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The struggle between Li Xinmin and Factory Director Yang was actually semi-public. This time, the Meng Tan Gang incident occurred. Li Xinmin originally planned to take the opportunity to attack, gain greater authority for the Propaganda Department, and expand his own scope of power.

After all, Yang Shutan is his.

Although Factory Director Yang is a pragmatist, he is not an honest person who only works hard, and his methods are very sophisticated. Otherwise, he would not have been able to stand up against Li Xinmin after fighting for so many years.

After the incident, he immediately reported it to his superiors, saying that the reason why such an incident occurred was because he had already begun to rectify the long-standing abuses of the propaganda channel, which caused a counterattack by some conservative forces, which led to such consequences.

Factory Director Yang said that this will not shake his determination to reform. He will unswervingly implement the spirit of the document, insist on rectifying propaganda slogans, replace them with a group of propaganda warriors who can win the war under the party's command, and resolutely eliminate black sheep like Meng Tan Gang.


It was because of his advance report that he redefined the accident. It was originally a major work mistake by Director Yang who did not pay attention to publicity work and failed to implement the spirit of the document. Now it has become a good performance of his firm and steady progress despite setbacks in reform.

Meng Tan was punished before, but it became evidence that he was a propaganda mouth for reform.

Li Xinmin was a step late and missed a good opportunity to attack Factory Director Yang.

Director Yang, on the other hand, took the initiative step by step and really took the initiative to reform the Publicity Department in a drastic way.

The first is to upgrade the Propaganda Department, a regular section unit, to the deputy division level, merge it with the United Front Work Section, and change it to the "Propaganda and Traditional Warfare Division". The level of the department head is also upgraded from the original regular section to the deputy division level, and also serves as deputy factory.

Long job.

With just one move, Li Xinmin's seven inches were hit at once!

There is no eternal position, only eternal interests.

It is true that Yang Shutan was promoted by Li Xinmin, but it was impossible for Li Xinmin to put Yang Shutan in the same position as him.

Li Xinmin himself is only a cadre at the deputy division level. It is impossible and not qualified for him to promote Yang Shutan to a cadre at the deputy division level.

But as Factory Director Yang is the number one person controlled by the party and government, he is qualified.

Even if the final decision-making power does not lie with him, he still needs to report it to the district committee. However, the higher-level leadership department will never easily veto the personnel proposals of the top leaders of the state-owned factories below, let alone interfere with the personnel appointment and dismissal issues of lower-level units.

As long as the procedures of the steel rolling mill are legal and compliant, it is actually just a routine process for the superiors to organize subordinates to inspect cadres, and generally there will be no surprises.

Therefore, this deputy director level quota is equivalent to being in the palm of Factory Director Yang.

And Yang Shutan needs this quota!

The head of the propaganda section, who had his own little ideas, was not loyal to Li Xinmin at all. After knowing this situation, he did not need Factory Director Yang to win over him, so he took the initiative to lean on him, defected to Factory Director Yang, and changed his tune.

Since the Propaganda Section was not taken seriously in the past, none of the following section chiefs were from Li Xinmin, including Li Dengfeng and Yang Weimin. The former was a confidant of Yang Shutan, and the latter was the son of Director Yang, and they were enemies of Li Xinmin.


In this way, the Propaganda Department was completely out of Li Xinmin's control.

A deputy-level department is about to be born, but this department is out of his control. This is unacceptable to Li Xinmin, who is keen on power.

But Director Yang had the absolute initiative, and Yang Shutan betrayed him again. He really had no room for maneuver in this matter.

When he thought about it carefully, he realized that the only card he could play was one.

It’s Su Yuanchao, a specially recruited college student who just joined the job yesterday!

What can a newbie do when he just joins the factory?

Although Li Xinmin thinks Su Yi is a talent, a new clerk is not qualified to participate in a struggle of this level!

Li Xinmin was fighting for allies at the deputy director level, and for subordinates at the senior science level. Su Yi's administrative level was still far behind.

Su Yi still has several steps to go before he can get to the minor major. He has several years of qualifications to go through, let alone the main major?

Originally, this matter was over for Li Xinmin and there was nothing he could do about it.

But it happened that as soon as Meng Tan left, the post of editor-in-chief of the factory newspaper became vacant.

This is a position with a threshold, and not just anyone can get it.

The rank of the editor-in-chief of the factory newspaper, Meng Tanggang, is only that of a clerk.

The change of a clerk's position only needs to be decided within the department itself, and there is no need to discuss it at the level of the factory leadership meeting.

But since Factory Director Yang wants to reform the propaganda mouth, he will certainly not just throw a stick and leave. Instead, he will have to come up with a practical reform plan before he can explain the past.

In order to show that he attached great importance to propaganda work, Director Yang's second step was to carry out organizational reform and re-divide powers.

He believed that the previous division of powers of various departments in the Propaganda Department was unreasonable and lacked focus, resulting in a "lack of combat effectiveness" and "a mess."

He proposed to merge the existing four departments of the Propaganda Department, including the Comprehensive Office, Party Building Office, Literature and Art Department and Broadcasting Station, and the original United Front Department into three departments.

One is the Party Building United Front Section, which merges the Party Building Office and the original United Front Section into one department, because many of the tasks of these two departments overlap.

The Comprehensive Office retains its original powers, but it needs to be merged with the Comprehensive Office of the United Front Work Section and upgraded to a regular department.

The third department is called "News Broadcasting Station", which combines the literary and art department and the broadcasting station into one department.

Director Yang is still as pragmatic as ever. He believes that "nothing" such as cultural performances and sports activities can be done casually. The focus of publicity work is still policy presentations and news broadcasts. He believes that more attention should be paid to the role of the factory newspaper.

We have decided to revamp the factory newspaper. The focus of the factory newspaper must be more serious. We can no longer just write a few crooked poems or trivial stories just to get by as before.

Therefore, the focus of this third department is to run the factory newspaper well and give full play to the newspaper's publicity advantages. The person in charge of this department must also be the editor-in-chief of the factory newspaper.

Who will be the editor-in-chief?

The most suitable candidate turned out to be Shen Hongyan!

Shen Hongyan had already decided to retire in half a year and enjoy a pension with full section-level treatment. In other words, Shen Hongyan's section-level treatment has been determined. By appointing him as the section chief of this new department, there is no need to consider transferring other staff.

Those who are in charge of the department may be promoted to cadres from below.

What's more important is that the veteran comrade is stable in his work. It is more reassuring to hand over this highly valued department to Shen Hongyan, who has experience in this field. Moreover, Shen Hongyan himself is particularly willing to work two more years in the post of regular department.

Delaying retirement for 2 years, in this case, his retirement benefits may become deputy director level in two years, which is a good thing.

So this old comrade who was supposed to retire excitedly expressed his position on the spot in the conference room and was willing to stay and continue to use his remaining energy.

But his editor-in-chief is not like the former editor-in-chief Meng Tanggang, who is just a jobber.

He is only responsible for the final approval process. Specific tasks such as early writing, organizing, typesetting, and printing still require a specialized person to be responsible for implementation.

So Shen Hongyan also needs a deputy editor.

This deputy editor-in-chief is actually the real person in charge of running the factory newspaper, and the administrative level of this deputy editor-in-chief will be the deputy section level!

There are no suitable candidates among the existing deputy department cadres.

As a result, what was originally just a matter of job allocation for clerks has now suddenly become an issue of selection of deputy department cadres.

Moreover, now that the factory newspaper has received the attention of Director Yang, it is equivalent to a key task registered with the top leader, so the appointment of deputy editor-in-chief has become an important issue that needs to be discussed at the meeting.

Since there are still seven days before the factory newspaper is released, the appointment of the deputy editor must be reported and decided before tomorrow. The time is very urgent.

Of course, it is impossible to directly promote the deputy department and then take up the post in one day. This does not comply with the process regulations.

Therefore, the administrative level of the deputy editor-in-chief of the factory newspaper is still only the clerk level for the time being, but within the department, he is actually the deputy section leader. However, the administrative level cannot be officially promoted until one year later. During this year, only within the department,

Appointment does not count as a formal deputy department leader, but you can receive an additional four yuan per month as leadership position subsidy.

Let's put it this way, as long as you can become the deputy editor, the benefits of the deputy department are basically in your pocket.

Anyone who knows something about the work within the system knows that getting promoted to associate degree is a hurdle that many people cannot overcome in their lifetime.

Although according to the relevant provisions, as long as they have relevant academic qualifications, have worked for three years as a section member, have certain grassroots work experience, and have received excellent results in the unit's internal annual assessment for three consecutive years, they will meet the conditions for promotion to associate section.

But in actual situations, even if all the conditions are met, they are often restricted by various subjective or objective factors and have no chance to be promoted. Especially in grassroots units at the county level or lower, you will not be promoted to deputy department after working for a lifetime.

There are many veteran staff here.

There is a saying called "sub-department disease", which refers to the mental illness that arises from veteran department staff who work in county and township-level units. Their lifelong wish is to be promoted to deputy department-level cadres.

The Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is also considered a grassroots unit. Although the qualifications in this era are not as rigorous as those in later generations, the imperfect rules have made it more difficult for ordinary people to apply for minor qualifications.

Now there is an opportunity to get a minor degree right in front of everyone. It would be strange if these people who have the opportunity to compete don't try to fool each other.

At the emergency meeting of factory leaders, each leader was nominating his or her own person to compete for this position. Zhai Baoguo, the chief of the factory's personnel and internal support department, looked through the personnel files, conducted a preliminary qualification review on the candidates nominated by the leaders present, and finally selected the candidate.

Three people were chosen.

The first one is Li Chengli, this literary and art officer who met all the qualifications for promotion and was originally planning to take over Shen Hongyan's class, but was interfered with by Su Yi.

The second one is a secretary from the United Front Work Section named Zhang Chunmei, who also meets all the requirements.

But her academic qualifications are a bit poor, with only a junior high school education level.

The third one is basically a companion, has no work experience, and lacks qualifications. He was nominated just to gain nomination qualifications for the next promotion, so it is not worth mentioning.

Li Chengli was the candidate recommended by Yang Shutan. Yang Shutan took refuge with Director Yang, and his nomination also received the support of Director Yang.

Zhang Chunmei was the candidate recommended by another deputy director in charge of production, and received support from the original United Front Section Chief and some neutral leaders.

If there are no accidents, it stands to reason that the candidate for deputy editor of the factory newspaper was born between these two people.

But Li Xinmin was anxious.

In such a major personnel transfer, Li Xinmin not only lost his troops and became disgraced, but now he can't even participate!

How does this work?

This matter is not only about his face now, but also about his majesty in the factory and his future authority!

People are very realistic. This time, Li Xinmin will get nothing if he is defeated in a big way. The middle-level leaders who follow him will have their hearts changed and change. Maybe they will join the team again and abandon him like Yang Shutan.

And go.

If it's not good, maybe this incident will be a watershed in Li Xinmin's career. From now on, he will be unable to recover, and it will be difficult for him to compete with Factory Director Yang.

This is very likely to happen. Li Xinmin must not allow this to happen, so he must react and try his best to prevent Director Yang from "attacking the city" and seizing his territory.

But in a hurry, Li Xinmin really didn't have a suitable candidate to recommend.

This is not an ordinary leadership position, but a leadership position that requires certain literary skills and relevant writing experience, as well as meeting all promotion conditions.

People nowadays generally have low levels of education. Among educated people, candidates who have writing skills and meet the requirements are even rarer.

Li Xinmin tried to propose two candidates, but they were rejected on the spot. Many people even showed doubts and dissatisfaction, thinking that he was ill and rushed to the doctor and lost his position.

At this moment, Li Xinmin thought of Su Yi.

It's like he grabbed the last straw!

A college student, majoring in literature, and being a specially recruited talent. Putting these three conditions together, everyone felt that Su Yi should give it a try. It was really a good fit.

But Su Yi's qualifications are a big problem.

He just joined the factory yesterday, and he is a very new kid. Normally, no matter how smooth things go, Su Yi will have to wait for another three years after completing his one-year internship and become a full-time employee before he is qualified to be promoted to associate degree.


Su Yi is just an intern now and has no qualifications to be promoted.

But this is not absolute. After all, there is still the concept of "breaking the rules". Otherwise, Li Xinmin would not be able to put Su Yi next to Shen Hongyan, intending to let Su Yi take over Shen Hongyan's class in half a year.

But even if you break the rules, you won't be able to break the rules on the second day after arriving.

This is not an exception, this is chaos.

Li Xinmin's proposal was once again opposed by almost everyone.

But this time Li Xinmin's mentality was stable.

He asked slowly: "Are we recruiting deputy section cadres now? Aren't we just discussing the job transfer of the deputy editor of the factory newspaper? Isn't this position a clerk position now? Is Su Yuanchao a clerk? Why is he not qualified?


"As for whether the position will be mentioned as a minor subject after one year, that will also be a matter of one year later. Do we need to consider it now?"

The blow was precise, and Li Xinmin counterattacked successfully!

But that's all. After all, his words can't change the fact that Su Yi has just arrived. The leaders don't know him, so they can't trust him. Moreover, this position is a quasi-deputy department. This is tacitly understood. You, Li Xinmin, secretly changed it.

Concept, but we are not fools.

Therefore, the situation was still very unfavorable for Li Xinmin. Not only did Factory Manager Yang and Yang Shutan strongly oppose it, but Shen Hongyan also implicitly expressed that he wanted to be on the safe side. After all, he, a serious scientist, needed Factory Manager Yang's approval before he could give it to him.

But after all, Li Xinmin was not a tiger in Zhihu. After his repeated arguments, he still won a qualification for Su Yi to compete.

That is, unless Su Yi can prove that he is more suitable to be the deputy editor-in-chief than Li Chengli and Zhang Chunmei, and his ability is recognized by more than half of the factory leaders, otherwise he, a specially recruited college student, should just go and work for the deputy editor-in-chief to gain qualifications.


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