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0308, settlement and task release

"Since you have guessed it, I might as well tell you that there is indeed one of our people in your headquarters." Mr. Liu said, "Even I don't know the specific identity of this person. The entire military commander only knows

I'm afraid only Boss Dai and Yingying know his true identity. His code name is Crow."

"Crow..." Su Yi took a deep breath.

Liu Ye's answer finally answered a question he had always had.

Crow, who could it be?

Familiar faces flashed through Su Yi's mind one by one, like a fleeting glance.

"As far as I know, the crow has another very important task to perform and cannot be distracted." Mr. Liu said, "Otherwise, the eagle would not trust you to entrust such an urgent and important matter to you."

The implication is, if no one is available, who will use you...

Su Yi didn't take it seriously either. In the past three months, he had indeed not completed many tasks for military command, leaving an impression on his superiors that he was not useful.

He was more interested in who the crow was than completing the mission.

"Then if there is an emergency, I need to contact Crow..." Su Yi asked tentatively.

"There is no such emergency!" Mr. Liu said sternly, "Even if you are exposed, even if you face severe torture by the enemy, there will never be such an emergency contact! There will never be any intersection between you and the crow.

Two lines! Thrush, I warn you, don’t let me hear your curiosity about crows again!”

"Okay, okay! Don't be curious, don't inquire!" Su Yi stretched out his hand and said. He didn't expect Master Liu to react so strongly.

"One last question," Su Yi said, "Does Crow know about your existence? It doesn't matter if he knows my identity, but if he also knows about you, it will make me feel like I have exposed everything to him."

"He doesn't know." Liu Ye's expression softened a little, "In fact, even your true identity, he only had some guesses about your home last time when Gu Xiaomeng searched it, and he wasn't sure. Didn't you say you were suspicious last time?

Are there three people in the area? The last task given to him by the station was to find out what these three people did in those nights. It turned out that Gu Xiaomeng secretly went to your house. Based on this alone, he couldn't actually confirm it.

Your identity."

Su Yi recalled whether anyone had contacted or tested him since that incident, but found nothing.

"So, at best, he just doubts that you are one of his own," Liu Ye said, "He may never have a definite answer. But such suspicion is good for you, because he will subconsciously regard you as

One of your own may save your life at some critical moments."

"I understand." Su Yi nodded slowly and thoughtfully.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Liu, Su Yi still found a deserted place on the bank of the West Lake and opened the terminal.

The terminal that had been silent for three months finally had a new message sent!

The first is a form similar to a questionnaire:

"You think the other actors who show signs of acting are -----"

Fill in the blanks?

How to fill this in?

Su Yi thought for a while and tried to think of the name "Zhang Yiting" in his mind. Suddenly, these three words appeared on the horizontal lines of the space.

It turns out that this is the case, Su Yi suddenly realized.

Although this technology of converting thoughts into words is novel, it is not shocking. After all, it is insignificant compared to more magical things.


This person is most likely an actor.

Who else?

Gu Xiaomeng?

Gold makes fire?

Wu Zhiguo?

Wang Tianxiang?

Or Li Ningyu?

Except for the last one, Li Ningyu, who is definitely not the one, Su Yi really can't tell who is and who is not the other four.

If he had to choose one, he felt Gu Xiaomeng was more likely.

The reason is that this woman often behaves abnormally. Su Yi still doesn't know why Li Ningyu turned against her. She also had a fierce fight with Wu Zhiguo.

Therefore, in addition to Zhang Yiting and Takeda, plus the name Gu Xiaomeng, Su Yi suspected that there were other three actors besides himself.

With no more clues and evidence to prove who was the actor, Su Yi simply submitted the answer. Immediately afterwards, another message was sent.

"Actor Su Yi:

Your experience period for playing the role of Bai Xiaonian on the crew of "The Wind" has ended. Your rating at this stage is as follows:

1. Skill reproduction: 1 point (rating is average +)

2. Role adaptation: 2 points (excellent rating)

3. Identity concealment: 2 points (excellent rating)

4. Similar perception: 1 point (rating average +)

5. Comprehensive interpretation: 1 point (rating average +)

Congratulations, you have obtained a total director score of 7 points during the role experience period of this role. So far, the total director score you have obtained on this set is 9 points.

"The Wind" film review team."

Is the actor experience period over?

Su Yi was in a daze.

In a blink of an eye, it was gone in three months.

He quickly came back to his senses and paid attention to the ratings of the past three months.

First of all, what pleased him was that his worst ratings were all average +, with no 0 points and no negative points. This proved that the efforts of the past three months were recognized and were not in vain.

However, he only scored one point for skill reproduction, which still made him frown.

Now his and Bai Xiaonian's fonts are not exactly the same, but they are almost inseparable.

As for Kunqu Opera, he can now sing it in full several times, and he thinks he can sing pretty well.

Seeing as there is no credit but hard work, I deserve two points no matter what, only one point...

But Su Yi just muttered a few words in his heart and stopped thinking about it.

Role adaptation and identity concealment each scored two points, which made Su Yi very pleased.

Especially the latter, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

This item received excellent reviews, which proves that no one has noticed his identity as an actor until now, and he has hidden it very well!

He only scored one point for the category of similar detection, which proved that his guess about the identities of other actors was not comprehensive, or was wrong.

Which one of Zhang Yiting, Takeda and Gu Xiaomeng guessed wrong? Or are all three correct, but there is still one actor who has not been guessed?

The key is that there is no total number of actors, so Su Yi really can't determine this.

It seems that all that can be left is suspense.

The last item, comprehensive deduction, only scored one point. Su Yi didn't know what the criteria for this item were, so he simply didn't think about it.

In short, Su Yi scored seven out of ten points, and he was very satisfied.

The second message that followed was a performance notice:

"Hello, actor Su Yi. Here is the performance notice sent to you by the crew of "The Wind". The arrangements for your first act with this crew have been confirmed. The notice is as follows:

1. Performance time: 3pm tomorrow.

2. Performance location: East China Bandit Suppression Headquarters.

3. Performance role: current role, no change.

Fourth, the performance task: receive the secret message reported by Jin Shenghuo and report it to Zhang Yiting, catch the underground party lurking inside the headquarters who is passing on the information, and hide his identity.

5. Performance purpose: to promote the plot.

Special note: Except for force majeure reasons, you are not allowed to miss this performance arrangement, otherwise it will be deemed as a breach of contract and you will be responsible for the consequences. Unless there are temporary changes to the performance information, no further notice will be given.

Director No. 032"

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