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Is Su Yi considered a scumbag?

That must be the case. Now he has gone down the road of being a scumbag and will never come back. Even eight cows can't pull him back.

But there are different types of scumbags, and Su Yi belongs to the kind who, even if they are scumbags, must be clearly scumbags.

So he had no intention of hiding the fact that the blind date was successful.

The maliciousness of the four people in front of them is rising slowly, and they appear from time to time.

Su Yi, however, had a good time and said with a smile: "Today, Aunt Liu from the street office took me to meet four girls. I fell in love with the last one. That girl thought I was good, so we plan to get in touch and get to know each other more."

"Wait a minute!" Yu Haiyang noticed Tang Dian, "You said you plan to get to know each other more deeply? Shouldn't it be time to get engaged after a successful blind date? Why do you still want to get to know each other more deeply?"

"I think this kind of thing cannot be rushed, so I plan to have more contact with that girl." Su Yi said.

"That means you haven't made it yet? Are you not sure you want to be with her?" Yu Haitang stared at Su Yi nervously.

Su Yi said: "I am quite satisfied with her in all aspects. If there are no accidents, there should be no problems."

These words silenced Yu Haitang again, and the maliciousness of the four people in front of him began to rise again.

Zhao Ruixue's face didn't look good either. What's this? The blind date ended before it officially started?

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to drop to freezing point, Lou Xiao'e hurriedly said: "Hey, I won't say anything until I'm sure. Come on, let's drink coffee first and try it all. It smells pretty good to me."

As she spoke, she picked up the coffee pot and poured a cup for everyone.

There was no coffee cup, but an enamel jar was used. This obviously did not satisfy Zhao Ruixue. She frowned and complained, saying that only good cups are worthy of good coffee.

Yu Haitang and Xu Damao didn't move, obviously they didn't know how to drink this stuff.

Along with the coffee, there were milk and sugar. Zhao Ruixue poured some milk into the cup first, then added two spoons of sugar, and then stirred it elegantly.

Lou Xiao'e had obviously drunk coffee and started to operate by herself. At the same time, Yu Haitang and Xu Damao hurriedly wrote down the steps.

Su Yi did not "line up" here, but directly picked up the cup in front of him, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. After frowning slightly, he picked up the cup and took another sip and asked: "What are you using to grind the coffee beans?"

?Why does it smell like raw beans?”

The others looked over in surprise. Zhao Ruixue said in surprise: "You still know about coffee beans?"

Su Yi chuckled and said nothing.

"Really?" Lou Xiao'e picked up the cup and took a sip, "I may have added milk and sugar, so I can't taste it anymore."

"Mr. Su, have you ever drank coffee before?" Zhao Ruixue said, "This Blue Mountain coffee is different from other coffees. It is high-end coffee, so it is different from what you drank before. This is the taste of this coffee. You have to add milk.

Only by mixing it with sugar can you get the purest taste."

"That's because I am ignorant." Su Yi chuckled.

Zhao Ruixue picked up the cup and took a sip, saying with a face full of intoxication: "This is the most romantic moment. Every time I drink it, I seem to taste the taste of the Australian prairie."

"It could also be North America." Su Yi said.

If it is really Blue Mountain coffee, it is produced in Jamaica. This girl has a mouthful of Australian Blue Mountain coffee...

Su Yi can hold back his laughter, which is already a very gentlemanly behavior.


But Su Yi didn't laugh, but Zhao Ruixue laughed. She said: "It seems that Mr. Su's geography knowledge is not good enough. Australia and North America are far apart."

Su Yi sighed: "So I'm a big boss. You see, I'll reveal my secret in just a few words. It's hard to pretend to be a cultured person..."

"At least you are self-aware." Zhao Ruixue chuckled.

"Cough cough cough!" Lou Xiao'e coughed quickly.

Yu Haitang was not happy here and glared: "What kind of cultural person is he who can drink coffee? The little bourgeoisie's idle moans are all counter-revolutionary poison that should be knocked down!"

"What a big hat." Zhao Ruixue sneered, "Then do you know that the origin of revolution is in the West, and the doctrines we are talking about now are just things that the West has eliminated as unnecessary."


Yu Haitang was about to get angry when he got up. Su Yi banged the cup with his kuaizi and said: "Eat just eat, don't talk about Zheng Zhi. Damao, sister-in-law Xiao'e, you are the master today, you guys say a few words, we

Let’s have a dinner, shall we? I’ve been hungry for a long time, and I’m so greedy that I can’t even eat the delicious food on this table.”

"Yes, yes, we should have a meal." Lou Xiao'e stood up and said, "Da Mao, let's welcome all the distinguished guests who came today and thank them for their visit."

"Wait a minute, I'll pour the wine..."

Xu Damao hurriedly poured wine.

The fragrance of Maotai liquor overflowed, making Su Yi, a person who was not interested in wine, a little greedy.

Zhao Ruixue was a little disgusted and said: "My friends and I usually drink brandy or whiskey."

"Where? Foreign wine?" Xu Damao asked.

"That's right." Zhao Ruixue said, "The wine in China is only for the lower class people to drink. It is very low-end. But brandy is different from whiskey. Did you know that in foreign countries, there is a special culture of drinking?

Also called wine culture.”

"I know about wine culture. Isn't Li Bai the Immortal of Wine?" Xu Damao said with a smile.

"Feudal dross, what's there to say?" Zhao Ruixue said.

Xu Damao smiled and said: "Just drink it, my house doesn't have the place you mentioned. I had two bottles of wine before, and Xiao'e and I drank them all. If you ask me, the taste is just like that, and this foreigner probably doesn't enjoy it."

Too blessed."

"It's because you don't understand taste." Zhao Ruixue said, "When drinking wine, you have to look at the place of origin, and you also have to look at it, smell it, smell it, and taste it. There are all particularities."

After a pause, she looked at Su Yi with a smile: "Mr. Su, do you know wine?"

"I don't understand." Su Yi shook his head, "I'm a big boss."

"Maliciousness from Zhao Ruixue +88..."

"Mr. Su has always regarded himself as a big boss, does he want to keep away from me?" Zhao Ruixue asked.

She was straight forward, and Su Yi didn't bother to pretend to her, and said with a smile: "Yes, sister-in-law Xiao'e means well, but I don't think there is anything in common between you and me, so there is no need to test and test again. Let's do it today.

Treat it as a gathering of friends and have a happy meal."

"The malice from Zhao Ruixue +103, the anger from Zhao Ruixue +99..."

Zhao Ruixue looked ugly and said: "Actually, that's what I mean. I don't like you either. I said you are a college student, but I don't see what your cultural level is."

Su Yi sighed and said: "Being pregnant is like being pregnant. It takes a long time to show. We just met, so it's normal that you can't see it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter. Even Zhao Ruixue, who wanted to keep a straight face, couldn't help laughing.

The originally tense atmosphere melted away instantly.

Su Yi glanced at the dishes on the table and thought that today's meal was quite unpalatable.

He simply didn’t wait any longer and raised his glass directly: “Let’s have a drink together and then start dinner!”

"Okay, let's have a drink together, everyone is welcome to be our guest..." Xu Damao also hurriedly became polite.

After Su Yi clinked the glasses, he picked up the kuaizi with a smile and asked everyone to start eating.

He came here to eat, not to talk nonsense, and he had nothing to say to a sheepdog.

Next, while Su Yi ate a big meal, he would laugh and clink glasses with Xu Damao, Lou Xiao'e and Yu Haitang from time to time, and drink a few glasses of wine.

Su Yi was very good at guiding the atmosphere, and soon the dinner became lively again. Later, Zhao Ruixue also joined in, chatting and laughing with everyone.

However, this girl could not say more than a few words before revealing a sense of superiority and superiority, looking down on this person and looking down on that person.

She made a hamburger a delicacy in the world, and Coca-Cola became the greatest invention of the new century.

Su Yi wanted to curse after hearing this.

Later, I don’t know why the topic came back to literature.

Zhao Ruixue said how great Aristotle was, and his lifetime writings covered all human subjects.

She said that there is a Galileo in Europe that is so powerful. It discovered the new planet Europa, which shocked the whole world.

She said that the Western economy is developed, but prices are extremely low. A fried chicken leg only sells for one dollar, but a dishwashing worker there earns five thousand dollars a month.

In the end, he became more and more enthusiastic and dangerous as he talked about faith.

After hearing this, no one dared to continue. Yu Haitang responded a few words when he heard that something was wrong, but I have to say that Zhao Ruixue was quite good at eloquence, and Yu Haitang didn't have any temper at all.

Seeing that Yu Haitang had a dark face and said nothing, Zhao Ruixue ignored the embarrassed expressions of Lou Xiao'e and Xu Damao, looked at Su Yi proudly, and said: "Mr. Su, you are also studying literature, why have you never spoken? It doesn't matter, you

Can you express your opinion? Unless you don’t understand literature at all, you really don’t understand, right?”

"I understand your grandma's skills!" Su Yi was too lazy to pretend. He could understand that the girl wanted to show her connotation in front of him and make him admire her with admiration, but she really had different opinions and did not agree with her.

"If you can eat well, eat well, but if you can't, get out!" Su Yi said unceremoniously.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

After a long time, Zhao Ruixue's face turned red. She stood up and pointed at Su Yi angrily: "You, why are you swearing!"

"It's light to scold you." Su Yi looked at her, "I drank a few drops of foreign ink and even forgot who your ancestors were. You open your mouth to say that foreign countries are good and foreign countries are good. I let you learn foreign knowledge so that you can learn from the international community.

It would be better for you to get married and just cheat on me."


"What are you? You are neither bold nor young. You have a red mouth and white teeth. You dare to speak out any words when you open your mouth. Aristotle... Lao Tzu's 5,000-word Tao Te Ching is both bamboo slips and stone carvings.

It almost didn't get passed down. His more than 170 ancient Greek books, at least hundreds of millions of words, were all written on parchment scrolls. Even if you think about it with your nose, it's impossible to preserve it word-for-word. Foreigners themselves

They don’t believe the things they brag about, so how come they deceived you?”


"What am I? In the Zhou Dynasty of China, Taishi Ling studied astronomical calendars and summarized the orbits of stars. When Galileo discovered a fish that had slipped through the net, they collectively raised their eyebrows, as if they had never seen the world before. The key is

The star maps Galileo used are all ours..."


"Nonsense? Okay, then let's go on to what you just said about a dollar for a chicken drumstick. The salary for washing dishes is five thousand dollars. Girl, think about it on your heels. Is this reasonable? This boss sells five thousand drumsticks a month.

Only then can you afford the salary of a dishwasher. Your family is also in business. Go back and ask your dad, which capitalist is so conscientious?"


"Stop talking. You are calling the Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica in North America as something from Australia. Foreigners will have to worry about you if they hear this." Su Yi sighed, "Girl, it's not dark yet, please go back quickly.

.Otherwise, if you go back later, I’m afraid you’ll scare others. Do you know why?”

"Why?" It was Yu Haitang who asked Su Yi. The girl's face was now flushed and her eyes were as wide as bells.

His voice was trembling with excitement.

"Because she lost her face here and was embarrassed on the way back." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hahaha..." Yu Haitang smiled like a cock being strangled.

Xu Damao was embarrassed to smile and turned away, with a look of relief on his face.

Even Lou Xiao'e had a smile in her eyes, but she pretended to be panicked with bitterness and hatred.

In fact, everyone has the same basic views. They will feel physically uncomfortable with the comments made by such a shepherd dog.

"You, you are going too far!" Zhao Ruixue burst into tears, cried, and rushed out of the door.

"Rachel! Rachel!" Lou Xiao'e wanted to call her, but she could only hear Zhao Ruixue's footsteps gradually moving away.

"Yuanchao, are you too harsh in what you say? Can't you be more compassionate?" Lou Xiao'e said angrily.

"It's not a big deal if I don't slap her." Su Yi shook his head and said, "The next few years are going to be very stormy. We must draw a firm line with this kind of person, otherwise we will all be easily implicated."

After a pause, Su Yi said to her: "Go and see her off. Don't get lost. That would be my sin."

"Da Mao, go ahead." Lou Xiao'e turned to look at Xu Damao.

"Me? No..." Xu Damao objected with a look of displeasure.

"Are you going?" Lou Xiao'e glared, "Xu Damao, I've given you enough face today, don't forget the money..."

"Go, go, go, why don't you let me go?" Xu Damao stood up angrily, "Yuanchao, just wait for me to come back! It's true that each aunt is more difficult to take care of than the other."

With that said, he chased after him.

Lou Xiao'e sighed and said: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have called her... I thought you were both cultural people and would have a common language, but I didn't expect..."

Yu Haitang sarcastically said: "This kind of rich lady thinks she is so great, but she didn't expect that she was all a fool. She said so many things and was exposed by Yuan Chao. Haha, the most ridiculous thing is that she even boasted about it for a long time.

She even got the coffee wrong, hahaha, it’s so funny..."

Lou Xiao'e shook her head and said to Su Yi: "Yuanchao, I didn't expect you to scold people so harshly."

"Are you cruel?" Su Yi said, "Where are you going?"

This chapter has been completed!
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