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Chapter 1347 Choice

Coming out of the set, Su Yi saw an unexpected person.


No. 031, long time no see.

Su Yi looked at him in surprise, but still greeted him politely, maintaining the same respect as before.

No matter what kind of plans 031 has for him, at least he has spared no effort to cultivate himself and can be regarded as the person who "started" him. He has to recognize this love.

"Su Yi, I really saw you right, you really gave me a big surprise." 031 looked at Su Yi with a smile, a look of admiration on his face.

"I am where I am today thanks to the cultivation of you and Director 032." Su Yi said seriously.

"No, we just gave you a push. You are the one who is really at the helm, and you are the one who works hard." No. 031 said, "Su Yi, I remember you once asked me a question. You asked me why the company would

Select you and ask me why I like you. The answer I gave you at the time was that there was something about you that attracted me. But now, the answer can be a little clearer."

"Say." Su Yi said.

"It's tenacity and restraint." No. 031 said, "To use an inappropriate metaphor, selecting actors is like going to an orphanage to adopt orphans. Children who grow up in this environment have different personalities and abilities due to lack of education and guidance.

Compared with children from excellent families, there is a big gap in terms of education, because they are still ignorant, and they have to understand the world on their own, rather than having their parents and teachers tell them what the world is like."

"But precisely because they are empty, their plasticity is stronger than that of greenhouse flowers. When we choose actors, we must choose those with plasticity." No. 031 looked at Su Yi deeply, "For the company, the earth you are on is

It's like an orphanage, and the two qualities you possess mean that you have greater plasticity and more possibilities, which allows me to be more free to train you."

"032 has always disagreed with my philosophy of training actors. He thinks I am too radical, but in fact she has been practicing my philosophy intentionally or unintentionally. For example, on the set you experienced this time, she treated you like a weed.

Throw you into the set and let you do whatever you want. As long as you don't die, you can do whatever you want." No. 031 laughed, "The facts prove that I am right. Think about what you were like before this set and what you are like now.

, you will find that your change is a qualitative sublimation."

"Of course, if you don't have the two qualities of tenacity and restraint, you won't experience such an exercise. Your characteristics are the prerequisite for training your way." No. 031 added, "If you are not tenacious enough, then you will give up halfway.

"If you don't know how to exercise restraint, you will squander everything you have prematurely and not have the last laugh."

"No. 032 and I are both directors who know how to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. The difference is that I am more discerning than her, so I can see through your qualities early, but she needs to see your heart with Rijiu."

"Speaking ill of people behind their back like this only shows that you are a villain." 032's voice came from behind him coldly.

"Director." Su Yi smiled at No. 032.

031 was not embarrassed at all, he just turned around and said with a smile: "Didn't you receive the minister's emergency order? I thought you had left."

"Su Yi is mine. I regard him as my partner and friend, not my tool or my chess piece." No. 032 said coldly, "I want to leave, and of course I have to say goodbye to him.

Explain to him clearly why I want to leave. And I want to remind him to be careful of some people’s sinister intentions and hypocritical faces!”

No. 031 sighed and said: "Seriously, do you think he can become a first-line actor, especially an outstanding first-line actor like Su Yi, without the ability to penetrate people's hearts and the ability to distinguish pros and cons? I'm not here to intimidate him.

, I also regard him as a partner and a friend, I just want to exchange hearts with each other and achieve a win-win situation with him."

"Really?" No. 032 sneered, "You dare to say that "The Cabin in the Woods" didn't ask him to die? On a set where even the death-free card cannot be used, in a movie that even the best actor dare not take, you asked him, a first-line actor, to go there?


"Is Su Yi's character and ability worse than those of the best actor?" No. 031 said calmly, "The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity. This film already involves the company's core secrets. As long as Su Yi succeeds in performing,

He can know all the truth and be directly promoted to the best actor. He can also have the right to direct and act on his own. Compared with the risks, aren't the benefits proportional to the risks? Many best actors don't have such a right to know. I give it to Su Yi, really

Is there too little?"

No. 032 snorted, turned to Su Yi and said, "You have the right to refuse."

"Thank you, director." Su Yi said sincerely.

"I'm here to say goodbye to you." No. 032 said, "Some guys have used their power to get film contracts for your next three films. If you don't want to act, it's okay to refuse directly. If you have any questions, I can also cover it for you.

Don't worry, you don't have to have any scruples or worries. You don't have to be morally kidnapped by him. When you become an actor in the future, you will have plenty of opportunities to repay his favor. You are on the front line now, and you are with me. He can do whatever he can to you.

It’s very limited, so I’m playing the emotional card with you..."

Faced with No. 032's unceremonious attempt to undermine him, 031 smiled bitterly: "You say it like that, as if I am a villain."

"You think you're not?" No. 032 sneered, then looked at Su Yi and continued, "Your current situation is a bit complicated. I didn't expect you to torture yourself like this... Your current appearance has advantages and disadvantages. You can recover.

How you were before, but if you do this, you will have to give up your current power; if you are reluctant to let go of your current power, you need to reconcile your body and soul, and you need to increase your popularity. Your ghost energy is greater than your popularity now. If you don't adjust, you will

Sooner or later, you will become a ghoul. Once you do this, although you will be very powerful in the short term, it will be very detrimental to your development in the long term."

"Then what should I do?" Su Yi also realized his problem and asked for advice.

No. 032 hesitated, glanced at No. 031 and said: "Although I have a way, my resources are not as good as his. You can listen to his advice on this issue."

After a pause, No. 032 said seriously to Su Yi: "Although this guy is despicable and shameless..."

"Hey!" No. 031 shouted dissatisfied.

No. 032 ignored him and continued: "His attitude towards you actors is just like raising a worm. He is indifferent to your lives and has no humanity..."

"You'd better say no quickly..." No. 031 sighed helplessly.

"However, he still hopes that you will become a talented person, and he can fulfill his promise to you." No. 032 said calmly, "Su Yi, you can trust his help to you, but you have to weigh the risks yourself. In our company, the director

The relationship with the actor is not antagonistic, but mutually beneficial, and we will also be comrades who can be trusted with our lives in the future."

"Comrade?" Su Yi caught this word keenly.

No. 032 did not explain any more and said to Su Yi: "I have to go. Remember, you can refuse any of his requests. He doesn't dare to do anything to you."

"I understand." Su Yi said gratefully.

No. 032 nodded, turned around and left.

No. 031 let out a long sigh and said: "Although she is trying to undermine me, she is telling the truth. Su Yi, you can refuse me. After all, you and 032 will be partners in the future. I am just calling you temporarily. Don't worry, even if

If you reject me, I will not take any action against you or use my rights. The choice is yours and I will never force you."

"Director, why don't you talk about it in detail first?" Su Yi said.

No. 031 nodded: "I want you to make three film appointments. The first one is specifically to solve your problems and let you rest on the set; the second one is to further enhance your strength; the third one is "The Cabin in the Woods"

", which is the film I wanted to make from the beginning."

No. 031 looked at Su Yi: "To tell you the truth, filming "The Cabin in the Woods" is very important to me and related to my future; but it is very risky for you, because the death-free card cannot be used on this set. But once

If you succeed, I guarantee that you will be directly promoted to the best actor, and I guarantee that you will know all the truth. The most important thing is that big risks come with big opportunities. As long as you don't die and experience this film, your strength will also make a qualitative leap."

"If you didn't have this film, calculate your director points yourself. How many sets would you have to go through to be promoted to the best actor? And the death battle set will be equally dangerous, and you can't use the death-free card." No. 031 said, "The most important thing is

What's more, after you are promoted step by step, you have no right to access the company's core secrets. You are still just an actor, and you have to continue to act on various sets to improve yourself."

No. 031 looked at Su Yi and said thoughtfully: "Su Yi, you are a smart person, you should understand the importance of being first. The competition among actors is very fierce, one step first, one step first! In the end you will find

You are not fighting for yourself at all, you are also fighting for your homeland."

"We have enemies? Who are the enemies?" Su Yi couldn't help but ask.

"This is the core secret of the company." No. 031 said, "Su Yi, you have enough time to consider whether to take my shortcut. But that is the third film. The first two films were not dangerous and were both professional.

The studio is opened for you, so you don’t have to worry about it, just act first and then talk about it. Even if you reject me in the end, it doesn’t matter, these two films will do no harm to you.”

Even if the candy coating gets into your stomach, it will be difficult to spit out the shells.

Su Yi was silent for a moment, lost in thought.

He knew very well that if he wanted to reject No. 031, he should reject it now instead of doing two movies first as he said.

If the first two films had been made, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to refuse "The Cabin in the Woods".

So should we reject No. 031 directly?

No. 031 knew that Su Yi was making judgments and choices, and did not rush him. He just looked at Su Yi quietly.

This is a conspiracy!

Long before entering the set of Qiu Xian, No. 032 told Su Yi that even if he knew that he would escape death, and even if No. 031 would not threaten Su Yi, it would be difficult for Su Yi to refuse him.

Just like a soul sinking in the world of mortals, reincarnation goes back and forth from life to life. Sooner or later you will get tired of it and seek relief.

Now there is an opportunity in front of you to jump out of the water and escape in advance. Will you avoid it because the risk is too great?

Escape has never been Su Yi's style. What he has to do is to identify the authenticity and the false, weigh the pros and cons, and finally make a decision.

He is not afraid of risking his life, what he is afraid of is meaningless sacrifice.

Can the cabin in the woods, that weird world dominated by evil gods, really survive?

Su Yi raised his head, looked at No. 031 and asked: "Can you tell me the main mission line of "The Cabin in the Woods"?"

"Survival." No. 031 said with a serious face, "Su Yi, I'm not going to lie to you, it is indeed a desperate world. You have to play the role of a savior. You have to fight for mankind."

Su Yi felt awe-struck and asked again: "What are my chances of surviving?"

"Less than one percent." No. 031 said.

"Compared with the enemies we will face in the future?" Su Yi suddenly asked.

After a slight silence, No. 031 said slowly: "Less than one thousandth."

Su Yi looked into No. 031's eyes.

The latter's eyes were clear and he said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, reality is always the most desperate. Compared with reality, "The Cabin in the Woods" is a trial ground for you, a trial ground that allows you to improve in all aspects.


Su Yi was silent for a moment, then exhaled and said: "Director, I'm actually not sure whether I am a chess piece trapped in the chessboard or a fish about to jump out of the water. But you do know me better."

He smiled: "I'm willing to try."

After experiencing so many worlds, Su Yi actually has not lost his fighting spirit and confidence.

But what I have to admit is that until now, he is still a fish in the net and a frog in the well.

He still knows very little about Alpha Corporation, and he still knows nothing about the ultimate truth.

Su Yi is not a person who throws his life and blood in pursuit of the truth. He actually yearns for safety more.

But he is also good at seizing opportunities, and he never lacks the courage to fight to the death.

He didn't know if he was PUA, but there were some things that he had to experience to know the truth.

What's more, he trusts his own judgment.

"The Cabin in the Woods" is a big risk and a big opportunity for him.

Step forward, the sea and sky will be brighter.

If you can't get past it, everything will stop.

This is a big gamble.

The bet is Su Yi's life and future.

But the reason why Su Yi voluntarily stepped onto the gambling table was not because of luck, but to seize this opportunity.

No. 031 couldn't help but laugh.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down." No. 031 smiled, "Su Yi, believe me, your choice must be the right one! As long as you succeed, you will definitely be glad for your choice this time, and so will you

You will thank me again! The path arranged for you by 032 is not suitable for you. You will be reincarnated over and over again to wear away your fighting spirit and patience, and the adventurous spirit in your bones will also be completely wiped out!"

Su Yi smiled.


"Let's talk about pragmatic issues." No. 031 straightened his face, looked at Su Yi and said, "I have been observing your performance on the set this time. It is very wise for you to choose to quit. And you are on this set.

The harvest far exceeded 032 and I’s expectations.”

"Your current problem is that your soul will be irreversibly transformed into a green ghost, and almost all of your vitality is used to restore your heart. As a result, although your body is still alive, your yang energy is too weak, and you are captured by the blue ghost.

The qi of the yin erodes, and even if you repair your heart in the future, your body will be suppressed by the ghosts in it. The yin will rise and the yang will decline. As time goes by, your body will become less and less popular, and the ghost qi will become more and more. Sooner or later,

It will turn into a ghoul or a corpse demon."

Su Yi nodded and agreed with 031's judgment. He himself also had a headache about this problem, so when he left the set this time, he was actually more inclined to cut off his wrist and restore it to his original appearance.

Although he was unwilling to lose the power of capturing green and two ghost cores, Su Yi would rather sacrifice his power than let himself become neither human nor ghost.

But now, No. 031 seems to have the best of both worlds.

Su Yi looked at 031 expectantly and asked: "Director, what can you do?"

"Simple, make up for whatever is missing!" No. 031 smiled, "I specially asked the technical department to prepare a small program just to help you solve this problem. As long as you cooperate, I guarantee that your body and soul will be better than now.

Better fit!”

This chapter has been completed!
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