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010 Food Color Heals Poison

010 Food color cures poison

"Holy shit! Can you please explain it simply? You're talking so profoundly that I can't even understand what you're talking about."

She curled her lips. After having such a long conversation just now, Jiang Qi found it really difficult to understand all the information contained in it, and finally couldn't help but curse.


With a sneer, "Voice of God" said proudly: "The reason why you bit that boy today was because you wanted to gain his singing ability. Isn't that right?"

"That's right."

Jiang Qi nodded and said there was no need to deny it.

"So that's right. After summoning a clone to collect the opponent's blood sample and inherit certain abilities, in a sense, you yourself are the clone that bites the target. You know, the reason why the target's ability needs to be displayed is because you want to

A certain ability is recognized by the public... The same goes for you. If after acquiring the ability, you do not release the ability and gain the same satisfaction as if you bite the target, the absorbed energy will naturally accumulate in the body and you can only wait for time to slowly cool down.


"Holy shit! That's it! No wonder I feel so hot all over my body, extremely irritable, and always have the desire to yell. It turns out that this is because the absorbed skills were not released in time!"

Pulling her hair hard, Jiang Qi couldn't help but feel a little regretful about what happened during the day: "Brother, although three days is not too long, there is no way to keep burning like this. The energy cannot be effectively discharged.

I won’t die accidentally!”

Jiang Qi worriedly thought about the image of her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys failing under the high temperature. Jiang Qi was really worried about this abnormal body temperature.

"Hey, hanging up is not a big deal! It's just that the cooling process is a bit painful!"

With a smile, the "Voice of God" continued gloatingly: "So when I thought about this situation, I didn't explain it to you immediately. Now I came here to inform you that I have to find a way to quickly unload the blood energy of the bite victim.

Don’t let yourself suffer in vain.”

"Nonsense! Of course I know I have to seize the time to discharge my energy! However, the opportunity has passed. I can't go to the student union to perform like I just did. Besides, the recruitment of the student union's literary and art department has ended, and I don't have this anymore.

display opportunities.”

"Idiot! Who asked you to show it exactly as he did! Is this the only way to be recognized for your singing ability? Use your brain, kid. If you change the way, you may not be able to get the same satisfaction!


"Uh, how about another way to get satisfaction? Damn, it's hard to find just two people in the middle of the night, let alone the public. In order to show off my singing voice, I can't go to a sex venue and face someone.

Let the whole school dormitory sing love songs!"

"Hey, I can't control this. In short, the better the skills you transmit, the less pain you will relieve. If not, then you can only slowly eliminate the pain you carry over time.

Pain...Okay, the task has been completed, and I have finished what I should say. As for how to use the clone in the future, I will leave the rest to you to slowly explore..."

Having said this, the "Voice of God" coughed slightly, as if it had completed its final mission, and suddenly fell into silence.

"Hey! Wait! I have other questions!"

After exploring her hand, Jiang Qi's mouth moved, and she wanted to ask something. However, she felt a magical energy dissipate instantly, and the "Voice of God" had completely disappeared.

"Damn, what are you doing! I despise you! Why are you pretending to be mysterious when you have nothing to do!"

Jiang Qi let out a strong breath of resentment, looked at the starry sky and cursed bitterly.

The night is still long, and the body's abnormal body temperature continues.

Lying on the railing at the end of the balcony, letting the cool night breeze blow for a while, there was still no sign of cooling down. Jiang Qi knew that this abnormal body temperature could not be eliminated by natural cooling.

It's hard to say, even the doctors have no solution to this high fever and are helpless...

"Damn, it really hurts! Although this clone is so awesome! But the hidden dangers are quite big! It seems that if there is no big deal in the future, it is better not to summon it easily, lest the skills you obtain will not give you the satisfaction of being bitten, and let you

Excess energy is accumulated in the body, making yourself suffer in vain! "

After standing on the balcony and looking out for a while, Jiang Qi suddenly felt that the world alone was too boring.

Unexpectedly, the university campus with thousands of teachers and students would be silent at this time, with only a few people under the dim street lights.

"Well, insomnia is so painful. It seems that the only way to relieve my pain is to 'treat poison with food and sex'. Take a look at these careless girls' dormitories with windows open."

With a long sigh, Jiang Qi helplessly cast her gaze on the dormitory windows opposite, which only had light.

It seems that at this time, I can only shift my attention to those girls' dormitories in order to numb my pain a little.

Uh, it's already so late. Isn't Teacher Chen Yalu still asleep?

Suddenly, she discovered that a beam of light was dimly illuminated by a small desk lamp on the opposite side, which seemed to be counselor Chen Yalu's bed. Jiang Qi couldn't help but have a proud smile on her lips.

If it hadn't been for the first trial of the mosquito clone, he might not have known until now that this super beauty happened to live in the "Huiyuan" apartment opposite.

Although this kind of temperamental beauty has entered their world with her own identity, she is very satisfied to be able to turn into a mosquito and silently peek into the most intimate territory!

"Hehe, I didn't expect Teacher Xiao Chen to have such a good figure! If only I had a little more time at that time -"

Seeing a group of swaying figures swaying gently in the hazy curtains opposite, as if they were staying up late to read under the dim light, Jiang Qi couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help but start to think about it.

Not to mention, this kind of trivial Italian silver can really play a certain role in easing the pain of abnormal body temperature.


Just as Jiang Qi was looking around imaginatively, suddenly, as the lights flashed, a slight sound of a car motor broke the tranquility around her.

Under the dark night, it was already so late, but a small white sports car drove in slowly, approaching from a distance, and slowly drove to the downstairs of the dormitory.

"Holy crap! The rich second generation! He actually drives a Ferrari that I dream of owning the most!"

When the white car slowly drove downstairs, the lights clearly reflected the galloping horse logo on the front of the car. Jiang Qi was unconsciously attracted by the mysterious identity of the person in the car, and her eyes slowly moved down.

You must know that although Yunhai University is relatively well-known in the province, there is still a certain gap between it and Tsinghua University and Peking University in the country. Therefore, some real academic masters and upper-class people simply do not bother to study at this kind of university.

It can be said that there are no more than ten people at Yunhai University who can drive this kind of car into the campus.

No! So cool! Is he better than that guy Chen Bin and his dad?

Eyes slowly lowered, Jiang Qi began to feel a little excited. Although it had nothing to do with him, he still wanted to find out who was so formidable in Yunhai University that he directly put this kind of car

Come to school and show off.

"Uh, Jiaojiao, don't be angry. You asked me to drive the car in. Didn't I just drive in now?"

As soon as the car door opened, a beautiful woman dressed in sexy clothes slowly stepped out.

Holding a designer leather bag in her hand, the girl walking in front exaggeratedly struggled to free herself from the pull of a boy in the car. A pair of black stockings under her miniskirt suddenly retreated to her thighs. It was obvious that she had just engaged in some kind of stimulating behavior in the car.

"Hmph! Don't be angry! How could you not be angry? What if you send me back so late and let my sisters find out about my relationship with you?"

She angrily flicked Zhang Yiyun's arm, and the girl named Jiaojiao used her strength to lift it up, and instantly pulled the half-off stockings under her round buttocks.

"Don't, don't be like this! Even if they know, it doesn't matter. My feelings for you -"

Seeing that his goddess was really a little angry, Zhang Yiyun straightened her clothes, hurriedly stepped out of the driver's seat, opened her arms, and forced the girl in front of her into her arms, and kissed her wildly——

"You, don't do this..."

Holy shit! What a social butterfly!

Seeing the two of them entangled in love, Jiang Qi's face burst into sweat, and she suddenly understood something.;

This chapter has been completed!
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