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Chapter 39: The Ancient Cave Heaven (Part 2)

The black tiger whose head was beheaded was also cleaned up by the Yin tribe. The body was forcibly shrunk by magic and put into a brocade bag for safekeeping. The tiger's blood on the ground was also collected using secret techniques, and even

Not a drop of blood was wasted.

At this time, Yin Xuege and others had time to look at the surrounding scenery, and then everyone couldn't help but sigh.

It is truly a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and a scene of a fairy home. In the Age of Dharma Ending, where can you find such a fairy cave?

Under everyone's feet was an avenue paved with white jade. The gaps between the white jade floor tiles were filled with red gold. The light of gold and jade reflected each other. At first glance, this avenue looked jewel-like, but it had no sense of worldliness and vulgarity. Instead, it was filled with the splendor and splendor of the immortal family.


At the end of the avenue, between two green peaks, is a nine-bay red coral archway. I really don’t know where the owner of this cave found such a huge piece of red coral. The entire archway is integrated and made of a single piece.

It is carved from red coral. Hundreds of fist-sized pearls are inlaid on the archway. The faint pearl light makes the entire archway red as if it is on fire.

A few miles behind the archway, there are dozens of exquisite palaces and pavilions scattered among the dense green jade trees beside a lake with a radius of hundreds of miles. These palaces and pavilions are made of various kinds of beautiful jade, fine gold, coral, cap and tourmaline.

, made of orbs, without any secular materials, they are all rare and rare things in the world.

On the lake that looks like a bright moon, several water pavilions are connected to each other by long flying rainbow bridges. Countless exotic lotus flowers grow in the lake, with white stems, black leaves, and fiery red flowers that are as big as a water tank. These lotus flowers are like living creatures.

Like the things on their own, they are exhaling the aura of heaven and earth. Silver jade dew seeps out from the lotus pods from time to time. The jade dew drips on the lotus leaves, wandering around like beads on a disk, shining brightly.

Behind this building, a precipitous peak rises from the ground. The beautiful peak, which is thousands of feet high, is densely covered with numerous large and small holes, and large ganoderma-like purple smoke slowly flies out from the holes.

When the beautiful peaks are far away, the purple clouds and smoke turn into large pieces of spiritual rain and pour down, nourishing the nearby peaks with rich moss and lush vegetation.

At a glance, the Yuhua Small Realm is only hundreds of miles in radius, but just on the peaks that everyone can see, there are all kinds of spiritual flowers and grasses growing, and on the ancient pines, there are even more.

There are countless Ganoderma lucidum antler hanging on it.

Except for the tiger and the python guarding the door, there were no other living creatures in the vast winter, and it was so quiet that it made people feel palpitating.

And at a glance, countless faint brilliance are looming in the void on all sides, and there are also a large number of straight fairy lights running across the void like a big net. These are various formation restrictions arranged by the master of the cave, shrouding the cave airtight


It is obviously not an easy task to walk through this avenue, pass the red coral archway, enter the palaces and pavilions, or even set foot on the thousand-foot peak that is obviously the core hub of Dongtian.

"What a wonderful place!" Yin Tian took out a jade flute made of black jade from nowhere, and beat it on his palm. He said sincerely: "The ancestral land of my Yin people

Compared with this cave, Feiyun Cliff is like a garbage dump. Tsk, tut, I never thought that in the Eastern cultivation world, there would be a powerful senior who opened up such a blessed land for immortals in this western land!"

Jiang Rusheng looked at Yin Tianjue with a smile, and said harmoniously: "According to our agreement, our Jiang clan only needs the classics and various magical artifacts left by our ancestors, and everything else belongs to the Yin clan. This cave is owned by the Yin clan.

, these palaces and pavilions, these countless spiritual flowers and herbs, have nothing to do with my Jiang family!"

Yin Tianjue nodded and applauded, and he smiled happily and said: "It's great, it's wonderful! This Yuhua Small Realm Heaven can be the inheritance of our Yin clan for eternity!"

Yin Xuege has been secretly observing the changes in the expressions of the children of the Jiang clan. When Yin Tianjue said the word "Eternal Foundation", several children of the Jiang clan clearly showed a smile of ridicule and disapproval. This faint smile

A smile flashed across his face, but he could not avoid Yin Xuege's gaze. After all, the blood demon clan's five senses were much stronger than those of humans.

This cave is not noticed by the current Jiang family members! Yin Xuege warned himself so.

But the problem lies in this. Such a cave paradise that Yin Tianjue is full of praise for is not seen by the current Jiang clan. So how could a certain ancestor of the Jiang family many years ago open his cave here?

Woolen cloth?

Think about it, it’s unreasonable!

Yin Tianjue seemed to be very eager to obtain the ownership of this cave. He suggested to Jiang Rusheng with a smile that everyone should work together to break all the restrictions and let the Jiang family members take what they wanted as soon as possible.


Regarding this suggestion, Jiang Rusheng naturally raised his hands to welcome it.

Everyone took a short rest, and Jiang Rusheng carefully explained the various changes in the ban-breaking formation, explained the types and powers of various bans that may be encountered ahead, etc., and then Tulu Tianhuo broke the ban.

The formation was activated again, and a large swath of fire and starlight rolled up the silver haze. Driven by the heavenly compass, it rolled and rolled toward the front.

All kinds of restrictions in the Yuhua Small Realm were suddenly activated. On the avenue where everyone was sitting, a palm-sized purple-green fairy urn quietly emerged from every floor tile made of white jade. The fairy light lingered, and the heaven and earth

The spiritual energy was sucked into the floor tiles like a tide, the surrounding void was blocked, the sky and the earth hung upside down, and the gravity that everyone endured increased to about a hundred times out of thin air. Without the protection of the Forbidden Breaking Formation, this terrifying gravity was enough to tear the bodies of countless people.

Yin Xuege was hiding in the Forbidden Breaking Formation. He was wondering what method Yin Tianjue would use to create an opportunity for him to secretly copy the Jiang family's classics. He heard about a dozen Yin tribesmen who were on the edge of the Forbidden Breaking Formation.

Suddenly there was a cry of surprise, and the light of the large array flags in their hands was scattered. The operation of the forbidden formation suddenly stagnated, which immediately triggered a chain reaction.

The forbidden formation almost collapsed, and the terrifying gravity from all around hit him. In the dazzling light and shadow, Yin Xuege felt his body lighten, and a shuttle-shaped light curtain appeared out of thin air and enveloped his body. He let out a "chirp" sound.

With a sound, Yin Xuege's body was wrapped in a light curtain, and with a snap of his fingers, it penetrated the void without a trace.

When Yin Xuege came back to his senses, he was already standing in a simple hall made of metal.

Directly in front of him was a giant altar eight feet wide, with more than a dozen light groups the size of water tanks suspended above it, and some strange-shaped instruments hidden inside.

In the middle of the altar table was a two-foot-square golden box with countless tadpole fairy inscriptions carved on the surface. The gleaming tadpole fairy inscriptions seemed to be flowing rapidly. Yin Xuege just stared at him and felt a burst of tadpole fairy inscriptions.

I was so dizzy that I almost vomited.

In this hall, nine huge furnace cauldrons were placed according to the directions of the nine palaces. At this moment, these furnace cauldrons were continuously emitting high-temperature red light, steaming Yin Xuege until he was sweating like rain, and his hair was curled by the high temperature.


Just when Yin Xuege was wondering what kind of place this place was, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from behind the huge altar table.

"Finally, is someone here?"

Amidst the slow footsteps, a short figure less than three feet tall turned out from behind the altar table.

This chapter has been completed!
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