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Shen Hongyan was right. Su Yi was the only employee who attended this meeting as a non-leadership employee.

Except for him, everyone present here is the heads of various departments, and the lowest level is full-time.

The name of the meeting is "A Meeting of the Preparatory Group for the Workers' Theory Learning Experiment Base".

As the name suggests, you also know what this meeting is discussing.

The meeting first carried out the personnel arrangement of the group and the distribution of authority and tasks. Basically every leader present was assigned corresponding tasks.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi was also treated equally and was assigned the title of head teacher of admissions.

Although it is only an internally appointed temporary leadership position, and this preparatory group will be disbanded after completing its tasks, this is enough to prove that the factory attaches great importance to Su Yi and is prepared to reuse him.

What's more, since temporary leadership positions can be arranged now, the same can be done after the learning and experimental base is established in the future.

With Su Yi's current level of importance, this is basically a certainty.

There is no simple person who can be a leader, and everyone here can think clearly about the reason. Naturally, no one has a contemptuous or condescending attitude towards Su Yi.

To set up a new department, or even a new unit, there are all kinds of things that need to be done. It is by no means just a slap on the forehead, like playing house, where you can be the father and I can be the mother, and everyone can start.

Not to mention anything else, I just want to talk about how to publish an admissions brochure. We need to coordinate and consider it with various departments such as workshops, back office, personnel, labor unions, etc., check and review every item, and make sure that there are no problems before we can put it on paper.

Very troublesome.

This is only a small part of the work that Su Yi has to do, not to mention his other work, and other departments that need the coordination and coordination of him, the director of the Admissions Office...

Su Yi did nothing else this morning, other than attending a meeting to coordinate and discuss work.

Being busy with worldly affairs, I am tired of doing business.

Although he was a little bored and bored, Su Yi treated it with a correct attitude.

This is part of life, even most of life.

Some people say that the happy and relaxing time of a normal person only accounts for 2% of the total life, and the remaining 98% is filled with a lot of boring or even meaningless things. If this statistic is correct, then

The reason why happiness is precious may be that it is set off by this ninety-eight percent.

So in order to double the happiness, Su Yi decided to set off seriously.

The whole morning passed like this. At noon, Yang Baorui arranged for the canteen to prepare a small stove, and a group of people walked toward the canteen.

On the way, a leader mentioned the incident about Silly Zhu, and he was very dissatisfied with Xu Damao, who had "made his family scandal public".

I feel that matters in the factory should be brought to the factory, why should I go to the police station to file a complaint?

What? Is it so dark in the factory that employees have no way to appeal?

This statement attracted unanimous agreement from the leaders, but Li Xinmin put forward a different opinion, saying that different positions on this matter would lead to different perspectives on the problem. He felt that Xu Damao at least had the ability and ideas to do things.

Yang Baorui disagreed with this and retorted on the spot that it was okay for Xu Damao to report it to the police station, but the problem was that the factory was very passive. As an employee of the factory, you, Xu Damao, were so unorganized, undisciplined, and had no overall perspective.

It's not a matter of stance and attitude, it's a matter of principles and quality.

The conflict between Li Xinmin and Yang Baorui has never been resolved through fighting. Hearing this, he smiled and said that Director Yang was right and would not argue anymore.

Su Yi laughed and said nothing at the back. What these leaders said all made sense. The problem was that everyone was sitting on their own seats and did not raise their heads to look at the problem.

If the report in the factory was really useful, Xu Damao would have sued Silly Zhu long ago.

If the factory's rules and regulations were strictly implemented, Silly Zhu's leftovers wouldn't be able to be taken out, and Su Yi's house wouldn't have a bookshelf right now.

But should Xu Damao’s reporting for the purpose of retaliation be promoted? If not, will there be punishment? Or how to deal with it?

They don't discuss these issues at all and avoid talking about them, because when they talk about it, the problems come to themselves.

So when they speak, they sound official, because how can an official be wrong?

This view is actually a bit extreme. Yang Baorui is a good official and an upright person, so he cannot be completely dismissed by generalizations.

To be honest, if Su Yi were to go up there, he would have done better or worse than others, but his butt would definitely be tilted up to the city gate building.

At this time, it was lunch time. A group of leaders walked through the large canteen to the small canteen at the back. All the workers and workers who were eating in the canteen saw this scene.

Seeing a group of leaders with a good-looking alternative sneaking into the group, chatting and laughing with the group of leaders, not out of the ordinary, it can be said that the eyes were dropped.

"Isn't that Su Yuanchao? Why did he go among the leaders? Are you going to eat Xiaozao with him?"

"Don't you know? In the morning, all the leaders of the factory held a meeting. Xiao Sun served tea to the meeting. Su Yuanchao was the only one who was not a leader to attend the meeting."

"This Su Yuanchao is the son of the factory director, right? Yang Weimin doesn't get such treatment, so why should he? Just because he is a college student?"

"I heard that Su Yuanchao's father is Su XX. How about the factory leaders pampering him so much?"

"No wonder, tsk tsk, no wonder someone just joined the factory and managed to join the leadership team."

"He hasn't been reinstated yet, has he? Isn't this a violation of regulations? Let me tell you, go to the District Discipline Inspection Commission and report to the District Commission for Discipline Inspection. It's too blatant..."

The workers were talking a lot about everything.

Some are shocked, some are confused, some are envious, some are jealous...

In just a short period of time, the emotional value Su Yi received has already flashed in his mind.

This was only contributed by people who had interacted with Su Yi. Among the emotional values, malice was the highest, mixed with some fear values.

There are also three very enviable joy values, from Zhang Chunmei, Liu Guangtian and Yu Haitang respectively.

Yu Haitang also contributed a wave of love points.

Among them, Li Luli, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have the most complex thoughts, and their emotional values ​​are like a roller coaster.

"You are so proud that you don't know how to restrain yourself. With a little background, you really think that you are just a dishonor? Just wait, I will cry sometimes!" Someone said sourly not far away from Liu Guangtian.

This type of people actually make up the majority. Now, if you run around with a submachine gun and shoot the shuttle, the ones you kill are those who are hoping for Su Yi's misfortune. It's a miracle that even one of them can be killed unjustly.

This does not mean that people's hearts are corrupt and their morals are corrupt. In fact, most people can restrain their evil thoughts and jealousy and show their good side. This does not conflict with their wish for Su Yi to have bad luck. After all, they are not happy with Su.

B, most of them come from three words - why?

Even a simple person like Zhang Chunmei felt a little unhappy, but she was more proud and happy.

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense. Deputy Editor Su is valued by the leaders entirely because of his own talent and ability." Zhang Chunmei said to Liu Guangtian seriously, "They are just jealous of Deputy Editor Su. They can't eat the grapes and say sour grapes."


Liu Guangtian disapproved in his heart, talent? Talent is such a bastard, can you arrange a job for me based on talent? You can also arrange a job for me based on talent? It’s a hell if you don’t have a background.

But on the surface, he nodded repeatedly, as if he agreed with Zhang Chunmei: "Chunmei, you are right, the deputy editor must rely on his talent. Only people who have no ability will be jealous of him, right?"

Zhang Chunmei blushed and nodded quickly with some guilt: "Yes."

"Lao Yi, is this Su Yuanchao living in your courtyard? What's the origin of such a big deal?" On the other side, someone asked Yi Zhonghai curiously.

"I'll help you find out later and ask for details." Yi Zhonghai said with a smile,

He suddenly regretted that he should have resolutely resigned yesterday.

The water in the courtyard was getting muddier and murky, and he didn't know why it was flowing.

"Huairu, you and Su Yuanchao are in the same courtyard, what is his background?" On the other side, a group of female workers also surrounded Qin Huairu and asked curious questions.

Qin Huairu smiled and said: "What background does this person have, can you tell me?"

"Hey, you, Miss Qin, have tried some tricks, but he still won't prostrate himself under your crotch?" someone teased.

"That's right, take him down!" The crowd cheered.

"Don't make trouble, can someone with a bright future like me?" Qin Huairu sighed, "I really don't know what his background is, but I know he is a capable person."

"Are you capable? How many minutes at a time?" A female worker asked, "Are you tired?"

"Get out!" Qin Huairu cursed angrily.

A group of female workers laughed and made a fuss.

A female worker who looked very strong said: "Qin Huairu, I heard that Guo Dabo was beaten and sent to the hospital last night. Does this matter have anything to do with you? Silly Zhu is not here today, could it be...


A group of female workers looked at Qin Huairu suspiciously.

"Don't make blind guesses, this matter has nothing to do with Silly Zhu!" Qin Huairu said.

"That must have something to do with you?" said the strong female worker.

"Sister Hua, I have to take leave in the afternoon and have to go to the hospital for a physical check-up. I haven't been feeling very energetic lately." Qin Huairu changed the subject.

"Go ahead, Guo Dabo is not here anyway." Sister Hua said, "Don't interrupt, who hit Guo Dapai?"

Qin Huairu laughed and said, "I don't know who hit me. I only know that in the future, if he talks nonsense in front of my aunt, he will try again!"

After that, he twisted his hips, picked up his lunch box and went out.

Sister Hua pointed at Qin Huairu's back and said, "Did you see how confident he is? Believe it or not, Qin Huairu must have a backer, otherwise would he be able to talk like this?"

"Sister Hua, who is her backer?" asked a female worker.

"You still have to ask?" Sister Hua pursed her lips in the direction of the small canteen, "What kind of world has this young man seen? They are all in the same courtyard. Qin Huairu is not allowed to tell her why women are made of water?"

The female worker smiled and said: "Sister Hua, Qin Huairu is made of water, what are you made of?"

"I am made of pimple soup!" Sister Hua hummed.

The female workers were stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, attracting everyone's attention.

It’s not easy to be a leader. I had a quick work meal and then went back to the conference room to continue the meeting.

It stands to reason that since Su Yi is so busy, it must be calm and nothing happened.

But I didn't expect that when a group of people were leaving after eating, something would happen to them.

"Su Yuanchao!"

Su Yi was just about to walk out of the dining hall with a group of leaders when he heard a crisp cry behind him.

This sound caused the leaders to look back together with Su Yi, and they saw Yu Haitang running towards her, holding a can bottle with brewed tea in her hand.

Her beautiful eyes were shining with splendor, and she stared at Su Yi's face without blinking. Her cheeks were flushed, and she handed the water glass to Su Yi and said: "Here!"

They actually brought water to Su Yi.

But in front of so many people, including the leaders, you, Yu Haitang, came to deliver water to Su Yi. No one would know what this meant and what it meant.

The most subtle thing is that Yu Haitang and Yang Weimin were boyfriend and girlfriend before!

How many days did it take for the two of them to break up?

Even some leaders didn't know about the breakup of the two people. At this time, they looked at Yang Baorui with wide eyes in horror.

Factory Director, your daughter-in-law Hongxing is having an affair...

For a while, the scene was very quiet, and the leaders all looked strange.

Even Yang Baorui's eyes flashed with anger, contributing a wave of malice to Su Yi.

Yes, Yang Weimin and Yu Haitang broke up, and Yang Baorui was relieved after interacting with Su Yi because of Yang Weimin's irrational behavior.

But it doesn't mean that Yang Baorui is broad-minded enough to watch his ex-girlfriend, who just broke up with his son, openly show love to other men in public and in front of him!

This is not a slap in the face, but a slap in the face.

This matter is even related to Yang Baorui's dignity, because this matter will definitely become the talk of the whole factory, and Yang Weimin and him will become the laughing stock of the whole factory.

It is said that Yu Haitang is smart, she is really smart.

But women sometimes get carried away when it comes to love.

Now Yu Haitang's IQ is negative. She has no idea that her behavior has put Su Yi in a very embarrassing situation. At this time, whether Su Yi accepts it or not, it doesn't matter.

If you take it, it means you don't take Yang Baorui seriously at all.

It’s not right to not accept the call. Everything has already happened. What can you prove if you don’t answer the call? It proves that you, Su Yuanchao, don’t care about the woman who Yang Weimin couldn’t win back despite crying and shouting?

What's even more subtle is that Su Yi, the husky, got into a group of wolves and spent the whole morning mingling with them. As soon as this incident came out, he would immediately become a conspicuous alien again. Although Su Yi didn't care about this, this

After all, it was not a good thing, and it was an unforeseen disaster, which made him very unhappy.

Under everyone's attention, Su Yi took the teacup with Yu Haitang's expectant eyes, his expression as usual.

"Why didn't you add wolfberry?" he asked.

A large wave of malicious income.

"Ah?" Yu Haitang was stunned.

What kind of expansion is this?

"Wolfberry!" Su Yi frowned, and his tone began to increase, "Didn't I tell you? Director Shen wants to drink tea soaked in wolfberry, so that he can forget the things he specifically told him?"

As he spoke, he handed the teacup in his hand to Shen Hongyan, saying: "Director Shen, luckily it's hot. You can drink some first. I saw you were choking just after eating, and you didn't eat in a hurry."

If you want to drink water, let Haitang pour you a glass."

"Oh, I'm interested." Shen Hongyan was stunned for a moment and then took it with a smile, winking at Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded with a smile, turned around and said to the stunned Yu Haitang: "The work logs of the radio station for the past month will be compiled before work in the afternoon. I want to see it. That's it, go back first!"

After saying this, he turned around and smiled at the leaders with different expressions: "Sorry, I wasted the leaders' time."

This chapter has been completed!
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