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0809, three consecutive shots, 'revenge'?

If there is a second World Fighting Championship, then naturally there will be a first World Fighting Championship.

When was the first session?

Su Yi has been in this world for a while, so he is naturally familiar with some martial arts allusions.

The first World Fighting Tournament can be traced back to the second year of Xuantong in the former Qing Dynasty. At that time, the hero Huo Yuanjia was at the height of his power and founded the Jingwu Association in the Magic City.

He broke the family rules and decided to pass on the family's Huojia Quan to all disciples with foreign surnames. This move earned him praise from all over the martial arts community and made him famous throughout the country.

Once a person becomes famous, trouble will come to his door.

At that time, there were two strong men from Britain and Luo Xin who were clamoring to beat the "sick man of East Asia" and beat the invincible opponent in China. Then Jigoro Kano, the president of the Zheppeng Judo Association, led his disciples to come

, doing challenging things in the name of competition.

In view of this, Huo Yuanjia at that time simply held the so-called "Fighting Conference of All Nations", inviting all challengers to come together and decide the winner in the ring at once.

The story of that World Fighting Conference is familiar to all of us. Huo Yuanjia and his disciples won consecutive battles, but in the end, he himself died of poisoning due to a plot by the Zhepeng people.

The tragic ending of Huo Yuanjia is also well known to women and children in this era, and the so-called "Fighting Competition of All Nations" is naturally known to the world.

But where are all the nations in this world?

At best, there are only 200 countries.

The so-called Fighting Conference of All Nations only had fighters from five or six countries, and most of them were Chinese.

Moreover, in fact, the two so-called strong men at that time fled immediately as soon as they heard that Huo Yuanjia accepted the challenge, and Huo Yuanjia won without a fight.

Those who really fought against Huo Yuanjia were some Chinese martial artists and Zhe Peng people.

But no matter how you say it, the name of the World Fighting Competition has been achieved.

Su Yi also heard about the conflict between the Jingwu Association and foreigners in the Magic City some time ago. The cause was nothing more than ethnic discrimination and conflicts of temper.

In the beginning, there was only a conflict between a few young warriors and foreigners, until a Chinese was seriously injured and died tragically after being beaten by a foreigner. Then the conflicts became more and more intense until they became irreconcilable.

Nowadays, the authorities are doing everything possible to please Western "friendly countries". When something like this happens, they naturally try their best to avoid making a big deal out of it and try to make it a trivial matter.

But in the end, faced with the rising nationalist sentiment, the authorities found out that they had oversimplified the matter, so they had no choice but to ask Zhang Zimin and Gong Baosen from the Guoshu Academy to come forward to appease the grievances of the martial arts community and quell public anger.

In the end, Gong Baosen and the others discussed and discussed and came up with the "Second World Fighting Competition", hoping to use martial arts to resolve disputes and hatred in the ring.

"You are the champion of our Chinese Martial Arts Elite Competition. You must do your part to deal with the foreigners this time." Gong Baosen looked at Su Yi and said, "We old guys can't go on stage. If we win, it's called bullying the small;

If we lose, we will lose both face and dignity. I can only rely on you!"

"Hello, actor Su Yi, the seventh act of the second unit "The Grandmaster" has a performance task of All Nations Dominate.

Mission description: The sign of the Sick Man of East Asia has been kicked away by you! Become the champion of the World Fighting Competition!"

"..." Su Yi smiled at Gong Baosen, "Master Gong, don't worry, this is justice, I will do my best, and I will never neglect it."

"Okay!" Seeing that Su Yi agreed without hesitation, Gong Baosen's eyes suddenly revealed a strong look of appreciation, "Brother Tongchen made a bet with me before I came here. He bet that as long as you listen to this matter,

I will definitely do it. But I have some doubts about this. I am not doubting your character, I just feel that you have a big family and a high position now, and every move involves a lot of interests. If you drop everything and go to the ring to fight life and death,

Even if you want to, I'm afraid you will inevitably be unable to do so."

"Now it seems that I underestimated you."

"Thank you, Master Gong, for being such a junior." Su Yi cupped his fists and thanked him, "It's just a matter of giving up some fame and fortune. It's not worth mentioning."

Gong Baosen's eyes were a little complicated and he hesitated to speak.

But in the end he went on to say: "The second thing, originally had nothing to do with the World Fighting Competition. It was an idea I had when I came to Tianjin last time. That is the Southern Quan Bei Chuan."

Su Yi's eyelids suddenly jumped. Does this mean the plot has advanced again?

"In today's martial arts, northern boxing is very popular, but southern boxing styles are rarely popular." Gong Baosen said, "The martial arts community in the south is closed and conservative, and never communicates with the north. Many boxing styles are actually no worse than the martial arts of the northern schools.

, but because of the few descendants and lack of fame, few people know about it.”

"I have always believed that exchange and integration of Chinese martial arts is the general trend. If we are closed and conservative and stick to sectarian views, I am afraid that many treasures of Chinese martial arts will gradually disappear."

"Three years ago, I personally went to Foshan and negotiated with Mr. Li Renchao, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, about the Five Tigers going to the south of the Yangtze River and opening the Guangdong and Guangxi Martial Arts Museum, which enabled Shaolin Boxing, Tai Chi, Bagua Boxing, Cha Quan and other northern martial arts to be introduced to Guangdong and Guangxi.

Take root and blossom.”

"It's a pity that due to the political turmoil, the Guangdong and Guangxi Martial Arts Museum had to be disbanded after only two months of operation. This has always been a regret in my heart."

"I originally thought that the integration of the northern and southern martial arts would be far away in my lifetime and would never be realized. Until that day when you used Wing Chun skills to shake the big pole in the ring, it made me pick up this idea again.


"The current situation of the spread of Northern Boxing to the South is no longer possible. But the spread of South Boxing to the North is not necessarily out of the question."

"You want to open a martial arts school that accommodates various martial arts schools and embraces the potential of embracing all rivers. In this case, there is no need to limit it to northern martial arts schools. Why not also absorb southern martial arts schools?"

"If you can really make this happen, your martial arts school will definitely have a long history of success. My longing for half a life has finally been echoed."

"Liangchen, what do you think about this matter?"

"Hello, actor Su Yi, the eighth act of the second unit "The Grandmaster" has the performance task of "Southern Fist and Northern Legend".

Mission statement: The state has the north and the south, but does boxing have the north and the south? Hong, Liu, Cai, Li Mo, and the Thirteen Fists of Five Fists, they should all shine in the land of the north, no one can be left behind!"

"..." Su Yi looked at Gong Baosen with a smile on his face, "Master Gong, this is a good thing, of course I will fully support it! If you plan to promote this, please be sure to count me in. If you have the opportunity, I am willing to do this."

Do your best!"

"Okay! If you don't tell me, I plan to invite you too!" Gong Baosen didn't expect Su Yi to agree so readily. He had always been calm, but at this time he couldn't help but get excited.

"You are good at both civil and military affairs. You are well-organized and know how to advance and retreat. With your help, I am at least twice as sure as I am! Good times, if we can really promote the convergence of martial arts between the north and the south, this move will definitely benefit future generations, and you and I will not live in vain."


"At that time, Chinese martial arts will surely reach new heights. Even I can't imagine what state it will develop to. I really hope that one day, our Chinese martial arts can stand on the world fighting stage and lead the glory..."

"Hello actor Su Yi, the ninth act of the second unit "The Grandmaster" has a task of being on top of the world.

Mission statement: What belongs to the nation belongs to the world, hold a real world fighting competition, and become the real number one fighter in the world."

"..." The expression on Su Yi's face could no longer be controlled and froze.

He had the urge to kick Gong Baosen out of the car.

Have you ever opened your mouth before?

Damn it, you say a paragraph, and then a task comes, and a task comes after you say a paragraph, and they are all very troublesome and difficult to complete hard tasks. Three consecutive tasks!

"What, is there something wrong?" Gong Baosen was stared at by Su Yi's faint eyes. He hesitated and thought about whether he had said something wrong somewhere.

"It's not wrong, it's so right!" Su Yi looked touched, "Master Gong, I found that you and I have the same goals! It's so late that I met you!"

"Don't worry, I, Geng Liangchen, will spend my whole life trying to achieve your common wish!"

Gong Baosen looked at Su Yi blankly for a while, then slowly nodded and said: "No matter what, with your words, everything is enough."

"I plan to handle the matter of the World Fighting Competition and the Southern Quan Bei Chuan together." Gong Baosen said, "I will try my best to postpone the World Fighting Competition to half a year later, and I will decide the location.

In the land of Guangdong and Guangxi, if there are no variables, this matter should be settled as it is."

"The third thing is about you opening a martial arts gym."

"Shan Ao is gone, and no one will give you a platform. Your qualifications cannot convince the public, and there are constant rumors." Gong Baosen said, "Shan Ao is my nephew, and I, my uncle, have never helped him.

No matter what, this time, let me stand for you on his behalf."

This time it was Su Yi's turn to be stunned.

After a long time, Su Yi clasped his fists and said sincerely: "Master Gong, thank you so much."

Gong Baosen's residence was arranged by Su Yi in a very grand villa. Su Yi also provided him with a servant, housekeeper, and driver to do his bidding.

Gong Baosen soon went to high-profile banquets, publicly supported Su Yi, and built momentum for Su Yi's new martial arts school. His prestige and seniority were much greater than Zheng Shan Aoke. When he came forward, those who spoke poorly of Su Yi

The negative comments were immediately wiped out, and public opinion completely reversed overnight.

In the next period of time, Su Yi devoted himself wholeheartedly to the preparations for the new martial arts gym, and the date was getting closer and closer day by day.

On the day of Guisi in the month of Guiyou and Yimao, the east wind thaws, so it is appropriate to open the market in the east, and it is forbidden to marry and bury people.

On this day, the courtyard of a building diagonally opposite Quanye Field in the French Concession was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, making it very lively.

Starting at seven o'clock in the morning, they started setting off firecrackers and performing dragon and lion dances.

This is the location of Su Yi’s Jiuzhou Mixed Martial Arts Gym.

This courtyard building was originally the site of the patrol house in the French Concession. Later, due to economic disputes, the patrol house was moved, and the building was left vacant and has not been used for other purposes.

After Su Yi decided to open a martial arts gym, his first choice was here because it is located in a prosperous location, has a large courtyard, a playground behind it, and the building is elegantly built.

Su Yi did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, cut through the mess quickly, directly clarified all the historical problems of this building, became the owner of this place, and then began to make drastic changes to transform this place into what a martial arts hall should be.

This is definitely the most luxurious martial arts gym in Tianjin, with the largest area and the most complete facilities.

On the day of the opening, everyone from Dengying upstairs to the boss Su Zhenzhi and the chef in the back room, down to the dishwashers in the front hall came.

In order to support Su Yi, Su Zhenzhi voluntarily closed the business for a day and brought all the staff here to prepare a banquet for Su Yi.

Of course Su Yi would accept this love, and he would never treat Su Zhenzhi badly.

Considering that Su Yi is now in Jinmen, he opened a martial arts gym, and half of the famous people in Jinmen City came.

Liang Yanqing from the Chamber of Commerce came with several well-known Chinese businessmen, several dignitaries from the Jinmen City Government, representatives from Yu Xuezhong, and representatives from major concessions.

The bosses of various gangs, the gangsters, even a few university professors, the owners of several newspapers...

As for the martial arts world, Gong Baosen personally stood up for Su Yi. Even if some people doubted Su Yi's age and qualifications, they could only hold their noses and admit it.

Shang Yunxiang has been helping his daughter Shang Rongzhi prepare for the martial arts school and has not left Jinmen.

Their martial arts gym is Zheng Shanao's original martial arts gym, but the preparations have not yet been completed.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi arrived first and opened the martial arts gym in front of the Shang family martial arts gym.

The two fathers and daughters also came, and with them came Guo Changsheng, the new leader of Jinmen Martial Arts, as well as the directors of major martial arts schools.

The people who came were all of high status and status, and there were three to four hundred people there. Fortunately, Su Yi had been prepared in advance, so he would not make a fool of himself by rushing around.

The opening ceremony was divided into three parts. The first was the firing of cannons and the ribbon-cutting, and the second was the ceremony of becoming masters and apprentices under the witness of all the guests.

,The third is the thank you banquet.

At the banquet, Su Yi specially invited Dong Huang, who had returned to the stage shortly after breaking up with Mei Lanfang, to sing in the hall.

This is not a role that anyone with money can hire.

Is it because of Su Yi's face that they can come?

Of course not. I came here reluctantly because I was afraid that I would offend the walking leader and find it difficult to gain a foothold in Jinmen in the future.

Therefore, no matter how harmless the tiger appears to people and animals, others are still afraid that the tiger will hurt people.

In the first session, four people gave speeches, namely the representative sent by Yu Xuezhong, the representative of the municipal government, Gong Baosen and Su Yi himself.

Then the four of them completed the ribbon-cutting ceremony together amidst the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums.

The red cloth on the plaque was torn off, and the seven characters "Jiuzhou Mixed Martial Arts Gym" shined brightly.

Su Yi's speech was quite satisfactory. He didn't say anything outstanding, nor did he mention his own martial arts philosophy and ambitions.

He was already on the cusp of the storm, and now he doesn't need to be as famous as he used to be.

Now, no matter what actions the name "Geng Liangchen" makes, it will be reported in the newspaper the next day.

The news that he opened a martial arts gym today will be known to people across the country tomorrow. He does not need to say anything more. Instead, he should be as low-key and humble as possible.

This obviously goes against Su Yi's flamboyant and willful personality, but this is the price that fame and fortune must pay.

If Su Yi still speaks as shockingly as before, his words will be misinterpreted in various ways, bringing him all kinds of criticism and trouble, and the gain outweighs the loss.

The first session had just been completed and when the second session was about to begin, an unexpected guest came.

This chapter has been completed!
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