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The 270th chapter of the Holy Spirit (2)

The Holy Spirit Realm, the boundless sea of ​​jade. The boundless ocean formed by the gathering of chalcedony and jade paste. In the lower world, a single drop of the chalcedony paste that has lasted hundreds of millions of years can revive human flesh and bones. However, 'sea' is actually used as the quantifier here. It's really

It's extremely scary.

The Jade Sea is dotted with countless small and large islands, and all kinds of strange and weird creatures have cultivated into human forms and obtained the fruits of immortality. At this moment, they are sitting obediently in front of the caves on their respective islands, sitting cross-legged on the futon, looking at the center of the Jade Sea.

position, quietly listening to a wisp of fairy sound coming from the void.

That fairy voice spoke unhurriedly and in simple terms to these demons and immortals about the nature of 'tribulation'. Why are there disasters in the world? How many types of disasters are there? How many are heaven and earth disasters, and how many are one's own disasters.

How many disasters are caused by outsiders, how to avoid various disasters, how to survive, what are the benefits if you succeed, and how to save if you fail, it is detailed to the extreme.

He even mentioned the three disasters and nine difficulties before attaining the Taoist Master, and pointed out more than a dozen side methods to save the failed tribulation. From reincarnation and reconstruction, to external incarnation, to recasting the body with genius and earthly treasures,

There are all kinds of things, every word is worth tens of thousands of gold, and if it goes outside, it will be a secret book that will break your head and snatch it.

Suddenly, this fairy sound stopped abruptly, and the gentle voice spread to every corner of the Jade Sea: "I have something to do today, so I'll stop here. You guys finally got rid of the hairball, don't act recklessly, and stay safe in your cave.

, practice carefully."

"Remember, remember, this +⊥,w∽ww. vein of mine competes with heaven for fate and with earth for luck, but not with others. None of you are allowed to sneak out and mess with outsiders. If you dare

Those who stir up trouble, hey, do you still remember my fists the size of wine jars?"

With a chuckle, a circle of bright light with a diameter of 30,000 miles at the core of the Jade Sea was wrapped in purple air that stretched for thousands of miles, and fled to the west as fast as lightning. Immortals on countless islands knelt down and turned towards that

A bright light knelt down and worshiped, and kept saying, "Best farewell to the Taoist ancestor"!

There is also the Holy Spirit Realm, the Snowy Mountains, which stretches for who knows how many trillions of miles. It is as tall and steep as a wall, and the white expanse is covered with heavy snow. At the core of the Snowy Mountains, there are tens of millions of large and small Buddhist halls, pagodas, and Buddhas scattered around.

The temple is dotted among the snow-capped mountains, guarding an ancient temple in the middle that is thousands of miles in radius, simple and heavy, with every green brick covered with traces of moss.

This is Daleiyin Temple, one of the six holy places of Buddhism in the Holy Spirit Realm.

In the forest of stupas stretching like a forest, an old monk in gray robes, as skinny as firewood and six feet tall, was walking comfortably in the forest with a thin bamboo pole. He waved the bamboo pole with his wrist and said, "Papa"

There was a sound of beating on the snow on the stupa.

The thick snow suddenly exploded, and there was a "puff" sound as it flew down from the stupa. The old monk walked past one stupa after another with a smile and cleaned them up. Although not long after he walked by, the new ones were

Snow flakes fell on the stupa again, but he worked tirelessly and continued to clean it regardless of whether it was useful or not.

As the old monk walked, he recited Buddhist sutras in a low voice, and the low sound of reciting sutras faintly spread throughout the entire pagoda.

At the same time, there are many big and small monks working quietly in the pagoda forest with rags in their hands. They are the handyman monks of Daleiyin Temple. They are responsible for using rags every day to wipe out every word on the stone tablet in front of the stupa.

Wipe clean.

They could all hear the old monk's chanting, but some monks nodded slightly as if they had some enlightenment, but some monks turned a deaf ear and just worked hard. After wiping the stone tablet clean, they went back to rest.

Suddenly, the old monk stopped and looked up to the east.

He frowned, and the corners of his mouth suddenly pulled down. He snorted softly, and the old monk's rough gray robe spread out like an eagle's wings. He lifted his body and slowly flew up into the sky. A large piece of Buddha's light flashed past, and in an instant

It illuminated the entire Snow Mountain, and the old monk disappeared without a trace.

There is also the "Xuantang Dynasty", a secularly established national dynasty in the Holy State of Middle Earth in the Holy Spirit Realm.

In the Imperial Academy, tens of thousands of reading scholars carefully selected from various states and counties in the Xuantang Dynasty were shaking their heads and holding the saint's articles and reading non-stop. An old man with a black beard wearing a straight black shirt and holding a ruler was walking slowly in front of the Imperial Academy.

In the corridor outside the classroom, people kept shaking their heads, occasionally smiling and nodding.

Suddenly, two Imperial College supervisors rushed out, stood in front of the old man, and solemnly bowed to the old man: "Big sacrificial wine!"

The old man in black shirt smiled and asked softly: "What's the matter? The day's plan is in the morning, why don't you go to study well? Are you sure you can pass the monthly exam this month? Hey, if you don't do well in the exam, I'll

The ruler shows no mercy."

One of the supervisors bowed solemnly to the old man and asked loudly: "Grand Priest Liquor, we have something to ask you sir. The master of Grand Priest Liquor has learned directly from heaven and man, and has traveled all over the holy states of Middle Earth. He is the gift of the Holy Master today."

Master. If we have any doubts, please ask for wine to clear them up."

The old man in black clothes pondered for a moment and nodded slowly: "If you have doubts, it's a good thing. Just say it!"

Another supervisor said solemnly: "We dare to ask, everyone in the world says that in the fairyland outside the world, there are immortals. They breathe in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, control flying dragons and phoenixes, live forever, enjoy freedom forever, stay young and ageless, and enjoy the boundless scenery.

My disciples think that this is false talk. Is there anyone in the world who lives forever?"

Another supervisor shouted loudly: "I have read all the books, and I have seen all the secrets of the previous dynasty. I, the Xuan Tang Dynasty, conquered the world instead of tyranny, and we had the help of immortals in the fierce battle. If it were not for the immortals, Xuan Tang would have won the world."

How could the founder of the Tang Dynasty rise up and seize the world with only one county?"

The old man in black shirt frowned and looked at the two supervisors with a sad face. He shook his head helplessly and sighed: "You came to ask me about this kind of thing so early in the morning?"

A supervisor solemnly said: "Sir, please clarify my doubts. Are there immortals in this world? If so, where do they live? Why don't they appear in front of others?"

Another supervisor sneered and said, "Sir, please tell us, are there any ghosts, ghosts, or holy things in this world? If there are, why don't they appear in front of people?"

After being silent for a while, the old man in black clothes pursed his lips and murmured in a low voice: "Is it important to you whether there are immortals or not? Why don't you show up in front of others, hehe, hehe, hehe..."

Not only these two supervisors, but also thousands of supervisors in nearby classrooms looked at the old man helplessly. It was obvious that they had been arguing about this issue for more than a day and more than once.

The old man was squinting his eyes and organizing his words. Thousands of miles high in the sky, a piece of purple air as bright as morning glow passed quickly, heading straight to the west. When the purple air floated by, a gentle and jade-like voice came down: "

Old bookworm, let's go, let's go, if you're late, be careful with the boss's bamboo stick."

"Haha" he laughed a long time. Thousands of miles of purple energy rushed up from the top of the old man's head, and a bright light was emitted from the back of his head. Countless books were flipping rapidly in the bright light. He looked at the stunned supervisors in the Imperial College,

He rubbed his nose and smiled and said: "Why don't the immortals appear in front of people... Because this is the territory I have designated. The immortals who dared to appear inexplicably in the Xuantang Dynasty had their legs broken and were thrown out."

With a wave of his sleeves, the old man rose into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

A clear and clear voice echoed softly in the Imperial College: "Those who have committed crimes in the Imperial College of the Tang Dynasty and have ranked among the top 100 in the graduation examination can enter my sect to practice immortality and enjoy the joy of a free and immortal life... Who dares to spread these words?

Hey, break the dog's legs and throw him out of the Holy State of Middle-earth!"

There was silence in the Imperial College. After a moment, the entire Imperial College suddenly exploded. All the prison students were dancing like crazy, staring at the books in their hands with bloodshot eyes, as if they wanted to crush all these books and stuff them into their brains.

In the middle of the Holy Spirit Realm, a majestic fairy mountain with a radius of millions of miles is suspended in the void thousands of miles above the ground.

There is a blue sky all around, no clouds and no smoke, only a vast expanse of dazzling blue light. You can see countless cranes with graceful figures, swaying and dancing on the boundless sea of ​​clouds below. Around the fairy mountain, there are twenty-four huge things suspended, the smallest one is one hundred thousand miles away.

Giant Taoist artifacts, long and short, vaguely guard this fairy mountain at its core.

On the top of the fairy mountain, under a few old pines, twenty-four futons are placed at random.

Purple air came from the sky one after another. When they arrived on the fairy mountain, they smiled and bowed to each other, or put their hands together in salute, or put their hands in greeting. They laughed and said "Long time no see" to each other, and then they calmly sat down on the futon.


In just a short tea time, there were six Taoists, six monks, and twelve lay people in different clothes sitting on the futon.

The aura of the monk and Tao was simple and strong, almost as if there was nothing there. As soon as they sat there, there was a faint feeling that heaven and earth were naturally approaching them. They were between heaven and earth, but they seemed to be separated from heaven and earth.

Compared with the twelve lay people, the cultivation of these six monks and the six paths is obviously much higher.

Among the twelve lay people, some were scholars, doctors, or fortune tellers, and some were women holding bells and ribbons, dressed in the costume of a dancing girl. Some even had their breasts exposed, with a belt tied around their waists, and evil spirits on their heads.

Soaring to the sky, he is clearly dressed as a butcher.

After everyone gathered, an old man holding a bamboo stick, with his hair disheveled, and wearing Bagua Water and Fire Taoist robes, slowly stood up and saluted everyone. Judging from his appearance, he was the old man who was eating fish with a pet by the big lake that day.


"Fellow Taoists, the news is accurate. The hiding place of the man we suspected has finally been found."

With a flip of his hand, the Xuanbing mirror that Yin Xuuge handed to Monk Yunluo flew out of the old man's hand, suspended in mid-air and emitted a large amount of bright light.

"The Void Spirit Realm!" The old man said in a deep voice to the horrified people who heard this: "That guy is indeed hiding in the Void Spirit Realm. What do you fellow Taoists think?"

The old monk from Daleiyin Temple flicked the bamboo pole in his hand and said with a cold smile: "Use all your strength, let's work together to break the boundary wall, so what if we destroy half of the void spiritual world? That guy deserves to die."

The strong man dressed as a butcher smiled coldly, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Death by a thousand cuts. All the descendants I left behind in the world of Yuanlu will be killed by him. Now I have a descendant under my knees.

No one else. He really deserves to die!"

The group of people spoke one after another, and all of them clamored that they would cut someone into pieces and beat them until their souls were knocked out.

The old man holding the bamboo stick smiled deeply and nodded slowly: "That's very good, he really deserves to die."


This chapter has been completed!
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