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After buying the newspaper, Su Yi did not go home. Instead, he found a secluded, clean place where he could bask in the sun. He browsed through the more than 20 newspapers he bought, and finally selected the "Beijing Daily" and focused on it.

I read all the manuscripts written by one of the reporters named Wen Hui.

From Su Yi's point of view, this reporter's article is slightly radical. From a literary perspective, she has very solid theoretical knowledge, is good at thinking and is keen on new things, but she also has fanatical beliefs in the country and nation, and likes to talk loudly.

The writing is very critical, and some of the opinions are very poignant and sharp.

Although this kind of distinctive characteristics is what Su Yi needs, it is not the primary factor that made Su Yi choose this reporter named Wen Hui as his first choice.

The most important reason why Su Yi paid the most attention to her was that Su Yi had six copies of "Beijing Daily" in his hands, and each newspaper published the reporter's manuscripts.

And none of the other signed reporters are as present in every issue as she is.

This shows at least two problems - first, this reporter is very productive and enthusiastic about his work; second, this reporter is likely to have leadership support or other backgrounds. This kind of large government agency is most in need of people.

The competition for submitting signed articles must be very fierce. With limited newspaper space, why should her manuscript be published in every issue?

Su Yi read all of Wen Hui's articles carefully, and the original ideas in his mind gradually took shape, forming a complete and feasible plan.

The matter of running a newspaper is a passive acceptance for Su Yi. It goes against his principle of "rooting at the bottom" and his low-key personality. The worst thing is that this job will make him in the next big storm.

The situation is worse.

You are a stinky old man, you don’t keep your tail between your legs, and you still run a newspaper?

You are an old man who has hanged himself. You are impatient with life.

You set up such a big and obvious target, with such a straight posture, that others would be embarrassed not to hit you.

A few months later, except for the largest organ newspaper and Guangming Daily, all newspapers in the country ceased publication one after another. Those who run newspapers were the first to bear the brunt, and generally ended badly.

Su Yi is very aware of the consequences of filing a newspaper. Li Xinmin may not be able to protect himself by then.

Why would Su Yi take over such a fucked up matter? The reason has already been mentioned. To put it simply, it is not good not to take over, but it is even worse to take over.

When normal people reach this stage, they will "choose the lesser of two evils", but Su Yi doesn't want to be "harmful". He is wondering if he can "turn waste into treasure" and turn risks into opportunities?

With such reverse thinking, Su Yi had a concept in his mind, so he simply took the job.

Now that the concept has been formulated into a plan, action can begin.

However, Su Yi didn't intend to hang himself from a tree. In addition to Wen Hui, he selected two more "candidate collaborators".

After going through the entire plan again in his mind, Su Yi's thinking became clearer. Looking at the time, it was already past two o'clock before he knew it.

Su Yi put away all the newspapers, found a small stone to weigh it down, turned around and rode away.

This newspaper will be taken away soon and will not be wasted.

The address of the Beijing Daily newspaper office is on Jiannei Street, and Su Yi can get there in ten minutes by bike.

This newspaper is the organ of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Beijing Evening News is also a newspaper under it. It is very large and high-level.

The head of any small department here is at the same administrative level as the director of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

The bigger the agency, the harder it is to get in.

Not surprisingly, Su Yi was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Comrade, what's the matter?" Although the security guard looked serious, he was still polite.

"I asked Wen Hui to provide her with news materials." Su Yi said with a smile, "Is she here?"

Su Yi's attitude and tone were very relaxed, as if he knew Wen Hui very well. The security guard was stunned for a moment and said: "Reporter Wen, she just came in, but she didn't tell me that she has a visitor coming..."

Su Yi waved his hand: "If I don't want to cause you any trouble, please contact her for me and tell her that Su Yuanchao, the deputy editor of the Red Star Workers' Daily, is looking for her to talk about news materials."

Seeing that Su Yi was taking it for granted, the security guard nodded and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he turned around and went to the guard box to make a phone call.

Soon he came back with a registration book in his hand.

"Comrade, just register and you can go in!" the security guard said.

"Thank you." Su Yi took it with a smile.

Wen Hui agreed to meet Su Yi, and Su Yi was not surprised.

Reporters who are so enthusiastic about their work must have a huge demand for news materials. Now that Su Yi has come to his doorstep, why not take a look at the materials delivered to his door?

Of course, if Su Yi is looking for a conservative old man, then this seemingly simple method will not work, and he will probably be refused to meet him.

Su Yi can be regarded as prescribing medicine by looking at people. Including meeting Wen Hui later, Su Yi has different plans on how to speak after the initial contact.

After registering, the security guard let Su Yi in.

Maybe because he thought Su Yi and Wen Hui knew each other, he didn't tell Su Yi where Wen Hui was.

Su Yi didn't ask, because he already felt that someone on the third floor of the office building opposite was looking at him from a distance through the window.

A normal person cannot see the other person's face clearly from a distance of a hundred meters, but Su Yi is an exception.

He was surprised that Wen Hui was actually a very young female reporter.

It's not surprising that the woman is a woman. Su Yi saw the delicate brushstrokes unique to women in the text before, but he guessed that this Wenhui should be a middle-aged woman, because another characteristic of the text is that the wording is rigorous and accurate, regardless of the point of view.

All the articles are written in a solemn and solemn way, and the style has obviously been formed. It is impossible to achieve this without certain accumulation and experience.

Su Yi did not doubt that he had made mistakes in judgment. In fact, he rarely made mistakes in such small matters.

So, someone ghostwrote Wen Hui’s article?

Or have all the manuscripts she written been polished?

Su Yi secretly guessed, but no matter what the situation was, it would not have a great impact on him.

It was the afternoon working time, and people were coming and going in the office building, and they all looked busy.

Everyone was not surprised to see Su Yi. They only took a few glances at him and then went about their business.

Su Yi went straight to the third floor. Just as he was about to exit the stairs, a person came out of the corridor. She was the woman who had been looking at him from afar.

As I got closer, I could see the woman more clearly. She was wearing a Lenin suit and brown leather shoes. Her skin was very fair and she wore a high ponytail, revealing her fair and slender neck. She looked very elegant and elegant.


The facial features are very delicate, the nose is high, the lips are full, and the eyes are bright.

She comes from a good family, loves to be clean, walks fast, and has a straightforward personality. But straightforwardness is just an appearance. She pays great attention to everything she wears, and she is obviously a thoughtful person.

Su Yi looked at her twice and her eyes immediately became sharp, which showed that she was still very strong and confident. However, when Su Yi looked at her, she calmly took a few steps away, which showed that this girl is not very courageous at heart.


Wen Hui obviously didn't recognize Su Yi, so she decided to pass him by.

"Hello, Reporter Wen." Su Yi called her with a smile.

The other party looked over in surprise, Su Yi then smiled and said: "I am Su Yuanchao, and I want to see you."

Wen Hui was startled and looked at Su Yi again.

"Do you know me?" she asked doubtfully.

"I don't know him, but I guessed it was you." Su Yi said with a smile, "Articles reflect people. When I read your article, I imagined what the author looked like. What did I guess the person who put forward those views would look like?"

After a pause, Su Yi stretched out his hand and continued: "That's it."

"The joy from Wen Hui +58..."

Wen Hui smiled: "Have you read my article?"

This is nonsense, but it means that Wen Hui is willing to chat with Su Yi for a while, which means that she has relaxed a little.

Su Yi nodded and said: "After reading it, especially the recent ones, I admire that an article can be both calm and restrained, as well as passionate. The journalist's writing style is really eye-opening to me."

"Then do you like passionate people or calm people?" Wen Hui asked.

"There is no doubt that it is passionate." Su Yi said without thinking, and at the same time she was sure that she had found someone to polish her calm style.

“He has a distinctive personality, he is free-spirited, and his talents seem to overflow from his words.” Su Yi said, “I am a young man, so I appreciate the passion of journalists even more.”

"The joy from Wen Hui +79..."

Wen Hui smiled and stretched out her hand: "You are really good at complimenting people. Let me formally meet you. I am Wen Hui, a reporter from Beijing Daily."

"Su Yuanchao, deputy editor-in-chief of Red Star Workers' Daily." Su Yi said.

"How come I haven't heard of this newspaper?" Wen Hui asked.

"Because this newspaper is just a factory newspaper, the name came to mind only today." Su Yi said with a smile, "The reason why I came to see reporter today is to ask reporter to learn about the workers' theory of our factory that is about to be inaugurated.

Conduct a special report on the experimental base and evaluate and criticize it with your personal media vision."

Su Yi came up with the topic very quickly, but Wenhui was quick in thinking and could keep up. She was quickly attracted by the new words in Su Yi's words.

The journalist’s professionalism told her that there was a lot to be said for it!

"Workers Theory Learning Experimental Base?" She repeated the name and pondered slightly, "Editor-in-Chief Su, why don't you go to the conference room with me and let's sit down and talk slowly."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders." Su Yi smiled and nodded.

Wen Hui made an invitation gesture and took Su Yi up to the third floor. The two of them went straight to an empty conference room. Wen Hui closed the door, quickly took out a pen and paper, sat down opposite Su Yi, and said impatiently:

"Editor-in-Chief Su, can you elaborate?"

Now is an era when everyone talks about Zheng Zhi and everyone loves Zheng Zhi. Especially in terms of theoretical construction, people are very enthusiastic and care about current affairs and national affairs.

The "worker theory" mentioned by Su Yi is not new. What is new is the "learning and experimental base" that follows.

Workers’ theory?

This is definitely a good and correct thing, but if you just learn it, how can you still have an experimental base?

There are experiments, which prove that it is advanced, and it will definitely be promoted and applied in the future, so if this thing is reliable, it will definitely be a good news material.

Su Yi was not polite and went straight to the topic.

"The working class is the glorious and great heir to the truth of Marxism-Leninism. Only the working class without vested interests can combine the truth with the reality of our country, activate the realistic explanatory and critical power of the truth, and truly transform society. This is the endowment of the times.

The great historical mission of the working class!”

"But the reality is that such a broad and profound mission is now only promoted by research institutions, intellectuals and upper-level institutions. Workers who were originally the solid rock of society are the workers who should most become the leaders and creators of the wave of the times. It is also the truth

One of the most representative subjects in the exposition seems to have lost the qualifications to be the successor of truth!”

"Journalist, I want to ask you a question. When I say the word worker, what is the first image that comes to your mind?" Su Yigang said these words from a high position, and then suddenly threw it away.

Ask a question.

Wen Hui was completely led away by Su Yi and immediately answered truthfully: "I thought of a figure wearing work clothes and working hard, covered in sweat and oil, struggling in the workshop..."

"That's the problem!" Su Yi said, "When it comes to workers, we associate them with selfless dedication and hard work. But our theory was originally extracted from the working class, and what we initially represented was

They, why do we exclude workers when we study theory and study theory?"

"Historical materialism tells us that our theories, including culture and art, are created by the working people. Everything originates from the productive labor of the working people, and ultimately these things serve the working people."

“But whether it is truth theory or culture and art, the final naming rights are not working people. Even with the development of truth theory, workers are increasingly unable to understand or listen to these increasingly advanced, lengthy and difficult-to-explain theories.

Got it! They don’t even feel the connection between theory and reality, and feel that these theories have become a piece of cake! Journalist, this is a very serious matter!”

"This situation makes theoretical thinking once again the exclusive preserve of those who work hard, which in turn excludes working readers! This will inevitably lead to the degradation of the cultural rights and theoretical thinking ability of the working class."

"In view of this current situation, our factory decided to establish an experimental base for workers' theoretical learning. On the premise of resolutely opposing feudalism, we will allow workers to learn theories that they can understand, understand and use! Fully stimulate the spirit of the masters of the workers' era.

, activate the powerful historical mission of the successors of workers’ theory!”

Wen Hui was moved and stood up excitedly.

"Editor Su, the point of view you put forward is simply the most inspiring cry of this era! You are right, workers are the group most qualified to inherit and inherit the truth! But now, all workers are working hard, and they simply

We have no time or opportunity to study and research the truth! Under such circumstances, it would be ridiculous for us to say that our truth represents them!”

She said it in a bigger scale than Su Yi, who was even a little worried about not giving up the 404.



This chapter has been completed!
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