianchou laughed lightly.

"It's natural. In this area of ​​Western Xinjiang, we only have a few of our informants, so I won't let you get hurt over there."

With a sinister smile, Mo Tianchou threw a bloody token to the White Tiger.

"Kill everyone in that camp and just capture Juijing Ming."

"The matter is settled. Just throw this token in the ruins before coming back."

Mr. Baishan grabbed the token. In the middle of the token with an extremely complex pattern, an ancient Chinese character "LAN" written in seal script was clearly visible.

Yin Xuuge frowned, Mo Tianchou, is he planning to cause trouble for the Lan family?

Does he want these monsters to cross half of the world of Yuanlu and run from Western Xinjiang to Northern Xinjiang to sneak attack on Juijing Ming?

Apart from anything else, Mo Tianchou himself certainly does not have the power to set up such a large-scale teleportation array. In other words, is there involvement from senior members of the Mo family?

Mo Tianchou didn't talk nonsense. After he explained everything clearly, he led the people out of Baishanjun's cave.

A flying boat that was no more than three feet long and had a light green body was waiting in front of the cave door. Mo Tianchou and several others boarded the flying boat, bringing up a ray of green light and flying towards the mountains in the west. Yin Xuege used his escape technique, but also tightly Followed behind them.

Not long after leaving Baishanjun's cave, I heard the roar of a beast that shook the heavens and the earth from the mountains behind.

A large group of demons soared into the clouds and mist, riding on the black wind and evil energy, rolling and flying in all directions.

The low bone trumpet sound came from the top of the mountain, and the White Tiger himself climbed to the top of the mountain and blew the horn.

Waves of vegetation swayed in the surrounding mountains and forests, and hundreds of thousands of demons rolled in, waving swords, guns and sticks, shouting loudly.

Dozens of busy people in the market were already able to stand up and walk, and demons and monsters who were obviously well-established also dropped their belongings and happily rushed to the cave where the White Tiger Lord was.

Mo Tianchou and Hao Wuyou stood on the bow of the flying boat, smiling at the noisy mountains and forests behind them.

Yin Xuege followed them closely, and followed them to a flat valley between the mountains. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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