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Chapter 1342 Resurrection

There is a kind of evil technique in Nanyang called flying head lowering. This is the most evil head lowering technique among the head lowering techniques.

There is no need to go into details about the training process of this technique, except that once it is practiced, the human head can be separated. Every once in a while, the human head and the internal organs leave the body to suck human blood, so that one can stay young forever and achieve the goal of immortality.

This technique harms the heavens and harms the laws of nature, it is indifferent to human life and ignores human ethics. Anyone who practices flying head drop must be an evil cultivator, and everyone will be punished if they find it.

However, the origin of this technique is the Gu technique of the Yinshan Sect. It was not originally called "Flying Head Down", let alone a black magic, but a kind of Gu technique called "Headless Suspended Death Technique".

It is said that this technique was invented by the seniors of the Yinshan Sect in order to fake their own death to get away with it.

During the Song Dynasty, a senior member of the Yinshan Sect offended a corrupt official and was sentenced to be beheaded.

This person told his descendants in advance, used poison to separate his body and head, and faked his death in prison.

Seeing that this man was dead and bribed with gold and silver, the government allowed his disciples to take his body away and bury him.

The disciples connected his severed head and body, wrapped the body with white cloth, and put it in the coffin. Unexpectedly, when the body was out of sight, dense worms crawled out of its abdomen, and the body exploded and died on the body.

At the neck, pieces of flesh and blood that were swallowed by it burst out.

The flesh and blood squirmed and stuck to the head, and the man came back to life.

One is vitality, the other is blood.

The reason why the Yinshan Sect is looked down upon by others is because of their practice of flying head Gu.

He ran quickly, pulled the box of still refrigerated blood back to Su Yi, quickly opened the box, pulled out a three-inch long thick needle from it, aimed it at Su Yi's heart, and plunged it in!

Moreover, it looks like a coil is stretched under the skin, which looks very strange.

Uncle Feng sprayed a mouthful of blood on the jade pendant that was close to Su Yi's Baihui point. He pointed his fingers sharply and shouted: "Wake up!"

But they are getting more and more excited!

Because this shows that Su Yi’s body is thirsty for blood!

This is a good sign!


No, they are not sure!

Evil cultivators who practice flying head descent usually fly out with their heads and a bunch of internal organs. The scene is very bloody and scary.

For ordinary people, this has no effect at all. It only serves to "restore the corpse".

But Su Yi, is it really possible?

This is a fateful moment.

"How is it?" Uncle Li, who was eager to know the result, asked loudly.

The key to this technique is to keep the head and internal organs intact. Without this premise, it will be impossible to talk about flying head down.

This is already the limit of what Uncle Li can do.

This is also the most difficult part of this step. Uncle Li has practiced hundreds of times in private for these nine breaths!

Only the power of Qi and blood can nourish his heart, reshape his body, radiate his vitality, and allow him to reach nirvana and be reborn!

Although Su Yi has his eyes tightly closed now, Uncle Feng knows that Su Yi has come back to life!

At this moment, the gleaming green light on Su Yi's body had long since faded, and his skin had transformed into a dead gray again, still looking like a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

This is the magic of the Flying Head Drop. The reason why the flying head can be reattached to the neck is because of this recovery ability.

Can this energy play a role in regenerating what is missing?

Three breaths!

All he knew was that if this person wasn't Su Yi, what they had just done was just nonsense and they had no idea what was going on.

Bang bang...

Uncle Feng and Su Yi's first reaction was that it was impossible.

What the probability of success is cannot be analyzed at all.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Feng loosened his hand holding the jade pendant, and the jade pendant stuck tightly to Su Yi's Baihui point.

If the quasi-immortal hadn't sealed his vitality, he would have become a human being and become completely indifferent.

But Su Yi also has an identity, he is also a martial arts master.


Su Yi came to life!

However, as time passed, later generations continued to improve and improve it, and today it has developed into a taboo technique, and even an evil technique such as "Flying Head Down".

Like Uncle Li, he had no idea what would happen next.

Uncle Li had no time to pay attention to Uncle Feng at this time.

If a person loses these flesh and blood, it will not affect his continued life.

The original flying head descending method used Gu insects to eat a circle of flesh and blood around the neck, so that the head could be separated.

The Nine Talisman Life-Sustaining Method is the first supplement to this method.

Within nine breaths, these things must be done!

And this rune also has an enhancement effect, so at this moment, Su Yi's only drop of blood turned into blood mist, and evenly sprinkled on every piece of Su Yi's broken heart!

The mucus of the insect corpses glues all the broken hearts together, forming irregular "balls" with different shapes.

The Marrow Cleansing Meridian of the I Ching operates through internal force. Is there any internal force in Su Yi's body?

Originally there was, but when Su Yi was hung up by the life-sustaining method, Su Yi was not sure whether the internal energy in his Dantian would completely dissipate at this time.

They didn't dare to speak, and even slowed down their breathing, for fear of disturbing Su Yi.

Stored in refrigerated storage, it was flown directly from Hong Kong Island today.

It’s impossible!

Because his soul only takes nine breaths to completely drain all the energy from this body, and finally extinguish the remaining ray of life, allowing Su Yi to completely transform into a She Qing!

Therefore, Uncle Feng and Uncle Li must activate the vitality in Su Yi's body within these nine breaths, so that Su Yi wakes up completely and his ghost stops absorbing the corpse energy.

The majestic power of blood!

As the saying goes, magic lies in one mind. If you use it correctly, you will be right, and if you use it wrongly, you will be evil.

It is true that flying head down is a witchcraft, but it may not be unable to save people.

Moreover, Su Yi's current internal energy does not have the power of Qi and blood at all. It is a mixture of Yin Qi, ghost Qi, corpse Qi and other very complex things.

He had already sacrificed his blood to himself when he killed Sheqing.

All the Gu insects in Su Yi's body exploded and died at this moment, including the insect king!

The Insect King originally belonged to Su Yi, and the reason why it could be controlled by Uncle Li was naturally because Uncle Li had just carved runes on its back.

But it works!

As long as it is effective, it means that this method is correct and can be successful!

A modern society with highly developed medical technology!

Needless to say, what's in the cold box next to Uncle Li's wheelchair?

One of the two handed the blood bag, and the other held the blood bag high and kept changing it.

If you let hundreds of Gu worms chew the heart into dregs, and finally let these worms explode themselves, and barely stick them together, the heart will be broken into pieces like dumpling fillings, and it will just become a big meatball if it sticks together.

Can you survive?

It can be said that this technique was originally a life-saving technique.

But Su Yi did come back to life.

The blood bag was consumed very quickly and was absorbed in just ten seconds. Both of them were very busy.

Puff puff……

If Su Yi were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to deduce it at this point.

But the heart is different.

Uncle Li suddenly spurted a mouthful of blood on his palms, his eyes widened in anger and he closed his palms violently!

After practicing for a period of time, he became active again.

Su Yi was completely unsure.

When the physical body's corpse energy dissipates, there is a prerequisite for re-creating vitality. This is the second step of derivation.

Su Yi already had vitality, and in the bellies of hundreds of Gu worms, those vitalities were preserved in this way.

Is one hundred liters of blood enough to restore Su Yi's heart function and achieve nirvana and rebirth?

have no idea!

But this seems absurd, even a fantasy, but it is the best one that Su Yi, Uncle Feng and Uncle Li came up with, the one with the highest probability of success, and the simplest and most effective one!

Man proposes, God disposes!

At this point, Su Yi really needs some luck!

"Come help!" Uncle Feng shouted to Uncle Li while urgently changing the blood bag.

But unfortunately, Su Yi didn't have a drop of blood on his body.

He used Feitou's Gu technique to make Su Yi's heart be glued together by the insect corpse mucus, and connected Su Yi's heart and body, connecting the cardiovascular system that had been chewed off before.

Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes!

This is a problem that no normal person can encounter.

One breath!

When the last breath came, the ray of life that Su Yi was hanging finally merged with the life of the broken heart and the only essence and blood exploded by the Insect King. The strong life, coupled with Uncle Feng's stimulation, made Su Yi

The consciousness is completely awakened!

The hanging was successful!

But it’s not time to relax yet!

Because at this moment Su Yi is like a candle in the wind, it will still be extinguished at any time!

"Lao Li, it's up to you!" Uncle Feng shouted hurriedly while holding on to the jade pendant and maintaining the nine-talisman life-extending spell.

With six breaths left, Uncle Li finally finished carving the runes on the Insect King's body.

This is also the reason why Uncle Li is so whimsical.

First, let the corpse worms divide and devour Su Yi's heart, which contains Su Yi's vitality. In this way, he can avoid being "accidentally injured" by the Jueyang Formation and the power of Qingqing. When the power of the quasi-immortal is destroyed, Su Yi's vitality will also be wiped out.

A normal person's body contains about four to five liters of blood. A drop of blood is just a drop in the bucket for a normal person, let alone Su Yi?

But is this a problem?

This is modern society!

Uncle Feng didn't even answer, so he slapped the insect king into Su Yi's mouth!

On the other side, Uncle Li was already making magic formulas with one hand and ringing a bell with the other and starting to recite the incantation.

Here, Uncle Li has completed his work.

But this kind of connectivity is only roughly restored, but it's still a mess.

He could only place his hope in Su Yi's specialness to create an impossible miracle.

So Su Yi still needs Qi and blood!

Uncle Li is the orthodox descendant of the Yinshan Sect, so he naturally knows the Flying Head Gu technique.

The closer they get to success, the more anxious they become.

The broken heart was squirming rapidly, and the pieces of flesh and tissue that had been eaten by the zombies were gradually recovering.

He originally took Rama's inner strength from the rabbit that never eats rabbits, and combined it with Dongfang Bubai and the "Yi Jin Jing" into one, forming the "Yi Jing Washing" that can be invulnerable to all poisons and heal all injuries.

"Marrow Sutra", at this moment, became Su Yi's only life-saving straw!

But can the "Book of Changes" be effective?

But the reason why the flying head descent was successful was because the head and the entire set of internal organs were separated from the body, leaving only an empty shell without a head.

Where does the power of Qi and blood come from?

The only thing Su Yi can do is to do everything he can to increase the probability of success.

There is no precedent for this matter, so Su Yi cannot make any judgment.

At this time, Su Yi thought of the insect king that he had not killed because of his temporary pity and loneliness——

Although it is inconvenient to carry around a bunch of internal organs, there is nothing we can do about it. The head and internal organs cannot be separated. This is the prerequisite for the success of this evil magic, otherwise it will be suicide.

Everything is recovering, the blood vessels are being reattached, the ball-like heart is reconnecting with Su Yi's body, Su Yi's vitality is rapidly growing and recovering, and he can already move his eyes slightly.

His heart relaxed a little, at least Su Yi's heart was absorbing blood.

But he is an upright man, and of course he will not practice this kind of evil magic.

Uncle Li hurriedly turned his wheelchair and rushed over.

The key insect king!

Su Yi doesn't have a drop of blood in his body now, and the only blood essence is in the insect king's body!

What this insect king sucks is Su Yi's heart blood. Although this drop of blood is small, it is indispensable, because Su Yi must use this drop of blood as a guide to make the "Book of Changes Marrow Cleansing Sutra" work.

Regenerate your own pure inner strength!

Of course, just one drop of blood is not enough.

The Insect King quickly crawled to Su Yi's heart, and hundreds of other Gu Insects surrounded him.

The nine-talisman life-extending method is originally a very powerful life-extending method, but due to Su Yi's special situation, it can only last for the duration of his nine breaths.

He had no idea what would happen next, and he didn't even have any confidence.

He ran the "I Ching Marrow Cleansing Sutra" to carefully repair his broken heart.

Time returns to the present.

"I don't know!" Uncle Feng replied, staring at Su Yi.

This is not something that happens overnight and progress is very slow.

Corpse energy is absorbed by the ghost, which is the first step in this method.

With a heart broken into pieces like dumpling stuffing, coupled with a special body that has lost all vitality and has been transformed by the soul-catching sickle and corpse energy, can the "Book of Changes Marrow Cleansing Sutra" still be able to play the role of replenishing the missing parts and curing all diseases?

Come on, Su Yi has no answer in his heart.

At a certain moment——

But they couldn't think of any other way, so Su Yi began to deduce the feasibility of Uncle Li's method.

The faint beating sound of the heart came from Su Yi's chest.

No, before Su Yi, Uncle Feng and others discussed how to save themselves, and after deducing the first step, when Su Yi was stuck on how to keep this step alive, Uncle Li had a "whimsical" idea and proposed the principles and steps of this technique to save Su Yi.


Through various connections such as Andy Lau and Li Wenbin, he obtained one hundred liters of type A blood!

It's impossible to even think about it with your heels.

The other end of the infusion set was connected to a 400 ml blood bag. Uncle Feng turned the infusion switch to the maximum and raised the blood bag high. The thick red blood immediately filled the transparent infusion tube and was fed into Su Yi's heart.


He really doesn't know.


He threw the Insect King directly to Uncle Feng!

He made quick gestures with his hands and recited the incantation silently.

In Su Yi's body, the blood flows happily in the blood vessels. This Su Yi refines the internal strength and transports the qi and blood to provide an endless supply of power!

And when Uncle Feng and Uncle Li heard this sound, it was the most beautiful note in the world!

Uncle Feng burst into tears instantly.

Su Yi used this almost absurd method to come back to life!

Don’t die, your heart is still there, overturn the destiny!

He really gave this world a huge surprise!

This is a miracle!

This is a myth!

This is the only legend!

This chapter has been completed!
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