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116 Embezzlement

116 transplant flowers and trees

The first day of the exam went surprisingly smoothly.

Leaving aside the subject of Chinese, which is too subjective, even Jiang Qi felt that she performed well in English. Except for a few difficult word choices to fill in the blanks, Jiang Qi felt confident of scoring more than 100 points even without cheating.

Regarding this exam, Jiang Qi thought that it would pass quickly and she could not even pass the test. However, she did not expect that in the third math test, a dramatic scene came: Wang Shuai, an idiot, actually followed him We were assigned to the same examination room!

Sure enough, we are really enemies. Not only are the examination rooms in the same classroom, but the seats are also next to each other!

Astonishingly, she discovered that the bean sprouts were right in front of her, and Jiang Qi was so happy that she almost wanted to cry.

***, you are so lucky, even the gods rushed to help, at such a close distance, even if your "super clone scanning pupil" does not have the functions of far vision, magnification, etc., even if you want to plagiarize his answer with your cleverness It’s also very easy.

Question 1, option a.

Question 2, option c.

The third question is still c.

Question 4, option b.

Wang Shuai is actually quite talented. Others have not even finished reading the first question in the paper, but this boy has already completed the first four questions quickly without even making a draft—— Even though Jiang Qi had absorbed his ability before.

It seems that his ability to absorb will only temporarily affect the target's ability and will not cause permanent effects, so he quickly returned to his original level.

However, even if his brain was spinning too fast, it was not as fast as Jiang Qi's eyes behind him. Almost as soon as he figured out the answer and marked the corresponding options, Jiang Qi had already absorbed it into his brain.

This stupid boy, when he was immersed in doing the questions, he had no intention of guarding against others plagiarism. He even stood up straighter than others.

Now that he has this puppet, Jiang Qi feels like he doesn't even bother to summon the super clone. When the invigilator is not paying attention, he can directly receive it all with just his two alert eyes.

Of course, his main purpose was not to plagiarize, but to compare. By comparing the answers he wrote with the answers made by Wang Shuai, a top student, it could at least play a role in checking the calculations and greatly improve the accuracy of the questions.

Half an hour later, after completing the previous choices and fill-in-the-blank questions, Wang Shuai's speed finally began to slow down.

Seeing this guy frowning and writing and drawing on the scratch paper without writing an answer for several minutes, Jiang Qi was not in a hurry and simply smiled and lay down on the table to take a nap.

However, taking a nap in such an occasion is also very painful. After only two minutes of lowering her head, Jiang Qi felt a little impatient. She looked at the clock for a while, looked at the invigilator for a while, and fiddled with her fingers for a while, looking extremely impatient. .

Just when his eyes were dull and he felt bored, he suddenly felt the desk behind him bumping his back gently.

Wait, is there anyone you know?

Jiang Qi felt that the force of the impact on her back was not accidental, but more like a deliberate greeting to him, and she immediately glanced back alertly.

Holy shit! Zhao Zilei? This kid actually got admitted to Yunhai University?

It didn't matter if Jiang Qi didn't look. He was startled when he saw the appearance of the person behind him. He never expected that the candidate sitting behind him and grinning at him turned out to be the best candidate ever in his class when he was in junior high school. Dasha Lei, the holder of the worst results!

This guy is not only stupid, but also has a defective IQ. Let alone getting into college, if his rich father hadn't spent a lot of money to buy him a place in junior high school, it would have been impossible for such a guy to successfully graduate from elementary school.

, let alone become his classmate.

Damn it! How crazy is this world? Nowadays, even a person with a questionable IQ is admitted to university. Is this still a first-class university in the province that can only be passed by defeating thousands of troops?

People who had not seen each other for several years now met at Yunhai University, and Jiang Qi couldn't help but feel a little sad.

However, Jiang Qi didn't know it at this time. In fact, there was a reason why Dashalei appeared in this examination room. Because of the connections in his family, and there happened to be a classmate who was admitted and dropped out of school because of dissatisfaction. After some tricks, he finally

Showed up at this school smoothly.

At this time, Jiang Qi saw "Master Zhao" smirking at him, so he could only smile back with a grimace. To be honest, he was really worried that this guy would suddenly greet him loudly.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao's mood was relatively stable today. He just wanted to make sure that the person in front of him was his classmate. When he saw Jiang Qi responding to him, he nodded slightly and buried his head.

Jiang Qi sorted out her thoughts, then raised her head and quietly continued to look ahead. She found that Wang Shuai had already completed two more big questions, and she felt a little unhappy.

Such a problem-solving speed would make me feel unhappy even if I would not lose to him.

When Wang Shuai was doing the last two questions, Jiang Qi carefully calculated the total scores of all the previous questions. Based on Wang Shuai's previous results, she estimated that even if she left the last two questions blank, she would still get the score.

One hundred and ten points or more.

"***, you are so powerful! It seems that your strength cannot be underestimated. Alas, that's all. Anyway, I don't expect to plagiarize you, so I will let you write it well."

Thinking of this, Jiang Qi has decided not to answer the last two questions anymore. She simply puts down her pen and waits for the final submission time.

One minute, two minutes...

Even in the last half hour, the waiting became extremely long. Jiang Qi sat in her seat and quickly became bored again.

"Fuck you! Oops, I was so proud of myself just now that I forgot that top men like Wang Shuai are Wei Beibei's most threatening competitors. Although Beibei has improved a lot in the past few days, if Wang Shuai

If Shuai and the others perform equally well, I'm afraid they still won't be able to get the first place in the end! After all, this is the academy's big ranking!"

Damn, the guy in front of me is really annoying. It seems that if you want to fully realize Wei Beibei's wish, you must not only improve yourself, but also effectively suppress the enemy!

Jiang Qi saw that Wang Shuai's writing was getting smoother and smoother, and she was afraid that the last difficult problem would soon be solved. She couldn't help but feel anxious, and suddenly became worried about Wei Beibei's situation.

***! This kid is so awesome! If I didn’t do something, I might have let this grandson succeed!

Jiang Qi felt very unhappy inside.

But, how can we effectively give him a fatal blow and defeat this strongest opponent?

Delete some of his answers?

Just change the name?

"Hey, I have it!"

Jiang Qi suddenly smiled obscenely, and suddenly thought of a great idea - to swap his test paper with Dasha Lei. Since he already has the powerful ability of a super clone, why not find an opportunity to swap his test paper with someone else's?

It's just another thing - if everything goes well and his math score is replaced by Dashailei's, even if he is first in the first three subjects, he is destined to be a tragedy...

Haha, it’s you, Dasha Lei!

Thank me!

You are indeed the perfect candidate given to me by God. Since we are classmates, this gift should be regarded as my graduation gift to you.

Thinking about the fact that the test papers of two extreme students, Wang Shuai and Dashalei, were about to be swapped, Jiang Qi couldn't help but secretly admire her own evilness.

Hehe, I'm sorry, Mr. Wang! I may still feel a little guilty for doing this to other students, but for you, I have to say a million words.


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