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0523, the end of this volume

In the flash of lightning, the two men fell into a pool of blood.

Su Yi dragged their bodies into the woods on the side.

Then he took out his mobile phone and called Cheng Hui.

"Hello?" The phone rang once and the person picked up the call.

"Brother Hui, come to the seaside a hundred meters east of the outer port pier and pick up Xiao Dan and his mother and daughter."

"Okay, I'll be right over! Ahao, how's the situation?"

"It's okay now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi jumped on the motorboat, started it in a few seconds, and rode it towards the depths of the sea.

After driving for about ten minutes, he saw a ship floating there on the left front with its lights on.

He immediately changed direction and drove over there.

The motorboat made a lot of noise, and the people on the boat over there naturally heard the noise.

At this time, there were four people standing on the bow of the boat - Amin, Feilong, Hongmao and Dadong.

The four of them, plus Dadong's two men who were killed by Su Yi before, are all the people who planned and participated in this incident.

"We're back!" Hearing the sound of the motorboat, Dadong said excitedly, "It seems everything went well and there were no accidents."

Feilong glanced at him and said: "Dadong, we are only seeking money. After the matter is completed, we will put all three people back. Don't mess around and make things bigger."

"Of course," Dadong smiled half-heartedly, "I only do it for the money! There are two million in total. I will take one hundred and fifty, and you will take fifty. After we divide the money, we can go our separate ways."

Feilong nodded: "It's good that you know. Your little brother almost made people strong before. You'd better restrain them. If you want to fuck a woman, go find a chicken! Go fuck a psycho?"

"But that lunatic is very beautiful." Hongmao said suddenly.

Feilong was startled, then laughed and cursed: "Damn! It makes me want to fuck her."

The four of them burst into laughter.

"Why don't we celebrate after we get the money and let's fuck her together!" Amin suggested with a grim smile, his eyes full of excitement, "Brother Dadong and Brother Feilong will come first, and I will last!"

The other three looked at him in surprise.

Dadong said with a smile: "As long as you are willing to pay more, let alone the big one, you can do whatever you want with that little girl. You are a great mother and daughter, you can come together, I agree. Amin, think about it carefully, and then

For an additional two hundred thousand, you can do whatever you want. You are playing mother and daughter in there, and we will all keep watch for you and cheer you on! How majestic is it? It will definitely be enough for you to brag about for a lifetime!"

Amin smiled sarcastically and didn't answer.

"And!" Feilong turned his head disdainfully, "Dadong, the three of us will not show up in front of Yang Zihao. After you deal with him, we will come out again."

"Okay." Dadong smiled and nodded.

"Let's go in!" Feilong greeted Hongmao and Amin and walked into the cabin.

On the deck, Dadong's smile gradually turned ferocious, and he murmured: "Made, I'm the only one who shows up, and you push me in front, and you hide behind, just waiting to collect money? Where can such a good thing be found?


His eyes were full of murderous intent, and he was already secretly planning to make things worse, drag Feilong, Amin and others into the water and run away with him...

Soon, the motorboat got closer and closer. In the dim night, Dadong couldn't see clearly what was going on on the motorboat. He didn't use a flashlight to shine, because in his opinion, if Su Yi was willing to come, Xiao Dan's mother

The woman is in his hands, so there won't be any problems at all.

The motorboat circled the fishing boat at a distance and approached the stern of the boat.

"Made, what are you doing?" Dadong muttered with some dissatisfaction, and followed him around to the stern of the boat.

When he arrived, the motorboat stopped just at the stern of the boat and hit the stern of the boat hard.

The hull of the boat shook violently, and Dadong was almost knocked over. He grabbed the railing with both hands and couldn't help but yelled: "Made, you kid, are you looking for death? Do you know how to sail the boat? Do you want to hit me to death?"

He cursed and stood firm, and was about to walk forward to check if the hull of the boat was damaged. At this moment, he saw a person on the motorboat swooping onto the boat and heading straight for him.

Dadong was shocked and subconsciously reached out to his lower back.


But the next moment, the man had thrown him to the ground, and he felt something pierce his chin, pass out of his mouth, and then pierce his tongue and roof of his mouth.

A large amount of blood spurted into his mouth instantly. He just wanted to speak, but he choked on the warm blood in his mouth and coughed violently. The blood spurted out on the face of the man who was pressed against him.

Only then did Dadong see this man's face clearly, and with just one glance, he suddenly felt like he was dead!

Yang Zihao!

It was Su Yi who came.

He used the T-shaped awl in his hand to pierce Dadong's chin, but blood was sprayed on his face.

Without even frowning, Su Yi pulled out the T-shaped awl, pointed it at Dadong's eyebrows, grabbed his right hand with his left hand, and pressed it hard with both arms.


The T-cone is fully inserted.

Dadong, who was coughing violently, had just seen the panic in his eyes, and his whole body suddenly tensed up. After a few seconds, he completely collapsed and closed his eyes.

Until his death, he didn't even realize what was going on and why.

Su Yi pulled out the T-shaped awl, wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve, then wiped the T-shaped awl twice on Dadong's body, then stood up and continued to touch the bow of the ship.

He slowed down his pace and stalked like a cat, making no sound.

There was no one on the front deck, so Su Yi went straight into the cabin. There was a narrow corridor with four rooms on each side.

Su Yi took out his mobile phone and looked at the screenshots he had taken during the previous video with Dadong. After comparing them, he determined the room where Xiao Dan and his daughter were detained.

Mother and daughter were detained separately, one in the second room on the left and the other in the last room on the right.

In the first room on the left, there was faint sound of conversation.

Su Yi put his ear close to the door, and the sounds inside suddenly became clearer.

"Hongmao, I'm afraid Dadong will play tricks later, so be alert. If something goes wrong, kill two of his men first!"

"Brother Feilong, there's no need to make such a fuss, right?"

"I don't want to make such a big fuss. This place is not far from the coast. If the gunfire alerts the coast guard, that would be bad. But if Dadong plays tricks, there is nothing we can do..."

There is a gun...

Su Yi's eyes jumped.

He stood at the door and thought for a moment, then walked to the door of the second room, put his hand on the door lock and turned it gently. The door was locked.

That's good. He needs to isolate Xiao Dan's mother and daughter from the remaining three people, so as to avoid the bad situation if someone takes them, mother and daughter, and makes Su Yi take advantage of them.

The door is locked. If they want to kidnap Xiaodan and her daughter, it will take time to at least break the door.

He went to check the fourth room on the right, and the door was also locked.

What Su Yi didn't know was that the door of the room where Xiao Dan's mother and daughter were originally imprisoned was not locked. It happened that when Su Yi and Dadong were videotaping, one of Dadong's younger brothers wanted to rape Xiao Dan's mother. In order to avoid this incident, Dadong

It happened again, so I locked the doors of these two rooms and indirectly helped him.

In the previous room, it sounded like there were only two people, Feilong and Hongmao.

Where is Amin?

This Amin must not be in the same room as these two people, otherwise they would not discuss such a hot topic.

The three of them are not together...

Su Yi pondered slightly and decided to deal with the dangerous ones first.

He walked back to the door of the first room, stood quietly on the left side of the door, raised his right hand, pointed the T-cone at the crack of the door, and waited attentively.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Su Yi was as motionless as a sculpture.

He was very patient and believed that the two people inside would come out sooner or later.

Sure enough, almost four or five minutes later, the sound of a flying dragon came from the room.

"What happened? Why is there no movement at all? Hongmao, don't show your head. Go out and see what's going on."

"Yes, Brother Feilong."

Su Yi held his breath while concentrating. The two people inside had no idea that a god of death was guarding outside, waiting to harvest their lives.

Seven or eight seconds later, the door opened, and Hongmao walked out without any precautions, leaning out half of his body.

Su Yi jumped out like a rabbit, and stabbed Hong Mao's temple with the T-shaped awl in his hand, crashing into the room along with Hong Mao.

Puff puff……

As Su Yi walked forward, he quickly poked in and out, pricking Hong Mao's head and neck more than ten times!

The blood was sprayed out for free, and the red hair couldn't react at all!

Su Yi's left hand was not idle either. He reached out and touched Hong Mao's lower back. Sure enough, he touched a gun and he pulled it out directly.


At this time, Hongmao also slumped to the ground, blood sprayed from his neck and head, his whole body was twitching, and he made a weird "uh-uh" sound in his throat.

"Ahhhhh!" The flying dragon on the side finally reacted. He roared in fear and rushed towards Su Yi.

Su Yi dodged, rounded his arms and punched him hard.

Su Yi didn't hold any force in this punch. While the T-shaped awl in his hand penetrated deeply into his flesh and blood, his fist also landed heavily on his neck.

With just a "bang" sound, Feilong's head twisted at an incredible angle, and then he fell straight to the ground, making no sound again.

He was actually punched by Su Yi and his neck was broken, and he died tragically on the spot!

After killing Feilong, Su Yi walked out without saying a word. As soon as he reached the corridor, he saw Amin sticking his head out of the third room on the right, as if he was about to come out to investigate the situation.

As a result, the two of them went out at the same time and met each other. They were both stunned.

Su Yi was the first to react and rushed over there without saying a word.

"Ah..." Amin screamed in horror and slammed the door!


The next second, Su Yi hit the door hard!

The door opened suddenly, but in the next second, it was closed again by a huge force.

Su Yi pushed hard to keep the door open just a crack, preventing it from closing tightly.

Behind the door, Amin's strong fear and desire to survive also caused him to burst out with unimaginable strength.

The two struggled and ended up deadlocked.

Su Yi held the door open for a while but didn't move at all.

He picked up the gun and looked at it, then opened the safety and loaded the gun, put the muzzle of the gun against the door, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


With a muffled sound, the door suddenly swung open, and Su Yi directly opened the door. Amin inside was pushed to the ground by a huge force.

A ball of blood continued to spread on the back of his heart.

Su Yi walked into the room and closed the door.

And Amin also struggled to turn around.

He looked at Su Yi in horror, his lips trembling.

"Spare, spare my life...spare, spare me...yes, I'm sorry!" His tears, snot, and urine all came down, and his whole body was shaking violently.

Su Yi walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly.

Amin suddenly grabbed Su Yi's leg with one hand, as if he wanted to hug Su Yi's feet.

Su Yi kicked him on the chin, causing him to scream and fall to the ground, lying at Su Yi's feet.

Su Yi stepped on his right arm, which he had broken before.

"Uh ah..." Ah Min was in pain and let out a shrill scream.

Su Yi crushed the arm under his feet and looked indifferently at Amin, whose face was distorted by the great pain. He tilted his head and seemed to be in a daze.

After a while, he slowly squatted down and pointed the T-cone in his hand at Amin's heart.

"No, don't kill me..." A Min begged in horror, "Please, Ah Hao, don't kill me, don't - uh..."

Before he finished speaking, the T-shaped cone in Su Yi's hand had slowly penetrated into his flesh and blood, and as he screamed, it penetrated inch by inch.

His body was twisting violently like a fish out of water, and his screams were horrifying.

But gradually, he gained strength and laughed, his screams became smaller, and the blood stains had infected half of his body.

Then, he completely lost his breath.

It's done.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and a heartfelt smile bloomed on his face.

He began to remove the tape wrapped around his right hand, and then, except for the two detention rooms, he checked the entire fishing boat, found the key chain of the cabin room, and after confirming that there was no problem, he dragged Dadong's body in

In the cabin, they were locked in a room with Fei Long and their corpses, and the door was locked.

He changed into crew uniforms in a room, wiped the blood stains on the deck with his bloody clothes, threw them into the trash can, and then opened the door of Xiao Dan's room.

Xiao Dan was hiding in the room, holding his head and shivering.

Su Yi called her name, and the little girl raised her head in disbelief, looked at Su Yi for a long time, then cried "Wow" and threw herself into Su Yi's arms.

When Xiao Dan's mother was let out, there was some twists and turns. Her mother was in a very intense mood, as if she didn't recognize Su Yi. She screamed and kept beating Su Yi to prevent Su Yi from getting close to her.

It took her a long time to stabilize herself.

"Let's go, I'll take you ashore."

"Where are the bad guys?"

"They're all gone."


The motorboat circled the fishing boat half a circle and then headed straight for the coast.

Xiao Dan sat in front of Su Yi, and behind him, Xiao Dan's mother put her hands around Su Yi's waist and put her head on Su Yi's back. She didn't know what she was thinking, crying sometimes and laughing sometimes.

The waves were shining and the sea breeze was noisy. This section of the road seemed to be both extremely short and extremely long.

When they arrived at the agreed place, Cheng Hui was already waiting there.

He put down Xiao Dan and his daughter, then smiled and waved to them.

"Where are you going!" Cheng Hui shouted.

"Go home." Su Yi said to him with a smile, then started the motorboat and sailed towards the depths of the sea.

"Ah Hao! Ah Hao!" Cheng Hui shouted from behind, his eyes full of worry. He had a premonition that after this farewell, we might never see each other again.

Early the next morning, the patrolling coast guard discovered the fishing boat floating on the sea. After calling to no avail, they boarded the boat for inspection and found the bodies of Fei Long and three others.

Before that, people from the club found that Su Yi didn't get up for morning exercises as usual, so they went to his room to call him. As a result, no one opened the door after knocking for a long time. When they got the key, they found that even the keyhole was blocked.

, they realized something was wrong and hurriedly broke in. They found Ah Hai who had been tied up in the bathroom all night, and immediately called the police.

On the beach at the Outer Harbor Pier, a group of old men jogging in the morning discovered blood stains on the beach. Following the blood stains, they found the bodies of the two Da Dong men in the woods, so they also hurriedly called the police.

The police were shocked and the whole Haojiang was shaken!

Because Su Yi didn't cover up much, especially because the clothes he changed on the fishing boat had the Pioneer Club logo on them, the police quickly pinned the murder suspect on someone from the club.

The police quickly summoned Cheng Hui, Xiao Dan, and questioned A Hai. They barely concealed anything, and the truth of the matter was revealed in this way.

On 8.27, a major homicide task force was established in Haojiang. The police issued a wanted order for Yang Zihao and announced the case through public media. The entire Haojiang was shaken and public opinion was boiling.

It is hard for people to imagine that an MMA professional boxer who is about to win the championship would brutally kill five people in a row on the eve of the final!

The behind-the-scenes story was quickly unearthed by the media, which cast a tragic and heroic light on this cruelty.

Three days later, the police discovered an unmanned motorboat that had run out of fuel and was floating on the sea on the high seas. After comparison, it was confirmed that it was the vehicle that Yang Zihao drove to escape, and Yang Zihao was nowhere to be found.

After several days of fruitless search and investigation, the police announced that they had found no signs or evidence that the murderer Yang Zihao had fled to another country. It was very likely that Yang Zihao had committed suicide by sinking into the sea and was buried in the belly of a fish.

A knight? Or a murderer?

For more than ten days in a row, the debate about the good and evil of Yang Zihao has not stopped. All the media in Haojiang are reporting on him.

In the MMA Millions Competition, due to the absence of Yang Zihao, his opponent Zhukov automatically became the championship. This Rakshasa man was shocked after hearing about Su Yi's deeds, and decided to spend 500,000 from the prize money to help the little boy who was rescued by Yang Zihao.

Dan mother and daughter.

The organizer of the competition also sent the prize money Su Yi deserved to the Pioneer Club. The club owner and head coach Luo Ge announced that the money would be used for the life and education of Xiao Dan’s mother and daughter. The Pioneer Club would be responsible for supporting the mother and daughter.


One month after the murder, many people came to the beach to lay flowers and mourn Yang Zihao. Many people protested not far away, feeling that a murderer should not be glorified in this way.

Among them, Cheng Hui, Lin Siqi, Luo Ge and Xiao Dan's mother and daughter placed flowers on the beach together.

"Jian Hui, is Ah Hao really a bad person?" Xiao Dan asked in a low mood.

Cheng Hui forced a smile, knelt down and said to her: "Xiao Dan, people all over the world can think of him as a bad person, but you can't. You have to remember everything he has done for you and never forget it."

Xiao Dan nodded heavily, turned his head, and shouted loudly to the sea: "Ahao! Ahao! I miss you so much!"

After shouting, Xiao Dan burst into tears and couldn't help crying.


The waves surged and swept all the flowers into the sea, as if Su Yi was gently responding.

This chapter has been completed!
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