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1058, Watanabe

After three kowtows and nine bows, Su Yi became a descendant of Maoshan.

Su Yi's process of getting started and worshiping his ancestor was as simple as playing house. Chen You was smoking a cigarette and wearing flip-flops the whole time.

After Su Yi finished kowtowing, he waved: "We have to start quickly, otherwise we won't even have lunch..."

So delaying lunch is more important than taking on apprentices as a teacher and saving evil ghosts?

Because it is a physical salvation, the steps of fasting, cleaning the altar, giving food, and transforming treasures are all omitted.

Chen You holds a mahogany sword, picks up a burning red talisman and travels in all directions, murmuring: "The God of Rescue from the Sufferings is sitting in the east, holding a willow in his hand and sprinkling fine wine, riding a nine-headed green lion, saving the ghosts before they are born..."

The talisman burned out, and the incense inserted in the incense burner suddenly ignited without fire!

Chen You took Su Yi to bow to the statue of the Patriarch, then took out the Bagua mirror and placed it in the middle of the array.

Chen You bit the tip of his tongue, then took a mouthful of glutinous rice wine and squirted it out into the Bagua Mirror!


The flames exploded, the Bagua Mirror trembled violently, slowly rose into the air, and spewed out thick black mist.

The black mist cleared, revealing the figures of the red-clothed water ghost and the big-headed water ghost.

Their faces were ferocious and twisted, and their bodies exuded a cold aura of despair and malice, and they would fly outward as soon as they came out.

However, the Bagua array painted on the ground suddenly glowed red. When the two ghosts touched the red light, it was as if they had hit a wall. Black smoke suddenly erupted and they flew back screaming.

The two ghosts screamed miserably and rushed towards Su Yi and Chen You again.

But it was still blocked by the red light.

Su Yi was amazed to see that he could see ghosts with his naked eyes, which was obviously the effect of this magic circle.

But isn't this array just a gossip?

Still a half-finished piece of gossip.

How did this magical power come about?

This is where the magic power of talismans and magic circles lies.

"Ah Hao, you stand in the Kun position, I stand in the Qian position, and we chant sutras together. After burning this incense, light another incense, then you move to the Zhen position, I go to the Xun position, and so on..."

Su Yi nodded to express his understanding.

The two ghosts bumped left and right in the magic circle, trying to escape, but they couldn't.

The red light covering all directions was like a tangible wall that they could not break through at all. After several collisions, their souls became unstable.

Then something happened that shocked Su Yi.

Seeing that there was no hope of breakthrough, the red-clothed water ghost swallowed the big-headed water ghost in one gulp!

Its soul body instantly began to swell, so big that the magic circle could no longer hold it any longer, and the red light trembled rapidly.

Chen You didn't seem to be surprised by this scene. He sneered, took out a yellow talisman like magic with one hand, pinched the magic formula with the other hand and said: "There is a thunderbolt inside, the thunder god is anonymous, the ancestor is as urgent as the law!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the talisman automatically flew into the formation and exploded.

In an instant, the electric light swam like a snake and loomed like a net, and the evil ghost let out a shrill scream, shrinking rapidly and twisting violently.

After Chen You finished doing this, he no longer looked at it. He retracted his gaze and made a magic formula, and introduced it to Su Yi: "This hand technique is called Liu Zhiyu, which means Pudu. It is the hand technique used when reciting sutras for salvation. It can be consistent

And in the end, the fighting technique seems simple, but it is not. Even if you do exactly the same as me, you are just copying a cat."

Su Yi followed Chen You's technique and felt nothing.

"Take the blood from the tip of the middle finger of your right hand and dissolve it in the secret seal." Chen You smiled and said, "Try it."

Su Yi did as he was told.

After adding the blood from his fingertips and making the seal, Su Yi immediately felt a mysterious feeling as soon as the seal took shape!

He felt an inexplicable force that gave him, the magic circle, and Chen You a vague connection.

This connection is weak, but magical!

It's just like--

You see a road in front of you, you just see it.

But now, you are driving on this road.

You touch the steering wheel, the tires press the road, you can feel their presence, and you know the connection between you.

This metaphor may not be appropriate, but it is roughly the same.

Seeing Su Yi's eyes light up, Chen You knew that he had sensed it, and couldn't help but said: "You are lucky! If it weren't for this magic circle that transforms evil ghosts, you would never be able to sense the existence of spiritual energy. And like you

Those who can participate in transforming evil ghosts before they even get started are rare throughout the ages. Cherish this opportunity."

"Next, follow me in chanting. Remember, if you can't hold on, just exit the position."

Su Yi nodded, indicating that he had remembered it.

Chen You's eyes fell on the red-clothed water ghost who was becoming more and more frightened in the formation. His face became solemn, his lips moved, and he began to chant sutras.

"At that time, the Heavenly Lord of Suffering is filling the realms of the ten directions, always using his majestic power to save all sentient beings from being lost..."

"Qingyun opens the door to life, auspicious smoke plugs the dead house, and Xuan Yuanshi is born. Through the auspiciousness and sense of opportunity, he can save all sins and overcome all misfortunes..."

"The mist is a super-immortal source, and the waves are naturally clear. They all inherit the power of the Great Dao to subjugate all demonic spirits..."

Chen You recited one sentence, and Su Yi followed suit.

It was nothing at first, but the red-clothed ghost in the formation struggled even more fiercely.

But gradually Su Yi felt uncomfortable in his body.

He began to feel hot all over, sweating like water, and his flesh and blood seemed to be burned, and he began to suffer severe pain.

And he unconsciously began to recall the scenes he had experienced, as if he was just going through the scenes in his mind.

At this time, the red-clothed ghost in the formation screamed in even more pain and misery. It writhed up and down and hit all directions crazily again, trying to escape.

Su Yi recalled the past in his mind, his body was burning like a blazing fire, and the demons in front of him were struggling and roaring. He was inevitably distracted, but his mental will was so amazing that he kept chanting along with Chen You without stopping, nor did he pronounce a single word wrong.

But after a while, Su Yi could no longer hold on. He gradually felt that the meridians all over his body seemed to have turned into red-hot iron rods, covering his flesh and blood. The flowing blood also turned into magma, so

Burning everything in its path.

He couldn't help but tremble all over. This pain was definitely unbearable for ordinary people. If he hadn't been an extraordinary person, he would have been rolling on the ground and wailing by now.

After Chen You finished reading a paragraph, he saw Su Yi sweating profusely and shaking, and couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

"It's very painful, right?" Chen You said with a smile, "Do you feel that your limbs and the top of your head hurt like being pricked by needles? The needle drilled in so hard that it gave you a splitting headache and made you unsteady on your feet?"

Su Yi was speechless.

But he is sure that the pain he is experiencing now is a thousand or ten thousand times greater than what Chen You said!

Not on the same level at all!

"That's right!" Chen You continued with a smile, "This is the result of the backlash of karma. The heavier the karma, the stronger the backlash. That's good for you. If you are a person who has committed the most evil crimes, you will feel hot all over.

Burning the skin and flesh is called pain."

At this moment, Su Yi felt that all his internal organs had turned into red-hot stones, rolling back and forth in his chest and abdomen.

He could no longer endure this inhuman torture, so he couldn't help but let go of the magic technique and took a step back.

The inhuman pain suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by incomparable relief and comfort.

Su Yi couldn't help but want to shout out.

He let out a long breath and showed an expression of great enjoyment.

How painful he was just now, he feels so comfortable now.

Chen You laughed and said: "Do you feel very relaxed, like you had a good sleep?"


Su Yi actually wanted to say that what he felt now was like a sage's time superimposed ten times.

"When your karma is burned away, you become more detached. This is the detachment and sublimation from the body to the soul. Of course you will feel very comfortable." Chen You said.

Su Yi was silent for a moment and looked at the water ghost in the magic circle. Black smoke was rising from the water ghost's body. It was screaming miserably and couldn't stop. It was rushing around like crazy and couldn't stop at all.

He looked at Chen You and asked, "Are you like this too, Brother You?"

"If you don't save yourself, I don't feel anything." Chen You shook his head, "The reason why you feel it is because I am in the Gan position and you are in the Kun position. You and I are standing on both sides of the yin and yang of the magic circle, which is equivalent to the formation.

Wherever you look, you will naturally be counterattacked by karma just like the ghosts in the array."

"But you'd better be patient. You may never encounter this kind of opportunity in your life." Chen You said, "You will never find a fellow Taoist who is willing to save you in the future, because saving people is equivalent to transferring your karma.

Take it from me. Do you think you will encounter this kind of self-sacrificing comrade who harms himself and others?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment and asked: "Brother Friend, if I kill people and set fires, my karma is so huge, and now you transfer it, what will happen to you?"

"Of course you won't be reincarnated forever, so why bother asking?" Chen You said casually.

He looked at the incense that was about to burn out and said, "Come, you and I will renew the incense together, and then continue to transcend."

Su Yi's face twitched slightly, and he said: "Brother You, I think I should just follow you in chanting sutras and not do any positioning or kneading."

"Are you nervous?" Chen You looked at Su Yi in surprise, "Such a good opportunity will be gone if you miss it!"

Su Yi shook his head: "I'm afraid of pain."

Chen You's face darkened, and he seemed about to swear, but then he was stunned and looked at Su Yi in surprise, thoughtfully.

Finally he said: "Okay, then you stand outside the formation and chant sutras with me."

After a pause, he added: "Be serious, this is accumulation of negative virtue, it will only be good for you, not bad."

"Okay, brother friend."

Su Yi knew very well that if his karma were transferred, it would only benefit him and not harm him. But Chen You would never be able to take over his karma.

He even regretted that he didn't ask these things clearly in advance, otherwise he wouldn't have used the incense stick just now.

Chen You said that people who have committed heinous crimes will feel their skin and flesh are torn apart and their whole body will feel hot.

But Su Yi just felt like his bones were being burned, and his soul seemed to be scorched.

He even felt that he was in dozens of times more pain than the red water ghost in the formation.

So what is his sin?

Too many books to write?

Of course, karma is not just bad karma. It can only be said that the karma committed by Su Yi is far from being measured by common sense.

Next, Su Yi stood outside the formation and followed Chen You in chanting.

This time he felt nothing. He could neither sense spiritual energy nor karma.

He just watched as the devils in the formation kept roaring in pain and charging wildly.

Later, black smoke billowed from the formation, and it was impossible to see the true appearance of the evil spirit.

After four sticks of incense, the thick smoke dissipated, and the water ghost in the formation turned into a good-looking female ghost with pale skin and wet body.

Her face was full of fear, her whole body was trembling and she crawled back into the formation, kowtowing to Chen You during the intermission, her eyes full of pleading.

"Now, once this ghost's bad karma is overturned, its natural spirit will begin to recover, and its appearance will slowly change to what it was when it was alive." Chen You held the thermos cup, sipped tea leaves, and pointed at the formation.

Li Gui introduced Su Yi.

"It has reached a critical point now. Whether it can survive depends on the next stick of incense. If it can, consider it lucky. If not, we can also consider it as revenge for the souls it devoured.


Su Yi nodded, looked at the ghost in the formation, and asked: "Brother You, what will happen if it really loses all its karma and goes to the underworld?"

"Of course it's a direct reincarnation." Chen You said, "Ghosts without karma will not be left in the underworld."

"Then she swallowed so many lonely souls and wild ghosts, and the underworld will not forgive her this sin?" Su Yi asked.

Chen You couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah Hao, you don't really think that the underworld will decide lawsuits based on good and evil, do you? Do you really think that like in the legend, when a ghost comes to the underworld, the judge will judge the good and evil during its lifetime, and then based on how many good things it has done during its lifetime?

Or if it’s a bad thing, then you decide how to deal with it?”

"Isn't it?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course not." Chen You said, "Remember, the underworld only recognizes karma and doesn't care about anything else. Karma is the most direct thing. Good karma and irregular karma determine the speed and destination of your reincarnation. The amount of bad karma determines where you will be.

Which level of hell will you go to and how much punishment will you receive?"

"If you have no bad karma, all your bad karma will be eliminated, and you won't have to suffer any sins when you get to the underworld. You can line up directly to be reincarnated."

"According to this, if a treacherous and evil person who committed all kinds of evil in life was saved by a master after death, he would not be punished for any crime and would be reincarnated as soon as possible?" Su Yi frowned.

"Not only can you reincarnate early, but you can also reincarnate well." Chen You said with a smile, "Don't you think it's unfair?"

Su Yi shook his head.


These two words themselves are a scam.

"Will the person who transforms it inherit its karma?" Su Yi asked again.

"No." Chen You shook his head, "Transforming the undead does not involve karma, but only accumulates negative virtues. Because the pain of karma's backlash must be borne by the undead themselves."

"Actually, as you said, it would be very difficult for someone who has committed such a heinous crime to be rehabilitated." Chen You said.

He pointed at the red-clothed water ghost in the formation who was still pleading: "Just like it, the probability that it can survive is so small that it can be ignored. Not to mention that we want it to be exterminated, even if we set up a large array

After it has been transformed for seventy-seven forty-nine days, it is very likely that it will not be able to persist at all, and will be burned to death by karma."

Su Yi looked at the begging water ghost in the formation and said, "What will happen if we let it go now?"

"Then you just wait for it to seek revenge on you sooner or later." Chen You said calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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