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0488 Victory

 As Damabang said, the Type 92 heavy machine gun is one of the most proud heavy weapons independently developed by the little devils. Because of its large bullet caliber, this thing is also very powerful. It can basically hit a person within 500 meters.

There is a bloody hole on top.

What if it was closer?

For example, within ten meters?

"Yo yo yo, shit!" Su Yi staggered over and shouted exaggeratedly, "It's really Type 92! This big guy! Brother, don't tell me, it just looks more majestic than Maxim!"

He brushed his hand over the body of the gun and made a clicking sound. Then he pretended to be casual, opened the magazine box on one side, took out the bullet chain inside, turned around and said to Xu Dama with a smile: "These 7.7 bullets are

It’s bigger than Maxim’s bullets! Don’t tell me, I haven’t touched this thing yet, how are the bullets loaded?”

Xu Damabang stepped forward with a smile, took the bullet chain, and explained and demonstrated to Su Yi: "Look, brother, pretend like this, stick the bullet chain here, hey, then open the safety, and it's done!

It’s similar to Maxim, and the operation of this thing is also very simple!”

"So that's it!" Su Yi looked like he suddenly realized it.

"How's it going, brother? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Xu Damagang said with a smile, "Do I only have one heavy machine gun?"

Su Yi stroked the Type 92 and looked around with a smile, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Damabang.

"I know you only have one penis," he said calmly, his eyes were clear, how could he still be half drunk?

"You've been fooled, Brother Xu," Su Yi said.

Xu Damabang was stunned. At this moment, his mind was confused.

Until Su Yi suddenly took out a gun from his body and pointed it at his head. He suddenly had a clever idea and a chill suddenly surged throughout his body!

The gun looked familiar—it was clearly his own gun!

But when did this gun get into Su Yi's hands?

He remembered! It was Su Yi who "accidentally" dropped the gun to the ground while hugging him while drinking.

He wanted to pick it up at that time, but Su Yi stopped him and asked, "Do you want to default on the bill?"

The atmosphere was intense at that time, so he took the bowl and finished it!

Su Yi cheered loudly, held him in his arms and fucked him three times, and then started bragging about Maxim's prowess to him with great enthusiasm. His attention was diverted, and under the influence of alcohol, he actually forgot about the gun that fell on the ground.

All finished!

Now it seems like where did the gun fall to the ground?

It clearly fell into Su Yi’s pocket!

"Fuck..." Xu Damafang's eyes widened with anger as he reacted instantly, and he was about to retaliate violently.

But where is the time?

Where are the opportunities?

Su Yi broke into the dragon's pond and tiger's den alone, his tongue bloomed like a lotus flower, drank heavily and boasted, for what reason?

Just for this moment!

What kind of negotiations, what kind of attack on Weihu Mountain requires Xu Da Ma, what kind of escape route, are all made by Su Yi!

He only has 80 people, how can he safely lead hundreds of bandits who are not under his control to fight another wave of bandits? Anyone with no brains knows how dangerous this is!

Not to mention, how could the Industrial Army spare Xu Damafang, who had been a traitor, massacred a village, and had done all kinds of bad things? How could it possibly cooperate with such a person with a long history of evil and send him to flee abroad?

How could a dignified military commander write a letter of commitment to a bandit and then meet him in person?

Shao Jianbo himself was just a regimental staff officer, not a regiment leader himself. Where did he get the power to give Xu Damabang the position of regiment leader?

Everything is Su Yi's lie!

Everything he negotiated with Xu Damabang was completely impossible to happen!

But why does Xu Damabang have such faith in Su Yi?

Because Su Yi even lied to himself!

He lied to himself that the military region had given him absolute authority and sent him to negotiate with Xu Damabang.

Then around this point, he put himself in someone else's shoes and thought about it. Every word he said and even every word he used had profound meaning.

Even in order to negotiate, he would spend every penny on many things, never give in, and behave very truthfully.

This is not a simple deception at all, but a carefully set trap!

Under such circumstances, how could Xu Damafang not be fooled?


The gunfire rang out without hesitation, the bullet passed through Xu Da Ma Bang's head, and blood sprayed on Su Yi's face.

The bandit leader who ruled the mountain died suddenly and simply!

He died in a muddle-headed way, and died without any value.

There were more than ten people who went to the watchtower, all of whom were Xu Damafang's confidants, as well as the bandits who were originally on duty at the watchtower.

As soon as the gun went off, these people all reacted and cursed angrily and pulled out their guns.

But after Su Yi finished firing, he raised the handle of the Type 92 gun and pointed the gun at them.

The bullets were loaded by Xu Damafang himself.

The insurance was also opened by Xu Damafang himself.

So there is only one thing Su Yi has to do - press the trigger.

So he is faster than them all!

Da da da……

The heavy machine guns spit out merciless tongues of fire.

The scene immediately turned into purgatory!

Everyone was beaten to pieces almost instantly, with blood and flesh flying everywhere!

The head and chest all exploded.

Limbs and internal organs flying everywhere!

The blood mist fills the air and the fishy stench hits your nostrils!

After the gunfire, the whole world seemed to quiet down for an instant.


Su Yi spat out the blood that splashed into his mouth and wiped his face with his hand.

His face was covered in sticky residues of flesh and blood, as well as internal organs and intestines.

Without saying a word, he walked to the wall in three and two steps, opened a box and took out several grenades from inside.

From the moment he went upstairs, he understood the situation of the entire watchtower. Naturally, he was familiar with the road at this time!

He pulled out the safety cord and threw the grenade down the stairs. Then without looking, he quickly carried two boxes of bullets to the machine gun and quickly began to reload the machine gun.

Boom boom boom!

Following several loud noises and screams, the entire watchtower shook violently.

Smoke and dust filled the air, rubble flew, and the stairs leading to the roof were completely destroyed.

Outside the watchtower!

Under the guidance of Yang Zirong, all the bandits first opened the lids of all the wooden boxes and prepared to start taking inventory.

Yang Zirong first told the bandits with a smile that all the weapons were separated from the bullets and there were no bullets in the guns.

He also picked up a gun and tried it to reassure the bandits.

Then, while chatting, he accidentally walked to a box of weapons, reached in and took out another gun.

This gun has been specially prepared and marked, and it has bullets!

At this moment, gunshots fired from the watchtower.

This shot was the same shot that Su Yi used to kill Xu Damazang.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, everyone subconsciously looked towards the watchtower.

"Hit!" Yang Zirong suddenly shouted angrily, raised his gun and fired several "bang bang bang" shots, hitting the heads of all the bandits in front of him!

With his order, all the firearms in the wooden boxes were suddenly thrown out!

From inside each box, two people came out!

This was naturally a plan that Su Yi and Yang Zirong had made long ago.

The wooden box is divided into two layers. The upper layer contains ammunition, but the lower layer hides people!

More than ten boxes and more than thirty people!

While the machine guns were firing upstairs, the team members who had been preparing for a long time started shooting. The bandits at the scene suddenly fell down one after another like leeks!

Boom boom!

Hand grenades and explosive packets were thrown out and exploded loudly. All the bandits were running around in panic, shooting back randomly.

But in a hurry, it was impossible to form a combat effectiveness.

The team members automatically divided into two groups, one group maintained fire suppression, and the other group quickly built temporary defenses using wooden boxes and other obstacles.

At the same time, on the other side of the Shenxian Ferry, a gun was fired here, and the remaining team members, led by Chu Hongshan and others, quickly crossed the Shenxian Ferry and came here.

Da da da da…

On top of the watchtower, Su Yi pointed his gun at the bandits below and fired wildly.

This heavy firepower, usually used to guard Shenxian Crossing and intimidate the enemy, has become a life-threatening talisman for the Naitoushan bandits!

The bandits who had been able to barely fight back suddenly lost the courage to resist under such heavy firepower. Coupled with the fact that they were without a leader, they scattered and fled.

And under such fierce firepower suppression, the team members simply couldn't fight too easily.

Soon, the remaining team members also passed through the Immortal Crossing and successfully met everyone at the foot of the watchtower.

Su Yi could see clearly from the watchtower that in this wave alone, at least nearly two hundred bandits were wiped out, and only one-third of them fled to the top of the mountain.

Soon, there were no more enemies on the scene who could stand up.

Shenxiandu was captured!

The team members began to skillfully clear the battlefield and perform last-ditch attacks to prevent bandits from pretending to be dead and rising up to injure people.

I actually checked out a few.

Su Yi also stopped firing machine guns.

This kind of heavy machine gun must be equipped with a dedicated loader, otherwise a wave of attacks will only finish a box of bullets in one minute, and it must be paused.

But a box of bullets is enough!

Sporadic gunfire came from downstairs, and Yang Zirong's voice sounded from the second floor: "Chief, we are here to pick you up!"

"Wait for me to go downstairs!" Su Yi threw down the machine gun, quickly picked up two boxes of grenades, and then jumped downstairs from the blown gap to join Yang Zirong and the others.

In addition to Yang Zirong, there were also Sun Dade, Ma Baojun and Bai Ru who came to meet him.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Su Yi covered in blood and his face covered in blood.

"Chief, are you okay?" Bai Ru ran over first and was about to check Su Yi.

"I'm fine, it's all the enemy's blood." Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop, "How is the battle going?"

"It went very well. The team members have all crossed the Shenxiandu, and there were no casualties on our side. All the bandits present were killed, and the rest who could escape all fled to the mountains!" Yang Zirong said, "At least the mountains are at least

There are still more than 300 people, chief, we must hurry up, otherwise it will not be easy for us to fight again after they have built a defense line."

"Go up the mountain!" Su Yi naturally knew this, so he didn't waste any time and decisively issued the order to pursue the enemy.

Of course, there are still three people left behind the watchtower to guard the way back for everyone, lest they catch up in front and be surrounded by the enemy and occupy the watchtower...

Su Yi would never make such a stupid mistake.

All the people gathered together and marched quickly to the top of the mountain. The village that was noisy in the past was now like an empty city, completely deserted.

What Su Yi and others didn't know was that the bandits who escaped from Shenxiandu were running and shouting "Shao Jianbo is coming up the mountain", which frightened the bandits along the way and fled and gathered at the top of the mountain.

In this way, the journey was uneventful. When we were approaching the top of the mountain, we saw a group of bandits hiding behind the hillside and were busy.

The line of defense that Yang Zirong was worried about had not been established.

The leaderless bandits were running around in disarray, seemingly without any order.

Seeing Su Yi leading his team up, a small leader shouted loudly: "Shao Jianbo, you despicable, shameless and insidious villain! You lie..."


Su Yi picked up the gun and killed him with one shot, shouting: "Hit!"

Suddenly there was a loud burst of gunfire.

At this time, the fact that a group of rabble is vulnerable no matter how large the number is is particularly highlighted.

The bandits who lacked command were scattered and fighting each other, posing no threat to Su Yi's bandit suppression team at all.

On the other hand, on Su Yi's side, the team leaders commanded the team well, performed their respective duties, and fought in an orderly manner.

Within a few minutes, the bandits on the top of the mountain dropped dozens of corpses and continued running upward.

"Come on!" Yang Zirong took the lead, rushing up while fighting.

"Charge!" The team members shouted in unison and charged.


The signal trooper blew the charge horn.

At this moment, even Su Yi couldn't help but feel excited and wanted to rush forward and kill him.

Chased all the way, the bandits were beaten until they cried for their parents, and hundreds of lives were lost. Finally, they all gathered in a deserted area in the back mountain called Toad Mouth, and barely built a defense line, which curbed the small team's offensive.


At this time, there were only more than a hundred bandits left, and they no longer had any advantage over the small team.

"Shout!" Su Yi signaled to Sun Dade.

"People in front of you, listen! We are the 203 Bandit Suppression Team of the Mudanjiang Military Division of the Northeastern Democratic Alliance Army! I am now speaking to you on behalf of our leader No. 203! You are limited to three minutes, immediately put down your weapons, hold your head with both hands, and line up.

Come out in a row and surrender! If you don't surrender after three minutes, we will attack immediately!"

"People in front of you, listen..."

Sundade called three times in a row, and a few gunshots rang out sporadically from behind the cliff, and then there was no response.

"Prepare to attack!" Su Yi gave the order decisively.

Although these bandits are a ragtag group, it is undeniable that they are still somewhat bloody. They are willing to be cruel to others and even more cruel to themselves. They are able to spare no effort at critical moments.

The battle started again, and this time the bandit suppression team encountered very stubborn resistance.

The bandits seemed to have the idea of ​​dying together, so they fought hard, causing casualties on Su Yi's side very quickly.

There was continuous artillery fire and intensive gunfire.

After all, Su Yi's men had strong soldiers and horses, and the number of bandits became smaller and smaller as they fought. As soon as the fierce energy passed and they calmed down, they immediately gave up.

The remaining bandits finally did not dare to persist any longer. Soon, a branch tied with white cloth poked out from behind the cliff. The bandit leader shouted: "Stop fighting, stop fighting! We surrender! We surrender!"


"Throw away your weapons, put your hands on your head, and come out one after another! I'm warning you, it's best not to play tricks, otherwise we will shoot immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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