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Just ask a neighbor in the courtyard, what is Xu Damao like?

Regardless of whether he is good or bad, the unanimous evaluation given by everyone must be that he is timid.

This guy is too cowardly.

As soon as Silly Zhu raised his hand, he could jump five meters away. When he was bullied when he was a child, other children would be beaten until they cried. He would kowtow to admit his mistake and avoid being beaten. In the end, he would be beaten when he saw a bad boy.

Run, regardless of whether they are coming for him or not.

Let’s not talk about far away, let’s talk about nearby. That morning a group of soldiers came to the compound, and Xu Damao was so frightened that he peed his pants...

It can be seen that he is indeed timid.

This morning, out of extreme jealousy, he wrote an anonymous report letter and stuffed it under the door of Factory Director Yang's office. After that, he became more and more uneasy and frightened as he thought about it, for fear that Su Yi would find out that it was him and cause trouble for him.

So he hid out in the afternoon and did not dare to stay in the factory.

He didn't dare to go home after get off work hours. Instead, he wandered outside for a long time and only dared to come back after making sure that the situation in the courtyard was calm.

He originally wanted to hide at home and not attend the hospital meeting, but he had a lot on his mind. He thought about the report letter he submitted in the morning and the hospital meeting in the evening. Could the content of the meeting be related to this matter?


In fact, how could the things in the factory be related to the courtyard? But people's thoughts become complicated when they have too many thoughts. The more Xu Damao thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. He was unwilling to miss his "masterpiece", so he came.

He never expected that Su Yi would come to the door before the meeting started.

He even didn't expect that Su Yi would just take out the report letter he wrote that morning and compare it with the handwriting in his notebook.

Unfortunately, he gave the notebook to Su Yi on his own initiative...

Xu Damao's mind was buzzing at that time and went blank.

Immediately, his face suddenly turned white, his eyes widened in fear, and his whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was scared to death!

At this moment, there was no time to think about how this report letter got into Su Yi's hands. Xu Damao's only thought was - run!

Su Yuanchao fought against ten gangsters with one enemy. How many punches could Xu Damao's small arms and legs take?

Xu Damao was so frightened that when he realized what he was doing, he took a step back and ran away!

Don't dare to say a word!


Before Lou Xiao'e could even react, Xu Damao had already run through the crowd and ran out of the front yard.

Extremely fast.

Lou Xiaoe was stunned!

The others were also very puzzled.

This Xu Damao is like a hen that has been poked crazy. Why is he so startled and so silent?

"It's not him...why is he running away?" Lou Xiao'e was stunned and said, "There must be something wrong!"

Su Yi smiled and put away the letter, and handed the notebook in his hand to Lou Xiao'e: "Maybe it's to exercise and eat something after meals."

Lou Xiao'e is not a fool, how could she believe such rhetoric.

She also reacted: "He is afraid of you!"

Lou Xiao'e looked at Su Yi in surprise: "I understand, he has been avoiding you today! No wonder he didn't come back even after he agreed to treat you. What did you do? Why is he so afraid of you? Silly Zhu, he has never been so scared!


"Want to know?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Tomorrow afternoon, I'll make up for this meal at your house, and we'll have a slow chat at the dinner table. You agree to treat us but don't invite us. You don't do things like this."

Lou Xiao'e sighed and said: "Please, I must invite you! I feel embarrassed about this, so I must invite you. Even if Xu Damao dares not come back, I will invite you!"

"Tell Damao that he has good literary talent. I'm going to apply to the leader and ask him to come to the factory newspaper to help me." Su Yi said with a smile, "His job of showing movies is always traveling around the mountains and countryside. The wind blows

How hard it is to be exposed to the rain? You are still without home for several days. Doesn't this affect your life as a couple?"

"Haha, I heard it. You must have bad intentions and want to scare him." Lou Xiao'e smiled and gloated, "But this time I am on your side. Xu Damao's bad job of showing movies is not good.

I didn’t want him to do it for a long time. I’ve heard a lot of rumors about him going to the countryside all day long and doing nothing good.”

"Then it's settled." Su Yi smiled.

Lou Xiao'e was still curious and asked Su Yi what was written on the piece of paper. At this moment, everyone saw the aunt leading two policemen into the compound.

"Why are the police here again?" Lou Xiao'e looked over in surprise, "What's happened to our courtyard recently? Why do we keep having conflicts with the public? Is this an offense against Tai Sui?"

Not only her, but the whole courtyard was buzzing loudly. The neighbors in the courtyard were talking a lot, wondering what happened today that actually alerted the police again.

But it looks like the police were invited this time.

There are two policemen, one old and one young. The older one is Su Yi's old acquaintance - Zhao Desheng.

The young one looks to be in his early twenties, has white face and glasses, and looks a bit frail.

As soon as the two came in, the three uncles immediately greeted them, shook hands with them, and talked with them for a long time.

The first uncle told the first aunt, and the first aunt went straight to his home.

The three uncles led the police to the middle of the field.

At this time, Qin Huairu, who was already sitting in the audience, was keenly aware that something was wrong, and her heart sank slightly.

"Mom, something is wrong. Why are the police here again?" Qin Huairu lowered her voice and asked worriedly.

"Who knows?" Mrs. Jia Zhang was also a little surprised, "Could it be Si Zhu who did it?"

Qin Huairu was unsure. She was anxious and worried, and said in a low voice: "Mom, you go home and watch the three children do their homework, and don't come out again. I'm having a meeting here to see what's going on."

"What if Silly Zhu really confessed inside?" Jia Zhang said worriedly, "They won't really seize the opportunity and go to jail, right?"

"No." Qin Huairu took a deep breath, held her swollen and painful lower abdomen for a while, and then continued, "If you really want to arrest someone, just arrest them directly. If you don't hold a meeting to arrest people, you can still go to them directly."

Our family came, but they didn't look for it...either the meeting today has nothing to do with our family, or they don't have any evidence...Mom, go back quickly, I'm here to check on the situation."

"Okay, okay, Huai Ru, you are smart, you must keep Banggeng." Jia Zhang also became nervous at this moment, "Remember, we are both successful, but Banggeng must not get into trouble!"

Qin Huairu whispered: "I know."

While talking, the aunt over there helped the deaf old lady over and sat on the main seat.

Mrs. Jia Zhang hurriedly got behind the person and walked quickly to her home.

The second uncle here coughed, and the meeting officially began.

"Dear neighbors, we are all gathered together tonight because of what happened yesterday - Silly Zhu! Everyone knows that Silly Zhu stole a chicken yesterday and also stole meat from Yuan Chao's family.

, was taken away by the police. But this chicken, this meat, was it stolen by Shazhu? Although Shazhu is a bit of a fool, a little disrespectful to the elderly, and loves to make trouble... But he usually doesn't have this kind of sneaky problem.


"No, the three of us uncles got together to think about it. The more we thought about it, the more something was wrong. The most respectable old lady in our courtyard also said that this stupid Zhu is definitely not such a person, so we gathered everyone together today.

, let’s talk about this again…”

As soon as Liu Haizhong finished speaking, the neighbors started talking about it.

"What's there to say? Didn't Shazhu himself admit to stealing? He himself confessed, what else can we say?"

"Yes, isn't this baffling?"

"By wasting time in vain, these three gentlemen are getting more and more helpless. They have to hold a hospital-wide meeting on every issue."

"It's up to the police to control whether Silly Zhu stole anything. Why are you holding a meeting for us? Isn't this asking the monk to recognize his in-laws - isn't he looking for the wrong person?"

Seeing that his opening made the whole yard complain, Liu Haizhong stood there awkwardly, wordlessly spreading his hands to the old lady, meaning, look, how can you do this?

Among the three uncles, he is the one who is the least willing to get involved in this mess. Silly Zhu usually has the least respect for him and often makes sarcastic remarks about him, so Liu Haizhong hates Silly Zhu very much.

It was too late for him to be happy that Silly Zhu was in jail. He felt that there was a disaster in the courtyard, and thought that finding a job with his son could be called "double happiness". Now the old lady was forcing the three uncles to "rehabilitate" Silly Zhu.

There are a thousand reluctances and ten thousand reluctances in the bangs.

But there was no other way. The old lady spoke, and Yi Zhonghai was given two crutches. Yan Fugui gave in on the spot, and he was left alone, so he could only reluctantly submit.

This time, everyone complained when he opened his mouth. Not only was Liu Haizhong not annoyed, he was also a little happy in his heart.

He didn't explain anything and just let everyone complain.

Seeing the exchange of words between you and me, the scene was already in chaos. Yi Zhonghai coughed heavily and stood up.

He looked around and said: "Dear neighbors, the reason why we have gathered everyone together to talk about this matter today is because this is not only the matter of Shazhu alone, but also the matter of each of us.

.Is Si Zhu unjustly accused? No, then he deserves it! But if, as neighbors, we should reach out and give him a hand. Let alone Si Zhu, if anyone here is wronged, then

Our neighbors in the courtyard cannot just sit back and watch, they should all lend a hand to help."

"Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Today we are helping Shazhu, and tomorrow it may be everyone's turn to help you. No one can guarantee that he will always be safe and smooth, and will not encounter any trouble, right?

If no one cares about who gets into trouble, then when it's your turn in the future, no one will care about you either. What do you think? Comparing one's feelings with one's own, right?"

Yi Zhonghai's words made the neighbors quiet down.

He struck while the iron was hot and continued: "There is something fishy about Silly Zhu stealing chickens and meat. The two incidents of losing chickens and meat can be said to have happened when we all were at work. Silly Zhu also happened at this time.

How could he steal in class? Tell me about his third uncle!"

Yan Fugui said: "On the day when the chicken was lost, before I went to school in the afternoon, I went to check the chicken cage to make sure the chicken was there. When I came back from get off work, the chicken was not there, which means that the chicken was lost in the afternoon. This stupid column In fact, just ask his colleagues in the cafeteria to find out what he is doing in the afternoon. If he is always at work, he will not have time to steal chickens."

Yi Zhonghai nodded and looked at Su Yi: "Yuanchao, when did you lose your meat?"

"Yesterday during the day, after I went to work in the morning and before I came back from get off work in the evening." Su Yi said, "I was with Brother Zhuzhu and the third uncle during the lunch break."

"Yes, yes, I can prove this." Yan Fugui nodded.

That noon was the first time Shazhu and Ran Qiuye met.

"As long as Silly Zhu proves that he worked in the cafeteria in the morning and afternoon, he can prove that the meat was not stolen by him." Yi Zhonghai said, "It is very simple to prove this, just ask the people in their cafeteria."

After a pause, Yi Zhonghai said: "Actually, there is no need to ask. This kid, Silly Zhu, grew up in our courtyard. Everyone in the neighborhood knows what kind of person he is. There is absolutely no way this kid can do anything sneaky. Besides,

He is a cook who steals chickens and meat... He still needs to steal? Is it worth it? "

There was a loud buzz in the yard, and Qin Huairu's face had become particularly ugly. She dug her fingers into the bench so hard that her knuckles turned white.

"Master, but Si Zhu admitted the theft, but no one forced him!" Someone shouted, "If he really didn't steal it, why did he admit it?"

"Yeah, why should he admit it if he didn't do it? He's cheap?"

"Life is so boring, do you want to be sent to a prison cell?"

"No one can stop me from seeking death. If you ask me, don't worry about it..."

The neighbors were laughing and talking. Yi Zhonghai coughed and spoke again: "Why did Silly Zhu admit it? We will not discuss this matter. What is certain now is that there is another person who stole the chicken and meat. This person is definitely not Silly Zhu."

.The person who stole the things cannot be an outsider, but someone from our courtyard, among our families!"

Having said this, the courtyard became quiet again.

Yi Zhonghai looked around, deliberately stared at Qin Huairu twice, and said: "I just had a chat with two police comrades, and this stupid Zhu said everything he needed to say in the police station. The police should know

We all know that. Why did we invite the police? We should avoid past mistakes and treat illnesses to save lives. I hope that the person who stole things will come forward on his own. This is considered surrender and the result of the leniency we have obtained for you. I hope this person will cherish it.

Don’t take this opportunity by chance.”

Liu Haizhong took over and said: "If you stand up now, you are surrendering. If you let the police directly name you, the nature will be different. Then you will be punished as you want. We are helping you, don't know what is good and what is evil."


"Actually, it's nothing more than stealing a chicken or a piece of meat." Yan Fugui also said with a smile, "Yuan Korea and I don't care about it anymore, but stealing is wrong, so

You have to stand up and admit your mistake and apologize. This is one of the purposes of our meeting tonight. A small punishment but a big punishment! But if you don’t even want to admit your mistake, then you don’t want to repent, and this matter is serious."

While the three uncles were talking, they all looked at Qin Huairu intentionally or unintentionally. It was obvious that these words were meant for her.

But Qin Huairu looked like she was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, listening there intently, nodding from time to time, as if she agreed with the three uncles' views, and there was no hint of panic on her expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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