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The 199th chapter huge temptation (2)

Like a crazy Lan Shuixin, he was flying rapidly around the second full moon. His body was flying around the full moon with a trace of black light. Every time he flicked his fingers, he circled at least one circle around the full moon.

Hundreds of circles.* His hazy afterimages flickered everywhere in the void. He screamed at the top of his lungs. His screams were like the wails of ghosts, which frightened countless masters under his command.

After an unknown amount of time, Lan Shuixin, who had already shed two lines of blood and tears on his face, suddenly stopped using his magical power. He was suspended in the void and roared loudly at the countless powerful beings in the Divine Soul Realm who were waiting for his orders.

"Open all the treasure houses of the Most Holy Dharma Sect, and all the disciples who submit to me can take what they need."

"Open all the books in the Most Holy Dharma Gate, and all my disciples who have surrendered to me can browse through it at will."

"Form up a large army and use all the elites from all the saint families. After three months of practice, follow me to shatter the Southern Wilderness. Even if I smash the southern wilderness of the Yuanlu world to pieces, I will exterminate the descendants of the Holy Family and completely cut off their bloodline inheritance."

"Those who follow me will live, and those who go against me will perish. As long as you all act according to my will, you will live forever and enjoy glory forever. Endless benefits are waiting for you."

Lan Shuixin raised his hands high and made a promise to all the disciples of the Holy Dharma Sect who heard his shouts.

"Follow me, follow the adults behind me, and what you can get is far better than what you can get from the hands of those immortals. Follow me, as long as you follow me, you will eventually get everything you want.


"You don't need to become a child-rearing machine after ascension. You don't need to become cannon fodder in the death camp after being unable to reproduce. Facing the terrifying power of the invasion of the Holy Spirit Realm, you don't need to be the vanguard on the front line."

"You and your descendants can freely thrive in the void spiritual world or the holy spirit world. You can be truly free...live with dignity! You will not be some old and immortal slaves, nor will you.

It's some old and immortal lackey."

"You can live happily and freely according to your own ideas and wishes!"

Lan Shuixin roared with saliva flying around and screamed hysterically. The disciples of the eight hundred saint families who had taken refuge in him, the countless sects who submitted to him, and the disciples of the imperial dynasty all looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

Since ancient times. Since the Holy Spirit has controlled the heaven and earth, all the communication channels between the Yuanlu world and the upper world have been controlled by the three Holy families. Even the descendants of the eight hundred saints do not know what is going on in the void spiritual world.

A scene. I don’t know what kind of world it is.

But after hearing Lan Shuixin's words, everyone felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth that they imagine is extremely rich, the quality of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is tens of millions of times higher, there are countless geniuses and treasures, there are countless panaceas and countless rare treasures, the void spiritual world does not seem to be the realm of gods in their imagination?

Although they know that the war between the Holy Spirit Realm and the Void Spirit Realm has been going on for countless years, if what Lan Shuixin said is the truth, then the truth is too terrifying. Could it be that in the Void Spirit Realm, these masters who ascended

Can the Supreme Being just linger on like a running dog?

Just when countless disciples of the Holy Dharma Sect were at a loss, a very fast flying boat quickly flew in front of Lan Shuixin with circles of spreading halo ripples.

The five divine emperors flew out of the flying boat at the same time and bowed to Lan Shuixin from a distance.

Lan Shuixin glanced at the five divine emperors who came on behalf of the puppet clan, and snorted softly. The first full moon occupied by the Holy Family, the most important base of the Holy Family, had been completely destroyed.

, for Lan Shuixin, these puppet survivors are no longer of much use.

But it was when he was in an agitated mood, when he was in an 'excellent' mood. Although he wanted to burn bridges across the river and ignore these so-called 'god emperors' of the puppet clan, he thought for a moment while he was in a happy mood.

He reluctantly put on a pleasant expression and nodded to the five god emperors from afar.

"What's the matter?"

The Vulcan Emperor, who had the most bad temper, snorted heavily, took a few steps forward, and waved his hand carelessly towards Lan Shuixin, who was several miles away.

"Lao Lan, things here are almost settled. But there are still things that haven't been resolved here. Our world-destroying giant Shura was snatched away. We haven't decided yet who will become him.

His master, someone actually asked him to recognize him as his master."

The Water God Emperor smiled slightly and gave Lan Shuixin a wink.

"Ancestor Xin, our God Clan has tried our best to help you. At the beginning of your uprising, we helped you hold back the Holy Family's thunderous counterattack. The sacrifices we made were not small. Now that your affairs are completed, but

We have to find a way to solve the problem for us."

Lan Shuixin's face twitched, and before he could say anything, a raging fire shot out from the slanting thorn, and a fire unicorn divine soul rushed out from the fire. It was unknown which member of the eight hundred saints family it was.

The Supreme Elder rushed out and roared angrily at the five great god emperors.

"You bunch of dead creatures still have the nerve to come here and ask us for help?"

"Look at the good deeds you have done. Damn it, that world-destroying giant Shura you created, destroyed most of the gates of the Vinaya Sect, and our disciples were killed and injured in the tens of billions! Those are all elite disciples of our most holy sect.

Tens of billions of people have been lost, you trash, this loss will all be borne by you!"

Lan Shuixin squinted his eyes. He lowered his head and looked at Yuanlu World. From his angle, he could just see the Luzong Mountain Gate where smoke was still billowing and lava was spraying everywhere.

The World-Destroying Giant Shura sat lazily in the huge pit, devouring the vitality of heaven and earth. Because of his crazy devouring, hundreds of large and small vortexes of vitality have been formed above the Luzong Mountain Gate, the largest of which

The vitality vortex is hundreds of millions of miles in diameter.

A few disciples of the Vinaya Sect were still besieging the world-destroying giant Shura, but before they could even get close to the big guy, they were blown hundreds of thousands of miles away by the hurricane formed by the energy of heaven and earth he swallowed. They often hit the mountain peaks.

Broken bones and tendons.

More than a year has passed since the World-Destroying Giant Shura was dragged down from the nine heavens by Taoist Feng Wu and others, and smashed heavily on the gate of the Luzong Mountain. In more than a year, the World-Destroying Giant Shura was able to do anything.

He didn't do it. Even if many people from the Vinaya Sect came to harass him from time to time, he didn't bother to pay attention.

He just followed Yin Xuege's order, obediently entrenched himself in the place where the heaven and earth vitality is the richest and the earth veins are densest at Luzong Mountain Gate, and madly devoured the extremely rich heaven and earth vitality here. The injuries on his body have been completely recovered, and all the broken bones have been

Recovery. All the split internal organs were intact. His body was covered with a thick layer of muscle, and the muscles were even covered with a thick layer of skin and scales.

The current world-destroying giant Shura is the true complete form and the real killer weapon left over from ancient times.

There are ninety-nine layers of scales on his body. The dense dragon-like scales are piled together. Each layer of scales is a hundred miles thick. Ninety-nine layers of scales are piled together. This layer alone

The scales are thousands of miles thick.

With such abnormal defensive power, at least in the current Yuanlu world, no peak existence with a divine soul and magic form as high as a hundred feet can break through the defense of the World-Destroying Giant God Soldier.

As for his attack power, the World-Destroying Giant Shura has not taken action these days. He just swallowed and absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth, and he has already caused nearly devastating damage to the Luzong Mountain Gate. At least tens of millions of Luzong disciples have been killed by him.

The hurricane blew out and caused serious injuries.

Now the entire Luzong Mountain Gate, the remaining peaks, hills, palaces and pavilions have long since disappeared.

Because of the hurricanes that the World-Destroying Giant Shura has been blowing for more than a year, with his body as the center of the circle, a large crater with a diameter of more than ten billion miles has appeared around him. With the breathing of the World-Destroying Giant Shura, this big pit is moving in the direction of

It is expanding underground at a rate of three hundred feet per day.

Every breath he takes will scrape away a thick layer of soil and rocks in this large pit.

If you give him some more time, this guy will definitely dig a big hole on the spot and bury himself firmly in it.

What Lan Shuixin and others saw nine days away was such a strange scene. A huge circular pit, and in the middle of the pit sat a huge guy with a ferocious face. He had a big mouth

Breathing heavily, black hurricanes swept out from around him, and black thunderstorms kept appearing in the storm.

"This big guy is indeed..."

This was the first time Lan Shuixin looked at the world-destroying giant Shura, and he suddenly felt that this guy did have great value.

"This thing... hmm!"

Lan Shuixin pretended to be thoughtful and looked at the five divine emperors.

The five God-Emperors looked at each other, and then the Golden God-Emperor lowered his voice and flew in front of Lan Shuixin.

"Over the past year or so, you have all seen that our God Clan and the Juijing Ming Dynasty have been fighting to no avail. The war situation is really unsustainable."

"The World-Destroying Giant Shura is, after all, the most powerful killing weapon created by our ancestors. Although he has been forced to recognize his master, he still has a strange connection with us, and we still got some information from him."

Lan Shuixin looked at the Golden God Emperor curiously.

"Oh? What information? Is there anything that is worthy of your eagerness to come to me? You know, our most important task now is to eradicate the remnants of the Holy Family, but we don't have much energy to help you regain the control of this big guy.


The Golden God Emperor smiled, he leaned close to Lan Shuixin's ear and whispered in a low voice.

"There is a vague connection between all the world-destroying giant Shura."

"In ancient times, when our ancestors perished, countless world-destroying giant Shuras were hidden in secret realms all over the Yuanlu world. We spent endless energy to find such one. But now this world-destroying giant Shura has completely condensed

Having regained consciousness, he has already sensed the location where the other eighty-nine world-destroying giant Shuras are hiding."

"If Heart Ancestor can help us take back this world-destroying giant Shura in front of us, we are willing to...dedicate it to Heart Ancestor..."

Before the Golden God Emperor could finish speaking, Lan Shuixin had already pointed out seven fingers.

"Seventy percent. No matter how many you find, just give me seventy percent, and I can tell you anything."

The Golden God Emperor was stunned for a long time, he glanced at the other God Emperors, and then nodded heavily. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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