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0575, by chance

 "Now a real-time news break. According to reports from our reporters from the scene, the police lifted the blockade of the entire Tsuen Wan area ten minutes ago. More than 5,600 exhausted police officers searched for it all night and found nothing. This

A large-scale police manhunt that lasted for six hours finally failed. The three biggest thieves in Vietnam miraculously disappeared from the police siege..."

"According to random surveys and interviews conducted by our reporters, the vast majority of citizens cannot accept this result. They feel that taxpayers have spent huge sums of money to raise a bunch of trash. Thousands of police officers could not even arrest three people. This time the vigorous massacre

The arrests have brought to naught the police’s recent efforts in image and public relations, and citizens’ trust in the police force has dropped to a freezing point again..."

"Some members said that senior officials of the Hong Kong government are very disappointed with the incompetence of the police. Perhaps this failure will prompt senior officials to further reform the police force..."

At daybreak.

Ma Jun walked out of Brother Yi's office with a heavy look on his face.

Just now, he was reprimanded and Brother Yi was suspended from his position as commander of the anti-terrorism unit.

The reason was that these operations resulted in the deaths of dozens of Counter-Strike members, and the Police Internal Affairs Department therefore initiated an investigation against him. During the investigation, he was deemed unfit to hold any leadership positions.

In addition, although the blame for the escape of the three Vietnamese brothers was not placed on him, the first brother complained about Ma Jun both inside and outside his words.

Brother Yi blamed him for his chaotic command and for not surrounding the gangsters immediately...

Many people in the police force see Ma Jun as a joke as a super policeman. He has always been successful, but this time he messed up and finally gave those who disliked him an opportunity to attack him.

But Ma Jun didn't take these things to heart. What annoyed him was that he lost the support of the police force, which meant that he lost his crushing advantage in the subsequent arrest operation!

Ma Jun originally planned to start hunting Tony, but now, he had to hold back first.

He didn't want any more accidents to happen, and he didn't want Tony to escape his pursuit. Then he would be a failure as the leading actor.

So even if he thought this was a good opportunity, even if he thought he could use Tony to force Su Yi out, he gave up this opportunity.

He decided to play it safe, reflect on himself, and study his opponents.

At this moment, the public opinion in the outside world is in an uproar, and some voices have already pointed the finger at him. It would not be a bad thing to keep a low profile at this time.

Back in his office, Ma Jun went over the entire operation from front to back.

Combining the information compiled by various departments, he gradually reviewed all of Su Yi's responses to him.

To be honest, Ma Jun was a little surprised.

In particular, Tony and Ahu's escape was so leisurely that they found the only way out from all the clues.

It seems simple, but in fact it makes perfect use of people's blind spots in thinking and creates a magic that transforms people into living beings. It is very clever.

As for Su Yi's own escape, Ma Jun didn't think there was much to talk about.

The actor himself is a cheater. Su Yi got rid of him and wanted to escape. He was difficult to track.

Although he didn't know the specific details, Ma Jun felt that Su Yi changed into police clothes and sneaked out quietly.

Just when Ma Jun thought so, he received a call from his colleagues in the evidence department.

"Sir Ma, we found something new in the yard where Xian Weicha abandoned his car and fled..."

Ma Jun was stunned and suddenly thought of a possibility.

At the thought of this possibility, Ma Jun felt his blood surge and his anger surge.

He was a little afraid to listen, but he couldn't bury his head in the sand like an ostrich.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon!" Ma Jun gritted his teeth, his face twisted in a ferocious manner.

He decided to go and see for himself.

Twenty minutes later, Ma Jun arrived at the scene.

There are still two police officers guarding the yard, and the assault vehicle has been moved away.

Now you can clearly see that there is a deep pit under the assault vehicle.

The pit is filled with weeds.

Ma Jun walked to the pit expressionlessly, and then he saw a neatly folded police uniform lying in the pit.

It's the police uniform that the assault truck driver lost last night.

Ma Jun closed his eyes.

He was humiliated!

He was unscrupulously played by Su Yi!

In his mind, he had already completely deduced the entire process of Su Yi's escape.

This opponent did not sneak out of the police circle wearing a stolen police uniform as he thought.

Instead, he used a smarter and more unexpected method.

Time goes back to last night.

Su Yi drove the car into this abandoned yard and took off the unconscious driver's police uniform.

His original plan was indeed to find a way to sneak out while wearing this police uniform, but after taking two steps, he stumbled and fell into a pit.

The pit is not deep, only about two feet. It is overgrown with weeds and cannot be seen unless you look carefully.

Su Yi, who originally planned to escape, suddenly came up with a bold idea when he saw this pit.

He drove the assault truck to the top of the pit, then took out the key, climbed under the car, and got into the pit.

If the car is not moved, it is impossible to notice that there is a hole under the car and there is a person in the hole under the cover of weeds.

Less than ten minutes after Su Yi hid, the helicopter discovered this place.

Soon, large groups of police officers arrived one after another.

They saw the assault vehicle abandoned here and the driver who had his clothes stripped off. Everyone immediately made a judgment that Su Yi went out wearing a police uniform.

Or there are other possibilities, but no matter how they guess, no one can guess that the audacious Su Yi did not escape at all, he was hiding in the pit under the assault vehicle!

When Ma Jun called Brother Yi to report the situation, Su Yi lay under the car and listened.

When the policemen talked about him, the number one thief, Su Yi listened with interest.

No one would have thought there was someone under the car!

No one would have thought that Su Yi would dare to wait here for the police to arrive!

Soon, the policemen all left to go about their business, and the yard was cordoned off, leaving only one policeman to guard it.

The reason why the assault vehicle was not driven away was because the key was taken away by Su Yi and the spare key was still at the police station.

The second reason is that this is also a scene and needs to be protected until people from the evidence department come to investigate. Things on the scene cannot be moved randomly.

In this way, Su Yi deceived all the police.

After the overnight search was over and it was dawn, Su Yi climbed out from under the car and left quietly.

By this time, the police had already lifted the blockade, and Su Yi's departure was not hindered at all.

When Ma Jun and thousands of policemen stayed up all night for Su Yi, maybe Su Yi lay in the pit and had a good sleep.

The neatly folded police uniform is Su Yi's ruthless mockery of all police officers.

Ma Jun admitted that he was shocked by this fact.

He considered himself a "wise general", but now, he was being played like a fool by Su Yi.

When he thought that he had been standing on top of Su Yi's head, but missed Su Yi in no way, he felt so angry that he couldn't control himself.

Ma Jun took a deep breath.

He understood that his mentality was out of balance.

He needs to adjust and rest.

"Sir Ma, I haven't informed anyone yet..." A CIB colleague came to Ma Jun and whispered, "If you think it's necessary, I don't need to include it in the report..."

Ma Jun smiled and patted his colleague on the shoulder: "Thank you."

He said it sincerely.

The goodwill and admiration that he was accustomed to in the past actually moved Ma Jun a little at this moment.

If this police officer writes the report truthfully, Ma Jun's reputation will definitely suffer a further blow.

"Sir Ma, brothers all know who is the one who really does the work. Don't worry, everyone will definitely support you!" his colleague encouraged him.

With some complicated feelings, Ma Jun returned to his residence.

Looking back on the six months since he came to this set, Ma Jun suddenly realized that he had been busy all the time, as if he had never stopped.

In order to cope with this one against ten death battle, he spent too much energy. He felt that it was time to relax and treat it as a balance between work and rest.

But the moment he changed his shoes and walked into the living room, he saw a man walking out of the restaurant carrying two plates of noodles.

It's Su Yi!

Ma Jun froze, and the blood in his body instantly solidified.

The next second, he took out his gun reflexively and pointed it at Su Yi.

Su Yi was unmoved, as if what Ma Jun was holding was a fire stick.

He didn't show any surprise at Ma Jun's return. He just smiled and said: "You came back at the right time. The noodles have just been prepared. Let's eat together?"

Ma Jun looked at the two plates of noodles in Su Yi's hands with a gloomy expression.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Actually, it's a coincidence. I cooked two portions for myself because I was too hungry. But I'll share half of it with you, so you're in luck."

"..." Ma Jun looked at Su Yi faintly, suddenly smiled and put away his gun. "It's good that we can sit at the same table to eat. It's also a kind of fate. Today, we don't care about anything and eat together.

Let’s talk about the meal! By the way, how about some drinks?”

"Is there any?" Su Yi asked.

"I'll look for it." Ma Jun chuckled and went to rummage through boxes and cabinets in the study on the side.

Su Yi looked away from Ma Jun, placed two plates of noodles on the dining table, then went to the kitchen to find two cups and rinsed them with water.

When he walked out of the kitchen, Ma Jun happened to walk out of the study. One of them was holding a cup, the other was holding wine, and they looked at each other and smiled.

"Just find this bottle of Bacardi, okay?" Ma Jun shook the bottle in his hand.

"I don't choose." Su Yi said with a smile, "Anyway, I find any wine unpleasant to drink."

"Actually, I don't drink in real life." Su Yi walked to the dining table and placed the glasses, "But when it comes to acting, you always have to experience everything."

Ma Jun poured the wine and answered: "Actually, just be yourself. If you go against your own heart for the sake of acting, it is never a good thing, and such actors will not last long."

"Is this advice?" Su Yi raised the cup.


Ma Jun also raised his glass and touched it with Su Yi, and said with a smile: "Forget it, let's encourage you, cheers!"


The two of them picked up the wine in their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking this glass of wine, Su Yi completely calmed down and began to look forward to this unexpected dinner.

Yes, this meeting with Ma Jun was definitely an accident, not a deliberate "accidental encounter" by Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't want to have any private interactions with Ma Jun, nor was he so arrogant as to go to Ma Jun's house to provoke Ma Jun.

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Meeting the enemy in this situation is not in line with Su Yi's style of conduct.

But the reason why Su Yi came to Ma Jun's house was because he did it intentionally.

Although the police blockade in Tsuen Wan has ended, the coast guard is still patrolling the waters and blocking major piers.

Tony and Ahu were hiding. They were floating on the high seas, waiting for the coast guard to no longer block the sea area before sneaking back to Hong Kong Island.

At this time, Su Yi felt that Tony and the others would not be in any danger for the time being, and he had to find a safe place to stay on Hong Kong Island.

Where is safe?

The limelight is so tight now, and many people are interested in Su Yi's whereabouts. No place is absolutely safe.

But there is one place that the police will never search and the community will never dare to disturb.

That is Ma Jun's home.

Su Yi felt that Ma Jun must be too busy to think about going home at this time, so he seemed bold at Ma Jun's house, but in fact he was absolutely safe.

He easily found Ma Jun's residence, unlocked the door and came in without much effort, and then went to the kitchen to make soy sauce noodles using the available ingredients.

What he told Ma Jun was true. He was hungry, so he cooked two plates for himself.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as the noodles were cooked and plated, he heard the sound of the key opening the door.

At that moment, Su Yi's heart was so frightened.

He was actually blocked at home by Ma Jun!

Su Yi once wanted to draw his gun and fight Ma Jun, but his thoughts came to him and in the end he did nothing.

Because he knew very well that Ma Jun could not take action against him at this time.

After Ma Jun has dealt with Xian Weihu, the fourth thief king, according to the rules, it should be the third thief king Wang Bao's turn.

However, Wang Bao is already dead, so the second thief king, Xian Weiliang, is Tony.

According to the rules of deathmatch, as long as Su Yi does not take the initiative, Ma Jun cannot bypass Tony and directly deal with Su Yi.

Therefore, even if Su Yi is face to face with Ma Jun, he has nothing to fear, because Ma Jun cannot take action against Su Yi at all.

Of course, he could take advantage of the rules and use his colleagues in the police force to arrest Su Yi and restrict Su Yi's freedom.

But this is of no use at all. When he informs his colleagues, Su Yi can leave in a big way, and he can't do anything.

It cannot be blocked or tracked, otherwise it is a violation.

And if he doesn't take action, can he expect his colleagues to catch Su Yi?

Ma Jun had no hope at all.

The moment Ma Jun raised his gun, he suddenly realized that informing his colleagues now would have no effect at all except to disgust Su Yi and cause him some trouble.

So he simply put away his gun, didn't plan to do anything, and regarded this unexpected encounter as a rare opportunity for the two of them to communicate.

He doesn't want to be stingy, but instead be looked down upon by his opponents.

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