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0549, tragic

 Two heavy trucks were driving side by side on Kangzhuang Road. Behind them, fifty meters apart, were closely followed by dozens of assault vehicles.

Further away in the Repulse Bay villa area, Tian Yangshun held a bomb detonator in one hand and a hands-free phone in the other, staring warily at the negotiators opposite, waiting for news.

The roar of the truck and Tian Yangsheng's steady breathing came from the phone, and the scene was completely silent.

On the outskirts of the Repulse Bay air defense bunker, snipers, blasters, and the Flying Tigers were all in place. The on-site commander had already formulated three plans to storm in and rescue the hostages. He was just waiting for the order from the first brother of the police force!

At the end of the Hung Hom Cross-Harbour Tunnel, rows of riot police had pulled up the isolation belt and blocked the way, pointing their guns and short rifles at the opposite side, waiting for the arrival of the two trucks.

No matter whether it is the police or the robbers, no one thinks that this matter will be easy, and everyone has a tacit understanding and oppression to show off their tricks.

Further away, in some places, the poisonous smoke has not yet dissipated, and the ground is covered with corpses, crying citizens, and police and doctors running around indiscriminately.

In other places, dense crowds are still evacuating urgently. Bomb disposal experts are seizing the time to find the location of the bomb, hoping to prevent the explosion and save lives.

It is already dawn, but the dawn of Hong Kong Island is far from coming.

Time is always fleeting, but today, it feels particularly torturous.

Finally, the two heavy trucks stopped at the entrance of the Hung Hom Cross Harbor Tunnel and did not go in.

In the air-raid shelter bunker of Repulse Bay, Tian Yangsheng's deep voice came from Tian Yangshun's mobile phone: "Yangshun, they are playing tricks."

Brother Yi, who had been listening to the movements in the bunker with headphones, suddenly froze in his eyes when he heard this, and shouted anxiously: "Action! Action! Cut off the signal and act immediately!"

"Kill them all, leaving no one behind!" Brother Yi gritted his teeth and issued the order to kill them in a hateful voice.

Toot toot…

The mobile phones on both sides simultaneously sounded the blind tone of losing signal.

At the same time, whether it was the Hung Hom Tunnel or the Repulse Bay Bunker, the police all mobilized instantly!

"Get on the bazooka, blow them up!" the commander who had been following him almost roared the order and waved his hand violently!


The two heavy trucks started immediately and rushed into the tunnel, quickly merging into one line as they traveled.


Several rockets rained down this way, and at the same time, all the police cars' sirens rang loudly, and they all chased this way!

Boom boom boom!

The moment the two trucks entered the tunnel, rockets hit the truck behind them. The rear half of the truck was immediately smashed to pieces. The front of the truck rushed forward with the burning compartment, and then landed with a crash.

Roaring and rushing into the tunnel, it disappeared.

"Chase!" the commander shouted heartbreakingly.

"Brother, our car is on fire! It's almost burning to the gas tank!" Tian Yangxin shouted anxiously on the intercom.

"The cars are coming and we are side by side. Get in my car. Don't stop your car. Find the way for us!" Tian Yangsheng calmly ordered.


Soon the two cars were side by side again, and the drivers, Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangzhi, drove the two cars very close to each other, only one or two meters apart.

Then Tian Yangsheng opened the driver's door, and Tian Yangxin on the other side opened the passenger door.

"Yangxin, come here first!" Tian Yangsheng shouted.

Tianyangxin started to crawl this way.

Bang bang bang!

Someone fired from behind, and bullets ricocheted off the car, causing sparks to fly.

But the Tian family brothers are all desperadoes. Faced with such a situation, they don't blink an eye and still take matters into their own hands.

Hua Tian on the other side was not idle. He threw three tightly wrapped, fist-sized black soft bags from the passenger window. Then he saw the right moment, shouted "Now", and slammed the remote control


A second before the explosion occurred, the police car in the front row noticed Hua Tian's movements, slammed on the brakes and screamed heartbreakingly: "Bomb!"

Bang bang bang...

The police car crashed into a pot of porridge, and the next moment——

Boom boom boom!

There were three loud bangs in succession.

The entire tunnel was shaking violently, and the glass of the two trucks immediately shattered with a crash! Even though Tian Yangsheng and others lowered their heads for the first time, their nosebleeds were still caused by the shock wave, and the cars were also thrown away, and the two

The driver held on to the steering wheel tightly and bumped around in the tunnel, almost overturning the car.

But in the end it was okay, and the two heavy trucks were still driving forward.

"Brother, the fire has reached the fuel tank!" Tian Yangzhi shouted in horror.

"Lock the steering wheel and come here!" Tian Yangsheng moved the car closer to the other car.

At this moment, the road behind them was completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, and mourners filled the field, blocking all the pursuers.

The tunnel of more than 1,800 meters has covered nearly two-thirds of the distance.

Tianyangzhi locked the steering wheel to let the truck go in a straight line, then pressed the accelerator to the bottom and held it with a bottle of mineral water so that the accelerator would not be released. Then he quickly climbed to the other side and, looking at the right moment, headed over here.

The car jumped over.

He had been shot in the right shoulder and arm before, and when he jumped, the wound was affected, and he almost fell off the car. Fortunately, Tian Yangxin and Tian Yangsheng took action at the same time and pulled him up.

At this time, the exit in front was already in sight. Tian Yangsheng no longer cared about Tian Yangzhi and began to apply the brakes, making his truck fall behind the other "unmanned" truck. He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Yang Yangsheng"

Zhong! We are coming out soon!"


Throwing down the walkie-talkie, Tian Yangsheng turned the steering wheel and hid his truck behind the truck in front.

Hua Tian took out his gun with tacit understanding and aimed it at the burning fuel tank of the truck in front.

On the other side of the undersea tunnel, policemen with live ammunition stood in several rows, all aiming their long and short rifles at the tunnel exit. In front of them were rows of spikes, barricades and bulletproof shields, forming a simple defense.

The roar of the car was getting closer and closer. The commander here raised his arms high and stared at the exit of the tunnel, just waiting to give the order to shoot as soon as he saw the truck rushing out.

At the same time, on the East District Corridor Viaduct behind them, Tian Yangzhong raised the rocket launcher, aimed it here, and slammed the launch button.

call out!

The rocket dragged a long stream of air and fell rapidly.

When a police officer heard the noise and turned around to check, he was shocked and screamed: "Ah ah ah, rocket..."


The grenade exploded in the police line, with fire and blood flying everywhere.

At the same time, a truck burning with raging flames rushed out of the tunnel at high speed and rushed towards the police position.

"Fight! Fight me!" The commander, who was blown to the other side of the road, his face covered in blood, screamed crazily as he looked at the oncoming truck with split eyes.

Da da da……

Sporadic gunfire rang out, and only a few policemen struggled to raise their guns to shoot. Most of the policemen fled in panic, or were blown to pieces by the grenades just now, and could not make any reaction at all.


The unmanned heavy truck rushed straight towards it, wrapped the entire row of spike strips around the tires, and then slammed into the roadblock. It crossed out of control, crushing the police who had no time to escape and dodge, and went down diagonally.

Tilt down.

Hua Tian, ​​who had been aiming, his eyes suddenly froze at this moment, and he decisively pulled the trigger.


The rolling truck instantly turned into a huge fireball, and many police officers were turned into burning men and were thrown away. The truck passed by, leaving behind a trail of blood and mud, with broken arms and limbs, it was horrible to see!

The police obstruction was cleared just like that!


The second truck roared out, crashing and crushing all the way, breaking through obstacles and driving away.

The surviving police officers at the scene screamed, cursed, and fired into the background of the large truck.


A grenade fell from a height again, hitting the surviving police officers hard.

On the viaduct, Tian Yangzhong grinned, his eyes showing pleasure and cruelty, put away the rocket launcher and walked back.

When the phone rang, he picked it up and heard Tian Yangxin on the other side say loudly: "Yangzhong, you did a great job, you can withdraw."

Just as Tian Yangzhong was about to speak, he saw several assault vehicles approaching at high speed from a distance. His expression suddenly changed and he said: "Some police officers are catching up with me, I'll send them away first!"

"Don't worry about it, let's go!" Tian Yangxin said anxiously.

"They will bite!" Tian Yangzhong said seriously, pressed the phone, and then started loading grenades into the rocket launcher.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a huge noise in the air. When he looked up, he saw three helicopters flying towards this direction in a vertical pattern.

Tian Yangzhong's face suddenly became even more ugly.

He hurriedly reloaded the gun, pointed it in the air, and suddenly pulled the trigger.

Just as he pulled the trigger, there was a gunshot, and a bullet flew from mid-air, smashing his head to pieces and causing his brain to explode.

On the helicopter, the sniper who killed Tian Yangzhong looked at the increasingly enlarged grenade through the scope and screamed in horror: "Grenade!"


The first helicopter turned into a huge firework.

The other two helicopters scurried to avoid it.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The assault convoy passed by Tian Yangzhong's body at high speed without stopping at all.

Time goes back to more than ten minutes ago, inside the Repulse Bay air defense bunker.

"Yangshun, they are playing tricks."

When Tian Yangsheng's deep voice came from the mobile phone that was turned off, Tian Yangshun's expression suddenly became extremely ferocious.

He pointed his gun at the negotiator in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Mader, do you dare to play tricks on me?"


Before he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger.

Toot toot…

At the same time as a blind tone came from the mobile phone, the negotiator was shot in the forehead and fell to the ground on his back.

Boom boom boom!

The four sides of the air defense bunker were suddenly blasted, and two shock bombs and two smoke bombs were thrown in from the entrance at the same time, and they exploded almost at the same time! The huge space was suddenly filled with screams!

The heavily armed Flying Tigers stormed in from all directions. Tian Yangshun, who was beaten to pieces by the detonation bomb, was thrown to the ground by four Flying Tigers before he could react.


A knife was almost inserted into Tian Yangshun's neck. At the same time, his hand holding the bomb remote control was tightly grasped by another Flying Tigers member, preventing him from letting go.

Puff puff!

Several more knives were stabbed into Tian Yangshun's neck, temple and other vital parts, and he died immediately.

The members of the Flying Tigers didn't have time to unlock the bomb on his body, so the four of them lifted up Tian Yangshun's body and rushed out!

On the other side, Tian Yanglian fell to the ground and rolled over immediately, thus escaping the fate of being killed directly. However, a Flying Tigers still took advantage of the situation and pierced her neck from the side with a dagger, completely engulfing her neck.

"Ahhh..." Tianyanglian screamed in pain, and then struggled to break away from the Flying Tigers members who were trying to suppress him, and used his micro-charge to shoot randomly.

Da da da……

Bullets were flying randomly, and many people were shot and screamed and fell to the ground.

And since Tenyang Lian had a bomb on him, no one dared to shoot back.

"Run! Run out!" The captain of the Flying Tigers roared and flew towards Tianyanglian, but was immediately beaten into a sieve and fell on the charging road unwillingly.

Fortunately, his roar before his death woke up the hostages, and they ran out like crazy.

Da da da……

Tianyanglian had a dagger stuck in her neck and couldn't speak at all. She could only shoot to make people fall down in fear.

But her shooting had the opposite effect. The hostages rushed to escape even more, and the Flying Tigers tried to get closer from all directions.

"Uh-huh..." Tianyanglian made a desperate hoarse voice and released the bomb button in his hand.

Boom boom boom!

What the police didn't expect was that in addition to the air defense bunker turning into a sea of ​​flames, violent explosions also occurred at at least three points outside Repulse Bay, with flames blazing and thick smoke billowing in an instant!

These three points were originally used to warn the police not to act recklessly and to create chaos when retreating.

The remote control in Tian Yangshun's hand also controls several surrounding explosion points.

Unexpectedly, the police stormed the air defense bunker, quickly killed Tian Yangshun, and blocked his remote-controlled gas bomb.

Tianyanglian was stabbed in the neck, the hostage lost control, and several members of the Flying Tigers immediately approached her. In desperation, she blew up all the trump cards she had.

This is undoubtedly a very tragic scene!

Tianyanglian and everyone in the air-raid bunker were blown to pieces and turned into flames in an instant!

Everyone who had not had time to escape was killed immediately!

Raging flames and violent shock waves burst out from the gap in the bunker, licking all those who had time to stay away.

Fortunately, I was just blown away by the violent air waves.

Unlucky enough, he was kissed by the tongue of fire, and his body immediately burned.

They were screaming and rolling on the ground, but no matter how much they beat them, the fire would not go out.

Some police officers used fire extinguishers and sprayed them wildly at these rolling and screaming people, but it had no effect. They could only watch their flesh and blood being burned and their bones being burned through...

There were also many police officers who had no time to put on gas masks, or who did not have gas masks at all. Under the thick white smoke coming from all directions, they soon fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

The scene was a mess, with some rescuing people, some fleeing, and some running and shouting in panic.

Tian Yangsheng and the others underestimated the determination of the police to eliminate them, and the police also underestimated the caution and madness of Tian Yangsheng and the others, which resulted in such a tragedy.


At the same time, in another corner of the city, a bomb disposal expert failed to defuse the bomb and was killed on the spot and buried under a collapsed building.

This is not a city, this is hell.

This chapter has been completed!
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