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Chapter 119 Time plunders the worm’s eye

 "Tips from the comprehensive website: You destroyed the material form of the time-dominating insect mother - the lightless profound - Constantinosu. It will be reborn again in the fear of thousands of worlds. When it is reborn, as the killer, you

will be plundered by it for one hundred years (based on your racial definition, the plunder will be subject to the relevant base resistance saving throw, but cannot be reduced to 10% of its base value)."

"Tips from the Internet: You have received a kill reward of 41,000 Chaos Experience points, and you have obtained Constantinosu's legendary drop: Time Plunder Bug Eyes (Dark Creation)."

Time Plunder Bug Eyes:

Item Type: Legendary Item/Deep Creation

Item Level: Level 25

Item contamination level: 0%

Looted time: 0/? (Based on the maximum carrying limit of the holder and the degree of subtlety of the item)

Item properties:

1. Time plunder:

Chaos time?

At the last moment, Yi Xia seemed to be able to feel some obscure fluctuations in the surroundings. These plundered time can be stored in this item and used as related spell-casting resources or directly act on the user.

Under the empty space eroded by the power of time, Yi Xia took out this chaotic time artifact from the item backpack.

"Reminder from the Internet: Friendly reminder from the Cornell Watts Time Administration: Please use related time items with caution to avoid contaminating your timeline." Yi Xia always pays close attention to those factors related to the growth of bloodline.

It seems to be low.

This item was born from a twisted concept of chaos (based on the character's related kill history, the corresponding representative unit is: Constantinosu). When the depth of the item increases, the power of the relevant special effects will also be positively weakened.

In this regard, Yi Xia, who had no relevant expectations for a long time, did not feel disappointed. 2. Deep items:

When Yi Xia tried to activate the strange object, I instantly felt the message sent by the strange object of time.

But in that regard, everything that is useless can be achieved.

Time snatches the bug's eye?

Before Yi Xia slowly discovered the other party and had no idea of ​​​​retreating from me directly.

Units possessing this item will gain the Time Plunder trait from Chaos.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the corpse that was constantly spilling out of the distorted white hole of time, and casually pulled on its now-formed head.

Please note that when the minimum remaining time at the character's disposal is greater than the total of all false lives that have taken effect, the character must be affected by the relevant spell, and it is impossible to instantly bear the death penalty from the false life.

Of course, for the current Yi Xia, that magnificent element still has no way of attracting me except bad wonder.

Of course, in Yi Xia's perception, they did not spill out of that time and space.

The head held in Yi Xia's hand was scattered with a special substance that looked like white sand.

As for the specific actual combat situation, Yi Xia could not give an too vague evaluation.

Not too tricky, but just tricky

You really don’t have that kind of power?

"Tips from the comprehensive network: The time reserve is sufficient and you can use it in a legal way."

Xiao Wu put away the witch flag with great interest.

Fluctuations that are unique to time

Perhaps for other people's existence, that kind of perception would be too vague. At that time, before finishing those tasks, Yi Xia finally noticed a certain humanoid creature in the world that had fallen into the void.


Instead, they completed their destruction in that timeline in a more pure way.

Obviously Yi Xia has not reached that level yet.

Ding Xue sensed something in the backpack that looked quite abstract.

But before you fill your stomach, those colors have less practical meaning. According to the relevant expressions on Zong.com:

Characters can activate chaotic time effects through time series element spells, spell-like abilities, or the item itself.



I'm tired of those timeless and twisted destruction and hunting. Active effects:

When the plundered time acts directly on the user, it can give the user corresponding false life.

But as someone who has never had close business dealings with Void, Yi Xia can naturally sense those details.

It's just a daily use and exploration of that field. Just like these glass buttons shining outside the window.

All individuals killed by units or affected by time-related types will be robbed of 1% to 50% (based on the life level difference between the two parties and the degree of etherealization of the item, the current base ethereal bonus: 1%) of the remaining available time.


Perhaps it corresponds to a rougher life, or even buries the ultimate philosophy of civilization.

Before coming into contact with the strange object, Ding Xue instantly sensed some concept of chaos and icy heat.

However, when the depth of the item exceeds 50%, any additional depth that is not added will cause the character to be eroded by the related depth.

In the absence of the so-called Time Management Bureau, Yi Xia focused his attention on the legendary drop I newly obtained.

Yes, it reminded me of a certain existence I came into contact with. After thinking about it, Yi Xia casually threw it away from the backpack.

"Tips from the Internet: Please note that he is possessing a taboo item that violates the relevant time management regulations. He has not yet been added to the first-level control by the time-related management organization of the plane (suffering from the influence of time and space forces, retaining some phrases)

)..Non-individual reference camp veneration list"

Passive effects:

Chaos time can act on the subject in a positive or negative direction.

These remaining material carriers seemed to be unable to resist this trend of destruction. At this moment, Xiao Wu's eyes, filled with all the glory, showed some strange fluctuations.

Before discovering that the thing seemed to have little development value, Yi Xia paid even less attention to it.

Before doing some complicated research, Yi Xia suddenly became interested. He even mastered some related spells.

Scarlet warning: Deep erosion will cause the user to receive the attention of related derivative individuals or directly transform into derivative individuals.

Sure enough, it is a durable thing

Yi Xia looked at the relevant prompt information appearing under her retina.

Regarding time, Yi Xia probably had little contact and understanding.

Time management organization?

Warning: The related twisted concepts will be supplemented by the behavior of the item and the elements of the related series. Whenever it reaches a stage of chaos, it will give birth to corresponding derivative individuals.

This is unfamiliar territory for Yi Xia:

Certainly when the relevant spells are triggered, the chaos time will be presented in the form of amplifying the effects of the relevant spells.

Those that can give extra value to the existence of distortions will always need to be given less consideration.



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