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0777, frightened

It is inevitable that any security measures will become lax after a long period of peace.

The Zhepeng people's defense measures in the Nanling Station hangar are not lax, but no matter how strict the defense plan is, it requires people to implement it.

When the people below become mentally lazy and disgusted, even the iron-barrel-like guards will reveal their flaws.

He Poguang sneaked under the sentry post smoothly, and the Zhepeng people did not notice it at all.

There were two people at the sentry post. One was mechanically turning the searchlight, and the other was lying next to the heavy machine gun, sound asleep.

On the other side, after seeing He Poguang in place, Chen Chutai immediately ignited the explosive bag on the first horse and set the horse's tail on fire.

At the same time, the dagger in his hand stabbed the horse's butt hard.


The horse was frightened and galloped forward.

Because it was blindfolded, it couldn't see the road at all and could only run forward subconsciously.

Chen Chutai kept moving his hands and immediately walked towards the next horse...

The Zhepeng people on the sentry post soon discovered the frightened horse galloping towards them. They were startled and hurriedly shouted to wake up their companions, ready to shoot to deal with the emergency.

But as soon as the horse ran out, He Poguang, who was under the sentry post, pulled away the two grenades tied together, paused briefly, and threw them up with all his strength.


The grenade was successfully thrown into the sentry post.

As soon as the two Zhe Peng soldiers saw clearly what the black gun was throwing in, the explosion happened.


With a loud noise and a puff of black smoke, two burning corpses were thrown out.

The guard box was destroyed!

The heavy firepower point was unplugged!

This is just a corner of the wall. Most of the guarding soldiers are concentrated near the gate, and then there are several groups of patrolling soldiers, some distance away from here.

So after removing the sentry post, the frightened horse ran to the wall without any hindrance.

Because the horse was blindfolded and could not see the road at all, it ran at high speed and crashed into the wall.


The next moment, the explosive bag tied to the horse exploded.

"Xilulu..." On the other side, Chen Chutai has released the second, third and fourth horses one after another.

After doing this, he let the horse run forward without even looking at the result. He turned around and ran away in the distance.

His mission is accomplished. If he continues to stay here, any more delay will increase the risk of being captured or killed by the enemy.

Although he is not afraid of death, he will certainly not be willing to make unnecessary sacrifices.

On the other side, He Poguang ran away immediately after blowing up the guard box.

But he was unlucky. As soon as he rounded the base of the wall, he saw a group of patrolling Zhepeng soldiers running towards him.

He Poguang was startled and hurriedly turned around and ran back, but was still discovered by the Zhepeng people.

"There are enemies!"

"Bagaya road!"

The Zhepeng people yelled and cursed randomly and started shooting at He Poguang.

He Poguang ran and drew his gun to fight back.

When he ran back, he happened to run into the second horse.

He Poguang was shocked and hurriedly lay down in the ruins of the collapsed wall.

The frightened horse stepped on the ruins of the wall while running wildly. It broke its front legs and fell to the ground screaming.


The second explosion sounded, and the explosion point was very close to He Poguang. He was shaken to his core and his head was buzzing.

Bang bang bang...

The Zhepeng people had already started shooting at the frightened horses.

They directly blew up the explosive charge on the fourth horse, and the horse was blown to pieces in the open field.

However, although the third batch of horses were hit, they did not die. Instead, they deviated from the direction and rushed towards the patrolling group of Zhepeng people.

Amidst the panic and curses, the frightened horses rushed into the middle of Zhe Peng's soldiers, and the explosive packs exploded.

Fires were everywhere, and figures were flying.

He Poguang climbed up from the ruins, holding back the ringing in his ears and a tearing headache, and ran outside.

Bang bang bang...

But after running a few steps, a barrage of bullets forced him back.

Hearing the shouts and curses of the Zhepeng people coming from both sides, and looking at the unobstructed open space in front of him, He Poguang was anxious and looked around, trying to find a way to escape.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt numbness and a warm and wet feeling on his left lower back.

He was shocked, touched it, and found blood on his hand!

Got shot!

Despair welled up in He Poguang's heart.

He knew he couldn't leave.

"You drafting kid..." He cursed, feeling a little regretful about why he forgot to leave his last words to Chen Chutai and asked him to take his words back to his family.

I don’t have a chance to say it now…

He looked around cautiously and found that the Zhepeng people were surrounding him.

Bang bang!

He raised his hand and fired twice, and the two Japanese soldiers fell to the ground.

But in this way, his position was also exposed. After a burst of shooting, He Poguang was shot five or six times.

He collapsed on the ground, blood gurgling out, and his consciousness began to blur.

He used his last strength, pointed the muzzle of the gun at his chin, and pulled the trigger.


This was the last sound he made in this world.

Nanling Zhepeng Military Camp.

When the first explosion occurred in the hangar, the alarm here immediately sounded.

A Japanese officer ran into the courtyard and screamed heart-wrenchingly. After a while, many soldiers gathered together, and then, led by the officers, they ran towards the hangar.

"Good guy, at least half of the people are here, right?" Luo Yu's eyes lit up and she was very excited.

Xiantiantian sneered: "That's the enemy's weapons and supplies warehouse over there, and this is just a group of surrendered traitor lackeys. Which one is more important? Needless to say?"

For the Zhepeng people, even if all the traitors and puppet soldiers in this military camp died, they would not feel bad at all. At most, they would just feel embarrassed.

But if something happens to the arms depot, they will never accept it.

Therefore, things went much smoother than Xianxiantian expected. Many soldiers at the sentry posts immediately left their posts, leaving the defense here completely empty and disconnected.


Yixiantian did not dare to delay time, because he knew very well that time was very limited.

There were only two people there, Chen Chutai and He Poguang. Even if the plan went smoothly, it would not cause much damage to the Japanese.

The scare meaning is far greater than the actual meaning.

So he had to hurry up and do things, otherwise it would be bad when the Japanese came back.

Both of them were masters, and the one with the skill was brave. After climbing over the wall, he ran towards the barracks not far away.

At this time, all the people in the barracks were disturbed by the explosion. Almost everyone stood at the door and looked at the fire not far away.

While these people were attracted by the movement in the distance, Yixiantian and Luo Yu quickly approached from behind and shuttled between the barracks.

When passing by a barracks, Xiantian accidentally glanced and found that there was only one wounded person inside. He immediately signaled to Luo Yu, and the two of them rushed in one after the other.

Putting the knife against the wounded man's neck, Xiantian said solemnly: "Where is Shao Benliang's barracks? I'll spare your life, don't you dare to say anything nonsense..."

The tip of the knife was pushed forward, piercing the flesh and blood immediately.

"Hero, spare your life, I say! I say!" The wounded man begged for mercy in a trembling voice, "Commander Shao is in the white-roofed barracks in the middle. He and several officers are there..."


The next second, Yi Xiantian stabbed him to death.

"You are not trustworthy." Luo Yu complained.

"Did I promise him anything?" Yixiantian glanced at him, "Follow me!"

The two of them quickly approached the "White Dingzi", where there were many people surrounding them.

"How...how to kill?" Luo Yu had a headache.

Xianxiantian said solemnly: "They are all chickens and dogs. What are you afraid of?"

"The key thing is, do you know who is Shao Benliang?" Luo Yu looked at him sideways, "We have only seen the photo, and the photo is still very blurry. It's so dark now, how can you recognize someone?"

"Let's approach quietly first." Xianxiantian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "If it doesn't work, I'll kill all those wearing officer uniforms. Isn't that right?"

At this time, in front of Baidingzi's barracks in the middle, Shao Benliang and several other traitorous generals who had surrendered to the enemy were discussing the explosion in the hangar of Nanling Station.

"The movement is quite loud. Could it be that Marshal Tang led his men to counterattack?" a traitor said in confusion, with some fear in his eyes.

"Bullshit!" another scolded, "If he has this ability, will we go to the Zhepeng people?"

"That's right, I think they are just some stragglers and should not be a big deal. No, there is no movement anymore? This means that they are just buying and selling all at once, and it is not a big deal."

"Well, most of the Huang army has gone over there. To them, the arsenal is much more important than the lives of us." Someone said sourly.

"Hey, do you have a problem with the princes? I hear how you are full of resentment?"

"Fuck you, don't talk nonsense, I am loyal to Taijun!"

"Okay, stop arguing. Let's go ask the princes if there is anything we can do to help. Whether we are allowed to go or not is one thing, but at least we have to let them know our thoughts, right?"

"Yes, yes, Commander Shao is absolutely right. You are the most..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed.

Before Captain Shao, who had spoken before, could react, a crossbow arrow was deeply embedded between his eyebrows.

The scene fell silent for a moment.


The next second, two bundles of sizzling grenades with white smoke were thrown into the crowd, and the two figures quickly fled away.

"Grenade..." someone yelled at the top of his lungs.

But before the last word "bomb" could be shouted, the explosion occurred.

Boom boom boom...

The huge explosion immediately tore up the scene. People were thrown off their backs, and broken limbs were flying everywhere. Those traitorous officers who had just gathered together were seriously injured even if they did not die!

After Yixiantian and Luo Yu killed the real owner, their whereabouts could no longer be hidden. They ran out quickly, shooting and killing those who blocked their way, and occasionally throwing grenades to create explosions.

These puppet troops had long been disarmed by the Japanese. They were all bare-handed and had no weapons to resist.

When they saw Yixiantian, Luo Yu, and guns and grenades, they were so frightened that they ran around in chaos.

No one dares to stop or resist!

Da da da……

A heavy Japanese firepower point not far away saw chaos, and the firepower was covered indiscriminately!

Many of the puppet soldiers who were running around were immediately beaten into a sieve, and fell to the ground one after another like cutting leeks.

The puppet soldiers were even more frightened, the scene was even more chaotic, and Yi Yitian and Luo Yu were even more unattended as they fled outside.

In this way, Yixiantian and Luo Yu escaped from the military camp smoothly and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

However, behind him, the enemy's machine gun fire continued.

After a riot, at least one-third of the surrendered puppet troops were killed, and a considerable number died in stampedes and other accidents.

Shao Benliang and other traitorous generals were almost completely wiped out, suffering heavy casualties.

Yixiantian and Luo Yu were both very excited. They had overfulfilled their task. They felt very happy to kill so many traitors at once.

They quickly arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place, but Chen Chutai was the only one there. The three of them looked at each other, and they all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Nanling belongs to the enemy's rear area, otherwise they would not be able to safely locate their weapons and supplies depot here.

Now a few "little thieves" came to their rear, killed the surrendered Guo army generals, and caused a commotion in the arsenal, resulting in the death of several Zhepeng soldiers and the injury of more than ten people.

Xi Yi, the commander-in-chief of the middle route and commander of the Eighth Division of the Kwantung Army, was very angry when he heard about this. He ordered a thorough investigation of the matter and caught the murderer. At the same time, he launched a bloody massacre in retaliation against the newly captured Yangshugou Town.

, allowed the soldiers to commit adultery and looting, turning this place into a hell on earth.

Ye Baishou's Sanqingtuan Intelligence Station quickly received the intelligence from Xiantian and others and learned about the results of the assassination.

They immediately reported the information to Liu Haiqing in Chifeng and Wang Yaqiao in the summer city.

Both sides were very excited. Sun Dianying even directly informed the entire army that the Patriots' Erki organization had successfully assassinated Cui Xingwu, Li Shouxin, Shao Benliang and other traitors who had surrendered to the enemy before the battle. He warned those who were wavering that surrendering to Zhe Peng was a threat.

There will be no good end, and he called on the entire army to actively resist Japan and defend Rehe.

After Tang Yulin learned the news, it could be said that his whole body was filled with chills.

The content of the second kicking warning letter was still in front of his eyes, and the other party had done something he couldn't even imagine.

At the same time, two shocking assassinations were carried out in the Zhepeng people's rear area and the Lindong front line, hundreds of kilometers apart from the south to the north. The efficiency of this two-kicking assassination was too high.

If the other party is really targeting me, then...

Tang Yulin couldn't sit still, and didn't care that it was too late. He called Wang Yaqiao directly and asked him to come and talk.

When Wang Yaqiao arrived, Tang Yulin's first words when he saw him were:

"Brother Wang, please save me!" He took Wang Yaqiao's hand and begged, "It's not that I don't want to resist Japan, it's not that I don't want to fight this war, it's really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw!"

"If the central government doesn't give me a bullet or a grain of food, tell me, what should I use to fight? And even if we fight, we really can't fight. The Zhepeng people are good at planes and cannons, so we

What? Even heavy machine guns are a scarce commodity. Compared with others, we are no different than beggars!"

"The most important thing is that the higher-ups don't want to fight with the Zhepeng people at all. They only want peace talks. Marshal Zhang said it nicely, but what happened to them? He ran to Peiping by himself, why don't he let me stand in front of him!"

"There is also Zhang Fuchen, who keeps talking about fighting to the end, but what is the result? When the Zhepeng people come, he can run faster than a rabbit!"

This chapter has been completed!
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