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The 158th chapter difficult journey (1)

Three broken small airships were flying rapidly in the air a few miles above the ground.

There were swarms of rapidly flying beetles in all directions of the airship. The black beetles were arrogant, crashing into the airship's defense formation like meteors shooting all over the sky, constantly making dull and thunderous collision sounds.

Among the countless black beetles, occasionally a white beetle flashes past.

When these white beetles appear, one or several very fine scars will suddenly appear on the hull of the airship. Some of these scars appear in insignificant places and do not pose a direct threat to the safety of the airship.

But some of them will appear in the energy hub where some important runes and spells of the flying boat are concentrated. Once injured here, the defensive power and flight speed of the flying boat will be weakened a little. In the long run, these small injuries will definitely weaken these three

The flying boat became a waste.

Three days ago, when Yin Xuuge and the others fled in panic, they escaped from four flying boats.

But three days later, the four flying boats turned into three. The six disciples of the Three Temples in the last flying boat, as well as the other two tribesmen selected by Lan Yun, all became the prey of these insects.

Now among the three flying boats, including the white-haired old man who led the team, only thirteen disciples of the Three Holy Temples survived.

As for Yin Xuege, only he and Lan Yun were left. In a sense, the disciples of the Three Holy Temples who had suffered heavy losses had created great convenience for Yin Xuege to complete Lan Yun's mission.

But looking at the endless beetles that were so densely packed outside the flying boat, Yin Xuege felt very heavy.

Now is not the time to think about how to reach the destination smoothly and then kill these masters of the Three Holy Temples and snatch their goals. What Yin Xuege has to think about now is how to escape from these dense swarms of beetles. This is

The most important thing.

But the beetles around them were endless, and it was impossible to tell how many beetles were besieging their airship.

Moreover, the flight speed of these beetles is simply crazy fast. At the beginning, they were a little slower than the flying speed of these special airships. However, as the airships continued to be damaged, they were able to follow the airships without any problems.

Continuously launch crazy attacks against them.

Yin Xuege was speechless about these beetles.

These flying boats are top-notch products produced by the Supreme Saint Dharma Sect. Their flying speeds are astonishingly fast. At least Yin Xuege doesn't use the laws of time and space that he learned from Taoist Kong Miao. His own flying speed can at most be comparable to these.

Thirty percent of the flying boat.

With such terrifying speed, what did these beetles eat to grow up? How could they keep up so easily?

It doesn't matter if one or two top-quality beetles are like this. The entire group of these beetles has such a terrifying high speed. This is difficult to understand and makes people feel intense fear.

Looking at the dense swarm of beetles outside the flying boat, covering the entire sky and earth, Yin Xuege shook his head and once again threw out hundreds of earth fire thunders. Large fires raged, and the terrifying high temperature swept all around.

The insects within hundreds of miles were once again swept away.

The impact and pressure on the airships suddenly lightened, and the speed of the three airships' forward flight increased a little. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the surrounding beetles were cleared, the three airships used all their strength to escape forward for more than a thousand miles.

But for ordinary people, this is a range of more than a thousand miles that they may never leave in their lifetime.

But for masters who have condensed their souls, more than a thousand miles is roughly equivalent to the distance between the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid. The three flying boats had just rushed forward for more than a thousand miles when a white shadow flashed past.

, a female demon held a strange-shaped long knife as thin as a cicada's wing, lightly passed over the flying boat, and slashed hard at the tail of the last flying boat.

Sparks flew everywhere in the "crunching" sound, and several talisman lines at the tail of the airship were cut off. The airship immediately trembled violently, and large pieces of light spots were sprayed out from the tail. This was the violently compressed heaven and earth element inside the airship.

The force leaked, causing a strange scene.

When the energy of heaven and earth leaked, the airship was affected by the recoil force and suddenly galloped forward for more than a hundred miles. In a moment, it dropped the airship where Yin Xuege and Lan Yun were dozens of miles away. However, within a few breaths

After that, the speed of the airship slowed down, and soon it was dragged to the end. His flying speed was obviously slower than the airship where Yin Xuege was.

The female demon who took action laughed triumphantly. She shuttled through the air lightly, and her cold eyes made a murderous and fierce gesture towards Yin Xuuge and others sitting in the flying boat.

Because of the success of the continuous attacks, this female demon has forgotten how her companions were seriously injured and deflated at the hands of Yin Xuuge and the others three days ago.

The white-haired old man sitting in the cabin suddenly let out a loud roar. He took out a double-dragon-armed crossbow from his sleeve. It had a simple and heavy shape and a dark golden luster all over its body. He aimed it at the vital point of the female demon's chest.

The arrow shot out.

The arm of this crossbow is about one foot long, and the entire crossbow looks extremely huge.

But the arrows attached to the crossbow strings were light and small. The arrows were no more than three inches long and only as thick as a mung bean. The arrowhead was even weirder, it was actually a round ball.

It was this kind of arrow that was stimulated by this powerful crossbow, and silently shot out with a ray of cold light. Almost as soon as it was shot out, it sank into the middle of the female demon's eyebrows, and penetrated deeply into the depths of her brain.


Countless strange and twisted runes appeared on the spherical arrowhead, and a terrifying devouring force was released from the ball.

The body of the female demon trembled violently. She opened her mouth and wanted to scream miserably, but she didn't make any sound. Her whole body collapsed like a shriveled orange, and the blood and essence all over her body were suddenly absorbed by the ball-shaped

The arrow was swallowed cleanly.

Such a powerful demon turned into a wisp of gray-white ashes and drifted away in the wind. The small arrow flashed in the air and flew back to the hand of the white-haired old man. The spherical arrow cracked and spit out a thumb.

Large and small blood-colored orbs.

All the spirit and energy in the female demon's body, all the power in her body, all her vitality and vitality, are concentrated on this small orb.

The white-haired old man sneered, waved his sleeves, and a twenty-foot-long flying boat flew out from his sleeves. He said hello, and the people on the three small flying boats flew up one after another and fell into the river at the same time.

In the intact flying boat, the white-haired old man then activated the energy core of the flying boat, turning everyone into a stream of light and quickly disappearing.

Countless black beetles surrounded it from all directions, sealing the escape route of the flying boat.

Far behind, a tall black demon roared upwards, and large tears of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

A scream as sharp as an awl rose into the sky, and a thin white air wave could be seen with the naked eye spurting out from the black demon's mouth, tearing open the void as fast as lightning, and stabbing Yin Xuege hard.

On the airship they were on.

The flying boat shook violently, a crisp sound was heard, and countless tiny streams of light shot out from the surface of the flying boat.

The airship shook, then sped forward rapidly. A statue of a one-horned beetle appeared on the bow of the airship, and a dazzling white light branched out from the huge dragon horn. All the beetles that were besieged along the way were instantly evaporated by the white light.

It became mist and dispersed.

The body of the black demon screaming and shooting behind him shook. His tall and burly body slowly collapsed and sunk, as if there were countless bugs in his body that were devouring his flesh. The smooth carapace turned dull in the blink of an eye.

Then it quickly turned into countless tiny fragments and disappeared without a trace in the strong wind.

The black demon who appeared first and caused all these incidents roared into the sky. He looked at his companions who were decaying and withered, and instantly turned into fragments and scattered. A large amount of dense black mist sprayed out from around him.

"Kill...those who invade our clan's territory, kill them!"

Dozens of demons with black or white carapace, three or two feet tall, and distinct male and female characteristics gathered from all directions.

With their appearance, more and weirder beetles appeared in the beetle group.

Just like now, the earth roared, and an earth-yellow beetle, three hundred miles long from beginning to end, with a small mountain range on its back, emerged from the ground. He swayed his huge body and could move forward with one step.

Thousands of miles away, countless scarlet beetles with bodies that seemed to have flames floating on their bodies were rapidly chasing Yin Xuege and the others.

The sky and the earth seemed to have become a nest of beetles. Yin Xuege and the others were sitting on this airship that was several times larger, with much higher defense and speed. As far as they could see, there were densely packed beetles flying in all directions.


Amidst the screams of "squeaking", countless beetles frantically collided with their airship, and the bodies of some beetles exploded, as if countless thunderbolts erupted on the surface of their airship at the same time, causing the airship to tremble wildly.

However, the defense of this airship was obviously much stronger than the previous six small airships. Even if these beetles collided, the hull would only shake a few times, and there was nothing abnormal other than that.

Yin Xuuge looked at the white-haired old man who was concentrating on controlling the flying boat and sighed quietly.

"If your Excellency had taken out this flying boat earlier, maybe..."

The white-haired old man snorted coldly without looking back.

"I am Huangpu Supernatural... just call me Huangpu Laoer."

"Do you think I don't feel sorry for those fallen dolls? They are the real elites and real geniuses of our Three Holy Temples."

"However, although this flying boat is powerful, it does not have the ability to hide its aura, nor can it conceal its whereabouts."

"When we get on this flying boat, we will be the bright lights in the dark night. All the alien races on the moon along the way will launch attacks on us."

Yin Xuege is silent, is this the reason for emotion? (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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