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0415, Settlement of the second episode, great harvest

 "Dr. Zhao, we have an emergency and need surgery!"

A nurse knocked on the door and called urgently.

Zhao Qiping's expression froze.

He seemed to see his lost fan value balance again.

"Calm down, calm down, don't panic when you encounter problems..." He comforted himself and looked at his balance.

"It's pretty bearable... As long as I can hold on for a while and see Qu Xiaoxiao, everything will be worth it!" He encouraged himself, "When Qu Xiaoxiao falls in love with me at first sight, I will take a long vacation and go to hell.


Bang bang bang!

"Doctor Zhao?"

"Here we come!" Zhao Qiping responded impatiently, pointing at himself in the mirror: "Come here, meet me, conquer me! Handsome doctor, gogogo!"

"Dad, what do you think of Bai Muyang...?" When the car parked in the garage of the villa, Qu's father was about to get out of the car when his daughter asked quietly, "Dad, you said I would bring him to you.

What will happen if you become a son-in-law?"

Qu's father was startled and turned around to look at his daughter carefully.

Qu Xiaoxiao pretended to be a quail and looked shy, but in fact, she was filled with excitement and eagerness to try.

"Xiao Xiao, you can't make such a joke!" Qu's father took a breath, "You don't know how to..."

"Why not? Bai Muyang is handsome, mysterious, and capable," Qu Xiaoxiao said, "Although he doesn't quite match my first impression, he is the kind of person who is attractive. The more I look at him, the better he looks...

Hey, why do you think he is so good-looking?"

"Stop, stop!" Father Qu couldn't listen anymore, "You, give up this idea as soon as possible. I just said, if he really has the background we guessed, you'd better stay away from him. You, you, can't handle this kind of person.

He won't find a girl like you."

"Why?" Qu Xiaoxiao was not happy to hear this.

"Why?" Qu's father sneered, "I know very well the sense of superiority that people with this background have. It seems that they are gentle, polite to everyone, and very gentle and kind, but their arrogance...

It’s all in our bones! In their eyes, we are no different from monkeys! Xiaoxiao, are you willing to be with someone who will never think highly of you? "

Qu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

"Listen to dad and give up this idea as soon as possible. No matter who you look for, you can't look for him!" After Qu's father said this, he got out of the car and looked a little ugly. It seemed that these words also touched some unbearable past memories in him.

Qu Xiaoxiao stayed in the car for a long time before she came back to her senses.

"Why?" She said a little unconvinced, "That silly girl Qiu Yingying can chase her, but there is no reason why I, Qu Xiaoxiao, can't chase her? I can't control it? Huh, I really had sex with him, Bai Muyang! I still have it.

If you don’t believe me, with my Qu Xiaoxiao’s methods, sooner or later he, Bai Muyang, will fall under my pomegranate skirt!”

At the same time, Su Yi, who had just returned home, received the notice for the settlement of the second episode of the show.

"Actor Su Yi, the second episode of "Ode to Joy" has ended. The title of this episode is - Hardware Flower Elevator Shock, Bai Muyang's Hero Saves the Beauty

The settlement statement is as follows:

1. Comprehensive participation in the plot.

1. Participation in the incident of Fan Shengmei being seduced by a rich second generation at the bar: Not involved.

2. The fight between Qu Xiaoxiao and Qiu Yingying: 50%

3. Three beauties’ night out in an underground garage incident: 50%

4. Bai Muyang and Tan Zongming talked about cooperation on the phone: 65%

5. Fan Shengmei and Qiu Yingying borrowing vacuum cleaners: 65%

6. Incident of Fan Shengmei and Guan Juer comforting Qiu Yingying: 50%

7. Elevator falling accident: 100%

8. Hospital aftermath incident: 100%

9. Qu family father and daughter discuss Bai Muyang: 50%

10. Tan Zongming and Andy handover work: did not participate.

The actor participated in a total of 8 plot events in this episode, with a comprehensive participation rate of 66.25%.

The actor received a review: Outstanding.

Score for this item: 2 director points.

2. Average character attraction index.

1. Andy Attraction Index: 56%

2. Fan Shengmei Attraction Index: 59%

3. Guanjuer attraction index: 77%

4. Qu Xiaoxiao attraction index: 99%

5. Qiu Yingying’s attraction index: 100%

The actor attracts an average index of::78.2%.

The actor received a review: Stunning.

The score for this item: 5 director points.

3. Expectations for subsequent development.

1. Andy’s expected development value: 83%

2. Fan Shengmei’s expected development value: 90%

3. Guan Juer’s expected development value: 19%

4. Qu Xiaoxiao’s expected development value: 100%

5. Qiu Yingying’s expected development value: 100%

The actor's average subsequent expected development index::78.4%

The actor received a review: Stunning.

The score for this item: 5 director points.

Fourth, the overall performance of the actors.

Note: It is the average index of three factors including plot participation, character attraction index and subsequent development expectations.

Your overall rating for this episode is: 74.28%.

You received an overall rating of - Excellent.

Your overall score is: 2 director points.

Five, additional rewards.

1. If you participate in more than 75% of the plot events in this episode, you will get an additional amazing rating and an additional 5 director points. If your participation in the plot events in this episode is 80% and meets this standard, you will be rewarded.

2. Your overall score for this episode is the highest among all the actors participating in the performance. You will receive an additional excellent evaluation and an additional 2 director points.

3. Your performance is selected as the title content of this episode, and you will receive an additional "excellent" evaluation and an additional 2 director points.

4. The "Elevator Falling Accident" has become the main event with great influence in this drama, so this event will be rated separately by the drama review team. You are the only actor participating in this main event. After comprehensive evaluation, your performance in this event will be evaluated as


Earn an additional 10 director points.

5. You have received one perfect rating and three amazing ratings in this episode, and you will receive an additional prop reward voucher. This prize has been issued to your account. Please redeem it in the actor mall after the performance of the show.

6. Score statistics.

The total number of director points you received in the second episode is 33.

You have accumulated 52 director points for this play.

"Ode to Joy" drama review team"


An absolute bumper harvest!

This is Su Yi's most scored performance in history. After one performance, he actually got 33 director points!

This score is not even inferior to the income from performing in a movie!

Acting in TV series is really rewarding!

Su Yi was excited and excited. What surprised him most was not that he got 33 director points, but that he received a perfect evaluation for the first time in his acting career. He also received three amazing evaluations at the same time, thus receiving a prop award!

Item rewards!

Su Yi still remembers that in the last book, Takeda's actor, Buchi Tutu, even lost his underwear, was able to escape unscathed with a performance exemption card, which was simply the envy of others!

Su Yi later learned that the qualifications for this card were either 1,000 director points, or 1 perfect + 3 amazing performance reviews in a row.

Performance exemption, exemption from death!

Su Yi once thought that the life-saving artifact was out of reach, but now he got it with his own hands!

This one is a real profit!

After a long time, Su Yi calmed down his excitement.

He has finally figured out that whether it is a movie or a TV series, he must try his best to participate in major events that will affect the follow-up of the plot, and he must try his best to get good reviews.

Doing this is much more cost-effective than running out to participate in other things.

Moreover, the potential benefits of completing the main plot event are huge, not to mention that it will give the actors an advantage and advantage in subsequent performances on this set. If the completion is outstanding enough, the additional rewards obtained will definitely be worth the participation price.

It’s not a waste of time for Su Yi to walk on the line between life and death!

After calming down, Su Yi did a round of analysis as usual, summarizing his gains and losses, experiences and gains from this episode.

The first is the performance events. Through the statistics of two episodes, every ten events will be summarized into one episode. This rule is likely to be continued in the future.

But the most Su Yi can do is understand this rule, because he is not the absolute protagonist, the world does not revolve around him, he has not participated in it, and even events that he does not know about will be included in the statistics.

Take for example the first incident in this episode - the incident of Fan Shengmei being seduced by a rich second generation in a bar.

Fan Shengmei was seduced by a rich second generation?


Is this just a simple accident, or does it have a deeper meaning?

Su Yi had no way of knowing.

So when an episode will end, Su Yi can't make a more accurate prediction like he does on a movie set.

Next are those events in which Su Yi has not participated, but whose participation rate is 50%.

For example, the fight between Qu Xiaoxiao and Qiu Yingying, the three beautiful women's night out in the underground garage incident, the incident of Fan Shengmei and Guan Ju'er comforting Qiu Yingying, and the incident of the Qu family's father and daughter discussing Bai Muyang.

Except for the second incident, which Su Yi heard about from Tan Zongming, Su Yi had never heard of the rest, let alone participated in them.

So Su Yi guessed that there is only one possibility for this 50% participation rate, and that is that although he was not involved in these things, they all happened because of him, and the process and results had a lot to do with him.


In terms of character attraction index, Su Yi's data doubled this time, which is obviously due to this elevator accident.

There is nothing to say about this. The only way to increase this attractiveness index is to show your charm and interact more with the five beauties.

Su Yi had a hunch that his data in this area would definitely drop in the next episode, and it would be impossible to maintain such a high level of attraction.

In terms of expectations for subsequent development, except for Guan Ju'er, which did not increase but fell, the data of the other four Americans also increased explosively! The lowest, Andy, was all at 83%!

This expected development value does not mean that Wumei wants to do something unhealthy with Su Yi, but it reflects that they are looking forward to further interaction and contact with Su Yi.

The sudden increase in this data must be due to the elevator incident. Su Yi saved all of them, and now they must want to repay them. In this way, the value of expected development will naturally increase sharply.

Similarly, this data cannot only rise but not fall. Su Yi has a hunch that if he cannot continue to shine in the third episode, this data will also fall.

As for Guan Ju'er's data, instead of increasing, he dropped——

Su Yi expressed helplessness.

This girl's attraction to Su Yi skyrocketed, but her expectations for development dropped.

Very attracted, but resisting subsequent contact. Isn't the reason for such a conflicting mood obvious when combined with what happened before?

It’s not a big deal, is it? Su Yi shook his head.

The overall performance rating of the actors this time is the most regrettable - 74.28%. If the difference is less than 1%, it will be upgraded from an excellent rating to a stunning rating.

It's a pity that Su Yi just missed out on the fourth amazing review of this episode due to poor plot participation.

Except for Su Yi, all the other actors who participated in this episode also received settlement notices at this time.

In this episode, Zhao Qiping is still in tourist mode.

Lin Jing intervened in the plot in advance, trying to cause an accident and the hero save the beauty, but it was self-defeating. As you can imagine, the evaluation of his performance was not very good.

Moreover, his participation in this episode will not be too high.

Tan Zongming's participation is not high, but I think the evaluation of his performance will not be too low.

As for Wang Baichuan, it is very likely that he only participated in the first incident in this episode.

There are five actors, Su Yi is the absolute protagonist.

It seems that this is Su Yi's earliest opportunity to intervene in the plot, but in fact, according to common sense, he should not have such a high degree of participation, let alone such a big gain.

If he were still the original Supervisor Bai, except for Qiu Yingying, the other four women would definitely not have much interest in him.

And if he was still the original Supervisor Bai, even if he was involved in the elevator incident, he would never be the leader.

If he had not been labeled as the second generation of invisible rich people and a friend of Tan Zongming, he would not have become a hero. At most, he would be a coolie who could help.

If he were still Director Bai, his caretaker would no longer let the five women accept it shyly, saying "He has no choice but to do so"; instead, they would be suspected of "Did he take the opportunity to be obscene? It's so disgusting, but I have to swallow it."

This dumb guy is like this.

This is ironic, but sorry, this is reality.

In beautiful urban fairy tales, the story between the farmer and the princess will never happen.

Meanwhile, room 2202.

The three girls were tidying up in their room and preparing for the afternoon meal.

Fan Shengmei changed her clothes after a while and kept shuttling between the bedroom and the bathroom.

"Guan Guan, what do you think of my clothes?"

"Little earthworm, is this beautiful?"

"Hey, please help me see, does this bag match this outfit?"

She kept talking to the two girls and asked them to comment on her clothes. She was looking forward to the high-end dinner in two hours, and she was both excited and nervous.

She was sure that this was the most high-end party she had ever attended in her life.

But what she didn't notice was that Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying were not in such high spirits. They were sitting on the sofa muttering, looking embarrassed.

"Guan Guan, forget it if I don't want to go. It's because I don't want Brother Yang to meet that little goblin Qu Xiaoxiao, but why?" Qiu Yingying asked curiously, "There must be a lot of delicious food in the afternoon meal.

, you have always loved eating delicious food, why are you not interested this time?"

"I...I haven't had much appetite lately." Guan Ju'er dodged his gaze, "Besides, I have something to do in the evening, and I have to work overtime. Our supervisor will ask for it tomorrow, and I have to rush it out today. I asked for leave and didn't go to work.

It's bad enough, if I can't finish my work, then I think about the internship, it will be even harder!"

This chapter has been completed!
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