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The 212th chapter seizes power and saves people (2)

Loud "bang bang" noises were heard one after another, and countless arrows were fired from the city wall above the city gate, the surrounding rooftops, and the streets around the square. These soldiers, who were almost exhausted, had no time to dodge, and they were shot in large swaths.

was hit by an arrow, howling miserably and exploded into pieces in the thunder and fire.

A streak of yellow air shot up from the top of Mount Sima, tens of feet high, and then turned into a hazy yellow cloud and rolled back down. On top of the yellow cloud, a khaki-yellow hill more than ten feet high was steadily suspended there, continuously releasing streaks of yellow air.

Suppressing the surrounding void.

The gravity in the square suddenly increased to an extremely terrifying level. The soldiers who had just barely stood up wailed and were forced to kneel down by the gravity, or simply lay on the ground. Dull footsteps came from everywhere, and large groups of people

Soldiers wearing heavy armor and with a black leopard head inlaid on their chests swarmed over. They held heavy knives and slashed at the seriously injured soldiers lying on the ground without saying a word.

Sima Shan and Sima Hao, father and son, smiled proudly. They stood in the square, looking at the soldiers who fell on the ground with the eyes of gods overlooking all living beings. The screams of screams could be heard endlessly, but the angry curses could not be heard in this small area.

Small square.

The small mountain-shaped magic weapon suspended above the top of Sima Mountain constricted the air around it, making it impossible for any sound to be transmitted.

Except for the Clouded Leopard Soldiers commanded by Sima Hao, no one in the Panling Acropolis came close to this place. All city defense restrictions have been activated, and all the mansions in the city have activated their own defense restrictions to hide. In this situation of comprehensive preparations for war.

, anyone who steps onto the street privately will be charged with losing his head. No one dares to violate the strict military discipline.

There was a bloody storm in the square, and more than 20,000 soldiers who had narrowly escaped from the battlefield returned to Panling Guards, only to fall under the sword of their own family members.

Sima Shan smiled proudly and reservedly, but after half a quarter of an hour, when the last Thousand-man Colonel who screamed and yelled was hacked to death by random swords, Sima Shan couldn't hold back the pride in his heart and looked up to the sky hysterically.


Seeing him laughing so proudly, Sima Hao couldn't help but grin. The father and son, who didn't look like their biological father and son at all, laughed so hard that their big teeth were exposed.

"My child, our tribe finally has a chance to stand up. From now on, Panling Acropolis will be the foundation of our tribe. As long as we have the power, with your father and my intelligence, and with my ability and knowledge, the three of us will be able to

Within a hundred years, the Panling Guards will be promoted to earth-level guards, and within two thousand years, they will be promoted to heaven-level guards. Within ten thousand years at most, I will make Panling Guards an important 'town'."

Sima Hao triumphantly raised his sword and shouted towards the sky.

"My son, I would like to wish my father great success. Our tribe has been suffering for too long."

The two laughed wildly, expressing their pride heartily while thinking about the future, constantly describing the bright prospects of Panlingwei in the future.

But soon, thunder roared from the sky and struck down hard on the city defense formation of Panling Acropolis. It was like thousands of flowers transformed from thunder bloomed on the city defense formation. The city defense formation

There were large ripples on the sky, and the huge thunderous explosion caused severe pain in the eardrums.

"No, these beasts have indeed attacked the city!"

Dapeng, who crashed in the rainforest a hundred miles outside the city, had already walked to a place less than ten miles away from Panling Acropolis. He stood on the ground, his body was seventy or eighty meters tall, his huge beak opened, and he kept talking.

It sprayed out streaks of thunder as thick as a water tank.

When these thunderbolts hit the defense formation of Panling Acropolis, a ball of crimson fire exploded. Countless plasma spread along the formation, and the soil wherever it passed was burned into overflowing magma. .

Outside the city, the mansions closest to the city wall were the first to suffer misfortune. The plasma that bounced off the city wall sprayed on these mansions, easily tearing apart their fragile defense restrictions, and countless houses were dissolved in the plasma. In the blue smoke, large pieces of human body huddled in the house were wiped out in the electric light.

The roc roared loudly, and the lightning in its mouth kept pouring out like a fountain without any intention of stopping.

Sima Mountain, Sima Hao and his son were all attracted by the Dapeng attacking the city. For a moment, they could not care about Sima Shui, who was still alive, and Sima De, who was lying on the ground crying and howling like a wolf.

Three thousand miles away, thousands of Dapeng and hundreds of Chi dragons slowly landed. They carefully walked into the three thousand miles restricted area controlled by Panling Acropolis. They found that the restriction here only prevented them from flying. After having no direct lethality, these Dapeng and Chilong all let go of their courage and quickly rushed towards Panling Acropolis.

The giant roc with a body as long as 100 meters and the chilong with a body of a hundred feet. Their powerful power exploded with all their might, causing a violent surge on the ground. Wherever they passed, hills were torn apart and countless giant trees were smashed. , a short distance of three thousand miles, it seems that they can rush to the Panling Acropolis in only a quarter of an hour at most.

"Damn it!"

Sima Hao was a little confused. He looked at his father in panic, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you panicking? This is not a wilderness! These beasts are fighting in the wilderness, and our army is no match for them. But the Panling Guard's city defense, can they, these brainless beasts, destroy it? Take my token to guard the mansion. Order the city defense formations to be fully activated and prepare all killing formations."

Sima Shan calmly gave orders and directed a number of loyal subordinates to rush onto the city wall.

Countless streams of light flashed on the city wall, accompanied by a low roar. The huge equipment that Yin Xuuge had seen a few days ago, which was shaped like a bed crossbow, but had a structure a hundred times more complicated than a bed crossbow, was being used one after another. surged out of the city walls.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of these big guys emerged from the city wall, and there were two of these big guys on the city wall that was almost a mile long.

Sima Hao took Sima Shan's token and quickly ran to the guard's mansion with a group of soldiers.

Sima Shan snorted coldly, lowered his head, and looked at Sima Shui, who was gradually only breathing out but not taking in, and his soul had been imprisoned in the sea of ​​consciousness by his magic talisman, unable to escape. He raised his sword in disapproval and wanted to Cut it down with one sword.

Yin Xuuge has been hiding in the dark corner at the edge of the square. He watched Sima Shan want to kill Sima Shui, but he had no intention of taking action. The aura exuding from Sima Shan was really too terrifying. His strength was compared to what he had just stepped into. Yin Xuege, who has entered the first level, is more than a hundred times more powerful?

It was Sima Shan who took action. He didn't have the strength at all and could only involve himself in it.

But Sima De, who had been lying on the side, whining and cursing, suddenly stood up in a sneaky manner. No one noticed him at all as he was like mud. The guy turned his hand and actually took out a palm-sized heavy weapon from his sleeve. of jade talisman.

He looked at Sima Shan with a ferocious smile, opened his mouth and bit the tip of his tongue, and a violent stream of blood spurted onto the jade talisman. Then he pointed at Sima Shan fiercely and roared "Go"!

The jade talisman exploded with a bang, releasing a suffocating and terrifying pressure. A ferocious tiger about three feet long, covered in blood, flapped its huge wings, roared and jumped out of the jade talisman, like a bolt of lightning suddenly pounced on Sima

On the mountain.

The tiger's claws, which were the size of a futon, slapped Sima Shan's back hard with a trace of blood.

The yellow hill suspended above Sima Shan's head released a stream of yellow energy to protect his whole body, but this jade talisman was obviously made by a powerful hand whose strength far exceeded Sima Shan. The tiger's claws easily shattered the yellow air released by the hill.

, the tiger's claws slapped Sima Shan's body, tearing his thick armor to pieces with one claw.

The armor, which was half an inch thick and engraved with countless defensive runes, was shattered into countless pieces by the tiger's claws and exploded as soon as a few flashes of light shone on it. The tiger's sharp claws slashed across Sima Shan's body, scratching his body.

He suffered three hideous wounds half a foot deep.

What's even more frightening is that there is a layer of blood-colored flames attached to the three wounds, which are burning Sima Shan's wounds crazily and devouring his blood essence.

Sima Shan screamed in pain. He didn't care about killing Sima Shui. He followed the tiger's attack and jumped forward with all his strength, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"The enemy is attacking, the enemy is attacking, come and save me!"

Dozens of majestic warriors standing on the edge of the square, vigilantly monitoring the movements around them, burst out at the same time. They roared and sacrificed various magic weapons, and struck at the tiger one after another. At the same time, they pulled out the heavy shields they carried on their backs and quickly charged towards the tiger.

Sima Shan ran over wildly.

The tiger roared furiously, and a bloody ripple spurted out from his mouth, hitting the incoming magic weapons head-on.

In the loud noise, dozens of magic weapons were exploded to pieces by the tiger's roar. The tiger pounced and rushed into the group of warriors who were charging over. With a sweep of its thick tail, more than a dozen warriors were killed at the same time.

He was beaten until his waist broke.

Yin Xuege's brows moved, and his body turned into a strong wind and floated out. He grabbed Sima Shui who was lying on the ground with almost all the blood flowing out. The various elixirs he refined were like jelly beans, and he stuffed Sima Shui randomly.

He even took out a few bottles of trauma ointment made from rare materials. With a shake of his hand, these ointments turned into various colored spiritual clouds and adhered to Sima Shui's wounds.

With a flick of his fingers, the jade talisman between Sima Shui's eyebrows was bounced to the ground by Yin Xuege. He brought up a strong wind and quickly flew to Sima De's side. He grabbed Sima De with one hand and led the father and son into the square quickly.

of streets.

Sima Shan, who was hurriedly avoiding the tiger's pursuit, almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Seeing someone rescue Sima Shui and his son, unprecedented fear arose. He screamed at the top of his lungs and frantically moved toward the clouded leopard on the wall who was preparing to fight.

The sergeant issued a death order.

"Catch them up and kill them! Whoever kills Sima Shui and Sima De will be rewarded by this guard with the status of a noble citizen, and his whole family will be promoted to the rank of noble citizen."

"Kill them, kill them, don't let them escape! No matter who dares to protect them in Panling Guard City, I will kill them all! Kill them all! Chase them down, kill them, kill them!"

Sima Shan jumped on his feet and hissed, whining like a defeated wild dog on a rainy night. r1152


This chapter has been completed!
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