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Chapter 1885 The Great Wall

"Kung Fu" is a three-star difficulty set, and the director's score after completing the task is only 5 points. In the evaluation after the performance, Su Yi scored 4 points, Li Xiang scored 1 point, and the other three did not score.

After the world shook slightly, a hut fell from the sky and landed in a mountain forest outside the city. Five actors entered the hut one after another. Except for Su Yi, who had a calm expression, the others were all recalling everything they had experienced on the set of "Kung Fu"


"We lost this round because our identity was exposed too early." Buchiatutu sighed and concluded, "Although Ah Xing can't see through the company's disguise, he can judge from the details of our unusual words and deeds.

It's our fault, we thought we were in the dark, but in fact they were just using their tricks, how could we not be defeated?"

"Look at Brother Shit, he concealed his identity a long time ago and even deceived us, so he deserves to be killed in the end without any blood."

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

In fact, they are all actors who have traveled all over the world, and everyone has a character of self-improvement and pride, but there is really nothing to say about the outcome of this round. Su Yi won so cleanly that they could not make any excuses for themselves.

Moreover, Su Yi transformed into a Tianfeng and displayed a crushing attitude, which also made others feel heavy pressure.

But no one was discouraged. The track was still very long. Su Yi just started faster and everyone still had time and opportunity to catch up.

Unless Su Yi never makes any mistakes or fails in the future, how is this possible?

From this moment on, everyone regarded Su Yi as his biggest opponent. No one, including Li Xiang, wanted to cooperate with Su Yi anymore and provide him with free assistance.

"Everyone, I'll take a step first and see you again if we have the chance." Su Yi could see the subtle opinions of these four people towards him, but this was exactly what he wanted. He smiled, turned around and walked into the elevator.

When the elevator door slowly closed and the space shook slightly, the pendant rabbit said with some envy: "With the initial one-minute score, Brother Shit can go directly to the sixth world, and we can only go to the second world. What do you think?

, do we still have a chance to catch up with him?"

"Being fat first is not called fat, and then fat is overwhelming!" Buchu Tutu chuckled, "This performance is not about who is the best alone. Brother Shit is awesome, but he is only one person after all. Everyone, I

I suggest that we join forces first and work together to play a few studios together. First, we will leave Brother Shi behind, and then we can compete internally. What do you think?"

"I have no objection!" Shenyong Xiaogang Pao was the first to express his opinion. He glanced at Li Xiang, "But if we really cooperate, I hope everyone will show sincerity and not just make their own calculations. If they seem to be in harmony but not in spirit, then they are just a mob.

It’s better not to cooperate!”

"Are you talking about me?" Li Xiang looked at him with a smile.

"That's right." The Brave Little Steel Cannon said calmly, "But I was at fault for what happened before. I admit that. Madman, you are one point better than us now, but you don't need to go to the set alone. I

I think it would be more beneficial for you if we work together to get through this."

"Okay, let's cooperate then," Li thought.

"In that case, the four of us have reached an agreement?" Pendant Rabbit clapped his hands happily, "We sincerely cooperate and have healthy competition!"

The four of them looked at each other and smiled, as if there was really no barrier between them.


As the elevator suddenly vibrated to a stop, Su Yi arrived at his second set, which was the sixth set.

After the elevator opened, Su Yi stepped out of the elevator and saw three things suspended in the middle of the cabin.

A sword, a pen, and a dirty rag.

These three are identity items, and Su Yi needs to choose one of them to determine his identity for this journey.

Normally, Su Yi would definitely choose a sword or a pen. These two things are both civil and military, and their identities are most likely to be on top of dirty rags.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he still chose the dirty rag.

The higher the status on the set, the more powerful the better. Sometimes, an inconspicuous status is more suitable for acting.

What's more, when Su Yi entered the set this time, in addition to completing the set tasks, he also had other plans of his own.

When Su Yi picked up the dirty rag, his appearance immediately began to change. After a burst of white light, he suddenly came to a dirty and humid environment.

At this moment, Su Yi was sitting on a low bench. The large wooden basin in front of him was mostly filled with dirty water. He was washing the dishes with a dirty rag in one hand and a dirty bowl in the other.

To the left, right and in front of the tub, stacks of bowls were piled up.

Is he a dishwasher?

Su Yi looked around, and paused when his eyes came to a pair of black armor, a short spear and a round shield hanging on the wall on the right. His eyes glowed with cyan light. He looked through the barriers of the walls, and saw several people around him.

The environment ten miles away was immediately visible.

A majestic city wall twists and turns among the high mountains, and he is in one of the urn walls with a closed door.

This is a huge military camp located within the Great Wall. There are at least tens of thousands of people in the camp. The soldiers are brightly armored and heavily guarded. You can tell at a glance that they are elite troops.

Su Yi is now in the backyard of the kitchen of this military camp, with half a yard of dirty dishes piled up, but he is the only one washing the dishes.

The armor and weapons hanging on the wall should belong to the owner of this body. According to the scene Su Yi saw just now, and according to the format of the armor and weapons, he should not belong to the gangtou army, but belong to the owner of "Bear"

The melee soldiers with the word flag are the right ones.

There are only two reasons why a melee soldier does not stay in his own camp but comes to do the dirtiest and most tiring work in the kitchen - either he will be punished or he will be punished.

Relevant information has been displayed in the actor terminal——

Scene Six: The Great Wall (Four Stars)

Identity: Peng Yong (melee infantry)

Mission: Immortal Killing

Heaven's favor value: 74%

This is a four-star studio, and the Immortal Favor here is not 100%, but only 74%.

In other words, Su Yi only needs to get rid of 25% of his Heavenly Favorite Value to get the opportunity to kill the immortal.

But the difficulty of a four-star studio is definitely higher than that of a three-star studio. It can be imagined that this 25% destiny value is probably much more difficult to obtain than Ah Xing's destiny value.

The movie "The Great Wall" is mainly about the ancient army fighting a monster called "Taotie". The plot is extremely simple and does not have too many twists and turns. So the question is, who is the immortal here?

Su Yi pondered slightly and directly ruled out the possibility that Xian was one of the members of this army.

According to the original plot, all the named characters in the army are not out of the category of ordinary people. On the contrary, they are the army’s opponent Taotie...

It is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that the Taotie looks like a sheep with a human face, its eyes are under the armpits, it has tiger teeth and human claws, and its cry is like that of a baby. It is one of the four ferocious beasts in the ancient world. It is also said that this beast is the fifth son of a dragon.

But no matter which version it is, this Taotie is a BOSS-level ancient beast, and it is impossible for this thing to be "mass-produced" like the Locust.

The "taotie" in this film are numerous, organized and disciplined, hunting prey and attacking humans like a colony of marching ants.

Such gluttons don't look like ferocious beasts, but more like swarms of insects.

Could it be a kind of insect of cause and effect?

Su Yi didn't see it with his own eyes, so he couldn't make a judgment, but he was sure that his guess was accurate.

Since Xian was not a military figure, Su Yi didn't care whether he was exposed or not. He immediately stood up and untied his apron, put on the armor hanging on the wall, picked up his weapon, and walked out.

When passing by the kitchen, a dozen cooks were sitting in a circle talking and laughing, and burst into laughter from time to time.

When one person saw Su Yi coming out, he immediately shouted with a straight face: "Peng Yong! General Wu personally told you that you are not allowed to go anywhere until you have finished washing the dishes! Where are you going?"

Before he finished speaking, the eyes of more than a dozen people fell on Su Yi, some with disdain, some with contempt, and some with gloating.

Su Yi said calmly: "General Wu asked me to go find him at this time. I am going to his camp now."

"Nonsense!" Someone else yelled with disbelief, "General Wu..."

"If you don't believe me, just come with me and see if I go to find General Wu." Su Yi didn't even stop, "A monk can run away but can't run away from the temple. What's wrong? Are you afraid that I won't wash the dishes and run away?"

"I'll lend you three more courages!" one person said disdainfully, which immediately caused the whole room to burst into laughter, and everyone's suspicions were reduced a lot in the laughter.

There were so many military orders, no one doubted that Su Yi dared to falsely pass the military orders, and no one doubted that Su Yi dared to leave his post without permission, especially since the original owner of this identity, Peng Yong, was a cowardly pretty boy who had always been obedient and submissive. Because of this, Su Yi went smoothly.

He walked out of the territory of the bandit army, and then swaggered out of the military camp in the same lame way that no one could confirm.

It was not until evening that Lin Mei, the commander of the He Army patrolling the camp and the only female general in the army, discovered that there were "deserters" in the army.

"Call the painters in the army to draw a portrait of this thief, send out a sea arrest document, and inform all the prefectures and counties along the way that anyone who captures Peng Yong will be rewarded with ten taels of silver, life or death!" Lin Mei ordered coldly.

In this way, the name "Peng Yong" spread throughout the Great Wall and beyond.

At this moment, Su Yi was in a mountain hundreds of miles away from the military camp.

This mountain is full of spiritual energy, and there is a Buddhist temple on the mountain. Su Yi specially investigated it and found that except for one old monk who had a weak spiritual energy, the others were all ordinary monks.

"This is it." Su Yi's green eyes quickly saw a natural cave in the heart of the mountain. He took a step forward and disappeared. When he reappeared, the person was already in the cave.

After looking around for a week, Su Yi casually popped out several strands of ice flames, letting them float in every corner and burn quietly, illuminating the entire cave.

He reached out and grabbed it out of thin air, and suddenly some spiritual substances around him gathered in his palm, condensing into a broad sword.

This method of condensing objects into treasures can be used by monks who form pills, Su Yi is no problem.

Next, Su Yi struck three times, five divided by two, and used his broadsword to carve formation patterns on the local materials, and set up a simple spirit gathering array. Then he cut out a stone platform, sat cross-legged on it, and with a thought, a wisp of crystals suddenly floated.

In front of him, Su Yi's expression also became solemn.

The wisp of crystals in front of him is the power of a law that Su Yi got from Ah Xing, called the "law of dryness and glory".

It is this wisp of law, the Withered Law, that allows Ah Xing not only to survive when his life hangs by a thread, but also to transform into a cocoon into a butterfly, and be reborn in Nirvana!

Su Yi currently has the power of three laws, one is the law of fusion, one is the law of space, and the other is the law of glory in front of him.

He has mastered the power of three rays of law before he became an immortal. I dare not say that there will be no one like him at this time, but he must be unprecedented!

The key is that these three laws are very suitable for Su Yi, and it can even be said that they perfectly meet Su Yi's needs in the three stages.

The earliest fusion law he possesses allows him to condense the body of fairy spirits that only immortals can condense with his humble cultivation level.

Because of the Fusion Law, he was able to defeat the Skeleton Immortal's split soul, which had the power of the Space Law. The Space Law was also very suitable for his Green Soul, allowing Su Yi to instantaneously use his true body.

Move without any restrictions.

Originally, Su Yi's cultivation had actually entered a bottleneck period, because he had reached a point where there was no way forward. If he wanted to go further, he would either become an immortal or reach nirvana.

It is impossible to become an immortal. Regardless of his own accumulation, consideration for his own future, or the warning from the company, as well as the threat of the old chains and the insect of cause and effect, Su Yi will not take this step rashly.

But in terms of Nirvana, Su Yi has never dared to take this step easily.

He originally planned to achieve nirvana in the mortal world. Qin Yu and Xiao Zhuo were all people he could entrust with his life. With them protecting his path, Su Yi would be able to achieve nirvana with peace of mind if he made some arrangements.

But the plan did not change. Who knew that he would be rejected by the heaven in the mortal world, and had to end his mortal journey and embark on the journey to the heavens again.

In this way, without a protector, Su Yi would naturally not dare to rush into Nirvana. Otherwise, he would lose his memory after Nirvana. Once something went wrong in some link, it would be too late to regret it.

Originally, with Su Yi's caution and stability, he would 100% give up on the path to Nirvana, but Ning Caichen's somewhat "immature" research actually made Su Yi reconsider the possibility of Nirvana.

When Ning Caichen studied Su Nu's reincarnation skill, he found that after dispersing the skill, he could quickly return to his previous state in a very short period of time, and even break through the state in one go. He proposed that if he could break through to the state quickly after nirvana,

In this way, the defect of amnesia in the Great Nirvana Samsara Sutra can be reduced to a minimum, because at the stage of elixir formation, the seal of Nirvana can be broken and the memory before Nirvana can be restored.

Due to his limited realm and knowledge, Ning Caichen only proposed this fantastic theory. In Su Yi's view, this was nonsense and not worth reference. This idea was completely unfeasible.

But now that the Law of Withering and Rong is in place, Ning Caichen's unfeasible idea has become feasible.

The greatest function of the law of withering and prosperity is to "return to peace and prosperity", to live towards death and transform into withering and prosperity.

It may only take an instant to transform from complete annihilation to a state of extreme prosperity. This is the power of law!

If Su Yi can use this law to achieve nirvana, he may really be able to skip the "amnesia period" and complete the miracle of instant nirvana!

If this is really possible, the biggest shortcoming of the Mahanirvana Sutra will not be a problem at all for Su Yi.

This chapter has been completed!
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