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0553, the golden cicada shells

Cambodians are working hard.

Maybe they behaved like docile sheep in front of Su Yi, but when faced with the Hong Kong Island Coast Guard, they fully demonstrated their ferocious side. Each of them looked like ferocious wolves.

This is not only because they had no weapons before but are now fully armed; it is also because their greed for gold suppresses all fear.

Four coast guard ships were chasing them, and they sent speedboats to attack the Cambodian boat. There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides.

In mid-air, two helicopters were hovering, but because of the grenade threat just now, the helicopters did not dare to get too close.

The loudspeaker on the coast guard ship issued warnings in Chinese and English over and over again, but for the Cambodian people, apart from making them feel noisy, it had no effect at all.

In order to preserve the wealth they had acquired, the Cambodian people were inspired to have unlimited bloodshed and potential. Even though the enemy was outnumbered, even though three of their own had been killed and two wounded, they still fought back desperately, and the coast guard attacked wave after wave.

was repulsed and suffered some casualties.

At the same time, the Cambodian ship was still moving forward at full speed and sailing away from the waters of Hong Kong Island.

This chase battle on the sea where "the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered" was so lively and exciting that it was difficult to tell the winner.

Soon, the coast guard called for reinforcements, and the four coast guard ships chasing the second ship sent two speedboats speeding towards this side.

On the African guy's ship, the team commander was a little distracted. He seemed to have been listening to the conversation of his colleagues on the intercom for a while, and then he returned his attention to Gabriel in front of him.

The African guy was still chattering and asked his crew to bring a stack of certificates and documents to prove that he was a legal cargo ship. Not only that, the African guy also made "very excessive" demands.

He asked the Hong Kong Island Coast Guard to escort his merchant ship until it sailed out of the high seas.

He said that the Coast Guard had to do this because he was frightened at the Western District Cargo Terminal and felt that his life was threatened. The Hong Kong Island Police had the responsibility to protect his life and property from being infringed.

"Furthermore, you randomly searched my ship, which made me feel racial discrimination. I dare say that if it were a white man's ship, you would never dare to board their ship and search it."

Gabriel's verbosity annoyed the team commander. He waved his hand to signal his subordinates to take tough measures. He was too lazy to talk nonsense to this African guy.

But just when he was about to take action, Gabriel directly dialed the number of the representative of the Panamanian office in Hong Kong and warned the team commander that if the police dared to act recklessly, he would expose the Hong Kong Island Police to the world's media

Racially discriminatory behavior.

This made the team commander very jealous.

Soon, Gabriel actually got through to the representative of the Panamanian government in Hong Kong. After the two chatted for a few words on the phone, Gabriel gave the cell phone to the team commander and asked him to answer the phone.

At this time, the team commanders were as big as two.

He picked up the phone bravely, and after a person on the phone identified himself with a weird English pronunciation, he insisted on talking directly to his superior.

The team commander had no choice but to tell the representative stationed in Hong Kong the phone number of his superior. After hanging up the phone, he thought for a while and asked all the coast guard who boarded the ship to be on alert and wait for news.

Soon, the team commander received instructions from his superiors, and Gabriel also received another call from the representative in Hong Kong.

After the two of them communicated with the background behind them, they started talking again.

"Mr. Captain, we have understood that you are transporting special cargo to some very distinguished customers." When the team commander said "special cargo", his tone could not help but be sarcastic, "Don't worry, this time we will

I won't care about you, we only search what we want to see. But if you come to Hong Kong Island next time and do things that are prohibited by Hong Kong Island law, I think Stanley Prison will be your final destination."

Gabriel spread his hands indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter. At worst, I will trade on the high seas. As long as I am willing to pay, there will always be people who will fight against you, right? Haha!"

The commander was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could only endure it and said: "Now, we want to search your cargo ship, please cooperate!"

"Cooperate, of course." Gabriel said with a smile, "As long as you don't confiscate my goods, you can search them at will."

The team commander looked at him coldly and waved his arm.

The police officers filed in and began to search everywhere.

"Mr. Captain, I would like to ask you to answer some questions for me." When the police officers were searching, the team commander said seriously.

"Of course, I will definitely tell you everything I know." Gabriel said, "Except of course, who is the owner of the cargo on my ship."

"I'm not interested in these things." The team commander said, "Let me ask you, when did your ship stop at the West District Pier? Why are you there?"

"Of course it's for loading. My ship has been parked at the West End Freight Terminal since five o'clock in the morning." Gabriel replied, "You want to ask those gangsters, right? They came around eight o'clock, I think

There were more than twenty of them when they arrived."

The team commander was immediately attracted by Gabriel's words and hurriedly asked: "Tell me in detail. I want to hear all the details from the time you met those gangsters!"

"No problem." Gabrielle began to tell the story with a very cooperative look.

"When I came in the morning, I saw two boats moored there. One boat belonged to the Cambodian people. I thought there was no one on the other boat, but later I found out that there was a person on the boat all the time.

It’s just that he hasn’t shown up before, so I thought there was no one there,” Gabriel said.

"As soon as my ship arrived, the Cambodian captain came to ask me some questions. I thought he was curious, but later I found out that he was trying to find out more about me to see if I would pose a threat to them. Yes.

Yes, you have already guessed from your expression that the Cambodians and the gangsters are in the same group. I suspect they are here just to support the gangsters..."

"It was only after those gangsters drove a tattered truck to the unloading platform that I realized that the chaos on Hong Kong Island was all caused by them!"

The team commander interrupted: "How many gangsters are there?"

"Three! Only three!" Gabriel said without thinking. "As soon as they got out of the car, one went to drive the forklift, and the other ran into the cargo box at the back and took out a rocket launcher. Oh my god, at that moment, I knew something was going to happen. , I even thought I was going to be finished!”

Speaking of this, Gabriel looked scared: "Then the Cambodians and the people on the remaining boat ran to the platform, followed by two guys who came towards us with guns, I told me The crew was ready to fight, and then I raised my hands and negotiated with them, telling them that we would never have anything to do with them. We would definitely cooperate with them."

"Fortunately, they are quite reasonable. They decided not to kill us, but they made a request. When they blow up the dock and sail the ship, we must also sail the ship, and in this direction, sail with all our strength to the high seas. I I immediately understood that they wanted us to be used as bait to help them attract the police... Haha, how could I be fooled by them? I promised them, but when you came, I immediately stopped the boat to avoid you misunderstanding, but I didn't expect You are so rude and I have cooperated so well, yet you still..."

"Which ship did they load the things on?" the team commander asked, interrupting Gabriel's complaints.

"That boat with only one person on it," Gabriel said.

At this moment, a policeman hurried over and whispered in the squad commander's ear. The commander's expression changed and his eyes flashed towards Gabriel: "Why do you have so many munitions on your ship? Your munitions Where did it come from?”

"Hey, hey, you have to keep your promises." Gabriel waved his finger at him, "We agreed that you are only looking for gold and don't care about anything else."

The team commander glanced at him, snorted coldly, and walked aside to report to his superiors.

Boom boom!

At this moment, the coast guard chasing the second ship on the other side also exchanged fire with the chasing target, and violent explosions sounded from time to time.

The team commander soon heard the roar of his superiors on the intercom: "Don't make matters worse! The gold won't be with the Africans, otherwise they wouldn't be stupid enough to wait there to let you board the ship! The Panamanian representative in Hong Kong made all the phone calls When we get to the Hong Kong Governor, don’t cause any more trouble for me! Come over quickly for reinforcements!”

"Yes, sir!" Although the team commander was unhappy, he could only accept the order.

"Evacuate!" He gave the order, and all the policemen withdrew from the cargo ship. The two coast guard ships, and the helicopters circling in the sky all rushed towards the direction of the exchange of fire between the other two sides.

Gabriel stood on the deck with a smile and waved, watching the police leave.

He smiled and said to the men on his side: "I offended the Hong Kong police very badly this time. Next time I come back, they will definitely keep an eye on me. Alas..."

The subordinate shrugged and said: "It is better to offend the police than to offend the Baiyue people. They are all life-hungry people."

"That's right." Gabriel nodded in agreement, but his face tightened the next moment, "Quickly, open the inner deck mezzanine and let them out! Also tell the first mate to start with full power and drive to the high seas!"


More than 60 people from the Jinjin and Baiyue gangs were indeed on this ship. This cargo ship, which had been used for smuggling goods all year round, had been transformed by Gabriel. It had a special mezzanine space to store some shady goods to deal with customs and maritime affairs in various places.

Police inspection.

The Baiyue Gang's people and gold are all hidden in the mezzanine.

If the coast guard searched carefully, Su Yi and the others would actually be at great risk of being exposed.

But will Su Yi give the police time to search carefully?

The coast guard didn't have time to search carefully.

Su Yi secretly led the changes in the situation step by step, and through layers of psychological hints, made the coast guard feel that this ship could never contain gold, and that the gold was on the other two ships.

His first step was to let the other two ships leave at full speed, but this ship took the initiative to stop and let the coast guard board the ship. Such a "selfless" move would make the coast guard subconsciously think that this ship

The boat probably isn't.

The second step is to calculate the right time. The Cambodians will fight with the coast guard first. Because the Cambodians are escaping in the direction of Baiyue, there is a high probability that the coast guard will intercept them halfway. They will be the first to do so.

Encounter with the coast guard. Once there is an exchange of fire, the coast guard here will once again reduce their suspicion of this African cargo ship.

In the third step, after instigating Gabriel to mess around, he took the initiative to contact the Panamanian representative in Hong Kong and asked Panamanian officials and the Hong Kong Island police to put pressure. In this way, they boarded the ship to inspect the Panamanian cargo ship, which rose to the level of country-to-country relations.

political events.

The police boarded the ship to search, which was illegal in nature. They did not have a search warrant at all, and the presence of official envoys would make them more worried and afraid to act rashly. So Su Yi's purpose of delaying time was achieved.

The fourth step is for Su Yi to calculate that the ship will not escape the fate of being searched. After all, the matter is big and the influence of the small country of Panama is not that great. It involves the whereabouts of more than 80 tons of gold and the port.

It is impossible for the island side to make unprincipled concessions, and the Panama representative in Hong Kong will definitely compromise.

The fifth step is for Su Yi to continue to ask Gabriel to "reveal the truth" to delay time. At the same time, use a ship of illegal arms to attract the attention of the police. Let the police think that this ship is for smuggling arms, and it is impossible to cause trouble.

To transport gold.

Then came the most critical, fate-determining sixth step. Su Yi notified the second ship to start exchanging fire with the police.

The police's manpower was already stretched thin. Once there was a firefight over there, the suspicion of the cargo ship here was almost impossible to the police.

So they would naturally be in a hurry to go there for reinforcements and would not have time to search further.

After all, to find the inner deck mezzanine, they had to come to the structural diagram of the ship and observe carefully to find it, but they did not have the time or the patience. There was a fierce exchange of fire from the other two directions, and they could not afford to waste time.

We can only give up careful search and evacuate in a hurry.

Of course, no matter how deep the calculation is, this plan is not completely safe and there are still risks of exposure.

If Su Yi encounters a relatively incompetent commander, or some other accident occurs, and the police discover the mezzanine, there will be no other option. Su Yi can only take action and force a breakout, and he is prepared for the worst.

Fortunately, the effect was pretty good, and I managed to get through it without any danger.

Soon, Gabriel released all the members of the Baiyue Gang.

The exchange of fire between the other two sides became more intense. Su Yi walked to the deck and used a telescope to observe the situation over there.

In the end, the Cambodians were unable to escape. The coast police had surrounded them and were preparing to board the ship by force.

On the other side, the four Baiyue people who were used as baits had too few manpower and were gradually exhausted. They were slowly surrounded by the police. However, they did not hesitate to throw firepower, grenades, and explosives around for free.

The police had to avoid its sharp edges and did not dare to get too close.

But it was only a matter of time before these two ships were broken up by the police.

"Brother Zha," Gabriel looked at Su Yi from behind with a little fear and a little greed in his eyes, "If the police board those two ships but find nothing in the end, they will immediately think that I lied to them, and we still

There was no time to escape..."

This chapter has been completed!
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