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0966, modern fighting, martial arts and martial arts

Regardless of Yang Lianting's status as the male favorite, his status as the general manager of the Sun Moon God Sect still brought great convenience to Su Yi. As soon as he stood up, two of his men immediately came forward and knelt down: "The general manager Wan'an

,What are the orders from the Chief Steward?'

"Take me to the library!" Su Yi calmly ordered.

After acting for such a long time, he will never feel guilty or stage frightened by anything now.

He doesn't even need to deliberately understand and imitate, he can handle any role well and with ease.

"Yes! I respectfully request the General Manager to condescend to move you!" The two subordinates led Su Yi away from the Chengde Hall. Along the way, the subordinates holding swords, guns, swords and halberds on both sides saluted and said hello.

Su Yi was used to big scenes, and had lived in the city for a long time. Faced with such a situation, he was calm and calm, and his heart was not disturbed. The library is not far from the Chengde Hall, and it can be reached after passing a few layers of iron gates.

When they arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the two elders who guarded the pavilion greeted each other at the gate early. They bowed and saluted and said: "Qin Weibang is a humble minister, and Mo Qingning is the chief steward. May the Holy Master rule the world forever!"

Su Yi already had information that these two people were two of the ten elders of the Demon Sect. Among them, the one with the long face was Qin Weibang, and the one with triangular eyes was Mo Qingning. Both of them had excellent martial arts skills.

How high are their martial arts skills exactly?

Anyway, when Su Yi stood in front of the two of them, he felt the hairs all over his body stood up, as if he had seen two wild beasts, and he was uneasy. The two elders were both white-haired and child-like, with rosy complexions and bulging temples.

Very expert-like.

Neijiaquan Zhanzhuang practices the art of transporting qi and blood, and is extremely sensitive to qi and blood, especially for masters like Su Yi.

In his eyes, the two old men in front of him were like burning furnaces, making him afraid to get close.

Is this the effect of having internal power?

Su Yi secretly called himself Qi.

However, the ordinary believers along the way also had martial arts skills. They should also have internal strength, but they did not give Su Yi this feeling.

This shows that only masters pose a threat to Su Yi, while ordinary martial arts people should not pose a threat to martial arts masters like Su Yi, even if they have internal strength.

This was also within Su Yi's expectation. He would not belittle himself and felt that the kung fu he had practiced so hard for so long would be worthless in the world of martial arts.

On the contrary, he believed that if he, a master, wanted to practice internal strength and lightness, it would be much easier than ordinary people with half the effort.

No matter how high their martial arts skills are, the two elders still have to bow before him, the chief executive who has no martial arts skills. This is power.

Standing behind Yang Lianting is Dongfang Bubai. He represents the highest authority of the Sun Moon Sect. How can the two elders be disrespectful? How dare they not be afraid?

But it is conceivable that they must be unconvinced and unhappy.

Anyone with any ability will have to see treacherous villains with no skills jumping on their heads. This truth cannot be broken in any era.

This is a hidden danger for Su Yi.

But now, Su Yi has no intention of changing his attitude or making amends.

He nodded lightly and said: "Open the library, I want to go in for inspection."

"Yes!" The two elders responded hurriedly, each taking out a key and unlocking the two locks on the door at the same time.


The door that had been sealed for a long time slowly opened, and a stream of decaying dust hit his face, making Su Yi couldn't help but frown.

It seems that this place has not been cleaned for a long time.

Mo Qingning smiled apologetically and said: "General manager, no one has been in the library for three years. There may be some inside.

"No problem!" Su Yi waved his hand and stepped in with his hands behind his back.

The guards who came with him were not qualified to enter, so they had to guard outside the door.

The two elders hurriedly clasped their fists until Su Yi's back disappeared through the door.

The two looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Qin Weibang frowned and said, "Why did this person suddenly come to the library? What's the matter? Could it be that he's looking for trouble?"

"He has never liked martial arts, so he came here rashly. I'm afraid he really has an ulterior motive." Mo Qingning looked solemn, "Is it possible that he has been less filial this month?'

"I just said that I would go and greet you a few more times... Qin Weibang complained, and the two of them stopped talking.

But I glanced inside from time to time, feeling restless.

Only after Su Yi entered the library did he fully realize what Yang Lianting's identity meant.

The two-story library is filled with bookshelves, and the bookshelves are full of all kinds of martial arts secrets!

Fists and kicks, acupuncture points, eighteen kinds of weapons, internal skills, light skills.

Various categories, various sects, divided into categories from low to high, neatly coded!

It is worthy of being a large sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years. With just the foundation of this house, if you divide it randomly, hundreds of sects can come out!

But now, these martial arts secrets are sitting in the library and gathering dust.

Here are not only the martial arts plundered from various sects, but also the unique skills passed down by the senior elders and hall masters of the past generations, the Five Mountains Sword Sect, Kunlun, Dong Dong, Emei, Qingcheng

Even some unique martial arts from Shaolin and Wudang are available here!

He even saw Tian Boguang's two special skills here - the Guangfeng Knife Technique and the Qinggong Dao Cai Sandie Yun.

Awesome, awesome!

Even though Su Yi had always been calm, at this moment he couldn't help but feel so excited that his heart was pounding.

Just because of the density of this room, it’s worth sacrificing some color!

What's the big deal?

Isn't he just a piece of shit?

Su Yi browsed all the way and was dazzled.

There were many martial arts among them that made him excited and wanted to practice them.

But he endured it,

He opened and read all these secret books that made him excited. Not to mention, because he had a foundation in Chinese martial arts, he could understand all these secret books.

At least he understood the principles of martial arts instantly.

What is modern combat?

It is a systematic and scientific theoretical system based on scientific power generation and striking skills, combined with various factors such as training and tactics.

To put it simply, modern fighting is the scientific application of fighting technology.

The biggest function of modern fighting is to simplify the complex, eliminate the unnecessary and retain the essential, so that the fighting technology becomes very pure.

The White Ape's turning has disappeared, and has become a simple and clear "kick from the back"; when he opens the window and looks at the moon, his movement through the clouds has disappeared, and has become a simple combination of uppercuts and swinging punches.

These are things that people can understand at a glance, and then use the most scientific method to teach you how to use this kind of thing, how to hit fast, accurately, and hard,

This is modern fighting,

If it extends to grappling and weapons, there are also standard technical points.

As long as you master these technical points and practice diligently, you can become a fighting master.

But is modern fighting the most advanced martial art?

Not really.

Modern fighting is just the most utilitarian martial art.

It goes from one extreme to another. Sometimes minimalism is not necessarily good, because when you simplify, you may also "remove the essentials" and "remove the essentials".

What is the essence of modern fighting?

Three words: fast, accurate and ruthless!

The core of modern fighting is the word "fight".

But for traditional martial arts, this is not the case.

Putting aside the really unnecessary dross, there are some things in traditional martial arts that must be preserved, such as stances.

Without Zhanzhuang, you have not laid down the foundation of this boxing style, because the foundation of a set of boxing techniques lies in Zhanzhuang. Only when you know Zhanzhuang can you understand movement strength, whole strength, hidden strength, peripheral strength, and wrapping strength.

Turn over the energy, shake the energy, inch the energy

All kinds of energy have different ways of exerting force, and these different ways of exerting force require different pile skills to be exerted.

For example, if you stand in the Xingyi three-body posture, you will never be able to perform the walking steps and palm changes of the Bagua; if you stand in the plum blossom pile, how can you produce the inch strength of Wing Chun?

What if you don’t stand?

If you don't stand in the stance, all you will do is brute force, and it has nothing to do with strength.

This is how learning martial arts is. You can see a person fighting with style and vigor, but these moves and routines don't mean anything. If you want to see whether he has mastered martial arts, you have to see his stance and how he is lucky.


However, Chuanwu's pile skills and methods of exerting force have been simplified by modern fighting, because the scientific way of exerting force in modern fighting is a completely different system from pile skills and strength.

The two are similar, but different, so one must replace the other.

The training methods of modern fighting are more efficient, so the pile skills and movement strength of Chuanwu have been replaced.

Without Zhuang Gong and strength, what is left in Chuanwu?

Moves? Routines?

These things are even more in conflict with modern fighting concepts.

Modern fighting emphasizes defeating the enemy with one blow.

But what about traditional martial arts?

Traditional martial arts wishes to express humanities, thoughts, connotations and other things in every move and style. It is obviously very simple x=1, but he insists on making a very complicated equation.

One move of White Crane Spreads Wings and four movements imitates White Crane spreading its wings. It also needs to express the smoothness and harmony of Tai Chi, and also emphasizes the integration of offense and defense.

It's obviously a move designed to deal with someone attacking with both fists or palms. I can't wait to come up with a hundred tricks.

In modern fighting, it's not that complicated at all. You just have to hide, block, and then counterattack.

But can you say that it is not good for a white crane to spread its wings?

Flowers hidden under leaves are more complicated. Can you say that flowers hidden under leaves are not good?

Chuanwu is mostly implicit, false and true, true and false. Maybe a hundred moves are useless, but the 101st move is the essence and the killing move that you can't guard against at all.

The artistic content of this move is extremely high.

But will modern fighting give you the chance to hit one hundred and one moves?


Not to mention one hundred and one moves, if possible, you won’t have the chance to use the second move!

Therefore, Chuanwu and modern fighting also have conflicts in fighting styles and moves.

But is it impossible to fight due to the cumbersome nature of Chuanwu?

No, the real masters of Chuanwu and the real methods of transporting strength will still make it difficult for those who fight in modern fighting.

Or the example of the white crane spreading its wings

A combination of modern fighting punches came, and the Tai Chi master used the white crane to spread its wings to resolve it.

If you are a so-called master who fails to stand properly and uses the White Crane Spreading Wings, even if you can block their combination, they will immediately change their moves in the next second and follow up with a violent storm of attacks.

And what should you do? Your White Crane has only done one action, Spreading Its Wings, and there are three more actions that have not yet been completed.

If a white crane spreads its wings in an action, is it still called a white crane spreading its wings?

How to connect it with other moves later? There is no way to solve these problems, but will it be beaten into a pig's head by someone's electric cannon? But it is different for a real Tai Chi master to use the white crane to spread its wings. This move is a Tai Chi pile skill.

Stand with a rounded posture, push and pull. As long as the opponent touches your arm, his steps will be driven by you and follow your rhythm. You don't need to think about the next three movements. They will naturally be useful. Use them naturally.


Of course, if you use it, you must use it, but who is higher and who is lower depends on personal ability.

It is definitely possible to fight Chuanwu, but you must use the Chuanwu method of luck.

It's a pity that Chuanwu training is slow in efficiency, the efficiency of hitting people is low, and it is difficult to master, and there is often no use for it after mastering it. In addition, there are too many half-hearted people, the reputation is too bad, and they are castrated by others, so they are eliminated.


But when you practice martial arts to the level of a master, all the disadvantages disappear.

Slow efficiency? Can’t play?

It doesn't exist. Only when you reach the master level will Chuanwu shine with its true charm and vitality.

It's a pity, how many can become a master?

If Su Yi hadn't practiced both modern fighting and traditional martial arts, mutually promoting each other's achievements, integrating and unifying, and continuing to hone himself in life and death, he would not have become a master so easily.

In modern fighting, when someone is punched to death, it is usually because of their strength, but in Chuanwu, when someone is slapped to death, is it because of his strength?


It's because you have good luck.

But what exactly is luck?

Scientifically speaking, there is something similar to the lever principle of force, so Chuanwu's ultimate moves are often light and powerful.

But in Chuanwu terms, Yun Jin means transporting Qi and blood.

Along with the blood circulation, the flow of breath exerts force, so that all the strength in the whole body acts on one point at the moment of exertion. This is basically the principle of luck.

Su Yi is in this state now. Every move he makes is done by mobilizing all the energy and blood in his body. This is also called "concentrating one's energy".

This is something that modern fighting cannot do. Modern fighting does not have the concept of concentration. It divides the way the body exerts force into many areas and different methods, claiming to be more scientific, more efficient, and more "energy-saving".

Moreover, the concept of modern fighting cannot allow you to mobilize all your strength for every blow. You have to save a little energy to hit. The strength of your Qi and blood depends on how strong your body is and how abundant your Qi and blood are.


Su Yi used modern scientific exercise methods to build a body with naturally strong Qi and blood, far exceeding that of ordinary masters.

Moreover, the skeletal muscles of his trunk and limbs are very developed, which also makes him more energetic and powerful, producing an effect of one plus one being far greater than two.

But the power of qi and blood is limited after all. After all, no matter how strong a person's body is, the strength of his flesh and blood internal organs is also limited. Therefore, the upper limit of martial arts transfer is the master.

There is no such thing as strength, holding elixirs, or seeing the gods as indestructible. At least based on Su Yi's current knowledge, these realms do not exist.

Because the core idea of ​​all internal boxing is to teach people how to use this Qi and blood, whether it is sitting, standing, or walking, it is all to better transport Qi and blood.

The core of Chuanwu lies in the word "luck".

It is a method of using one's own energy and blood to hit people.

What about martial arts?

This is amazing. Chuanwu uses qi and blood, but only in the most superficial way. Even if Su Yi is a master, he only knows qi and blood and can sense qi and blood.

However, Qi and blood are stored in the body and cannot be seen or touched, just like looking at the moon in water or flowers in the mist.

But the internal strength in martial arts is a technique that allows you to truly feel the qi and blood, stimulate the qi and blood, refine the qi and blood, and directly and accurately control and use the qi and blood!

The core of internal strength lies in the word "practice"!

From the qi and blood all over the body, the qi and blood specially used to hit people are extracted!

This kind of Qi and blood specially used to hit people is more powerful and can be used more freely!

And it also has a very appropriate name - internal force.


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