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In order to win over Su Yi, Li Xinmin actually offered a permanent job quota. Although this was unexpected by Su Yi, it was actually reasonable.

Without boasting, even a fool can see that Su Yi has a bright future. You, Li Xinmin, are not vying to be the boss or trying to win over Su Yi. There are many people who want to do that.

The so-called "people" here are actually no longer limited to the three-thirds of an acre of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Including leader Hu from the district who came today, as well as the senior leader who was going to Su Yi's home this afternoon, they all showed a strong interest in Su Yi.

Su Yi now wants to leave the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill and find a broader stage. It is possible that as long as he reveals such an idea, someone will help pave the way for him in the future.

Of course, Su Yi would never do this.

He has no intention of leaving the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill now, and in his expectation, he will be deeply rooted here in the next ten years.

As for the Li brothers——

You chase away two feral cats that want to steal food from your kitchen, do you care where they go?

The biggest mistake these two brothers made was that they basically knew nothing about Su Yi, so they rushed to attack Su Yi. As a result, Su Yi did whatever he wanted and they fell down.

Our ancestors left behind this sentence thousands of years ago, "Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle." Generations of descendants have used bloody lessons to verify that this sentence is correct. Is this a distortion of morality or human nature...

Back to business.

When Qin Huairu returned to the workshop after using the toilet, she found a group of female workers chattering around Sister Hua.

She didn't care at first. She just held her aching lower abdomen and went to her work station, but she was thinking about whether she should go to the factory's medical department to prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs...

After putting on the ring, I didn't iron my body for a minute.

But just then she heard Sister Hua's proud voice: "Don't worry, if I really pass the exam and enter the study class, I will definitely choose a class cadre to come back. The monitor doesn't dare to think about it, but there is also a deputy monitor."

Something like that? Try to bring glory to our workshop!"

Qin Huairu came back to her senses and looked over in surprise.

What is Sister Hua talking about?

Didn't she drag herself to the auditorium to watch the excitement?

A possibility vaguely emerged in her heart, and Qin Huairu immediately panicked and gave up the idea. She hurriedly walked over and squeezed into the crowd.

"Sister Hua, I heard that you took the exam and entered the study class. What's going on?" Qin Huairu asked, "Isn't there a quota for you in the workshop?"

When Sister Hua saw Qin Huairu, she immediately took the latter's hand enthusiastically and said excitedly: "Huairu, thank you for dragging me to watch the fun. If you hadn't insisted on dragging me along, I really wouldn't have been happy to go. If I hadn't gone,

, doesn’t this miss the opportunity to enter the study class?”

"Sister Hua, you have to thank Huairu very much. Just for this benefit, you can't weigh half a catty of melon seeds?" a woman joked.

Sister Hua waved her hand generously: "How about half a catty? One catty!"

"Look at what you can do. Not only will you have to work eight days less each month, but you will also get an extra dollar. If I were you, two pounds of melon seeds would not be too much." A woman finished in a sour voice.

Then he glanced at Qin Huairu and said, "Huairu, our relationship is not on good terms? For such a good thing, you take Sister Hua instead of me?"

"No, you've all made a fool of me, what's going on!" Qin Huairu was a little anxious. The more she listened, the paler her face became. At this time, she became more and more aware that she had made a very stupid mistake.

, but without a definite answer, she still refused to believe it...

"I have to say that you are stupid. You are the one who wants to watch the excitement. When the excitement comes, you run away." The woman shook her head and said "tsk, tsk" with some gloating on her face, "You don't know yet? You took Sister Hua and the others with you.

Went to watch the fun. There were about ten people who didn't show up for the study class. Su Yuanchao waved his hand and asked them all to stop! Then he directly selected 300 people from the workers who came there to watch the fun. I tell you, go

There are only about ten people watching the excitement, and almost all of them have been selected. If you don't leave, you will be designated as one..."

"That's right, you and Su Yuanchao live in the same courtyard. Haven't you always wanted to go in?" Sister Hua said, "If you were here at that time, as long as you raised your hand, he would definitely choose you first. It's not a matter of choice who he chooses anyway.

, why don’t you do this convenient favor?”

a bolt from the blue!

Qin Huairu stood there blankly, her mind buzzing.

The women around them were chirping and saying sorry things, but who was not taking pleasure in his misfortune?

Her face turned pale for a moment, then turned red, and finally turned black as the bottom of a pot.

The expression is wonderful.

After standing still for a while, just when the female workers noticed something strange about her and became a little worried about her condition, Qin Huairu suddenly turned around and left without saying a word!

"Hey Huairu, why are you going!" Sister Hua shouted hurriedly.

The woman on the side tugged on her arm and said, "Okay, don't scream. I didn't realize that I'm thinking of killing you right now, and you're still moving forward? You don't have any eyesight at all, do you?"

"Me? She killed me? Why?" Sister Hua wondered, "Just because I chose her but not her? It's not that it's not that, Huairu is not that narrow-minded, you are overthinking!"

The woman sneered: "Who is Qin Huairu? That time there was a fight between two people outside the workshop, and we all ran out to watch the excitement. She just stayed here without moving. Do you still remember that you asked her why she didn't take a look?

Did you say that?”

"She said it had nothing to do with her. If we have time, we might as well take a break," Sister Hua said.

"Come on." The woman said, "It's no good. Even if Qin Huairu is too busy to take a look, why is she so motivated this time and insists on running all the way to the auditorium to watch the excitement? No.

Is it just an exam? Seriously, Sister Hua, if she doesn’t ask you to go, do you think this is a fun thing? "

Sister Hua shook her head like a rattle: "What the hell are you going to do? What's so good about the exam? Besides, the leaders may not let you stand there and watch. If you are seen by the correction team, you might be in trouble.

. But Qin Huairu insists on dragging me there, and I can’t get rid of him..."

"That's the problem!" The woman said, "Watson, why haven't you discovered the blind spot yet?" "Qin Huairu didn't let the rabbit fly, so why was she so positive this time? Think again, what about Su Yuanchao?

She is in the same hospital as her. She didn't apply for a place with our deputy director before, so she shouldn't go find someone to intercede?"

"So what?" Sister Hua still didn't understand.

"Oh, you are so stupid! No wonder Qin Huairu always likes to play with you..." The woman was very worried about her stupidity, "Let me tell you straight, it must be Su Yuanchao who told Qin Huairu, go and see in the auditorium

Qin Huairu just went to see the excitement!"

"Su Yuanchao must not have agreed to her directly, or he was not sure that there would be people who were late for the exam, so he didn't tell her directly and just said that he would let her go and watch the excitement."

"This is Qin Huairu, let's just go. But after being there for a long time, Su Yuanchao didn't pay attention to her. She felt that she had nothing to do, so she left. Didn't you just say that? You were half-watching the fun.

Son, Qin Huairu left with a very bad expression, are you still wondering that you didn't offend her?"

"Yes, yes..." Sister Hua suddenly realized and looked at the woman with admiring eyes, "Xiao Rong, you are really the female Zhuge of our workshop, you can see through this, you are amazing!"

"Is it worth half a catty of melon seeds?" Female Zhuge asked with a flash of her eyes.

"It's worth it, I'll weigh it for you at noon!" Sister Hua's answer made the female Zhuge smile, feeling that her wisdom and value had been reflected and rewarded.

"I'll make another bet with you. Qin Huairu must have gone to find Su Yuanchao again. Do you believe it?" Female Zhuge said to Sister Hua, wondering if the bet would be half a pound of melon seeds.

It will scare Sister Hua away...

Regardless of whether the two had a bet, Qin Huairu did come to Su Yi's office again to find Su Yi.

She was lucky enough that the Admissions Office in the auditorium hadn't been completely cleaned up yet, and Su Yi habitually came back here to work, so she saw Su Yi immediately after she knocked on the door.

Su Yi was surrounded by a group of excited people at this time. Qin Huairu then noticed that Su Yi was actually very tall. He was standing in the crowd and she could see his face at a glance.

The two looked at each other. Su Yi nodded to Qin Huairu, then turned and frowned: "Quiet down! If you make any noise again, get out!"

His voice was not loud, but it was quite majestic. As soon as his voice fell, the noise suddenly stopped.

Su Yi looked around and said: "Don't you know why your quota was cancelled? Why do you come here to ask me? I want to ask you why? More than 10,000 people selected 300 of you, how many people are eager to ask for it?

You can’t even apply for this spot, but you’re better off. There was an official announcement and a broadcast notice asking you to take the exam, but you didn’t come...Since you don’t take it seriously, then I’ll get rid of you. Is there any problem?”

"Director Su, the child is really sick and can't come, otherwise I..."

"Me too, I had diarrhea this morning and I didn't even leave the toilet..."

"My grandma had a fever last night..."

Su Yi sneered: "I won't say whether your reasons for asking for leave are true or false, and I won't tell you any big reasons. This matter has been decided, and it will never be changed again. The study class is not just

If you still have the idea to participate, then go back and wait for the next opportunity. But if you still make trouble here... I tell you, next time even if your leader reports your name, he will personally come and beg for you.

I, I don’t want it either, I’ll think about it myself!”

"No, no, we're not making a fuss, we're just seeing if we can be accommodating..."

"Don't be angry. Let's go back. Can't we go back?"

"Next time, we must perform well next time. Director Su, you must give us priority..."

These people who came to Su Yi to intercede were all the people who had been kicked out because they didn't show up for the exam. Qin Huairu watched Su Yi get rid of this group of old and difficult people with backstage and connections, and felt sorry for Su Yi in his heart.

The awe is even greater.

The image of the sunny and smiling big boy when she first met Su Yi has become more and more vivid in her heart.

After these people left, Su Yi looked at Qin Huairu and asked, "Is Sister Qin here for this too?"

Qin Huairu originally planned to beg Su Yi to be more accommodating. She had already prepared her emotions and wiped away tears after just saying a few words.

But now, facing Su Yi's calm expression, she subconsciously trembled in her heart.

Her intuition told her that even if she hanged herself here, Su Yuanchao might not pay attention to her.

"I...actually I'm here to explain to you." Qin Huairu lowered her head slightly and reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, "Yuan Chao, I'm sorry, you worry so much about me, I still let you down.

You, I missed your kindness. I just...well, you know about this anyway, so there is nothing hard to say."

Qin Huairu's pretty face was slightly red, and she lowered her head and said: "After getting the ring, I always urinate frequently, and I can't control the leakage... My stomach also hurts, and I always want to go to the toilet. I just insisted on it.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I left early. I'm sorry to aid Korea, but I'm letting you down."

Su Yi smiled and looked at this woman inwardly.

She is really willing to go out of her way...

However, the effect is still very good. She exposed her shortcomings and wanted to resolve the matter, but Su Yi was still willing to take the initiative.

"If it doesn't work this time, let's do it next time." Su Yi said with a smile, "Take care of yourself."

"Hey, thank you for helping the DPRK. This time, it's all thanks to my sister. It's my sister who has no life, so you worry about it in vain." Qin Huairu said with a smile, "Why don't you go to the cafeteria for lunch at noon? I'll invite you to a restaurant. Okay.

I can’t eat it, but..."

Qin Huairu was so eager to make amends with Su Yi that she would not hesitate to shed some blood for this.

If others heard this, they would be shocked. Qin Huairu has never even bought a handful of melon seeds or a piece of candy from anyone since she entered the factory. This is not because she is stingy, but because of her family situation.

I wish I could break my money in half. I have to tighten my belt every month, so how can I have spare money to hire others?

She was willing to invite Su Yi to a restaurant this time, which must be said to be very "courageous".

It was impossible for Su Yi to go to this meal with her. One meal would eat up the family's rations for several days. Su Yi was not willing to do such a thing.

Just as he was about to refuse, someone knocked on the door again, so he had to swallow his words and said "Please come in."

The person who came in was Yang Baorui's secretary. After looking at the situation in the room, he was startled and said with a smile: "Director Su, are you disturbing your work?"

Su Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Secretary Zhao, sit down and I'll make you tea."

"No, no, no." Secretary Zhao waved his hand hurriedly, "I'm just here to pass on a message. The factory director invites you to have dinner with you in the canteen at noon. He said that he wants to talk to you about some things during the meal."

Su Yi nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. Why don't you just say this over the phone and go there in person?"

Secretary Zhao smiled and said: "It's not serious on the phone, so it's better to make a trip. Director Su, you're busy, so I won't disturb your work."

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Yi also stepped forward to shake hands with him politely, and the two said goodbye.

Su Yi turned around and spread his hands and said, "I have an appointment with Sister Qin at noon. I can't eat your meal."

This chapter has been completed!
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