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Accepting the ghost does not mean that the matter is over, on the contrary, it has just begun.

Su Yi did not intend to let the twin female ghosts fly away. He really wanted to eliminate the karma of the twin female ghosts, transform them, restore their clarity of mind, get rid of the seven-day cycle of death, and reincarnate as soon as possible.

In this case, the steps for him to set up an altar for salvation would be very complicated.

Incense burners, candlesticks, vases, incense tubes and other offering utensils are absolutely indispensable, and the five offerings of incense, flowers, lamps, water and fruits must also be complete.

As for the magic weapon, there is Luo Geng Pan, who has been passed down from Chen You's ancestors for more than ten generations, and it is enough to hold the altar. Su Yi is very greedy for this thing. He has long been planning to find an opportunity to ask Chen You for advice.

The efficacy and refining method of this thing.

In addition to the treasure that holds the altar, you also need to look up to the gods and observe the magic sword of the ancestor. Chen You's Tao Mu Ti Ti Tiao has long been restored to the magic sword, so you can use it without any taboos or particularities.

In addition to these two magic weapons, there is also the Bagua Mirror, which seals ghosts.

There is no need to shed blood to identify the owner of these things. Anyone who takes them can use them, as long as you know how to use them.

To save Yin spirits and eliminate karma, you also need an ink bucket stained with rooster blood, copper coins from the Five Emperors, etc.

A blood ink bucket should be used to create a Bagua altar, and a compass should be hung high on the ceiling.

The Bagua mirror is placed directly below the compass, facing the compass.

In addition to these, it is also necessary to prepare the offering table, talismans, seals, ritual water and other items.

The so-called talisman slips are the yellow paper used to draw talismans.

In order to eliminate the karma of the dead souls and make them peaceful and quiet, it is necessary to supplement it with a calming charm. This calming charm is considered a consumable, and one must be drawn every few hours.

The chapter sheet is a form for worshiping gods, and what is written on it is nothing more than a petition to the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, what is the purpose of opening this altar, and I hope that the Patriarch will approve it, and so on.

This thing can be regarded as an application form or a request for merit.

The so-called Dharma water is simple. This thing is used for the purification altar. Burn a purification charm and throw it into a basin of tap water, and the Dharma water will become it. This thing is more confusing than the holy water in the West.

But the function of this thing is simple, it is to pour it on the ground.

After preparing these things, you can start to open the altar for salvation. First, you will open the altar to thank the teacher, then turn the altar and roll up the curtain, then enter the altar to worship, and then scatter flowers, give food, and resolve grievances and knots...

In short, if you want to eliminate karma and save the souls of the dead, you must not skip dozens of steps to complete a ritual. You must also take care of the ability of the souls to withstand when their karma is eliminated.

Su Yi has personally experienced how painful it is to eliminate karma, so you need to do it slowly and not too violently, otherwise if you are not careful, you will save the souls of the dead.

Even the undead souls can't bear the great pain and have more resentment in their hearts. Instead, they become more and more powerful ghosts.

Therefore, to start this kind of ritual, you have to do it intermittently. It cannot be done in a short time, and you can't rush it even half a minute.

Once Su Yi decides to do something, he will spend a lot of time in it, ranging from three days to seven days.

You must not pause in the middle, let alone give up halfway, otherwise the original merit will turn into karma. The original kindness will also turn into enmity.

All the materials for setting up the altar were provided by Chen You. Chen You made at least seven or eight trips from his home to Su Yi, but he had no complaints.

Su Yi started the forum for the first time and saved the evil spirits. Chen You felt only happy.

After Su Yi comforted Ajuan and Xiaobai, he began to arrange the altar. Chen You basically didn't do much, but only assisted and gave guidance.

"Ah Hao, you have a heart that helps the world. Logically speaking, it is a good thing. Our Maoshan people should also be proud of you. But many things must be viewed from two sides."

Before Su Yi was about to open the altar, Chen You found a brand new Minghuang Taoist robe and said that he wanted to give it to Su Yi.

He spoke to Su Yi from the bottom of his heart.

"Saving evil ghosts and clearing the world is to accumulate evil virtue for yourself and to make Maoshan famous. But after all, this is tainted with cause and effect, and it is also very dangerous. All along, the victim has paid a huge price to ask us to help. Where?

Is there anyone who works for free without any reward?"

"What's more, the more you do, the more mistakes you make. When dealing with evil ghosts, you only need to make one mistake, and you will be doomed! Therefore, few people in our profession have a good death since ancient times. Basically, they all die unexpectedly. Those who are unlucky will lose their souls.

, not even a chance to reincarnate!"

"Ah Hao, when dealing with sneaky things, you must not be careless at all. Every step must be taken steadily, as if walking on thin ice. You save them for their own good, but until the last moment, they just think you are going to harm them. Sometimes

Even when their consciousness becomes clear, they still think you are meddling in other people's business, and our good intentions are not rewarded..."

Having said this, Chen You shook his head and sighed: "Anyway, just take care of yourself. You have outstanding talent and pure character. I really don't want anything to happen to you."

Su Yi nodded and said seriously: "Brother You's teachings, I will keep them in mind. Don't worry, Brother You, I know how powerful you are and I don't dare to be careless."

Chen You nodded: "Let's open the forum!"

The process of opening the altar went smoothly without any accidents. Su Yi chanted sutras to save the two ghosts, who hid in the Bagua mirror and did not dare to show their heads, hoping to avoid the pain of burning karma.

However, the Bagua Mirror can only help them slightly relieve their pain, and it is impossible to completely shield them.

Fortunately, the salvation this time was very gentle. Su Yi stopped after each chanting to give the two ghosts a chance to take a breath.

And with the help of the Calm Talisman, they are generally quite quiet.

Ajuan and Xiaobai, who had been comforted, also came out to watch out of curiosity. Su Yi repeatedly warned them not to touch the compass, Bagua mirror or anything in the magic circle.

Seeing that Su Yi was on the right track, Chen You also decided to leave.

"I'll go to the stairs first to see if there are any signs of Uncle Dong's murder." Chen You said, "If there are any, I will call the police immediately!"

Su Yi nodded and warned: "Brother You, this Ah Jiu dares to do such crazy things, what else can't he do? Try not to have contact with him, and don't be careless. After calling the police,

Just wait for the police to deal with it and stay away."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid, why should you tell me?" Chen You said nonchalantly, "I don't have anything to say to him. What's the purpose of contact? Murder is a crime, so I'll send someone to find him."

Su Yi nodded and said, "That's good."

"Let's go." Chen You checked the altar again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he left with peace of mind.

"That's right." He went out and suddenly came back, pointing at Xiaobai and Ajuan in the room as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing, waved to Su Yi casually, closed the door and left.

Su Yi glanced doubtfully and then looked away.

This was the first time he set up an altar for salvation, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.

At the same time, Aunt Mei's home.

In the kitchen, more than a dozen crow carcasses were thrown on the floor, with blood splattered everywhere.

Ah Jiu frowned at the crows and asked: "It's only been a long time, you have killed so many crows, have you smeared all the blood on Brother Dong?"

"I was afraid it wouldn't work, so I applied more." Aunt Mei looked at him and said, "Ajiu, sir, why didn't he react at all?"

"How long has it been, how can it be so fast?" Ah Jiu said, "Don't be anxious, and don't give him any more crow blood for the next two days."

"Why?" Aunt Mei asked.

"We are borrowing yin to return yang." Ah Jiu said, "If the yin energy is too strong, how can we return yang energy?"

"Will something happen to the master?" Aunt Mei asked worriedly.

"That's not possible." Ah Jiu shook his head, "Tonight, I will volley the coffin into the air, so that Brother Dong can't absorb the Yin Qi of the earth veins, and the body will slowly generate Yang Qi. Wait until the day when Brother Dong returns to his soul for the first seven times.

, it should just happen that yin and yang complement each other. When Brother Dong’s bardo body comes back, he can borrow his corpse to resurrect his soul.”

"What if the yang energy is insufficient? What if the yin and yang cannot be combined?" Aunt Mei still couldn't rest assured, "Ajiu, the first seven days will arrive in a few days, will it be too late?"

"Don't worry, in terms of time, it's almost enough." Ah Jiu explained patiently, "If it really doesn't work, I have a second way."

"What can I do?" Aunt Mei quickly asked.

Ah Jiu didn't want to say it at first, but when she thought about what she would ask Aunt Mei to do later, she thought: "It is to use the blood of a living person, preferably the blood of a child, or the blood of a living person."

Aunt Mei was surprised and wanted to continue asking, but Ah Jiu was unwilling to continue the topic.

It is a foregone conclusion that Uncle Dong was turned into a zombie. Now Uncle Dong's seven souls are sealed in his body, leaving a trace of Yang Qi still alive.

But Uncle Dong's bardo body was manipulated by Ah Jiu, and as soon as it took shape, it was sealed in a soul nail stake.

It is easy for a dead person to become a demon when he breathes more, not to mention that Ah Jiu's talisman of borrowing magic continuously gathers the extremely yin energy into Uncle Dong's body.

Coupled with the crow's blood, it will be difficult for Uncle Dong not to become a zombie.

What Ah Jiu is worried about now is not that Uncle Dong can't become a zombie, but that there is too much yin energy and the zombies he raises will jump on their own.

He doesn't need Uncle Dong's seven souls to be reincarnated and control the movements of the corpse. What he needs is that Uncle Dong remains asleep so that he can finally occupy the magpie's nest.

"Don't ever use crow blood again!" Ah Jiu thought for a while and warned Aunt Mei again, "Also, don't take off the talisman on his head."

"I understand." Aunt Mei lowered her head and replied, preventing Ah Jiu from seeing her current expression clearly.

"Hasn't A-Juan been here with you in the mornings these past few days?" A-Jiu asked about business, "Why didn't you come here this morning?"

Aunt Mei shook her head: "I don't know either. I originally thought that if Ku Liwei came, I would tell him that I was inconvenient these days. I don't know why he didn't come."

"Did he lock Ah Juan in his own home?" Ah Jiu frowned.

"Ahao helps Ajuan treat her illness every afternoon." Aunt Mei said, "Maybe today I moved the time to the morning."

Ah Jiu frowned more tightly, looked at Aunt Mei with sinister eyes, and said slowly: "Ajuan's horoscope is very rare, and her blood is very useful to Brother Dong."

Aunt Mei was stunned, looking at Ah Jiu with dark eyes.

"Very useful?" Aunt Mei asked again, staring at Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu was startled by Aunt Mei's eyes at this moment. How paranoid and crazy is this look?

"Ahao and I have some misunderstandings. If Ajuan is at his place..." Ajiu said halfway, but Aunt Mei already understood what he meant.

"Kuliwei, I will convince him." Ah Jiu deliberately said this to mislead.

But Aunt Mei suddenly became alarmed: "Kuliwei treats Ajuan as a treasure...can you not tell him yet?"

Ah Jiu looked deeply at Aunt Mei and raised the corners of her mouth: "I listen to you."

"Okay, I'll go find Ah Hao. You wait for me to come back." Aunt Mei rubbed her face vigorously, took a deep breath, turned and walked out the door.

"No, I can't wait for you here," Ah Jiu shook his head and said, "I still have something to do. After dark, you take A Juan to my place. After settling her, you have to help me carry Brother Dong's coffin up.



"I'll go first." Ah Jiu stood up and walked out the door.

Not long after he left, he happened to bump into Chen You who was coming out of Su Yi's place.

Ah Jiu was stunned for a moment, smiled humbly at Chen You, and walked around without saying a word.

Chen You frowned and looked at Ah Jiu's leaving figure, sniffing.

The smell of some kind of antiseptic.

has a problem!

Is everything Ah Hao said true?

He frowned and stood there thinking about this matter. At this moment, Aunt Mei also came out and met Chen You face to face.

"Aunt Mei, are you going out?" Chen You took the initiative to say hello, "Why haven't you seen Uncle Dong?"

Aunt Mei smiled: "He is not feeling well and is resting at home."

"Uncle Dong is at home?" Chen You's eyebrows twitched, "Not feeling well? Is it okay? I'll go check on him!"

"No, no need!" Aunt Mei waved her hand hurriedly, "He finally fell asleep, don't disturb him."

Chen You nodded and said, "Aunt Mei, where are you going?"

"Go find Ahao." Aunt Mei said to Chen You, "Awei asked me to help him look after Ajuan, but he didn't say whether Ajuan was at his home or Ahao's place."

"It's at Ah Hao's place." Chen You said without doubting that he was there, "But he is busy now, Aunt Mei, you'd better not go looking for him. Go there in another hour."

The process is also done in stages. In another hour, it will be halftime, and Aunt Mei can go there at that time.

After a pause, Chen You said again: "Aunt Mei, has Uncle Dong seen a doctor?"

"It's an old problem. I'll just grab some medicine for him later and he'll be fine." Aunt Mei said with a smile, "Since Ah Hao is very busy, I'll come find him later. I'll go back first, Ah You."


"Okay." Chen You smiled and nodded to Aunt Mei.

After watching Aunt Mei leave, Chen You's smile gradually faded again.

He sniffed.

The smell of antiseptic medicine on Aunt Mei's body is even stronger.

has a problem!

There is definitely a problem!

Chen You looked puzzled.

What are antiseptics used for?

Has something happened to Uncle Dong?

If Uncle Dong was really dead, why did Aunt Mei hide it?

Aunt Mei and Ah Jiu must have been in contact. What on earth are they doing?

Chen You's face was uncertain, and he finally came to the stairwell.

Su Yi told him that Uncle Dong had an accident in the stairwell.

If Uncle Dong really died here, there should be no trace left.

This chapter has been completed!
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