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Chapter 1333 Beginning

Of course, immortals are not something you can see casually.

Immortals are another form of life, and the way they exist may be beyond all our knowledge. What an immortal looks like, what form it takes, and what kind of words and deeds an immortal has, all of this is just our imagination or the imagination of the ancients.

Maybe no one has seen an immortal since ancient times.

So we can't see immortals, which is normal.

"There is a saying in Buddhism called the Obstacle of Knowledge and View, which means that due to ignorance of the truth of the Dharma Realm, it is impossible to realize the true nature of the Dharma Realm and the origin of all Dharmas, so it is impossible to become a Buddha." Su Yi said to Xie Yali.

, "It's the same for us. We know nothing about immortals. What we know is all imagination and cannot be verified to be true or false. Therefore, we are worried and afraid. The closer we are to becoming immortals, the more scared we are. This is yours

Obstacle in knowledge and vision.”

Su Yi is really suitable to be the "intimate sister". His "analysis and explanation" in simple and easy-to-understand terms made Xie Yali feel that she had encountered a "knowledge barrier". The more she thought about it, the more she realized that what Su Yi said made sense.

"Then how should I defeat him?" Xie Yali asked sincerely for advice.

"It's very simple." Su Yi smiled at Xie Yali, his eyes full of encouragement, "Ignorance is not terrible. What is terrible is not exploring the border of ignorance, but trying to avoid it and bypass it. We all know nothing.

Now that you have reached this point, think about the ignorant things you faced when you were a child. Did you feel curiosity or fear?"

"Curious." Xie Yali's eyes gradually brightened.

"Yes, in that case, why should we be afraid of ignorance now?" Su Yi said, "Stay curious and explore. You don't know now just because you haven't gotten there yet. Then just go there and take a look.

, why be afraid?”

"Is it that simple?" Xie Yali was both surprised and worried.

"How difficult is it?" Su Yi spread his hands, "There was a Caesar in the West who once said a sentence - I come, I see, I conquer. I will also give this sentence to you today, you are a genius, you are

The person who is closest to the scenery over there. If there is only one person in this world who can become an immortal, that person must be you."

This sentence gave Xie Yali endless confidence and emotion, and she even couldn't help but hold Su Yi's hands.

"Huo Tu, thank you." She looked at Su Yi emotionally, "No one has ever said these words to me, and no one has ever encouraged me like this. Since I was a child, Master has always told me that my talent and temperament are both outstanding.

I am not as good as my sister. In my previous life, I practiced cultivation. I followed Master’s orders and followed my sister’s example in everything. In this life, I do whatever my sister tells me. I know that I am not smart, so I have always been afraid.

Very worried..."

"But now, I'm not so afraid!" She squeezed Su Yi's hand, with a happy smile on her lips, "You are a very smart person, Huo Tu, you are smarter than me, and you understand better than me.

More, my sister said so, and you said so, you two must be right, so I will definitely become an immortal, right?"

"Yes." Su Yi tightened his hands and answered immediately.

"Huo Tu, thank you for finding me in advance." Xie Yali smiled at Su Yi, "It's great to have you."

Su Yi smiled: "You also helped me a lot, and I want to thank you too."

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Of course, it was impossible for Xie Yali to completely let go of her worries, but after Su Yi's enlightenment, she was much better.

Her blank personality meant that she was easily persuaded and could listen to what others said. Su Yi didn't feel that he had done anything great. He just calmed Xie Yali's emotions. What was wrong with her knowledge was just that.

A word.

After Su Yi came to Zhenxian Temple, he actually avoided mentioning his sister. He and Xie Yali had almost never discussed her sister before.

Su Yi didn't know where she was, so she felt like she was everywhere.

When he tried to trick Xie Yali before, Xie Yali replied that if her sister were here, she would be able to sense it.

Su Yi is dubious about this. What if your sister deliberately blocks your perception? What if your sister just doesn't want you to know that she is monitoring you all the time?

It was precisely because of this suspicion that Su Yi said what he said to persuade Xie Yali before.

I said this to Xie Yali, but if my sister was here, I would mainly say it to her.

When one has reached a certain level of cultivation, any sensations and feelings that a practitioner has are not without reason. The more advanced one is in cultivation, the more he must trust his own intuition.

So compared to what Su Yi saw before his eyes, he believed in Xie Yali's feelings more.

If my sister is really not a fairy...

Su Yi hid this fear in his heart and did not show it any more.

This is also the biggest difference between him and Xie Yali. Xie Yali can't hide his emotions in his eyes.

Next, neither Su Yi nor Xie Yali discussed this topic.

It was not a deliberate avoidance, but Su Yi deliberately led the topic. He showed a strong interest in the Five Hells Immortal Technique, as if he wanted to study all the details of this method thoroughly, not even letting go of every bit.

For three days in a row, Su Yi had been asking Xie Yali questions about the Five Hells Immortal Technique, asking every detail.

"Huo Tu, just because you are so serious now, you will definitely become an immortal after you are reincarnated and cultivate again." Xie Yali encouraged Su Yi.

"I also believe in myself." Su Yi said with a smile, "You have been teaching me so carefully these days, and I have basically understood the Five Hells Immortal Techniques, leaving only the last bit of uncertainty."

"Where?" Xie Yali asked.

"That's how to identify mandrills." Su Yi pointed to the inscription on a stone tablet in front of him, "You said before that there are many mandrills. As long as you have two pupils, you can actually see who is a mandrill. But you need to use Hetuluo

The book comes to identify which mandrills can help you become an immortal. That’s this part, I don’t quite understand. I haven’t done much research on Hetuluo Shu, and I only have a superficial understanding of Kanyu’s fortune-telling.”

In the past few days, Su Yi has actually been avoiding this issue intentionally or unintentionally, and has been asking Xie Yali other questions about the Five Hell Immortals.

But now when I finally asked about it, everything seemed logical and natural.

As expected, Xie Yali didn't notice anything was wrong at all, and said without thinking: "It doesn't matter, I'll just teach you."

Xie Yali told Su Yi that because of his wisdom and cultivation, he would be able to clearly see ghosts and gods in his mother's womb after reincarnation, and he would have a pair of yin pupils.

When the fetus' body develops naturally, a pair of normal pupils will grow.

This is the principle of double pupils formation.

Su Yi knew this already, but he did not interrupt Xie Yali's explanation.

The reason why the eyes can distinguish between mandrills is because the eyes can clearly see through the soul essence of others.

The soul form of a normal person is that the soul is mixed with a lot of aura.

Resentment, anger, anger, hostility, yin energy, yang energy, etc.

Some people's souls are contaminated with unclean things, and may have special smells such as ghosts, evil spirits, and filth.

But this is all within the normal range.

But some people are not. Some people's souls are different from ordinary people and are "mutated".

For example, someone's soul is contaminated with the aura of lust, and this aura even distorts his soul, making his soul different from the souls of ordinary people.

This kind of person with an abnormal soul is a mandrill.

"The world of mortals is dirty, especially in today's materialistic world. Unlike in ancient times when most people only wanted food and clothing, people now have many thoughts and higher desires. The more weird thoughts you have, the easier it is for your soul to distort and mutate.

, become a mandrill." Xie Yali introduced to Su Yi, "There are millions of people in Beitai, if you just go out and take a look, you can see hundreds of mandrills a day."

"The twisted and mutated soul is a mandrill?" Su Yi smiled, "Then am I also a mandrill?"

"Of course you are not," Xie Yali said, "Mandrill is a bad guy with bad morals, and you are a good person."


Su Yi smiled.

It's a pity that morality is not determined by gods, nor is it determined by the great principles of heaven and earth.

"In short, there are many mandrills." Xie Yali said to Su Yi, "What you have to do is to pick out the ones that can wish you immortality."

She waved her hand, and a picture and text filled with random characters appeared out of thin air in front of the two of them.

"This is called the Heavenly Book of Five Hells, and it has been handed down from ancient times to this day." Xie Yali said to Su Yi.

Su Yi recognized this "heavenly book". There was a stone tablet outside Xie Yali's retreat at the True Immortal Temple, and such a heavenly book was engraved on the stone tablet. Su Yi had studied it for a long time before, but had no clue.

"Where did this come from?" Su Yi asked.

"My sister found a piece of brocade silk in the tomb of a Song Dynasty immortal who had transformed into a feather. However, the brocade silk was about to weather, so she could only copy down the contents in the tomb without leaving any trace.

Then it was engraved on the stone tablet." Xie Yali said, "That's where the Five Prison Laws came from."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

Xie Yali waved his hand again, and suddenly two mysterious patterns slowly emerged and were imprinted on the "Book of Heaven".

She went on to introduce: "Actually, you don't have to be proficient in Kanyu fortune-telling, or even know much about the Hetu and Luoshu. You just need to take your own birth date and birth date in this life, connect them at the corresponding positions of the Hetu and Luoshu, and then add He

The numbers of Luo Zhi Dayan are written on the heavenly book... Now, look!"

Under Xie Yali's control, those patterns were painted on the heavenly book, and indeed some words were circled.

There are three pictures in total, among which the picture with the birth date of Xie Yali circles the four characters - rich, wonderful, beautiful and prosperous.

The number of Dayan is uncertain, so any number is possible, but nine is the extreme number, so in the Hetu Luoshu, there are nine positions for the number of Dayan.

The characters circled in these nine directions are - those who do not believe in ghosts and gods, Taiyin Shaoyang.

Su Yi frowned and looked at all this, always feeling that something was wrong.

In fact, in the original plot, Huang Huotu also found an expert in Mingjiao Sheng Zuchang's authentic culture and folklore to consult about the Five Hell Immortals. Later, with the help of this expert, he also cracked the secret, which shows that this method of determining the mandrill

It's actually not complicated.

"Rich, wonderful, beautiful, prosperous..." Su Yi looked at Xie Yali, "What do these four words mean? Is it the name of Mandrill?"

Xie Yali shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe it's just information related to Mandrill. For example, Fu, maybe it just means that this Mandrill is a rich man, Miao, it just means that this Mandrill is a young girl. Hetu Luoshu will only give you some guidance.

, but it won’t help you determine the target. You need to determine who it is specifically.”

"There are so many people, not to mention rich people, there are many people even with rich names in their names, so how can I identify who is the one I need?" Su Yi asked.

"Ask yourself." Xie Yali said, "When you find this person, if you think he is, then he must be. If you think he is not, then he must not be."

This sounded very unreliable, but Su Yi nodded as a matter of course.

Compared with the steps to find a mandrill, this is the most unreliable step, but Su Yi feels it is the most reliable.

But by finding a mandrill to eradicate him and then scapegoating him, can he really become an immortal?

Not to mention Xie Yali, Su Yi had a big question mark in his heart.

Cultivating the Five Hell Immortals is certainly not easy, it can even be said to be very difficult.

But compared to other methods of cultivating immortals, the method of becoming an immortal of the Five Hell Immortals... isn't it too childish?

So this is why the Five Hell Immortals are just the lowest immortals?

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and then began to ask Xie Yali for advice, asking him to sort out the Five Hell Immortal cultivation methods from beginning to end.

This is really a very complete, theoretically rigorous and self-contained method.

Perhaps because Su Yi's own theoretical level is limited, he read it many times but didn't see any problems.

Even after much deliberation, I feel that it is indeed possible to cultivate immortality according to this method.

It can be said that Su Yi no longer has any secrets about the Five Hells Immortal Technique.

The only shortcoming is that he has never seen his sister or immortal.

These days, Su Yi's mind kept thinking of that arm as white as a spring onion stretching out from between his eyebrows in the Hung Hom Gymnasium.

Now that I think about it, that hand seems too small.

But maybe it's a matter of visual perspective?

Anyway, that was probably the only scene where Su Yi saw Xian.

Although only one arm is visible.

Is that arm a fairy?

How is it different from a human arm?

Su Yi didn't understand his question. That day Xie Yali told Su Yi that the time had come.

"Actually, I have already perfected my Five Hells Immortal Soul two days ago." Xie Yali said, "I have consolidated it for another two days, so it will be foolproof."

Su Yi looked at Xie Yali, her eyes averted slightly, her expression was filled with reluctance, anxiety, uneasiness, and fear.

This girl really can't hide anything.

In fact, she was just greedy for the unrestrained feeling of getting along with Su Yi.

So she delayed it for another two days.

Su Yi had already seen this.

But it is easy to distinguish whether the desires of the past life and the present life or the temporary greed are more important.

So Xie Yali only allowed himself to "indulge" for two days.

Now, she finally made up her mind.

It's time to get started.

Su Yi knew that no matter whether this path was right or wrong, this was the last moment for him and Xie Yali to say goodbye.

After this moment, Xie Yali will embark on the road of going through the five hells of destroying love and sex.

After this moment, it may be the end of immortality forever.

This chapter has been completed!
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