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0780,success again

Xiantian waited for Su Yi on the phone for more than an hour and was already very anxious.

Seeing Su Yi and Chen Chutai arriving, he hurriedly went up to them and asked about the situation. He was relieved when he learned that everything was ready.

He was not surprised, because in his opinion, it was just a matter of course that Su Yi could handle everything.

"Chu Tai, make the telegraph sound," Su Yi ordered. "Xiao Han will walk around later and make some noises to make the people on the other end of the phone think we are in a communications camp."

"Understood!" The two of them had solemn expressions and took their places.

They were more nervous than Su Yi who was about to make a phone call.

Before picking up the phone, Su Yi quickly rehearsed it in his mind, took a deep breath, and then dialed the phone.

If it is a civilian telephone, the call will go to the telephone exchange and then be transferred through the operator.

But this was on the battlefield, and Su Yi's phone call went directly to the communications squad of the headquarters of the Li Shoushan Department of the Puppet Manchukuo.

The person on the other end of the phone answered the phone, a female communications soldier, who said directly: "This is the Fengtian Garrison Army Headquarters, who are you?"

"Private name before the original force of the river, Li Shoushan's phone number!" Su Yi made a slightly hoarse voice from his throat.

The reason why he used a hoarse voice was because he was afraid that Li Shoushan had heard Kawahara Jin's voice, but if he used the excuse of having a hoarse voice and the distortion of the voice on the phone, Li Shoushan would be able to dispel his suspicion.

The operator knew Japanese. After hearing this, she hurriedly and respectfully told General Kawahara to wait, and she immediately transferred the call to Li Shoushan.

At this time, Li Shoushan and his deputy commander Zhang Zongyuan were discussing the situation of the battle between Ye Baishou and Lingyuan. The two of them were generally optimistic and felt that this battle would be won.

Just talking about Shao Benliang and Cui Xingwu who had already met the King of Hell, they couldn't help but feel sad.

"Why can't you say that this second kicker can't imitate Wang Yaqiao and assassinate those big shots? How can he compete with small characters like us?" Zhang Zongyuan complained, "Look, the person Wang Yaqiao assassinated was not Lieutenant General Zhe Peng. It’s Chang Kaishen and Song Ziwen. How many times are you angry? This second-kicker picks the weaklings. I think he is also a despicable person who bullies the weak and fears the strong!"

"That's right, this kind of person is the most hateful!" Li Shoushan snorted coldly, "If you have the ability to use the sword and the spear openly, even if you really want to kill me, I will admit it. What kind of ability is it to stab me in secret? Just a ground rat. !”

"It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows!" Zhang Zongyuan sighed and said, "Shoushan, after this battle is over, let's go back to Fengtian. Rehe is not a good place to stay."

"I'm not stupid, I just came here to perform meritorious service." Li Shoushan chuckled, "I'll slap my ass and leave after I perform meritorious service. I won't stay for a day longer. How safe is Fengtian in the rear area? This place, the place of the Fourth War, can't stay here Here, sooner or later, the Zhepeng people will catch you!"

"It will be great if I can return to Lu Di anytime." Zhang Zongyuan sighed.

He and Li Shoushan were both from Lu, and they were the remnants of the warlord Zhang Zongchang. Zhang Zongchang was the warlord poet who "shoots his mother with cannons, and returns to his hometown after visiting the sea".

Just as the two of them were sighing, the call came over.

Hearing that the call was from Jin Kawahara of the 16th Brigade, Li Shoushan did not dare to neglect and hurriedly asked Zhang Zongyuan to translate because he did not understand Japanese, but Zhang Zongyuan specially learned Japanese in order to prosper in the puppet Manchuria.

"Hello, General Kawahara, my name is Zhang Zongyuan, Commander Li is right next to me, let me translate your instructions for him!" Zhang Zongyuan said respectfully to the other end of the phone.

"Tell General Li that I will arrive in Chaoyang County in half an hour to supply my troops." Su Yi said in a solemn tone.

Here Zhang Zongyuan translated, and both of them were confused.

Zhang Zongyuan cautiously asked: "General Kawahara, didn't Wang Dianzhong, our deputy commander of the Fengtian Garrison, attack Ye Baishou with you? Your team is coming to Chaoyang for supplies... Why didn't you inform him directly and let him inform us? Moreover, this

I haven’t received any notification from the commander of the Xiyi Division about this..."

"Baga!" Su Yi on the other end of the phone said in an angry tone, "Do I need you to teach me how to do things? If you want Xi Yiyi to inform you, then you can call him yourself!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down! Your Majesty, please calm down!" Zhang Zongyuan hurriedly apologized, "It's me who deserves to die. I said the wrong thing. I was just a little strange. I had absolutely no intention of questioning the general!"

"Hmph! Yours, prepare supplies as soon as possible and go outside the city. My troops will not enter the city, but will go directly to Beipiao. If you still have questions, you can also go to Beipiao with me to meet Nishi Yiichi!"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

"Then stop talking nonsense and get ready quickly!"

Toot toot…

The other end of the phone hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Zhang Zongyuan and Li Shoushan looked at each other.

"This Kawahara Jin, he was punished for erecting a monument for the enemy, and took out his anger on us. He is really not a thing!" Li Shoushan cursed.

"That's right, this man is mentally ill!" Zhang Zongyuan also complained, "You kill people and you still have to erect monuments for them. How do you respect the warriors? Bah! He respects the warriors, so who are we? We sacrifice our lives for the Zhepeng people.

, does he respect us? This grandson is really nothing!"

The two cursed for a while, but had no choice but to go to the warehouse to transport supplies.

"We have to move for a while. What if Kawahara Jin arrives outside the city and finds that we are not here, wouldn't it be bad, Shoushan?" Zhang Zongyuan asked.

"It's not good...Kawahara Jin is very angry. Let's not give him a chance to vent his anger." Li Shoushan nodded in agreement, "Let's go outside the city to greet him first!"

"Guard camp! Guard camp!" Zhang Zongyuan immediately shouted at the top of his lungs.

On the other side, Su Yi hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect Kawahara Jin to be with Ye Baishou. However, he was familiar with history and knew Kawahara Jin's situation, so the response just now was considered appropriate and the secret should not be exposed.

As for whether Li Shoushan would call Ye Baishou to inquire or report to Xi Yiyi, Su Yi thought it was unlikely.

The puppet troops acted as cannon fodder in this coordinated war. Because they did not have the full trust of the Zhepeng people, they would keep a sufficient safe distance from the Japanese's temporary communication offices and temporary command posts on the battlefield.


As a result, communication was impossible, and Li Shoushan could only send telegrams to his men who were leading troops on the front line.

But during the war, the puppet army had to take orders from the Zhepeng people, not from him as the commander. If he sent a telegram, it would be bad if the Zhepeng people misunderstood it, so Li Shoushan would probably not contact Ye Baishou.

Ask from the front.

As for contacting Xi Yiyi, that is even more impossible.

This is tantamount to not trusting Kawahara Jin, and it is tantamount to suing Kawahara Jin. They don't have the courage.

Therefore, as long as Li Shoushan does not doubt that the Kawahara Jin who is talking to him is fake, and does not doubt that the 16th Brigade led by Kawahara Jin has really withdrawn, then Su Yi's scam will be considered complete.

The reasons and conditions for the withdrawal of the 16th Brigade were also met. Because Ye Baishou was too difficult to fight, the Zhepeng people had basically given up attacking Ye Baishou and detoured to Lingyuan.

There is no use for the 16th Brigade to stay there.

Based on these reasons, Li Shoushan and Zhang Zongyuan were deceived out of their headquarters.

But before leaving the headquarters, Zhang Zongyuan made a joke.

"If that second kicker really wants to assassinate us, this is a good opportunity."

Li Shoushan was stunned for a long time and said: "Nana's is right."

The two of them muttered for a while, then both put on bulletproof vests and changed cars.

On the other side, after Su Yi finished the phone call, he immediately retreated to the short street where he was lying in wait for the fish to take the bait.

The atmosphere was very tense, including Su Yi himself, because he was not completely sure whether Li Shoushan and the others would take the bait.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Luo Yu, who was in charge of the investigation, to run back with excitement on his face.

"Here we come! A convoy with three small cars and four large cars! The three small cars are separated, but I don't know which one Li Shoushan is riding in."

Everyone was very excited and did not expect to trick Li Shoushan out.

"Master Geng, how do you explode it?" asked Sun Fengming, who was responsible for setting off the explosion.

"Explode in the middle!" Su Yi made a decisive choice and said, "Xiao Han, after the explosion, you lead your team to inspect from the front, and I will inspect from the back. As long as it is found that Li Shoushan and the others have indeed been killed, we will immediately retreat according to plan No. 2.



The convoy arrived soon.

Seeing the cars turn into this short street, at a certain moment, Su Yi suddenly lowered his hand that had been raised high.


Sun Fengming immediately started the hand generator quickly.

Electric current entered more than ten detonators connected in series, causing a series of explosions.

Boom boom boom boom...

The scattered bombs blew up two small cars and two large cars in an instant, causing them to fly into the air and flip over. Their limbs and limbs were scattered everywhere, and the cars burned into a huge fireball.

The violent explosion even caused part of the houses on both sides to collapse!

The earth shook!


After the impact of the air wave, Su Yi jumped up and rushed towards the explosion site, followed closely by Sun Fengming and Hua Kezhi!

Bang bang bang...

Gunshots could be heard crackling in front of them. It seemed that Xiantian, who rushed up to investigate, exchanged fire with the surviving puppet soldiers.

However, under such circumstances, it would be difficult for the puppet troops with low combat effectiveness to organize an effective resistance, so Su Yi was not worried about them.

A small car was the last one. When it exploded, it was far away from the explosion point, so except for all the glass being shattered, all the people in the car escaped unharmed.

The people in the car were naturally Li Shoushan and Zhang Zongyuan, as well as a driver.

Although they were not directly carried away by the violent explosion, they were shocked by the huge shock wave and were left bleeding and embarrassed.

"Turn around! Turn around! Let's go!" the two men yelled in fear, instructing the driver to escape.

But the car was directly shaken and stalled by the explosion just now.

The driver shivered and tried to start the ignition, but couldn't.


Suddenly a bullet fired from a short distance and penetrated the driver's head.


Li Shoushan and Zhang Zongyuan were so frightened that they screamed, and Zhang Zongyuan was even frightened.

The two hugged each other, shivering in the car and not daring to get out.

Hua Kezhi and Sun Fengming held up their guns and covered Su Yi as he arrived at the car.

"Li Shoushan! Who is Li Shoushan?" Sun Fengming asked.

"He, it's him, he's Li Shoushan!" Zhang Zongyuan suddenly pointed at Li Shoushan and shouted in horror, "Heroes, you have nothing to do with me..."


Su Yi raised his crossbow and shot the man to death.

Brains and blood were all over Li Shoushan's face.

Li Shoushan was trembling, his face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't even react.

"Spare my life, spare my life..." he asked in a trembling voice.

Puff puff!

What answered him was three crossbow arrows fired from the crossbow, piercing his chest in the shape of a crossbow.

Bang bang bang!

Hua Kezhi and Sun Fengming shot at the same time, beating Li Shoushan's head to pieces, ensuring that this man would never die again.

Su Yi took out a firecracker and threw it on Li Shoushan.


Sun Fengming took out his whistle and blew it several times, which was considered as a signal to Yixiantian and the others.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared without a trace.

The gunshots in front gradually disappeared.

A few minutes later, the surviving puppet troops approached cautiously and found Li Shoushan and Zhang Zongyuan, who were tragically dead in the car.

A man bravely stepped forward and picked up the blood-stained firecracker from Li Shoushan.

"Two, two kicks!" The man gasped, his eyes filled with fear, and he trembled in fright and threw the firecracker out.

Everyone looked at each other with a chill in their hearts.

As soon as Li Shoushan and Zhang Zongyuan died, the puppet troops in Chaoyang panicked and became chaotic.

It wasn't until almost an hour later that they pushed out a representative and called Nishi Yiichi, the commander of the 8th Division, to inform him of the incident.

On the other side, Su Yi, who had long since escaped from Chaoyang, also used the radio to contact Ye Baishou's Sanqingtuan Intelligence Station and informed them of the success of Li Shoushan's conferment. He hoped that they would spread the news throughout the Jehol battlefield to boost the morale of our army.

Destroy your opponent's arrogance.

At the same time, it is natural to ask how the current war situation is.

The enemy actually bypassed Ye Baishou and went directly to attack Lingyuan!

Lingyuan's troops were defeated at the first touch, and fell within less than an hour of fighting!

The two brigades of Ding Xichun and Sun Dequan fled in the face of the battle. As a result, Miao Chengliu's troops had to be trapped by the defeated army, so a "hearty" rout occurred!

The three brigades fled directly towards the Summer City. The Zhepeng people originally wanted to catch up and capture these three brigades, but although they overestimated their combat power, they also underestimated their foot power.

These soldiers who were not good at fighting could run extremely fast, and the Zhepeng people were chasing after them slowly but could not catch up. Instead, they chased them further and further away, so they had to give up and withdraw to take over Lingyuan.

The news of the battle situation caused everyone's excitement and joy of successfully assassinating Li Shoushan to disappear without a trace in an instant!

In fact, everyone felt depressed and desperate.

So what if they kill Li Shoushan?

The situation is still getting worse.

Whether Li Shoushan dies or not has nothing to do with the overall situation and will not affect anything.

So what's the point of them fighting for their lives?

This chapter has been completed!
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