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Chapter 1292 Confrontation

Strictly speaking, the enchanted ghost does not create illusions, but distorts your perception, deceives your senses, and causes you to create illusions.

This method is more advanced than the evil ghosts who create illusions, and is more difficult to guard against. It can not only confuse people, but also confuse similar ghosts and monsters.

This kind of ghost has no other abilities besides being "confused", and its body is very fragile. But because of this, it can achieve the ultimate in this aspect.

This mind-obsessed ghost is extremely rare. All practitioners here only know of its existence from books. Some people have never even heard of it, so they are completely defenseless against it.

Not one of the more than twenty cultivators could see the flaw, and they all fell for the trick, and were confused by it and walked into the ghost world.

At this time, only Uncle Feng and two burning corpses were left in the outside world.

He was silent for a while, then finally let out a long sigh and stepped into the ghost world.

Although the enchanted ghost is powerful, it is not invincible, and everyone is unprepared before falling for it.

At this time, he was deceived into the ghost world. As the master Zhang Zhenren and other people with advanced magic powers realized that something was wrong, they woke up and woke up others. By this time, everyone had realized what had happened.

Zhang Zhenren made a prompt decision and used the Heavenly Master's Thunder Technique to bombard the obsessed ghost. This technique can hurt others and himself, so he should not use it easily. However, at the current moment, he did not dare to waste time and energy dealing with the obsessed ghost. He was determined to fight quickly and did not hesitate to use thunder.


Longhu Mountain is by no means unworthy of its fame. With one blow from Master Zhang, even the spirit ghosts were driven away, but something strange happened. When the Yang Lei was about to fall on the ghost, the ghost suddenly disappeared!

Zhang Zhenren's blow actually hit the air.

He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, but he had no time to think about it at the moment and hurriedly shouted, calling everyone to come closer to him.

After everyone gathered together, Zhang Zhen discovered that Qingxu was completely unscathed.

However, the poor man and the strong man are definitely in danger, and everyone knows this.

"What's going on? Why are we all pulled into the illusion? Why do so many magic circles have no effect at all?"

"What the hell, isn't this too weird? Why did we all come in at once?"

"Is everyone here? Is everyone okay? Is there anyone who needs help?"

The crowd was excited and noisy.

"Ah Feng! Why isn't Ah Feng here?" Sang Xin couldn't help but exclaimed when he realized something was wrong.

"He doesn't seem to have come in?" Uncle Li said uncertainly.

"I was the last one to come in. Fellow Daoist Feng did not come in." Master Zhang frowned and said, "That's fine, there is a support outside..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a person running out of the fog. He was relieved when he saw everyone: "Everyone is here? Are you all okay?"

It's Uncle Feng.

"A Feng, why did you come in?" Sang Xin asked.

"What should I do if I don't come in? Should I stand outside and watch the fun?" Uncle Feng's face was very ugly. He looked at Zhenren Zhang and said, "The situation is not right! No matter how evil the evil spirit is, it shouldn't be this powerful, and we have arranged several

There are heavy formations, some are for destroying illusions, some are for exterminating evil, and some are for destroying yin. It’s unreasonable that all the formations don’t respond!”

"I find it incredible too," Zhang Zhenren said, "What do fellow Daoist Feng think?"

"Perhaps She Qing used the charmed ghost to lure us in," Uncle Feng said solemnly, "We want to seal it, and it must also want to destroy us, so it uses this method to trick us in, close the door and beat the dog!"

"It's a pity that we are not dogs!" Hu Yidong sneered, "Master Feng, is the gate of hell closed?"

Uncle Feng shook his head: "When I came in, I specially marked the ghost gate and left the peach wood sword there. If there is any sign of it closing, I will sense it immediately."

After a pause, Uncle Feng said seriously: "But the situation here is unknown. It is risky for us to stay for a second longer. Mr. Zhang, I suggest you withdraw first!"

"Let's go!" Master Zhang also understood that the situation was strange and unpredictable and could not be taken lightly, so he agreed to Uncle Feng's proposal without hesitation.

"Everyone, be careful, let's exit first!" He looked around and shouted loudly.

Naturally, everyone had no objections, so they immediately gathered together and walked cautiously towards the way they came.

But they also encountered the same problem as Su Yi. No matter how they walked, there was black fog rolling in front of them, the ground was like carbon dust, and the scenery remained unchanged, as if they were standing still.

"Oops, this is because the evil master doesn't want us to go out!" Uncle Feng shouted with a change of expression, "We have to disperse the evil spirit first, otherwise we will never be able to go out!"

"Master Shengyi, Master Shiyan, I'm here to ask for the golden light of the Buddhas, please help me." A red-clothed lama said loudly and without restraint.

He held a bronze demon-conquering pestle high and recited scriptures.

When he did this, both Monk Shengyi and Monk Shiyan frowned slightly, showing expressions as if they had eaten dead flies.

Although Tantra has its own uniqueness, its teachings have never been recognized by other sects of Buddhism. In particular, some of their principles and operations in magic are almost demonic, causing monks from orthodox Buddhist backgrounds to regard them as demons and heretics.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the demon-conquering pestle in the lama’s hand gives people a sense of vulgarity and filthiness.

But this thing has a strong yang energy, and it emits a red-gold light, which immediately makes the surrounding black mist disappear like snow.

However, after reaching a certain range, the red-gold light and black mist became deadlocked.

Seeing this, Monk Shengyi and Monk Shiyan had no choice but to put aside their grudges for the time being, and they clasped their hands together and recited the scriptures silently.

The chanting sounds of the three people echoed each other, and the sound of Zen singing seemed to carry a kind of magic, giving people an uplifting and clear feeling.

At the same time, the red-gold light continued to spread, blowing away the surrounding dark fog.

Just when all the cultivators breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to evacuate this ghost.

Suddenly, many black shadows appeared in all directions, densely packed everywhere!


Countless ghosts!

They are surrounded by ghosts!

Various strange sounds came from all around, and countless ghost figures gradually emerged from the black mist.

These ghosts are at least black shadow ghosts, and there are many fierce ghosts among them!

They have different shapes, and their faces are hideous and terrifying. Some have faces covered in blood, some have mutilated faces, some are floating in the air, and some have limbs touching the ground.

Most of the ghosts had dark red threads popping out from their bodies, and some of the ghosts had countless bloody threads squirming on their bodies.

Usually, practitioners have to go all out to deal with a fierce ghost, but now, there are thousands of ghosts here!

At this moment, everyone was desperate!

"This is impossible! How long did it take for this ghost to form? Why are there so many ghosts? This is impossible!" Some people refused to believe the facts in front of them.

"Zhang Chuduan, you killed us!" Someone shouted with regret and anger.

Zhang Chuduan is the name of Zhenren Zhang in Longhu Mountain.

Everyone originally had the courage to conquer the demons and eliminate them, and they were also prepared to fight with the ghosts in the ghost world, so they prepared all kinds of formation materials, large and small, to deal with the ghosts.

But because of Zhenren Zhang's suggestion, all the materials for the formation were used outside Guixi as a precaution and for defense.

Well now, everyone was tricked into the ghost world by an unexpected obsessed ghost, but all the formations were deployed outside the ghost world, so now everyone is surrounded by a group of ghosts, lacks corresponding preparations, and suddenly falls into passivity.

But no matter what, it was Zhang Zhenren who made the most correct choice at the critical moment.

"No chaos! No chaos at all!" He roared and pulled out a simple dagger from his waist, "Three masters, don't stop the Buddha's light, keep it up! Friends from Buddhism who can help will help! Here are eight people to follow me.

Eight-Yang Golden Bell Formation! I, Master Feng, will preside over it!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone immediately took action!

Apart from Aga Lama, Sheng Yi, and Shi Yan, only Sang Xin was closely associated with Buddhism. In times of crisis, he stepped forward without saying a word, chanted sutras with the other three, and blessed the Golden Light Array of Buddhas.

Tsk tsk...

Tsk tsk...

The group of ghosts began to test the impact, but as soon as they touched the Buddha's light, they emitted black smoke, screamed and rolled away.

For a time, ghost shadows from all directions collided with the Buddha's light. The pressure on the four monks suddenly increased, and the area covered by the Buddha's light began to shrink.

Seeing this, Sheng Yi and the other three people successively used their magic weapons to activate the golden light effect, and then managed to maintain a stalemate with the ghosts again.

At the same time, Uncle Feng and Zhang Chuduan quickly occupied the positions of the Bagua Yin and Yang Eyes, using their own bodies as the formation eyes, and quickly used their swords as pens to draw talismans in the blood-stained void to form the formation.

The old Taoist Bai He, the handsome Taoist nun, a pair of twin brothers, the old Taoist with a goatee, the woman with a burned face that Su Yi had rescued before, a short man with a scar face, and a middle-aged man with squinting eyes, these eight people worked separately.

The eight directions of Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui are used as formation flags.

Then, under the auspices of Uncle Feng and Zhang Chuduan, the eight people all cut their fingers, dripped blood on their respective magic weapons, and chanted the incantation in unison.

Something magical happened, but the blood filled the air and connected the ten people together.

If you look down from a high place, you can see that these ten people just form the shape of Bagua Tai Chi.

The Eight-Yang Golden Bell Formation, also known as the Eight-Yang Golden Bell Formation, is a formation method to prevent evil spirits from attacking the body. It is relatively popular among Taoists, but it is very effective.

The principle is that two people with strong magic skills form the two gods of Yin and Yang. As the formation eyes, they are responsible for presiding over the formation and defending and counterattacking. Eight living people serve as the formation flags. The power of these eight people passes through the formation and combines with the formation eyes inside.

The two people are connected together to form a whole.

At this time, when the evil spirits outside attack anyone, it is equivalent to attacking the overall strength of the individual.

Any counterattack faced by the evil ghost is equivalent to the combined strength of ten people.

This formation is definitely a very practical formation, but it also has disadvantages. One is that the eight formation flags can only be used as energy storage and tools. They are like puppets on strings. They are controlled by the two formation eyes in the middle and cannot be controlled.

His own body; secondly, if the enemy's strength is higher than the combined strength of the eight people, then the formation will immediately collapse and break.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the second situation is impossible to occur.

The Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation is taking shape at the fastest speed, but the four monks on the periphery can no longer hold it any longer!

Too sneaky, they roared and launched attacks continuously, making the golden light range smaller and smaller, making it look shaky.

At this time, in addition to the ten people and four monks who set up the Bayang Golden Bell Formation, there were five extra people.

In addition to Uncle Li, Father Anderson and Hu Yidong, who are familiar with Su Yi, there is also a tall, thin man who is silent and a mean-looking old woman with triangular eyes.

In critical moments, no one can be idle, they can only work together to fight against the ghosts!

Four monks maintained the golden light of the Buddhas, and Uncle Li and other five people acted as mobile personnel, putting out fires everywhere and repelling the ghosts that were about to attack.

Although the situation is precarious and looks like a dangerous egg, it can still be managed.

It's a pity that the good times did not last long.

Suddenly, a shrill and strange cry appeared in the air.

"Shou Wu Er! Sho Wu Er!"

This cry seems to contain some kind of strange power, giving everyone who hears its cry a tingling sensation in the head!

Looking up, I saw about a dozen large, colorful and strange-looking birds circling and flying in the sky.

These birds have wide wings, protruding eyes like human eyeballs, long beaks like iron hooks, and claws like sickles. They look extremely scary!

"Soul-breaking bird!" Uncle Li's expression changed drastically as he recognized this ghost thing.

This thing, like the previous obsessed ghost, is an extremely rare thing. It can be regarded as a "rare animal" even in the underworld.

This thing was an extremely ferocious vulture in life. It had eaten a lot of human flesh. It had lived for at least a hundred years, but was killed by humans and then ate its flesh and drank its blood. No bones were left, and its ghosts lingered and whined endlessly. Therefore, after death

The spirit turns into a soul-wounding bird.

The reason why this thing is called the soul-breaking bird is because its cry really has the effect of hurting the soul.

But for normal adults, its effect is minimal.

Even if a soul-destroying bird cries in front of you for three days and three nights, your energy will be sluggish at best, but as long as you nourish yourself, you will still be able to recover.

However, it is still harmful to children.

If a child listens to the cries of the soul-destroying bird too much, he or she will easily become a mindless child.

But the reason why the soul-breaking bird is rare and strange is not because of its cry, but because it still retains the instinct of hunting in life, and is more ferocious than in life, specializing in tearing out human souls.

Because it was tortured to death by humans, the soul-breaking bird hates humans extremely.

Many people have tried to tame this kind of ghost, but they have never succeeded. This ghost eats its owner and refuses to recognize its relatives at all.

Therefore, when practitioners encounter these ghosts, they will kill them one by one without mercy.

In addition, in modern times, people all know that vultures feed on carrion. Almost no one eats vulture meat or drinks vulture blood, so the soul-breaking bird is almost extinct in the world of the world.

Unexpectedly, among the ghosts, there were more than a dozen soul-scarring birds!

"Shou Wu Er! Sho Wu Er!" The soul-wounding bird screamed shrilly, circling and gliding in mid-air.

Their cry is a bit like the word "soul-breaking", and according to another theory, this is how they got their name.

"Be careful in the sky!" Uncle Li yelled, reminding everyone.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, more than ten soul-breaking birds in the sky suddenly screamed and swooped down, as fast as lightning!

This chapter has been completed!
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