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The 149th chapter puppet technique (1)

Puppetry, the ultimate in the great ways of heaven and earth, the great magical power of creation.

When the Hongmeng opened up, all things were born from the power of heaven and earth. Among them, there are people who have seven orifices and are psychic. They can walk, sing and dance. They are good at learning and have clever tricks. They are the spirits of all things. In addition to humans, there are billions of birds and beasts.

Insects, fish and other things are all full of vitality and contain infinite mysteries.

Puppetry is a great power of the human race. It can imitate the mystery of the creation of heaven and earth and seize the creation of heaven and earth. It takes sand, gravel, soil, metal, wood and other dead objects, and uses supreme supernatural power to give them different shapes, so that they can run and walk.

, can fly, swim, speak, fight, work, fly, escape from the earth, and have all the great supernatural powers of all living beings.

Yin Xuuge handed over all the work of rebuilding the Senluo Domain Trading Company to Youquan, and after telling her to always pay attention to the Holy Dharma Sect and all the changes in the world of Yuanlu, she found a secret quiet room to retreat and meditate on the puppetry technique.

The Puppet Technique of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Mute Puppet Sect can seize the creation of heaven and earth, use the methods of the Creator, and use human power to create lifelike flesh and blood creatures. This is already a supreme magical power that shakes the world and makes ghosts and gods weep.

According to the little old man who inherited the crystal bead, it is also Yin Xuege’s own understanding that the puppetry technique of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Dumb Puppet Sect can truly be regarded as the first method of hundreds of millions of sects and countless sects in ancient times.


Even Taoist Kongmiao and other Taoist ancestors have infinite magical powers. They may be unparalleled in the transformation of magical powers. They can defeat the entire puppet army of the entire Tian Deaf and Earth Mute Puppet Sect with one person, but in essence,

The puppetry skills of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Dumb Puppet Sect truly surpass the Taoist ancestors and the supreme supernatural powers of the Buddhas. They are truly the first method, the first path, and the first supernatural power in the world.

Creation, this is the real means of creation!

Look at the puppet descendants who are fighting fiercely with the masters of the Holy Family. The ancestors of these guys are not born, but flesh and blood creatures created by human monks. They can interbreed and reproduce on their own, thus creating a perfect population.

Come out, and this group is born with extraordinary magical power, and newborns have the power to move the wind and rain, and move mountains and seas.

In Yin Xuege's opinion, this incredible magical power is much stronger than the various magical powers of Taoist Kongmiao and others.

Sitting in a quiet room, the surrounding walls were carved with countless incantations to deter external demons, and countless prohibition formations were arranged around. Yin Xuuge focused all his attention on the inheritance crystal bead, silently comprehending its secrets.

Above his head, the big tree-shaped soul was fully exposed. Countless air roots moved automatically without wind. Dozens of extremely thin air roots were like gossamers made of light, inserted into a crystal bead the size of a thumb.

There was a strange flash of light flashing rapidly among these air roots.

The first step in puppetry is to identify materials.

In the Yuanlu world, there are countless materials. Just for the genus 'gold and iron', there are more than hundreds of millions of various metal materials?

Some of these metal materials are extremely light, some are extremely heavy, some are extremely hard, some are extremely brittle, some have infinite tensile strength, and some are so strong that no matter how hard you try, you cannot bend them even slightly.

This is the property of a single material. What type of puppet is suitable for each material to be used on, and which part of a certain puppet is used. Is it the chest armor, the energy channel in the body, or the joint bearing part? Zero-zero total total

The changes are endless.

And alloys of various materials, such as how to use gold and silver alloys, how to use copper-tin alloys, how to match iron and silver, how to fuse lead and zinc, what special effects will be produced by alloys in various proportions, how to weld alloys,

How to combine?

In addition to metal materials, other earth and stone materials, vegetation materials, flesh and blood materials, etc., what kind of miraculous effects do they have?

There are countless strange and weird materials in the world of Yuan Continent. The sages of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Dumb Puppet Sect spent countless eons of time summarizing countless ways of using countless materials. With Yin Xuege's current huge Yuan Shen, it is almost unlimited.

With his spiritual strength, facing the vast database of materials, it took him six full months to memorize all the information about these materials.

In the past six months, the war between the three most holy families of the most holy method and the descendants of the puppets has continued. The message returned by Youquan is that the neck of the world-destroying giant Shura has completely grown out. From that huge

It completely grew out of the metal head.

The descendants of the puppets have invaded thousands of large and small dynasties on the surface of the Yuanlu world. Countless humans have been forced to become their slaves. They are digging mines for them, frantically mining and refining various metal materials. A steady stream of various puppets are being created.

Form an army, and a huge number of metal puppets, earth and stone puppets, vegetation puppets, and even bone puppets, poison zombie puppets, etc. join the battlefield every day.

The three most holy families seemed helpless in the face of the endless army of puppets. They tried to destroy the world-destroying giant Shura several times, but every time they failed completely. Instead, they lost their troops and suffered heavy casualties among their clansmen.

Lan Shuixin is busy reorganizing the power within the Holy Family. Among the eight hundred saints, more than half of those who disobey his orders have been purged. The remaining half have either escaped into the Holy Family or

So he escaped into the world of Genriku and hid.

Now Lan Shuixin is sharpening her sword, preparing to attack the major sects in the Yuanlu world.

And with the support of Lan Shuixin, who made great contributions to Lan Shuixin's rebirth, the restoration army of the Genhuan Dynasty led by him has completely recovered its homeland, and has conquered the Haoyue Kingdom and surrounding countries.

Hundreds of dynasties were completely destroyed and they were all brought under control.

In short, during these six months, the world of Yuanlu was very lively, but amidst the excitement, there was a strange lifelessness, and nothing major happened that deserved attention.

Yin Xuege has entered the next step of puppetry, which is the refining of materials.

Puppetry has very high requirements on materials, especially for high-level puppets. Their requirements for materials are almost harsh.

For example, some kind of flying puppets that imitate the phoenix divine bird. Their energy core is composed of ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of metal alloys with pure Yang attributes. Eighty-one kinds of metal materials with pure Yang attributes, each of which must be refined.

to the point of absolute purity.

In other words, these materials cannot be mixed with any other impurities, not even a single atomic impurity, otherwise it will be a defective product. The energy core made will not be able to withstand the engraving of energy runes, and ultimately will not be able to withstand the huge power released.

, can only explode and self-destruct.

For the monks in the Yuanlu world, this is an extremely difficult job.

To refine various raw materials to an absolutely pure level, not only does one need to have extremely powerful soul power that can penetrate down to the atomic level, but also one needs to master a very high-quality magical fire from heaven and earth.

And Yin Xuuge happens to be lacking in both. His soul power is extremely powerful and pure, enough to see even the smallest impurities in materials.

And he received a wisp of innate holy flame fire from Taoist Kongmiao. After careful cultivation of his native Qingmu Yuanqi, it has now grown much stronger and is most convenient for refining various materials.

In addition, he had precious experience in refining countless weapons in his previous life, and after learning the unique refining techniques of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Mute Puppet Sect, he was able to perfectly refine various pure materials that met the conditions in just one year.

In the ancient times, if the disciples of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Mute Puppet Sect wanted to achieve this step, it would be impossible for them to do so without three to five thousand years of hard training. It can only be said that Yin Xuege is really an anomaly.

, his good fortune is also too strong, which is why he behaves so strangely.

During this year, the world of Yuanlu was still in a mess, with fierce fighting both in the sky and on the ground. However, the battlefields in all aspects fell into a strange state of balance, and everyone fought lively. Every day, every month, the battles were going on.

The losses were extremely staggering, but there was no decisive battle situation anywhere on the battlefield for either side.

Yin Xuuge naturally entered into the third step of practicing puppetry, studying various spells and formations.

This is the true essence of puppetry. Identifying materials and refining materials are just basic skills. Only the study of spells and formations can make puppets made of dead objects move, think, and possess.

The biggest reason for the power to destroy heaven and earth.

The so-called talismans are the various traces left by the laws of heaven in nature. The ancient powers understood, refined, evolved, and strengthened these traces, and then exerted various wonderful powers. This is the talisman.


The formation is a combination of countless talismans.

The way of heaven is composed of countless traces of the way of heaven. These traces of the way of heaven are refined into talismans. The formation composed of talismans can be regarded as an evolution and a specific realization of the laws of heaven.

The greater the number and types of spells used in a formation, the closer it is to a certain way of heaven.

As for the great masters from the ancient times of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Mute Puppet Sect, their strongest existences can almost interpret the formations in a puppet to a level that is almost equal to the laws of heaven. A blow from the puppet is equivalent to the punishment of heaven.

The anger of a puppet is equivalent to the anger of the heart of heaven; fighting against such puppets is almost equivalent to fighting against the laws of heaven in the Yuanlu world. The power of these puppets is naturally extremely powerful.

Yin Xuege has perfectly controlled all the heavenly ways of the Hongmeng world transformed by his original body, the Hongmeng World Tree, and the Hongmeng World Tree is the innate spiritual root that was bred in Hongmeng before the Yuanlu world was opened. Therefore, the Hongmeng World Tree,

He already possesses the way of heaven in the Yuanlu world.

He actually received the baptism of Tao Yun from the nine Taoist ancestors in the Daoyan Heavenly Palace. The wonderful principles of heaven controlled by the nine Taoist ancestors encompass all phenomena, time, space, astronomy, geography, survival, death, reincarnation, annihilation, and so on.

The wonderful principles are profound and unpredictable, which have become Yin Xuege's precious wealth.

Therefore, it took him a full six years to become familiar with the trillions of talismans, formations and other secrets in the inherited crystal beads of the Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Dumb Puppet Sect. All the talismans can be drawn easily,

All formations can be easily arranged and engraved.r1152

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